The Jinshi who finished writing the test papers exited the hall and gathered outside the hall to chatter, waiting for the final result.An eight-part essay will not fail these Jinshi, the exam questions will not go wrong, and they are very confident of getting a good ranking.

Li Guolou sat in the hall and racked his brains to write the article. The stereotyped essay is divided into three parts and eight paragraphs. The introduction is clear, the reasoning of this theory is sufficient, and the conclusion is powerful.How did Emperor Tongzhi think of it?When writing "Napoleon and Xiang Yu", what is the relationship between these two tragic heroes?Fortunately, he also knew that the two ancients were tragic heroes, and the other Jinshi should not come out, "Xiang Yu is so powerful that he can pull up mountains and surpass the world, let alone use one to break the wheel!"

Li Guolou had a good idea. Many Jinshi only read the Four Books and Five Classics, not Romances, or even history books. Xiang Yu didn't know who he was, let alone a national hero named Napoleon in France.A partial question made many Jinshi scratch their heads and sit in the hall without moving, and they couldn't even figure out the question.Knowing that he would go off track as soon as he started to write, he was afraid that he could only stay in the top three and wasted money sitting in the first row.

Li Guolou blew the test paper, which is a habitual action of literati who write brushes, to make the ink dry faster.Turning his head to look at the row of people next to him, there were two of the three seats and two Manchu Scholars sitting there, pitifully stunned.

In Li Guolou's heart, he liked the cold humor of Tongzhi Emperor Zaichun, who was capable of teasing people at a young age.Standing up tall, he mustered up the courage to look up at the dragon chair, and a boy met his eyes.

With single eyelids, narrow eyes, and fair faces, the Aixinjueluo family members are thin.

Emperor Tongzhi Zaichun nodded slightly, Li Guolou's image made him unforgettable, "Xiao Dezhang" was also good at avatars, and he couldn't help but look at the little eunuch Xiao Dezhang beside him, quite an interesting person.

Li Guolou quickly lowered his eyes, and stepped back respectfully, Honggu's little lover looks like this.It was only when Li Guolou walked out of the main hall that he realized that he was dripping with cold sweat. He was shocked by the majesty of the imperial power.

Zhu Dinghe approached Li Guolou and asked, "Xiaolou, the question is not off track."

Li Guolou replied: "How is it possible? I am a person who has stayed abroad. How can I not know Napoleon? How are you? Didn't digress?"

Zhu Dinghe smiled and said: "No, fortunately I live with Fan Dahui, I heard him talk about Napoleon, it's better to live in a group, you know everything. Hey, look at the few people there, they were all castrated, and they all went astray gone."

Li Guolou made a hoarse voice: "Old Zhu, don't say eunuch, just die."

Zhu Dinghe came back to his senses, covered his mouth in a hurry, turned his head and looked around, did anyone overhear him talking?Fortunately, there were so many people talking, everyone was chatting excitedly, but no one listened to his speech.

When the book is in use, there is little hatred. The few Jinshi standing in a corner are out of their minds, and they run away from the topic.The ranking will fall behind, and the chance of entering the top two is very small.

Li Guolou went up to greet Lu Runxiang, bowed and said, "Brother Lu, how did you do in the exam?"

Lu Runxiang chuckled and said, "Just like you, I didn't go astray."

"Oh, brother Lu has sharp ears." Li Guolou knew that he was talking to Zhu Dinghe, and Lu Runxiang overheard him.

Hundreds of Jinshi gathered together, chatting and laughing in low voices, waiting for the moment when the rankings would be announced.A group of Manchu Guijies, a group of Han Chinese Guijies, a group of people from the same province, hometown, and classmates, are divided into groups and gathered together.Whoever is crowned with the halo of glory will be hand-picked by Emperor Tongzhi Zai Chun.The top three will be awarded official titles on the spot, and they will directly put on official robes and headwear, while the others will have to study in the Imperial Academy for several years, and their careers will be delayed for several years.

Li Hongzao, the chief examiner in the Qianqing Palace, couldn't say much about Emperor Tongzhi Zaichun's exam questions. He could only put the test papers of the candidates who deviated from the test questions into the top three rankings, and re-arrange the candidates for the top two Jinshi.Dong Xun, a Manchu Jinshi in Yijia, went all over the subject, and the list was placed in the ranks of the top three.The fact that Manchus can enter the first class was originally chosen because they occupied the identity of the Manchurians, but they were brushed off at the last level.

"Two ernies, please make a selection." Zaichun stood respectfully beside the Empress Dowager Cixi, he was not afraid of the Empress Dowager Ci'an, this auntie was kind to him and never spoke harshly to him.On the contrary, he is a little afraid of his biological mother-in-law, Cixi. He has already performed the crown ceremony, married the Queen Arut, and should govern independently.The curtain that hangs the curtain to listen to the government has not been removed, because his own mother-in-law refused to remove it, and still wanted to exercise authority, saying that it was the last hurdle for him.

Cixi was unhurried, looking at the examination papers one by one, and the examination papers that she had approved by Zhu Zhu all moved up the rankings.She picked up Li Guolou's test paper and looked at it, approvingly said: "Li Guolou's writing is very good, he has a solid foundation in stereotyped essays, and he already has a style of his own. It's a pity that he is too young, otherwise he will be the number one scholar. You choose It is reasonable for Lu Runxiang to be the number one scholar, and only when he is mature and prudent can he be worthy of a great responsibility."

Zai Chun replied: "Thank you for your praise, Er Niang, my child learns all his knowledge from his teacher, and he dare not waste his knowledge."

Li Hongzao sounded like he was praising him, without changing his face, he bowed and said, "Congratulations to the Empress Dowager, the new champion has been released. Li Guolou is still young, and needs a few more years of training."

Empress Dowager Cixi made a tick and said, "Well;;;;;; then the two of you will be postponed and Tanhua. It is also a blessing for the court to have Li Zhongtang succeeding."

"I would like to abide by Er Niang Yi's order." Zai Chun was quite lucky that Er Niang changed a spot for the third prize. The top three list he appointed did not fluctuate much, and the top three list was newly released.

In the court hall, Prince Gong Yixin had a porcelain stool to sit on. Although he resigned from the position of regent, he still had an honorable status.Li Hongzhang, governor of Zhili, stood aside, heard clearly, and looked at each other involuntarily. He never expected that Li Guolou would jump to Tanhualang, exceeding their expectations. He nodded with joy, and there was another member of the Westernization Group go-getters.

Luan Yiwei Chen Yi held the imperial decree and led a group of hulking big internal guards, and began to sing congratulations: "No. [-] Scholar Lu Runxiang."

"The No. [-] Scholar Lu Runxiang;;;;;;" the sound rolled out and spread outside the Forbidden City until it reached Chang'an Avenue.

Lu Runxiang, who was so excited, knelt on the ground, drooling all over his face, and didn't dare to look up.The ancestors bless and honor the ancestors. I have been studying in the cold window for more than ten years, just waiting for this moment to come.

"No. [-] Tan Zongjun;;;;;;"

A fat man yelled, "Thank you Lord Ron!"

Li Guolou's heart trembled, the number one scholar Lu Runxiang and the second place Tan Zongjun were right next to him, wouldn't he be; Be calm.

"Tanhua Li Guolou;;;;;;"

Li Guolou couldn't control his emotions anymore, knocked his head on the gold brick, and shouted: "Long live my emperor, and a thousand years for the empress dowagers of the two palaces!"

At this time, the Jinluan Palace was already empty behind the curtain, but Li Guolou knew very well that he was appointed by the Empress Dowager as the Tanhua Lang, and definitely not arranged by his mentor Li Hongzao.Making friends with eunuchs is rewarding, Li Lianying will do what he says, buddy!

The number one scholar Lu Runxiang, the second place Tan Zongjun, and Tanhua Li Guolou changed into official robes. In the imperial garden, the teacher Li Hongzao picked flowers and put hairpins on the official hats of the three of them.

More than 200 Jinshi and hundreds of officials came to Qionglin Banquet to drink and celebrate.There is a rule in the palace that the highest cost for a banquet for hundreds of officials is eight taels of silver. This is the standard set at the founding of the country, and it is still the same now. More than 400 people drink and toast, and there are more than [-] round tables.

When the banquet was served, Li Guolou couldn't help grunting and said, "This dish is just a more delicate plate, and it's not worth two taels of silver for a table."

Tan Zongjun said: "It's made by the imperial chef, and the value is different. I have the most research on food. I can eat all kinds of delicious food with one mouth, and I love delicacies. I will treat you to dinner at night! I have already booked Fengzeyuan, who wouldn't Go, just don't give me face."

Tan Zongjun, whose name is Shuyu, is in his early thirties at this time. He is from Hainan (Guangzhou). He is a son of a wealthy family.Tan Zongjun's father and the literati of the town formed the Xiyuan Yinshe and established the "Xuehaitang".Tan Zongjun inherited his family education since he was a child, he is smart and sensitive, and he has a strong memory like his father.Although he is getting older, his articles gradually turn from gorgeous to plain, and he writes a thousand words in one stroke.

Lu Runxiang, Tan Zongjun, and Li Guolou all came from a scholarly family with superior living conditions. It is even more difficult for poor people to obtain Jinshi. Without capital and experience, the era of working behind closed doors is outdated.They are all people with life experience, and they will talk about it in a while.The ages of the three also happened to be arranged in order, and the titles of "Boss Lu", "Second Tan", and "Third Li" were called out in the joke.

There are still rules in the Qionglin banquet. The champion, the second place, and Tanhua must write poems on the spot, and the historian will record the poems in the record and record them in the annals of history.

Li Guolou was clumsy and didn't dare to show off his seven-character poems, so he pushed them to Tan Zongjun, who is the best in poems and famous all over the world.

Tan Zongjun was also polite and read aloud:

"Spring Rain:

The side breeze is light and the smoke is light, and the rain all night is always pitiful.In spring, the taste is like wine, and in March, the coldness is not unloaded.In the alley, the place where you pray for wheat, and the mountain shed makes a living for roasting tea.The green shade is like a tent and the flowers are like a fog, and the poets are not at a loss.

The record of Luohongmen Lane is in decline, and the days are cloudy and sunny.Moisturize the air and know that the cooking stove is wet, and turn the sound into a fishing tent.The spring grass in Jiangxiang misses the wanderer, and the flowers on the eaves of the stirrup shadow are called Lengguan.There are many old rains in the end of the world, maybe the chariots and horses are like Chang'an.

Leaning quietly on the railing to find a sentence, the cloud has already been urged first.There is no trace of Min Fang's path, and he has lost his wine glass in his careless years.The word recalls Xinghua Yu's scholar, and the sentence conveys that Meizi congratulates Fanghui.In the Southern Dynasties, there were four hundred smokes in the temple, and many towers could not be opened.

I like to see the new greenery full of Ting Gao, and look at a piece of green hills.But if you are concerned about farming, do as much business as possible to Penghao.The tide rises and the fish come out, and the moshangchen sells the horse first.Infinite Lvwumen outside the door, don't use the color of the green robe. "

Tan Zongjun had already become famous at a young age, but he was only ranked second in high school at this time, and he has gone through all kinds of hardships.Next to him, Lu Runxiang wrote down the poems of "Spring Rain" in one swoop.He also said beside him: "With Shu Yu's poems, how can I dare to write another poem, my handwriting is still passable, even if I pass the test."

Lu Runxiang and Tan Zongjun passed the test, which made Li Guolou feel so uncomfortable. If he wrote another poem, wouldn't he be thrown into the cesspit.Even Li Hongzao, his mentor, in this court is not as talented as Tan Zongjun. It is really unbearable to sing poems in front of famous people all over the world.

Under the booing of other Jinshi, Li Guolou couldn't evade it, and he had an idea: "I will stop writing poems and sing a military song. This is a song I composed. The song sung during the national flag." While speaking, Li Guolou jumped up to the stage next to him, and sang loudly, regardless of whether people liked it or not:

"Yu Siwannian, the Yadong Empire!

March is independent, and the rivers and rivers are spreading waves of civilization.

Four hundred trillion people are gods, with vast land and rich resources.

Uncover the flag of my Huanglong empire, sing my empire song! "

When Li Guolou sang it for the second time, there were already people singing congratulations, "Yu Siwannian, the great empire of Yadong!

March is independent, and the rivers and rivers are spreading waves of civilization.

Four hundred trillion people are gods, with vast land and rich resources.

Uncover the flag of my Huanglong empire, sing my empire song! "

The majestic momentum and proud standing made everyone look sideways at Li Guolou. Seeing Li Guolou burst into tears, he didn't feel that Li Guolou was acting, but showing his true feelings.Who wouldn't want the Qing Empire to stand proudly in the east of the world and see the Yellow Dragon Empire flag flying around.

Li Hongzhang stroked his three strands of beard and said, "Prince Gong, my grandson is not bad."

Yixin was also singing congratulations, nodding frequently and saying: "Well, I think it's okay, with this kind of momentum, we have successors in the Qing Empire, and you still don't thank me."

Li Hongzhang sighed: "Prince Gong, please don't thank me first. In a few days, the sky will be overwhelmed. I can't resist it. I can only rely on you."

Yixin squinted sideways, and whispered in his ear: "Old fox, you must know that I am old and decrepit. I even gave my lover to Li Guolou. I'm afraid I have more energy than I want."

Prince Gong Yixin has four sons and a daughter. The eldest son Zai Cheng and the second son Zai Ying have grown up, but the latter two sons and a daughter have not been raised.Why is this happening?It has a lot to do with the degeneration of Yixin's physical function, and the child born is born with so?It's not because of the excessive demands of the Empress Dowager Cixi.At this time, he was nearly 40 years old, and he couldn't stand the Empress Dowager Cixi's request. He drank and complained in front of his cronies Li Hongzhang, and he had to "pay the public rations" later.

Li Hongzhang laughed a few times, not daring to pick up the topic, and turned to look at Li Guolou, who was turning over from the kite on the stage, clapped his hands together with more than 400 people and said loudly: "Good!"

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