late Qing Dynasty arrest

Chapter 356 A Gift Descends from the Sky

Amidst the chaotic buzzing, the courtiers and Xinke Scholars bowed out of the Hall of Supreme Harmony, leaving Prince Gong Yixin, Li Hongzao and Li Guolou alone.He asked Li Guolou to change into a brand-new fifth-rank official robe in the side hall next to him, but he saw a blue feather on his official cap and a court pearl hanging around his neck.Ready to go to the Yangxin Hall to meet the emperor and the empress dowagers of the two palaces, looking at the floor-to-ceiling mirror proudly, taking care of a brand new attire.

The chief eunuch Liu Deyin watched Li Guolou change his clothes, and said with a smile, "Tanhualang, congratulations."

Li Guolou quickly took out a 200 tael bank note from his wallet, handed it to Liu Deyin, and said in a low voice, "We are happy together, please come to Baozhi's room for a glass of wedding wine, Eunuch Liu."

The eunuch Liu Deyin, who was over 40 years old, took the bank note and said with a smile: "Tanhualang, you are really good. This old slave is optimistic about Tanhualang's future. Oh;;;;;;Tanhualang, this official The gown is a high-quality item bought by Mr. Kuna Fangan, according to the rules, you will give 400 taels."

Li Guolou glanced at Liu Deyin, feeling a little dissatisfied. According to the rules, a set of official robes can be done for two or three hundred taels of silver.Sometimes it is still cheaper to let the officials buy it themselves, and it is tailor-made in the world, and it does not cost 300 taels of silver.If he ran to him, it would cost 100 taels of silver, a set of "official robes" that should be regarded as a reward from the emperor, and the eunuchs would directly share the spoils of 400 taels of silver.

With 600 taels of silver bills in his pocket, Liu Deyin left the side hall contentedly, and went to the minister's house to preach the imperial decree to reward him with two silver ingots.Li Guolou is very generous and a friend worth making.It seems that on the territory of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the matter of opening a few "Please come in to the bank" should be implemented as soon as possible. Next time, some "brothers" from the Ministry of Internal Affairs will be invited to have a cup of wedding wine at the Baozhi Room.

When Li Guolou came to the Hall of Mental Cultivation, his heart beat a small drum. The empress dowagers of the two palaces sat behind the bamboo curtain, wanting to listen to his performance.Sure enough, the emperor began to ask about his resume: "Li Guolou, now tell me about your experience of studying abroad and your experience as an official in the Ministry of Punishment. I want to know more about it."

Li Guolou looked at Prince Gong Yixin who was sitting on the Golden Luan Hall, and saw that he was calm and unmoved, as peaceful as an old monk in meditation, knowing that this time only good things will happen.So he used his eloquent ability to use the Hall of Mental Cultivation as a place for storytelling.Let's start by saying that London, England is useless. The foggy city is so dirty that people can't breathe.And in such a difficult environment, he was almost as good as a thorn in his ass, and he was still able to strive for self-improvement, and he learned all the skills to return to China.Then he started to say all the good things about Bao Yi, Minister of the Ministry of Punishment. Anyway, he was utterly loyal, he obeyed the command of the chief, and charged forward.And I have never forgotten the ideal of serving the motherland, studying the "Four Books and Five Classics", no matter where I go, I will tirelessly "learn and learn from time to time".Finally stood out in this scientific examination and won the No.3 seat of Yidingjia.

Li Guolou spoke affectionately, interspersed with many sad episodes, remembering the dead colleagues, sometimes weeping on his face, and the circles of his eyes turned red unconsciously.Speaking of the joy of success, sometimes he would smile at Emperor Tongzhi, showing that he was a promising young man with a true temperament.

Time passed quickly, Li Guolou grasped the scale, and saw that the emperor on the dragon seat did not appear impatient, and the two very nice ladies behind the curtain did not say a word, so they continued talking, ready to hold the reins of the horse at any time.Accidentally talked for an hour, feeling strange, why no one interrupted him?

Li Guolou's mouth was so dry that he couldn't continue, so he could barely finish his speech.His stomach was growling with hunger, and he felt annoyed. Just now when he was waiting to change clothes, Prince Gong Yixin and Li Hongzao had already eaten muffins, but he had been hungry since five drums, and when he knew it, he came to the palace Be sure to stash two cookies in your sleeves.

Emperor Tongzhi hadn't listened to it enough, and Li Guolou's love affair hadn't been said yet?Hmm;;;;;; Let Li Guolou come for a while in the upper study next time.Thinking of this idea, she couldn't help laughing and said: "Well, Li Aiqing has been talking for so long, and her voice is still so sonorous, and she is full of energy. Both Prince Gong and Li Taibao praised you, and I also praised you once. There is an errand for me You go and do it." Having said that, Emperor Tongzhi turned his head to look at Prince Gong, and continued: "Prince Gong, last time we talked about opening a recruiting school in Zhili area, I decided to let Li Aiqing do it. Li Guolou is a doctor of the Imperial Academy. This includes the chief book office of "Xin Wu Tang", and as for the post of principal, let Weng Tonghe concurrently."

How could Emperor Tongzhi let Prince Gong intervene, he wanted to hold the military power to train the new army in his own hands.Although it was only a battalion at the beginning, Weng Tonghe and Li Guolou will handle everything from now on. At this moment, he has no idea how many new troops there will be.

Prince Gong Yixin was overjoyed. With the signboard of Emperor Tongzhi, the empress dowagers of the two palaces would not think about disarming the army.The Hunan Army trained by Zeng Guofan was dismissed, and the Huai Army trained by Li Hongzhang could not escape the fate of being dismissed.The Han Chinese army, capable of conscripting and fighting, was corrupted by the ancestral rules set by the Manchus, while the Eight Banners Battalion, which hated iron but could not be made of steel, wasted money and money, and the arrogant soldiers just acted as a facade to stand guard.Now "Xinwutang" is wearing the title of the emperor's personal guard. This army has a great future. A channel to build a new army has a clue at this time. This is heaven's eyes.

Prince Gong Yixin pretended to be unwilling, and slowly accepted the order to thank her.It's also good for the empress dowagers of the two palaces to see how heartbroken he is about losing his power, and he can only swallow his anger and carry out the emperor's imperial edict.

Although Li Guolou received the decree to thank him, his gratitude cannot be expressed in words.But standing on the Hall of Mental Cultivation, he was both surprised and delighted, given him so much lack, how could he be so busy.What's the matter?The superior leaders, including the "Westernization School", "Qingliu School" and even the "Conservative School", have also taken a fancy to him. How to deal with so many Bodhisattvas who need to pay tribute and burn incense?Behind him was a bunch of greedy "dog slaves" (eunuchs).How are you going to live this day?It seems that for the cause of national defense, the feat of handing in "1000 million silver" has made all the sects and factions in the court eye him, and even the "conservatives" want a piece of the pie.

Although Li Guolou swears and promises, his heart is trembling, what will happen in the future?Originally in his plan, no one else would take a share.The greedy Manchus rushed to let him pay out the money first, and even Emperor Tongzhi was also thinking about it.

Emperor Tongzhi said: "Li Guolou, since you have the confidence to complete the task, I will give you another official position, the supervision of the Longevity Hill Project, this job must belong to you."

"Thank you Lord Long En! I will definitely handle this errand well." Li Guolou didn't understand, and looked at Prince Gong involuntarily. Where is "Longevity Mountain", why hasn't he even heard of it?

The faces of the eunuchs standing in the Hall of Mental Cultivation changed completely. They never expected that Li Guolou had become a confidant servant of the empress dowagers of the two palaces, and the fattest vacancy in the palace was taken by Li Guolou.The empress dowagers of the two palaces only thought that the Longevity Hill project would cost millions of taels of silver every year. This seat was thankless, and they needed a money-making expert to take the seat and finish the Longevity Hill project for them as soon as possible, so that the two of them could be in Yuanmingyuan. Take care of your life and enjoy a colorful life.Who knows that the throne of "Supervisor of the Longevity Mountain Project" is hard to buy, and it is more desirable than the throne of the two palace managers.

The eunuchs looked at Li Guolou with more kind eyes. Everyone will be their own in the future, and harmony makes money.

Prince Gong Yixin tried hard not to laugh out loud, and didn't look at Li Guolou's probing eyes. The idiot is so blessed. In the future, he will transfer 90 taels of silver to the Longevity Mountain Project from the Beiyang Navy, and Li Guolou will return to the Longevity Mountain Project again. The Wanshoushan project will get back 20% commission, which is at least [-] taels of silver.

Prince Gong stood up, bowed and said, "My Majesty, I believe that Li Guolou is a material that can be built, and should raise the flag."

After the Qing Dynasty established the capital, the main forces of the Eight Banners of Manchuria were stationed inside and outside Beijing according to their banners. People called it the "Eight Banners Banned".In addition to Zhengyangmen, the Eight Banners soldiers were stationed at the eight gates of Beijing.At that time, the rulers of the Qing Dynasty believed that the biggest threat to Beijing came from the north, so the Deshengmen and Andingmen in the north were the most important for defense. The remaining Six Banners soldiers guarded according to their respective positions.At the beginning of the Qing Dynasty, the inner city of the capital was full of Manchus, and the Han people only settled in the southern city. At this time, Manchus and Hans had mixed together, and many people had Manchu blood. There were fewer and fewer purebred Manchus. In addition, the flag-raising system However, the Manchu people don't care about whether this person is a pure-blooded Manchu in terms of what is a Manchu.

Raising the flag is to let Li Guolou join the Manchus, and he will no longer be a Han Chinese in the future. All the rules of the family must be formulated according to the practices of the Manchu nobles.This is also a system of rewarding slaves, and Han ministers cannot raise the flag.Therefore, when Prince Gong proposed to let Li Guolou raise the flag, he did not treat Li Guolou as a minister of the Han Dynasty, but as a private slave.

Of course Li Guolou understands the truth, but at this moment he is shameless, thinking to himself, "The great unity of the whole nation, the great integration of the whole nation." Should ministers train them, or use them as servants of the Manchus?He doesn't care anymore.In the future, it is not a bad idea to be among the Manchu ministers on the left in the imperial court, but you have to learn Manchu and write Manchu, otherwise you will be punished by the two empress dowagers.He can speak some Manchu, but Manchu is far behind. Many Manchu can only be spoken, but not written.

Emperor Tongzhi looked at the empress dowagers of the two palaces next to him. From the direction of the dragon chair he was sitting on, he could see Empress Dowager Cixi and Empress Dowager Ci'an whispering.

Empress Dowager Cixi and Empress Dowager Ci'an listened to Li Guolou's speech for an hour, and immediately looked up to him.The emperor handed over the heavy responsibility of training the new army to Li Guolou as the Chief Xuezheng of "Xinwutang". It should be a Manchu aristocrat who should take up this important position alone, so it is not safe to use Han people.In addition, Li Guolou is now a blank sheet of paper, he has never appeared in court with his officials, so he can be used as a personal servant.

After some discussion, the Empress Dowager Ci'an said in a low voice: "Sister, I see Li Guolou walking, he is upright and his eyes are clear. You can see that he has not shaken his body until now, and he stands like a soldier. I think After that, he remained motionless for more than an hour."

"Well;;;;;" Cixi couldn't help but nodded slightly, and also showed an expression of approval. This Tanhualang who she personally hand-picked, didn't promote him, but also promoted Han people?A melodious voice came from behind the Cizhu curtain: "Well, Prince Gong's heart is exactly what I want. Play it! Xu Li Guolou is allowed to carry the bordered yellow flag, and his family is also allowed to carry the bordered blue flag."

The Xianghuang Banner belongs to the Shangsan Banners, which belong to the emperor's personal leadership. There is no capital, only assistant leaders. The Empress Dowager Ci'an is also a member of the Xianghuang Banner.The Xianglan Banner is the next five banners, and Cixi was originally the person who owned the Xianglan Banner. She became a noble concubine and raised the flag to join the Xianghuang Banner.Lifting Li Guolou into the Xianghuang Banner was to train him as a Manchu nobleman.

Li Guolou stood up and bowed, kowtowed: "Thank you, my slave, to the queen mother, and I will be happy to take care of my master in the future."

Li Guolou seemed to be in the fairy pavilion of Qionglou, and there seemed to be an illusory fairyland in front of him. How he walked out of the Hall of Mental Cultivation, I can't remember.Standing blankly on the stone steps of the main hall, in a trance, looking up at the plaque in the Hall of Mental Cultivation, with a question mark in my heart, is this true?The dreamlike experience of the Forbidden City is lingering in my heart and I can't get rid of it.

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