After arranging the accommodation for Li Hongzhang and others, Li Guolou returned to his bedroom. He did not hold meetings with his subordinates. He had just issued an order that Liu Mingchuan would be in charge of the daily training in the new martial arts hall.Originally, the subordinates had already prepared, but they came a few months earlier than the original plan.

Li Guolou turned on the oil lamp, took out the pen and began to write the speech, writing like a flying dragon.Tomorrow Li Hongzhang, Liu Mingchuan and he will all lecture the students.At that time, he will show those students how good the language skills of Xinke Tanhualang are?

Li Hongzhang can only speak official Chinese, and the clichés are not nutritious.Not to mention Liu Mingchuan, the big boss is a rough man, he talks nonsense, and the people cultivated by a single-minded person are also stunned.Li Guolou was at a loss and couldn't understand why Li Hongzhang valued "Liu Liumazi" so much.In his opinion, Liu Mingchuan's ability is mediocre, and when he leads the most people, there are only more than 2000 people, and he is not handsome. How can such a person be the head of the new martial arts hall? Liu Jie's ability is also much stronger than Liu Mingchuan.Li Guolou stopped writing, and thought about it carefully, could he have misread Liu Mingchuan.Under the rough appearance, there is a meticulous mind.Shaking his head, he didn't think so. Even if Liu Mingchuan was good at learning, he was still learning how Li Hongzhang behaved.

"Oh..." Li Guolou figured it out, Liu Mingchuan was a copy of Li Hongzhang, and the ideological tradition he inherited was Li Hongzhang's.Therefore, what Li Hongzhang said was right, Liu Mingchuan must copy it, no wonder Li Hongzhang valued "Liu Liumazi" so much.If Li Hongzhang is looking for an heir, it must be Liu Mingchuan. The two are ten years apart, and the effect of inheriting the past and linking up the future is obvious.

"Hey..." Li Guolou felt sad, one generation was not as good as another generation, and Liu Mingchuan couldn't see anything better than Li Hongzhang.If Li Hongzhang employs people according to this standard, the Qing Dynasty will be in danger.To be a conspirator is to be a conspirator. Even if Li Hongzhang suppresses him, he cannot change his ambition.

At this time, Li Guolou saw the benefits of the Qing school. People who talk about war on paper can make people happy with some nice words, flattery, and empty reports.Against the treacherous and cunning Li Hongzhang, he had no chance of winning, and he was completely defeated after several contests. He deserved to be the iron-blooded prime minister of the Qing Dynasty in the eyes of foreigners.Dealing with those old antiques of the Qing School, he was absolutely sure.As for the conservative forces, Li Guolou no longer paid much attention to them. As long as Yan Zizhang, the "Captain Touching Gold", is able to do things well, the greedy people will all be used by me.In the early morning, when the sky was still bright and the loud bugle sounded, Li Guolou got up and tidied his clothes and quilts. After washing, he put his braids on his head and rushed to the playground excitedly with Ma Dequan and four other Goshhas.The students and instructors were lined up in neat squares, all shirtless, waiting for Li Hongzhang's inspection in good spirits.The horn for departure sounded, and the first morning class of Xinwutang began.

Seeing that Liu Mingchuan and a group of adjutants Goshha had also set off, running in the front with a lot of energy, Li Guolou cursed in a low voice: "Donkey ball, why are you pulling?"

Ma Dequan said in a low voice: "Master Li, do you want to surpass them?"

"Hey, a 40-year-old man won't win by force, so don't make trouble." Li Guolou kept the original rhythm and followed behind the large army.From the bottom of my heart, I admire Liu Mingchuan, he is in excellent health!No wonder Li Hongzhang insisted on inviting Liu Liumazi out of the mountain.Does he have this kind of physical strength at the age of 40?I'm afraid I can't do what I want, my wife has already ranked tenth, and sooner or later she will die in the woman's belly.

After the 5000-meter morning run, the students were playfully scrubbing by the pool, and Li Guolou was by the side of the big pool. After washing up, he was about to go to the dining hall for dinner.Master Xu Qian ran over and said out of breath, "Li Guolou, Mr. Fu Xiang asked me to inform you that he is not allowed to return to Tianjin today. He still has many things to ask you, especially the matters needing attention when going abroad for inspection. He wants you to write Make a detailed statement and hand it over to him tomorrow morning."

"Ah... I have to write this too. Haven't those translators been abroad? I have never been engaged in diplomacy." Li Guolou couldn't figure it out, and complained angrily. It was not his turn to go abroad. But to do thankless errands.

"Hey, that's what I said too. But Mr. Fu said that I like to read your articles, especially your analytical ability, which makes people feel the pleasure of turning the clouds to see the sun. Hahahaha!" Xu Qian left in a hurry. More explanation.

Let Li Guolou suffer alone for a long time, and as August [-]th is getting closer and closer, he is restrained in Xiaozhan Town by Li Hongzhang.Li Hongzhang was his nemesis. Li Guolou admired Li Hongzhang from the bottom of his heart, and was also afraid of Li Hongzhang. The only person who could see through his evil intentions was Li Hongzhang.As long as Li Hongzhang does not die, he will not betray the Qing Empire in this life!

Li Guolou was constrained, and Li Hongzhang, who was capable of writing and martial arts, was even more terrifying than the Empress Dowager Cixi. No matter how good an idea he came up with, Li Hongzhang was able to make the plan perfect. In terms of theoretical level, he could not compare with it.In terms of practical ability, Li Hongzhang came out of the sea of ​​swords and blood. He is the "Zhao Kuo" who talks about war on paper.Before he could form his own school, after figuring out the joint, Li Guolou rushed to pay his respects to Mr. Fu Xiang.

The room where Li Hongzhang lived was originally a landlord's mansion with complete facilities. Now it is designed in the south of the Xinwutang school site as the residence of the chief.

Li Guolou happily walked into the mansion, loudly: "Report! Your subordinate Li Guolou is asking to see you."

Li Hongzhang was drinking porridge, raised his head and asked, "Xiaolou, have you eaten yet?"

Li Guolou smiled and said: "No, I just finished my training and I thought I didn't greet Mr. Fu Xiang, so I came here to listen to the admonition."

"Don't be restrained, drink a bowl of porridge. The millet porridge made with new rice tastes great." Li Hongzhang was in a good mood. Seeing the prosperity of the students in the Xinwu Hall, he asked him to chat about his teenage madness and prepare to show his ambitions and show off What I have learned in my life.

"Well, it's new rice, Liu Jieman is good at handling things." Li Guolou drank porridge, and the millet porridge made with chicken soup tasted really good.He always wants to lead by example, dare not indulge outside, and is not particular about eating and drinking.

Li Hongzhang sipped his tea, then spit it into the spittoon, smoked a hookah, coughed and said, "Xiaolou, Xinwutang is doing well, keep working hard. The supporting facilities must keep up, and the staffing must be complete. If something happens Discuss with Lord Wenxiang, don't make your own way. Lord Weng is a nerd and doesn't understand military affairs, so it's just right for him to take a few ideological and moral lessons."

"Yes! Lord Fu Xiang's words, I will obey and will never disobey." Li Guolou bowed respectfully, this time he did not dare to play tricks.Running errands and doing things in the Zhili area cannot escape Li Hongzhang's eyes and ears. Under the power, only dependence can survive.

Li Guolou has already figured it out, and will develop his influence to the three eastern provinces in the future, which is a piece of virgin land with a weak industrial base and a sparse population.As long as the established national policy of the Qing Dynasty is changed and the Han people are allowed to migrate into the three eastern provinces, that is where he can gain a foothold.

Li Hongzhang exhaled a puff of thick smoke, felt comfortable all over his body, and said with a long sigh of relief: "Xiaolou, you have done your errands with all your heart and responsibility, and you have not made any major mistakes. The general direction is developing for the better, but your vision is still short-sighted." One point. It’s true to promote business, but farming is the foundation of everything. Since you can see that this year is a disaster year, you should build agricultural irrigation in the Zhili area..."

Li Guolou has long been terrified of agriculture. He has dug mud and smelled the smell of manure, and the stench of being with mud legs will never be forgotten.He didn't listen to Li Hongzhang's words anymore, he hurriedly interrupted the topic, and begged: "Uncle, this is absolutely impossible, I just got a little cautious, can I be sent to dig ditches? Please do your best to clean up the river. It's a burden, I don't have the ability."

In the past, there was a river governor in the Qing Dynasty, which was mainly used to manage a Yellow River that would never yield. However, due to the prevalence of corruption and corruption, the local government offices that governed the Yellow River have long since become a mess that the country cannot get rid of. Every year, the country invests huge sums of money to control the Yellow River. .But it didn't see much effect. He kept raising the bank of the Yellow River, but it still broke the embankment frequently. It has become a malignant tumor. Every year, the river government asks the state for money.Because the Yellow River is always poorly governed, the imperial court no longer set up river governors, and let the river government offices in various places manage the Yellow River in sections. Whoever's plot bursts an embankment, which river government officials will be unlucky.The annual peach blossom flood is a sharp sword hanging over the heads of every river government official. Only at this time, the river officials will fight on the front line on both sides of the Yellow River.

Li Hongzhang put down his pipe, still dissatisfied, and said, "Xiaolou, you are so smart that you didn't let me finish my speech. The governor of the River Channel is a first-rank official title, a throne that many people covet, and how many people want to sit but can't sit on it."

Li Guolou shook his head like a rattle, and said, "Master Fu, forget it. I don't know how many catties I have. If I manage the Yellow River well and offend river officials all over the world, Not to mention the masters behind them. A Yellow River does not have a ten-year achievement, so don’t even talk about it. Mr. Fu Xiang, you don’t want me to learn from Yu Dayu, who never enters the house after three times. My wife is not a vegetarian , have all remarried long ago."

Li Hongzhang let out a laugh, shook his head and said, "Hey, Xiaolou, I also think about the country. Since you promised to give Beiyang Navy 1000 million silver in three years, then I can't take the national salary for nothing, and I can't be criticized by others. It should be said that all the tax revenue of the national finance is used for national defense construction. How will the common people think of me as a scholar of the Martial Arts Hall? What will future generations say about me? A part of the customs tax paid by the teacher is put on the local finance. Of course, it is not to raise the salary of officials, nor to interfere in the local government affairs. It is the most effective way to do some practical things for the people of the Qing Dynasty. Then go northward along the Yellow River, and extend it a little bit. I am almost 50 years old, so it’s hard to let me do it. You are still young and strong, and you have to suffer a little bit to be the best.”

Li Guolou wished he could scold his mother. Li Hongzhang wanted to pick the fruits of victory and wanted to include his "Li Group Company" in Tianjin. It turned out that he was dissatisfied with the 5% shares he gave Li Jingyi.

Li Guolou said pitifully: "Uncle, Jingshu is about to reach adulthood, and he will have a career if he has fame. Or, he will also be allocated 5% in the future. How about you? I only have this little property." , you should always leave some room for me."

"Hmm..." Li Hongzhang nodded slightly, closed his eyes, and dealing with smart people, he knew the level as soon as he got the pulse, so he didn't need to use his vicious tricks.He justified himself: "Xiaolou, I actually want you to learn more about government affairs. The job of rectifying the river in the Zhili area is none other than you. This is also a good opportunity for you to broaden your horizons. You have to learn to deal with matters related to people's livelihood. .I am also seeking talents for the country. Your talents and talents are unmatched, so the more challenging the job, the more suitable for you."

"Thanks to Master Fu Xiang's love, I can't afford such an evaluation. I will work hard to study government affairs, and I will live up to the great trust of Fu Xiang." Li Guolou almost knelt on the ground and was almost played to death by Li Hongzhang.Wear him an official hat of a first-grade river governor. Others can't ask for it. What is he going to do?To be a corrupt official is not what he wants.If you are a capable organ, you will vomit blood and die.

How dare Li Guolou show his abilities in front of the students of the Xinwu Hall? He hastily took out the speech that he had written after staying up half the night last night, handed it to Li Hongzhang, and said in a stern manner: "Master Fu Xiang, this is the speech that I wrote for you last night. Please take a look at the draft and see if there is anything that needs to be changed.”

"Well...let's leave it alone." Li Hongzhang brought tea to see off the guests, and tidied up Li Guolou in a docile manner.

But Li Guolou walked out with his head drooping like a defeated dog.I swore to myself: I will never play tricks behind Li Hongzhang's back again, I will ask for instructions early and report late, and I must have the awareness to be a subordinate.


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