?As for Li Guolou, the people in the British Concession, it is just a mockery. The British also need someone to invest in their concession and start a company. Supporting him, so a boxing match is only superficially helping Tarzan, but secretly the British Minister Wade has praised Li Guolou for not forgetting the British upbringing.

For the people in the French Concession, it is not so simple. Under the patriotic enthusiasm, the people in the French Concession will of course buy Tarzan to win, but for the entire French Concession, a boxing match cannot change the poverty and desolation of the French Concession compared to other concessions. This is because the French were defeated by the Prussians in the Franco-Prussian War, and the huge indemnity of the war overwhelmed them. Other concessions received the war indemnity from the Qing Empire and built public facilities in their respective concessions. The French were cash-strapped, and the entire French Concession was a pool of stagnant water, without any movement.

Although French Minister Luo Shuya had a feud with Li Guolou during the Tianjin missionary case, he still had the cheek to bring his entourage to visit Li Guolou and Mrs. Yelia, the pride of the French. Now that the Tianjin missionary case is over, Ann The matter of Nan Xiaoguo can be put aside for the time being, and the Qing Dynasty can still work together. The reason why the Qing Dynasty has turned against Annan is that no Qing people are willing to invest in the French Concession. There was still no movement. The French Minister Luo Shuya hoped to put aside the dispute with the Qing Dynasty and promote the prosperity of the French Concession. Of course, he was the first to think of handling the relationship with Li Guolou, the richest official and businessman of the Qing Dynasty.

Li Guolou was quite surprised that French Minister Luo Shuya condescended to come to visit him, but he tried his best to be polite and opened the middle door to welcome guests.

The French are more open than the British in terms of women's status, and wife diplomacy is prevalent in diplomatic occasions, so Yelia also had the honor to accompany Li Guolou to welcome the French Minister Luo Shuya as a guest.

After seeing the ceremony, the host and guest were seated and exchanged pleasantries. Li Guolou felt cloudy and foggy. He didn't know why French Minister Luo Shuya came to his house. For diplomatic matters, the French Minister should go to the Prime Minister's Office to negotiate, and his status was not equal to the French. Degree.

However, Li Guolou knew that foreigners who came to the Qing Dynasty liked to collect antiques, so after the opening remarks, he presented Luo Shuya with a tri-color vase from the Tang Dynasty, and he also got a set of French court porcelain. Gifting each other has become a diplomatic occasion According to the rules, as for whether the value is equal or not, everyone doesn't care about it. Luo Shuya can report to the public account, and Li Guolou doesn't care, saying that "the priceless treasure is priceless."

Luo Shuya took a sip of Blue Mountain coffee and said with a smile: "Mike and I are already old friends. As the saying goes, we don't know each other without fighting. Let's let the past go. We have to focus on the future and take Tianjin's economy into account. Well, Mrs. Yelia, the Victoria apartment where you live, the construction site opposite, has now become a half-baked project, it is very unsightly. Accepting it will also make me, the French minister, proud!"

Yelia was straight-hearted, how could he refuse the matter of his compatriots, and without waiting for Li Guolou to speak, he directly ordered: "Mike, you see that Minister Luo Shuya has given you face so much, and even came to visit in person, you can't favor one over another, only think about Ying For the construction of the concession, the French Concession also needs to go!"

Li Guolou hastily stated: "Minister Luo Shuya, since you have spoken in person, I will definitely accept the reconstruction of that unfinished building, but please be considerate, the construction team is still repairing the Wanghai Tower on the Sanchakou River. The church, as well as the Prussian legation, are really out of hands!"

How could Luo Shuya be put off by Li Guolou's excuses, and expressed her dissatisfaction: "Mike, you can recruit people. The French Concession and the British Concession are very different. When I looked around the legation on Gongbei Street, there was only one church that was still popular. You In Tianjin, why is there no one in the French Concession? Where does this put Mrs. Yelia? It also makes us French feel injustice. The development of the French Concession should be the first priority, and there are many preferential conditions. Let's see how you behave!"

Yelia was underestimated by his French compatriots, and his mind was filled with thoughts. Sure enough, as Luo Shuya said, Li Guolou did not buy a piece of land in the French Concession until now, so he flattered the British. He pointed at Li Guolou angrily and shouted: : "Okay Mike, you lied to me so hard, I will never agree, you must develop the French Concession, and put it in front of the British Concession, this is my ultimatum to you!"

Li Guolou was extremely embarrassed by Yelia. In terms of business and business, the British and the Qing people repaired, and the relationship between the people is warming up. Of course, business is also easy. France and the Qing are now like the relationship between hostile countries. People's trade It also decreased accordingly. This is not something he can recover by himself. If no one came to live in the French Concession, wouldn’t he lose all his money? This is a project that takes risks. His assets were burned by the Tianjin mob, and he went bankrupt in one fire.

"Minister Luo Shuya, it's not that I don't want to develop the French Concession, it's really very risky. The current situation is here. If there is a fight in the south, who can protect the investment in the French Concession? When the situation of the court changes, say Maybe all my investment here will be confiscated, so what am I!"

Yelia understood. Li Guolou was afraid that the Qing and French would fight again in Annan. When the Qing angrily took back the French Concession in Tianjin, the investment in the French Concession would be lost and all of them would become state-owned assets. No wonder Li Guolou would not Willing to invest in the French Concession, other businessmen also weighed it in this way, which caused the depression in the French Concession. I missed Li Guolou just now, and immediately smiled at Li Guolou and gently stroked his big belly. The family will not mind A few angry words.

Luo Shuya said righteously: "Mike will tell you something from the bottom of my heart, as long as I sit in this seat, I will never let the Qing Dynasty go against the law. Of course the French military wants to go to war this time, so they can take advantage of the situation to gain votes, but It was rejected by me, and I went back to the French Parliament to defend myself, which eased the situation of the Tianjin missionary case. After dealing with me, you should know that I hope that your Qing Dynasty will be strong. Nobel is now settled in France, and he is my My good friend, if you want to buy his patents, I can act as a middleman for you, so that your Qing Dynasty will become strong as soon as possible, and will no longer be invaded by foreigners, including us French!"

Li Guolou looked at Luo Shuya quite moved. Not every Westerner has hegemony tendencies. In fact, many ministers of Western powers still sympathize with the situation of the Qing Empire. How shameful the actions on the land of the empire are, and it is also for the Qing Dynasty to complain, but the foreign policy of a country is not decided by one person, but related to the interests of the country.

As for the history of hostility in the past, it was not caused by Luo Shuya. From the perspective of the French minister, Luo Shuya could only help the Qing Dynasty as much as she could, so the Tianjin religious case did not become an excuse for the Western powers to go to war against the Qing Dynasty. Luo Shuya made a contribution to this matter. It is indispensable, and I hope to see the friendship between the two peoples continue.

Li Guolou nodded slightly and said: "Minister Luo Shuya, I believe in your character. Since everyone is honest with each other, I will definitely do my part to do a good job in the infrastructure construction of the French Concession in Tianjin and revive the business of the French Concession as soon as possible. Please." Don't worry, Minister Minister. I am a person who knows how to be grateful. I will introduce a group of reputable companies to the French Concession. The prosperity of the French Concession is inseparable from the care and support of the Minister. Next month, I will hold a At the reception, please invite the Minister and the Counselor to enjoy it together!"

Luo Shuya understood, raised the coffee cup with a pleasant smile, and said, "Okay, Mike is really a friend. Next month, the Counselor and I will definitely appreciate it!"

After a family-style buffet dinner, Li Guolou bid farewell to Luo Shuya and the group. It was not comfortable dealing with diplomats. The French Minister Luo Shuya came here after being well-prepared. It felt a little heartwarming to be led by others.

Li Guolou complained to Yelia: "My third grandma, how can you not give me face in front of the guests, it makes me very passive, you know!"

"Hey, Xiao Lou, the French envoy condescended to come to visit you in person, you are still very passive, the French Concession will be my mother's home in the future, can I not turn to her." Yelia's words caused a burst of laughter in the living room .

Zhen Yuhuan smiled and said: "Xiao Lou, don't be dissatisfied. The French Minister Luo Shuya is willing to give up ten thousand dollars. It just so happens that the French are devastated, and you picked up a wallet. In a few years, the French will rise like Napoleon I. You If you kneel on the ground and beg someone to see you, they will not pay you any attention. It’s better to give charcoal in the snow than to add icing on the cake, don’t you even understand this truth!”

Li Guolou still argued to himself: "But it made me very passive. I have no claim and accept it unconditionally. Isn't this the signing of an unequal treaty!"

Yelia stared at Li Guolou with big watery eyes, stroked his big belly, and said softly: "Xiaolou, you are so powerful, you have made us big, and made us very passive. I am not staying in my second hometown. Yet!"

"Yo Xi." Someone echoed, Li Guolou hurried forward, helped the three pregnant grandmas, let them sit down first, with a smile on his face, a satisfied expression, and said: "You are not allowed to leave, you guys They are all my darlings, and we will build a hospital in the future, just across from my house!"

"No, it must be built in the French Concession." Yelia ordered without hesitation, regardless of other people's opinions.

"But there are few people in the French Concession, who should I call to see a doctor?" Li Guolou said helplessly, spreading his hands.

"You can immigrate if there are few people, and there will be more people in the future. Isn't my son a citizen of the French Concession." Yeliya swore not to give up, and his temper was so aggressive.

"Okay, okay, the words of the third grandma are the imperial decree." Li Guolou said three good things in a row. Anyway, he would lose money when he opened it. He asked the French minister Luo Shuya for preferential policies to start a modern hospital first.

Yelia looked around at the people around her with a victorious attitude. No one could shake her position. Everyone in the house must obey her orders, even the housekeeper Zhen Yuhuan bowed her head and bowed her head.

Zhen Yuhuan and other juniors expressed their loyalty to Yelia in a kind and amiable way. This woman is sick, so the house will be peaceful if she makes a concession on the surface.

For this boxing match against Tarzan the Ape, Li Guolou was sober and sleeps alone. In the afternoon, his daily training was interrupted by the French Minister Luo Shuya, and he started exercising as usual in the evening. No matter what, the whole family bet 10,000+ silver on him, including [-] taels of silver from Emperor Tongzhi. To be worthy of those who supported him, he also fantasized about defeating Tarzan, but Thinking about it with a rational mind, he immediately dispelled this idea. For more than half a year, he spent three days fishing and two days drying the net, but failed to persevere in daily training. How could he win.

In a cruel world, the law of the jungle follows the law of the jungle. Apart from having more muscles than before, his other physical functions have not improved much. The only thing he can win is that the ape Taishan is sick. It seems to see Tarzan of the ape lying on the hospital bed, to share

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