Li Hongzhang was busy going to the living room to meet other guests, while Li Guolou and Sheng Huaixuan were sitting in the study, one writing notes and the other reading books.

Sheng Huaixuan picked up the written article and showed it to Li Guolou, and asked, "Xiaolou, take a look for Brother Yu, is there anything you want to change?"

Li Guolou said sourly: "Brother Xingsun, do you need some advice from my younger brother? Don't you know how to eat the ready-made rice when it is served in front of you?"

Sheng Huaixuan laughed three times, and said: "Xiaolou, don't be stingy, you won't do such a difficult thing. Brother Yu accepts your kindness, and I will definitely repay you someday."

"Well;;;;;;" Li Guolou took the manuscript, read it, frowned and said: "Hey! Brother Xingsun, in the end, you can still solve the livelihood of a large group of Manchus for the country. Thanks to you Come out."

Sheng Huaixuan sighed: "Isn't it written like this? Xiaolou has to think carefully about things, how can he just talk about money and money. The people sitting in the court should still use full people, so that Prince Gong can see it comfortably, and the emperor can easily explain it. The queen mother can also seal the jade seal. The new policy can only be implemented, and everyone is happy."

Li Guolou said: "Brother Xingsun, this new industry can solve the livelihood of 10,000+ people and squeeze out the telegraph offices of foreigners from our country. As I said just now, the secrets hidden by the Post Office can change the pattern of the Qing Dynasty in the future. Brother Xingsun, you must not make mistakes."

Sheng Huaixuan asked: "Xiaolou, the secret you mentioned, besides information and public opinion, is there any other;;;;;;;"

Li Guolou nodded slightly and remained silent. Mutiny or uprising can be controlled through the telegraph office.Members of the Westernization Movement control public opinion through the post and telecommunications bureau, exchange news, and even grasp the actions of other factions. Every move of those conservatives and Qingliu factions will be under the supervision of the Westernization Movement.The Telegraph Bureau is actually a secret organization that will play a huge role in the future.All of this must be in the hands of Li Hongzhang. Even Prince Gong Yixin is just a Buddha enshrined on it, and the mystery in it cannot be seen by the people above.

Li Hongzhang was the mainstay of the Qing Dynasty and a man who served the country loyally, but he was a man who was good at controlling power, and he would never let power go.The subordinates also had to find their own positions, and the people below had to be tight about things that Li Hongzhang didn't talk about. Li Guolou and Sheng Huaixuan had long been proficient in this kind of trick, and they covered the topic like a superficial touch.

Sheng Huaixuan sighed: "Xiaolou, you have a delicate heart with seven apertures, and there are so many dirty things hidden in your head, be careful that you won't live long."

Li Guolou's face twitched, he touched his throbbing cheek, squinted and said, "Brother Xingsun, don't worry, the enemy is not dead, my brother and I will not die."

"Oh! Who is the enemy of your two brothers?" Sheng Huaixuan guessed seven or eight points in his heart, but did not reveal it.

"President of the Shanghai Chamber of Commerce, don't you know him very well?" Li Guolou glanced at him. The Shanghai business circle is only so big. How could Sheng Huaixuan not know that his elder brother Li Guoyun was ruined by Hu Xueyan's tactic and quit from now on? In the silk industry, if it weren't for the support of the Li family, his family would have slept on the street long ago.

Sheng Huaixuan smiled and said: "Oh, old man! Don't look at him dancing happily now, and make a list for him in the next year. Brother Yu knows who is a friend, and your enemy is my enemy. Do you know the latest news about that person?"

"What kind of news can he have? It's not an invitation, saying that he found an ancient prescription, a panacea, and made up a story for his "Hu Qing Yu Tang". It's just spending money to have fun, playing with eleven or twelve-year-old chicks." Li Guolou twitched his lips. , not to cut Hu Xueyan's lace news.

"Hey hey hey!" Sheng Huaixuan said with a treacherous smile, "He has a great reputation, and if you ask for a concubine, you make him into such an unbearable mess. Where can you get yourself? A hundred steps laugh at ninety-nine steps, it's easy to laugh at."

Li Guolou smiled awkwardly and said, "Brother Xingsun, you have to pay back the favor you owe me, and you have to calculate the interest. You first calculate how much it is worth?"

"Okay, okay! Brother Yu understands, when your "Please Come to the Bank" opens in Shanghai, I will sell it for you for free, relying on some contacts I have accumulated in the officialdom, I will save 100 million taels of silver for you first. "

Li Guolou immediately felt much better, and said with a smile: "It's not too bad, don't let me see you after you lose a penny." After speaking, Li Guolou lowered his head and continued to read the article written by Sheng Huaixuan. The format of the central idea is stereotyped essays, and he shook his head because of the nondescript format.

Li Guolou couldn't hold back, and said, "Brother Xingsun, in the past you only wrote for your adoptive father, and it didn't matter if the format was a bit messy. Now you are writing for Prince Gong. The stereotyped essays are reserved for showing off during the Jinshi examination. For those princes in the court who don’t understand stereotyped essays, it’s enough to list everything clearly. As for the summary, what do you write? I’ve written all the words for you, so don’t talk anymore.”

Sheng Huaixuan suddenly said: "Oh;;;;;; Yes! I forgot who it was written for. I just thought that my adoptive father likes to read stereotyped essays. Xiaolou, can you see if there is anything you want to modify?"

Li Guolou shook his head and said: "I can't see it, you can ask your adoptive father later what new requirements he has. Let me read on, I'm going to vomit blood with anger, you're so brave to let me see it. "

"Hey hey hey! Seventh-rank official! The red-capped businessman of the Qing Dynasty, Hu Xueyan will kneel and talk when he sees me in the future." Sheng Huaixuan stroked his belly and laughed. This is a real official hat. Come in and out as you please.

Li Guolou couldn't hold back seeing Sheng Huaixuan's arrogant and ugly appearance. People who were born as scholars were not of the same level as him, so he flaunted: "Brother Xingsun, don't be shy. Brother, I will go to the scientific examination the day after tomorrow." Now, I will be the emperor's disciple from now on, so don't forget to curry favor with me in the future."

"Ah;;;;;;" Sheng Huaixuan looked up and down at Li Guolou who was drinking tea, and the person who was going to take the scientific examination the day after tomorrow was still chatting outside, visiting his elder Li Hongzhang, when can't he visit his relatives?Have you ever seen such a determined candidate?

"Xiaolou, are you smoking? Why don't you study hard, why come out?"

Li Guolou grinned loudly and said, "Brother Xingsun, the emperor is not in a hurry, but the eunuch. I have a million soldiers in my chest, and I have already made up my mind, so I don't need to hold my feet temporarily. Now I am writing a draft I want to show the Emperor Tongzhi a colorful article, and other things are out of my consideration." After speaking, Li Guolou raised his legs and shook.

"Oh;;;;;;" Sheng Huaixuan's eyes were wide open, and he almost recognized that he was not a good person, thinking that Li Guolou just absorbed more Western culture and had a better vision than him. It turns out that Gaoren is like this.

Sheng Huaixuan stood up, bowed and said: "Xiaolou, don't blame Brother Yu for being rude just now. We are from the same school. We will be brothers in the future. How close we are in the future."

Li Guolou was so angry that his eyes were full of stars. In the end, he was still suppressed by Sheng Huaixuan, and he would never stand up again.

"Forget you are ruthless, I will eat you up in Shanghai in the future." Li Guolou branded a ruthless sentence, accepting the reality helplessly, the friendship of the same family was formed, and the nonsense of the world was endless.

Li Guolou also couldn't see clearly what surprises this friend, who was as good at making money as he was, could bring him in the future?What kind of changes can Sheng Huaixuan, who is long-sleeved and good at dancing, bring to the Qing Empire?

The dinner was held in the dining room, and all relatives of Li Hongzhang's family came out to eat from the backyard. Li Hongzhang liked food and was very particular about eating and drinking.At the dinner table, they were chatting and joking casually. Li Hongzhang's naughty daughters were chattering, not at all like a lady.

Li Guolou originally thought that when his uncle Li Hongzhang invited him to dinner with Sheng Huaixuan, there must be some wine to drink. After talking about business affairs and talking about some personal friendship, he let him go home.Never thought that they would only have dinner for them, without wine on the table, and said that they would have a private chat with him at night, and asked him about the eleven old things.

Seeing Li Hongzhang's tired appearance, Li Guolou was a little moved. Those who are capable work harder, and people in high positions have no time to rest. Even if they stay at home, so many people come to the door, busy receiving guests.But thinking about it the other way around, Li Hongzhang deliberately stayed at home, how much bribe would he accept in a day?In order to get a seventh-rank official hat, Sheng Huaixuan must have paid for it, probably more than 10 taels of filial piety, otherwise there is no reason to give Sheng Huaixuan, who has a bad reputation, a chance to revive his officialdom.

After figuring out the joint, Li Guolou decided that in the future, he would also learn to rest. If he could not finish talking about business, he could continue talking in the mansion, "Jiang Taigong is fishing, and those who wish to take the bait!" He understood this trick.Li Guolou is more motivated to climb up, and a seventh-rank official hat with real power is in his pocket.His goal is the official hat of the fifth grade, with flower feathers inserted on the official hat, court beads hanging around the neck, and a notebook in his hand.Look up at the Emperor Tongzhi at close range and listen to the teachings of the Holy One.

Li Guolou glanced at Sheng Huaixuan, who was sitting next to him, who was slightly fat. He was less than 30 years old, articulate, and spoke soft Wu dialect. His mouth was sweet, and he flattered him one after another.Being able to say a few nice words to everyone is a pistachio on the dinner table.He also knows this kind of trail, and after a while, there are bursts of laughter at the dinner table, and the happy atmosphere has the atmosphere of a family banquet.

After dinner, Li Guolou and Sheng Huaixuan still returned to the study and rested for half an hour.Li Guolou's hands were itchy, and he took out a treasured knife hanging on the wall, but seeing several rubies inlaid on the handle, he gently stroked the blade.

"Good sword! The name is: Longquan Precious Sword, this is a treasure bestowed by the emperor." Sheng Huaixuan Yi Lao sells the old, telling Li Guolou that what he holds in his hand is a sacred object.

"Oh!" Li Guolou turned his wrist and danced a few blades. The bright shadows of the blades scared Sheng Huaixuan into hiding.

"Xiaolou, be careful. This is a priceless treasure. It is a relic of Emperor Kangxi. Be careful not to be scolded to death by your uncle." Sheng Huaixuan screamed. If Li Guolou broke the Longquan sword, he would also be reprimanded by Li Hongzhang.

Li Guolou hurriedly returned the Longquan treasured knife to its original position. This kind of treasure has to be served by someone, and it needs to be oiled and wiped after a while, otherwise the blade will change color and eventually a layer of rust will form.Collecting antiques is a hassle, and he has to serve them. He is still young and doesn't want to waste his time on dead things.

"Brother Xingsun, just look at it, the emperor will reward me with a treasured sword in the future." Li Guolou looked at the five swords and swords on the wall unwillingly, he also wanted to have this honor.

"Chi Chi Chi!" Sheng Huaixuan shook his head and said, "Xiaolou, after chatting with you for a long time, I found out that you are a person who put money on my face. Businessmen are so fooled by you that they can't find you, and women are deceived by you like this." Come here, even the big brother Du boarded your thief boat like this, you and your brother happen to be two sides of a silver coin, one is prudish and the other is not straight."

Li Guolou laughed and said, "Brother Xingsun, since you are from my same family, I will tell you a shocking secret. The eldest daughter of the big brother Du has fallen in love with me, and the marriage has been settled."

Sheng Huaixuan sat slumped, and said dejectedly: "Hey, there is no limit to the sea of ​​learning and hard work, and a mountain is higher than a mountain. I have met a great god today. I have been an official for many years, and I have never seen an official like you. You are so young. Jumping up and down lightly. Just now I said bad things about Hu Xueyan, but now I'm showing my old self, and I'm worse than others."

Li Guolou touched his nose and justified himself: "Brother Xingsun, enemies are used to smear. Friends are romantic people. Can't you even tell the difference?"

Sheng Huaixuan took a deep look at Li Guolou, nodded and said, "Well, you are much better than your brother, and dare to say anything. Your brother will pretend to be arrogant, thinking that the backstage is tougher than me, and doesn't take me seriously. , for your sake, I won't argue with him anymore."

Li Guolou looked sideways at Sheng Huaixuan and didn't say a word. Everyone knew what he didn't say.A relative is a relative, so what is an adopted son?It is not that Li Hongzhang has no biological son.His brother Li Guoyun is doing business in Shanghai and Tianjin, who would dare not give his brother face?

Rich people would serve high-quality tea after eating. The servant brought a pot of Biluochun and poured it into a cup.Li Guolou and Sheng Huaixuan drank tea, digested their stomachs, and talked like big businessmen.For the two of them, the way to be an official is to make money and get rich. They have the same principle of dealing with people and have the same philosophy, and the two of them talked very speculatively.I feel sorry for the ill-fated fate, seeing each other late, and meeting a bosom friend in a foreign land.

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