late Qing Dynasty arrest

Chapter 343 Emperor Tongzhi's Cleverness

Drinking and selling horse milk is also a rule of the ancestors of the Qing Dynasty, so that the descendants will not forget that the Manchus won the world on horseback.This mare's milk is fermented from mare's milk.The mare's milk is packed in leather barrels made of cowhide, put in aged milk wine koji, and placed in a heat preservation place to ferment.Stir several times a day with wooden pestle juice.After a few days, it becomes a slightly salty and sour mare's milk with a slight aroma of wine, cool and palatable, and refreshing.

After drinking the mare's milk, Prince Gong Yixin first presented a memorial and said, "His Majesty, this is the [-]-mile expedited request submitted by Zuo Zongtang. It is about food security. Please send someone from the court to supervise it." Building roads and bridges will trap the Nian army in the Shaanxi-Gansu region."

The emperor of Tongzhi, Zaichun, turned back in his thoughts, only to realize that his body was still in the midst of government affairs, and he couldn't help himself.He took the memorial and looked at the memorial of Zuo Zongtang transferred from the military plane.Frowning, he focused his mind on the matter of suppressing the Nian army and the Hui rebellion, pondered for a moment, and couldn't figure out why Zuo Zongtang didn't mention the progress of the war, and rushed all the way for [-] miles, talking about food security.It's spring now, and even the most difficult winter for the Qing army has passed, and there is no shortage of food now, he is still very clear about this.

"Prince Gong, didn't Zuo Zongtang now propose slowing down, encircling, disintegrating and disintegrating the rebels from all walks of life, and then attacking in summer and autumn? After such a long time of preparation, do you still need to come to an [-]-mile rush?"

Prince Gong Yixin followed the instructions: "Your Majesty, Zuo Zongtang's memorial has a profound meaning. Now that the Qing army in the Shaanxi-Gansu area has three-way pressured the East Nian for a decisive battle, the court's strategy of twisting first and then returning Change. Food and road security, road construction and bridge building are not only to eliminate the East Nian and Hui chaos, but more importantly, to enter Xinjiang to fight. This transportation line is the lifeline. Although Zuo Zongtang has occupied the Hexi Corridor, it is now being returned The population destroyed by Nian withered, and the total grain production dropped sharply. Without food and population, the Qing army could not hire long men for each battalion, and the soldiers would have no combat effectiveness. How could they continue to advance.”

Tongzhi Emperor Zaichun didn't wait for Prince Gong Yixin to continue, cut off the topic, and asked, "Prince Gong, the army fights when it fights, so what's the matter with the boss? Why are the common people joining in the fun? We Eight Banners children must be heroes."

Prince Gong Yixin was very dissatisfied with Li Hongzao. He should not be the one to explain this kind of thing. In addition to letting Zaichun read the sage books, Yixin should also understand the new formation of the Qing army. It would have fallen behind, otherwise it would not have been defeated in a row, and entrusted the command of the encirclement and suppression forces to the Han "Zuo Zongtang".

Although Emperor Tongzhi Zaichun was still mentioning the past of Sunset West Mountain, talking about the glorious history of the soldiers of the Eight Banners, and looking forward to the return of the Eight Banners disciples to the top, that would have to wait until the day lily was cold.Things always come one by one, Prince Gong Yixin still remained patient, and said: "Your Majesty, Ke Jingbo is now sitting in Lanzhou and is reorganizing various armies. , Reorganize all kinds of people and horses into 500 battalions, each battalion has 200 infantry, 250 long husbands, 100 cavalry, 250 long husbands, and 45 horses. Soldiers and husbands need 150 catties of rations per month. 360 catties of grain and 2000 catties of fodder are needed per month. The fodder is not enough to be supplemented by grain. Among them, the cavalry accounts for a quarter. Now it is necessary to prepare 3 million catties of grain and grass, and prepare 3 months of combat rations and [-] months of reserve rations. Launch the summer and autumn offensive. In an army, Changfu is a transport soldier, an orderly soldier, and a labor soldier. A thousand miles away, a soldier has multiple positions. How can he only think of fighting? This is the master of eighteen martial arts. Soldiers. In the past, our Eight Banners disciples could ride horses and sweep across the vast Northwest during wars, but now towns, high walls, mountains, and ravines have long blocked the cavalry path. It is impossible. Our Qing army is the army of justice. Every time we recover a piece of land, we must also provide relief to the victims and stabilize the people's hearts. Therefore, Zuo Zongtang's idea of ​​building roads and bridges is very necessary. Roads If it is unimpeded, the flow of materials will be smooth, the people's rations will be guaranteed, and their livelihoods will be maintained. The local regime will collapse, and the place our army spent so much to conquer is in vain, and the hearts of the people will be lost. Who would expect our army to fight back?"

"Oh;;;;;; I understand a little bit." Zai Chun listened with relish, which was much more interesting than listening to Confucius' sage quotations.Glancing at Prince Gong Yixin who was drinking tea to quench his thirst, he asked, "Prince Gong, who do you think will be assigned to take charge of Shaanxi-Gansu affairs?"

Prince Gong Yixin put down his teacup, took out another memorial from the memorial and presented it, solemnly said: "Your Majesty, I suggest that Lin Shoutu be appointed as the chief envoy of Shaanxi Province, and also in charge of the transfer of military camps, supervising the Qingyang Grain Terrace, and specially responsible for Defense of the Northwest Army."

Tongzhi Emperor Zai Chun took a careful look at the majestic and stern Yi Xin, and swallowed what he wanted to say.Erniang Cixi, the emperor's uncle Yixin launched the "Xinyou Coup", Lin Shoutu participated in the meritorious service, and was Erniang's confidant.It seems that Er Niang already knew about this matter, so there is no need to discuss it at the military aircraft department.

Emperor Tongzhi Zai Chun obeyed obediently, sat in the upper study room, and wrote the edict to appoint Lin Shoutu. After finishing writing, he took a seal from Liu Deyin, the chief eunuch of the palm seal, and stamped the bright red seal with his own hands. This is his Power also needs to be affixed with the "Imperial Reward" seal of the Empress Dowager Ci'an and the "Tongdaotang" seal of the Empress Dowager Cixi before this edict can be officially issued.

Zai Chun asked: "Prince Gong, I heard from you that the military system of the Qing Dynasty is no longer suitable for the current situation, and a new type of military system must be used in wars. Li Hongzhang replaced the old-fashioned army with regiment training. Now the Huai Army has been restructured." Finished. Zuo Zongtang is also rectifying military affairs in the northwest. Their army is equivalent to abolishing our Eight Banners troop training system, and they have become elite soldiers and strong generals. Can the rest of our army be like them?"

Prince Gong Yixin sighed: "The emperor can't do it. This king also wants to train all the soldiers and horses to become elite soldiers and strong generals, but violated the rules of the ancestors. The disciples of the Eight Banners have formed an inherent pattern. This king wants to move the Eight Banners. Isn’t it a violation of the rules of heaven that no one in the court will agree. Those armies are mainly Han Chinese, and other places, such as the Zhili area, recruit soldiers who are mainly Manchurians. They will be born as soldiers. Soldiers, they don’t know how to do other things. The imperial court gave them land, and they would also sell the land. Taking history as a mirror, generations have tried it. A man with such ambitions as King Sejong, there is nothing he can do about those soldiers of the Eight Banners. You If they are not allowed to serve as soldiers, but Han people are allowed to serve as soldiers, is this country still named Aixinjueluo?"

Emperor Tongzhi Zaichun asked suspiciously: "Prince Zhao Gong, you say so, are the Manchus unwilling to work hard? Have they all become cowards?"

Prince Gong Yixin smiled wryly and said: "Your Majesty, the Manchus are still bloody, and they can still fight hard. But there are always advantages and disadvantages in one thing. The inheritance system is also prevalent in the army. Dragons give birth to dragons and phoenixes, and mice The sons of his sons can make holes. The positions of junior officers and middle-ranking officers have also been occupied by the descendants of Manchu officers, and these people have not been tested by blood and fire. They can only brag about how capable their ancestors, Ama, are. If you can fight hard, it is too difficult to find the generals among these people. The bad ones start from the middle, and what do you want him to become, the little soldier, depends on what those officers are?"

Prince Gong Yixin did not reveal the real reason for the weakening of the army, even if he knew it in his heart, he would not say it.There is still an essential difference between Manchu and Han, and the Manchus are unwilling to give up their privileges.Reluctance to adapt, unwillingness to learn advanced mechanisms, and failure to recognize that the world has fundamentally changed is the key.

Tongzhi Emperor Zaichun looked at Yixin and said nothing. He was already an adult with a mature mind. He died from the middle. It was an anecdote throughout the ages. There was never such a saying, and it sounded awkward.Prince Gong is ignorant of people, not letting the interests of some people be touched, the privileged class is untouchable.The restructuring of the military is still far away, so we can only settle for the next best thing.

Emperor Tongzhi Zaichun suddenly had an idea, thought of an expedient plan, and asked: "Prince Gong, since you said that the soldiers recruited in the Zhili area are mainly Manchurians, no one can change this situation, and the bad habits of the old army There are quite a few, and if they want to change, the middle class will not agree. It is better to learn from Li Zhongtang's practice, first start to disarm the army in the Zhili area, and then reorganize the army in the Gyeonggi area, and some soldiers who have reached the end of their service will retire. The sons and nephews they want to replace should find ways to rearrange their errands. The vacant places just happen to train a new army, and start with a small-scale pilot, and use a battalion as the Chu army. Do you think it will work? "

What can a battalion do?Yi Xin only thinks that Zai Chun is implementing a new policy on a trial basis. The Royal Guards, like Shanpuying, have trained a pro-guard army to defend the capital, and the empresses of the two palaces will not object to Zai Chun's proposal of such a trivial matter.

Prince Gong Yixin did not forget to praise, nodded approvingly and said: "Well, this idea is good, and only you, the emperor, can think of it."

Tongzhi Emperor Zaichun couldn't tell that Yixin was fooling him, so he danced happily, thinking that a major event of rejuvenating the country and the country had been accomplished, and he no longer wanted to go out of the palace to hang out, and his mind was full of who would be responsible for this important event?Of course, eunuchs and slaves were immediately rejected by him, and it seemed that no one would give in to let his classmates and Fa Xiao do such things.I couldn't help but put my careful thoughts on more than 200 people who had just passed the Jinshi examination, and thought to myself: Who can lift the broken wheel in Xiang Yu's hand?

Prince Gong Yixin saw Zai Chun's expression alternately happy and sometimes sad, with a look of indecision, revealing a naivety, he couldn't help laughing and said: "Your Majesty, I have something else to play. It’s not the test questions of the Four Books and Five Classics, which make it impossible for many Jinshi to write, and this matter will make the court unable to explain to those students, what do you think, Your Majesty?”

Of course, Prince Gong Yixin couldn't say that Emperor Tongzhi did something wrong first, he had to ask Zai Chun to explain the reasons first, so that he could be targeted and analyze the truth of a matter to Zai Chun.

Emperor Tongzhi Zaichun knew that today would happen, and a side question out of the Four Books and Five Classics was released in the palace examination, which confused one-third of the examinees.

Emperor Tongzhi Zaichun was a little clever, thought of a good reasoning, waved his fist and smashed down the case, angrily said: "Prince Gong, I hate you so much, why would a person like Gong Zizhen not be admitted to the Imperial Academy after being a Jinshi, and stay idle in the cabinet?" Zhongshu. The capital was not allowed to be reused for 20 years. Although Gong Zizhen was in trouble, he still wrote many times to criticize the current disadvantages. Unfortunately, he was not adopted by Emperor Xuanzong and was reused. How good it is! I urge the Lord of Heaven to revive himself and send down talents of all kinds.' Talents like Gong Zizhen are what I need, and the more the better. The dynasty is surrounded by enemies, so there is no need for this. I need those nerds who are shrouded in horse leather, like Zhou Peigong and Shi Lang, who can level the world for me. Those Jinshi who don’t even know what the world is like, you say, Prince Gong, they can change the backward and beaten people of this dynasty. situation?"

Prince Gong Yixin couldn't help sighing, feeling sorry for Gong Zizhen. Only those who had a bad fate, who were born at an untimely time, who didn't know how to cultivate themselves, and could endure loneliness, would be given heavy responsibilities.Just like Zeng Guofan and Zuo Zongtang have been tempered for a long time, they tempered their will at the bottom, and they were tempered into steel. They were reused by their father when they were in their 40s.Gong Zizhen likes to talk loudly, thinking that Emperor Daoguang doesn't like him.But I don't know that my father likes to use mature and prudent people, but unfortunately he died of illness in middle age, which made my father sigh with regret.

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