late Qing Dynasty arrest

Chapter 387 Will part ways sooner or later

Seeing Li Guolou leave, the Empress Dowager Cixi was a little disappointed. She was not reluctant to give up on Li Guolou, but thought that she was also a woman. name, and she has to cover a curtain even when she sees a man. The status of women in the Qing Dynasty is too low. From Li Guolou's mouth, what I hear the most is that "foreign things are used for China" and "Hufu riding and shooting is also a kind of "Progress" and "All things should be returned to their source should be governed by the doctrine of sages", this is what Cixi heard most comfortably. It is better to use people or slaves. Li Guolou made the right move to raise the flag.

"Sister, Li Guolou is good. Raising this kind of slave can bring us extra income. If the business is good, please come to the bank and we should buy shares. Foreign countries can be used for China." Empress Dowager Cixi became the pioneer of the reform, from No one had suggested to her before, so she figured it out on her own.

The Empress Dowager Ci'an was stunned, and suddenly said: "Sister, what did the emperor say!"

"Hey, it's not an easy road to set a precedent in history. If we don't help the emperor, who will help the emperor? Let us bear this kind of criticism." Empress Dowager Cixi dressed herself as a reformed Pioneer, evolved into the leader of the Westernization Movement.

The Empress Dowager Ci'an showed bright teeth on her melon-shaped face, and said with a smile, "Well, sister, it depends on your means. After the dividends are distributed next year, you will be invited to the bank for income. The 30% rule is done well, and other businesses will also be paid in the future. Let Li Guolou come forward, we will not be scribbled by the censor, it is better to be a slave, without scruples, and you can speak straightforwardly." She is not as stupid as the Empress Dowager Cixi, and she heard the implication that she wanted to invite her into the bank as a cover The joint venture banks across the country and the transfer of state-owned funds in the [-] provinces of the Qing Dynasty are all handed over to the bank that invites you to come in.

"Well..." The Empress Dowager Cixi began to plot against her son Zai Chun. The banking industry will be included in the personal money category of the Empress Dowagers of the Two Palaces. After she and the Empress Dowager Ci'an die, it will be assigned to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and handed over to her son. If this small treasury is in her pocket, she will be a clean and honest empress dowager in the future, and she will not do the business of selling officials and nobles. The appointment of officials in the court will be handed over to her son Zaichun. Let the emperor announce to the world, the imperial decree stated that the emperor is a filial son, set an example, dare to be the first in the world, and be a pioneer of reform.

Li Guolou could not return to the capital when he came to the Old Summer Palace, so he stayed here at night. He took five guards and rode his horse and whipped him straight to Nabazi's house. The place where Nabazi lived was originally a temple property with a thousand mu , the Guandi Temple with hundreds of temples, when the Old Summer Palace was rebuilt, the original temple property of the Guandi Temple was confiscated, but the main temple was still there. Li Guolou first offered three sticks of incense to Guandi when he entered the temple. It is the most temple in the Qing Dynasty It is Guandi Temple, which is more than Buddhist temples. There are more than 30 temples across the country. Guandi Temple is a national image project, and local governments are very willing to spend money to build it.

Bypassing the main hall, there are connected houses. This is a high-end villa area, with about a hundred families. The guards under Li Guolou have the same level as Zhang Di, Na Le, and Na Yuan under Na Bazi. There was a grill set up in the yard, and a whole lamb was already roasting, and the beef was still roasting on the iron rack next to it. It was smoking, and the sharp smell of pepper made Li Guo Lou Zhi sneezed, hurriedly took out his handkerchief, covered his mouth, fled into the south room, and shouted: "Miss Gao Yao, make the battle smaller, I can't stand it!"

The Mongolian Gao Yao Wuyun always has no good things here. He gave him a whole sheep to eat and treated him as a distinguished guest, but he couldn't let him smell the smell.

Na Bazi, who was dressed as a squire, was wearing a bluestone-colored silk short jacket, and his trousers were soap trousers, and the trousers were tied like a policeman. When he saw Li Guolou, he said, "Why did you come here? I thought you were Want to live in Wanchun Garden!"

Li Guolou hissed: "Then keep your stinky mouth in check. If you weren't useful, I would have killed you long ago!"

"Hehe." That guy was a little embarrassed. Although Li Guolou treated him like a brother, he couldn't ride on Li Guolou's head, not to mention that the walls have ears, and a joke that goes too far can become a disaster.

With a copper basin in hand, Li Guolou went to the well to wash his hair, scooped up water with a ladle, washed his face and hands in the copper basin, and after traveling all day, his body was covered with dust, so he would feel comfortable after washing and having dinner.

When Li Guolou returned to the south room again, Na Bazi couldn't believe it, and asked, "Xiao Lizi, don't you need your own soldiers to serve you?"

Li Guolou stood in front of the dressing table, rubbing glycerin, and said: "This is something women do, and my wife is not around, so I'm at home... Hehe." Li Guolou blinked at the chin A pair of weird eyes, this kind of thing, all men understand.

Na Bazi understood, and asked, "Xiao Lizi, let me ask you, how good is a wife, or a good one!"

Li Guolou said loudly: "Bazi, why do you still have to ask? Of course it is a good one. Serve a wife well, and the world will be peaceful. Like me now, how many times a day do I have to ask if I am healthy? Why can't I eat? To be honest, you are more beautiful than when I saw you for the first time. Is it possible? I wish they would pack up and leave now, but they refuse to leave now, saying that they will betray me when I am old. I have no choice but to Give them the opportunity to go out and do business, and when Hong Xing cheats out of the affair, stop it immediately!"

With a sound of "噗嗤", Gao Yao Wu Yun, who was hiding outside the door and eavesdropping, couldn't help but snicker, and said anxiously, "Head, it's time for dinner!"

Li Guolou blinked triumphantly, the detective's mind, someone was eavesdropping outside, he already knew who it was.

Having a picnic outdoors, eating barbecue, and drinking fine wine, Li Guolou behaved quite gracefully and did not get close to others. His status is now noble, and he has the right to speak on an equal footing with first-rank officials. Every time he goes to the court, the emperor calls When he spoke, he had surpassed the status of a fourth-rank official. To be an official in the Qing Dynasty, he had to look at his family background. He was born in an official family, so he had a lot of supporters behind him. , Those princes and ministers will not complain. The Qing Dynasty has an iron law just like the Ming Dynasty, that is, civil officials are higher than military officials, and the command of the army is in the hands of civilian officials. Zeng Guofan, Zuo Zongtang, and Li Hongzhang are all Jinshi or lower. Juren was born, and it will be a matter of course for Li Guolou to control the military power in the future.

The ambitious Li Guolou restrained his never-ending desires, rejected the temptation of several beautiful women, maintained the demeanor of a gentleman, and prevented the old antiques in the court from slandering him with "private moral debts". As for extorting bribes, Taking bribes has nothing to do with him, and even the doctor Yu Shi knows that he is not short of money, he will not struggle with women and money, and he will burn with ambition to make a career.

As usual, Li Guolou was the first to finish eating in half an hour. He left the noisy yard and walked into the south room to read books and practice calligraphy. He is a very smart man. He has just figured out the Xinwutang, absorbed the essence of foreign military academies, and thought he was perfect. Even the emperor and Principal Weng didn't see through his tricks, but Li Hongzhang divided him into three steps. , middle school, and finally entered the Xinwu Hall, where it was dismembered to pieces. Anyone who brought doctrines would use it, and surrounded by extremely smart Jinshi.

Li Guolou's advantage is that he went out one step ahead of others, learned and imitated some models worth learning from Western countries, and used flexible and roundabout tactics to achieve his ultimate goal. Of course, the most important thing is that he saw a way to make money , and used the method of combining government and business to seize the historical opportunity and successfully established the first real joint-stock bank in the Qing Dynasty, but everyone will imitate it. As long as he successfully takes one step, others will take the second step. The third step is to run fast. There will be more and more competitors in business, and there will be opponents who will hinder him in his career. Therefore, he must not stay behind and shoulder more social responsibilities.

Self-cultivation is the only way to level the world. In order to keep up with the trend of history, Li Guolou began to learn German. German is very similar to Russian. It is a matriarchal language with strong nasal and retroflex sounds. Li Guolou read aloud with a strange accent With the alphabet, German has 26+4 letters, 42 phonemes, vowel phonemes and consonant phonemes, these are not difficult for him, catchy chant, and simple words are written one by one on the rice paper.

An hour later, the man pushed the door open, and said with a smile: "Xiao Lizi, you are playing a fake foreign devil again. I don't know what you are trying to do. You have status, beauties, and money, why are you still living like this?" Tired, I only drank three glasses of alcohol, it's prudish!"

Li Guolou put down his brush and said with a smile: "Yes, I'm prudish, but it's also called restraint. It's okay to indulge once or twice. Once you get used to it, you will be willing to degenerate. That bastard, you haven't enjoyed it yet. , the common people are dressed in rags and don’t even have the basic living conditions. Improving the living standards of most people is my first goal. After I complete this goal, I will drink wine!”

Na Bazi glanced at him and said, "Yes, it was you who said that I should be a businessman, but why did you let me work as a supervisor in Yuanmingyuan? The books are perfect, and I'm wasting my time here!"

Li Guolou said in a low voice: "Idiot, don't let anyone watch the two empress dowagers in Yuanmingyuan. You sit here and I will know the news in the garden at the first time. Now the officials in the court are the two empress dowagers." The empress is promoted, and some of them will be close to the emperor, so you can secretly collect information for me, and notify me if there is any trouble, and make friends with the eunuch if you have nothing to do, and control your big mouth!"

"Oh." Na Bazi nodded slightly, he knew that Li Guolou was ambitious and gave him a fat job, so he was hiding a killer move.

"Study real estate management well. This business is better than anything else. Construction earns 30% of the net profit, and real estate sales are a piece of fat. The development of the Tianjin Concession has only just begun to take shape. There will be great potential in the future. When you build the information network here, you will be able to Go to Tianjin, I was set up by Li Hongzhang, he threw me another piece of fat, thinking that I was a greedy businessman, grandma's, fart inherits his mantle, he will leave the power to me, my grandma's true It’s about to take the rocket of Shenjiying to the sky!”

Li Guolou became more and more dissatisfied with Li Hongzhang. This is what hindered his opponents. He regarded him as the God of Wealth and made money. Li Hongzhang praised him and refused to let him intervene in military affairs. He also wanted to build a large quilt factory to make uniforms for military academies. , Military caps, to be able to control the logistics support of the army in the future, his plan had already been passed, but Li Hongzhang came up with a bigger and more perfect plan the next day, and put him together, and now his quilt factory has become a From the shoe factory, from head to toe, he only got one pair of shoes.

Shoes can also achieve great things. Li Guolou will never be overwhelmed by difficulties. This time his shoe factory plans not to report to Li Hongzhang. He wants to set up a large rubber factory so that all Qing soldiers can wear high-quality military shoes.

"Hmph, you also said that my mouth is stinky. How many bad things have you said about Li Hongzhang? Be careful that there are ears behind the walls." The man shook his head, and a family member was still playing tricks behind his back.

Li Guolou didn't tell Na Bazi what he really thought. He and Li Hongzhang had to part ways, and the sooner they turned against each other, the better. It’s still the same, but the words and deeds of the two people have different ideas, they can’t understand each other, and belittling the other party is more beneficial to their own development, so that the emperor will use him with confidence, and those Manchu nobles will believe that he has become a Manchu. share

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