late Qing Dynasty arrest

Chapter 404 The Truth About the Battle of Eight Mile Bridge

Li Hongzhang said with a smile: "Well, what Officer Cheng said is very good. A war is full of variables, and the response and determination of the commander in front are also the key. It is not advisable to generalize. There are too many variables on the battlefield. It depends on how the commander responds." The enemy changes and I change. It is true to predict the enemy's opportunity first, but being good at hiding one's shortcomings and making use of one's strengths is the quality that a qualified commander should have. The commander is not omnipotent, and he is superstitious about the god of war. , it is better to be good at commanding your own troops. Victory starts from a local area and gradually changes to the overall initiative. A complete victory with one blow is just an imaginary result. The duel must be a tentative attack first, and you must not bet all your capital as soon as you come up. You are all future commanders, and you have different ideas before the battle, but as long as the supreme commander gives an order, you must execute it unconditionally. The supreme commander can Slapping your head to fight? No way. He needs you to report the real situation on the battlefield to him, and what you get is the real situation on the battlefield, so that he can formulate a correct combat plan. If the commander in front tells lies, he will be killed. Countless comrades in arms. This is what I want to say. Soldiers must tell the truth. Soldiers who deceive their officers are committing crimes.

"Yes! Tell the truth!" The classroom shouted in unison. Telling lies is not allowed in the Xinwutang system. It is a habit, and the school officials and students treat each other with sincerity.

Cheng Kun continued: "Let me talk about the equipment again. The range of the artillery of both sides is similar to that of the first Sino-British war, but the shells have been widely used. The British army is rear-loaded, and the French army is still front-loaded. Stray bullets are more powerful. But these are primitive guns after all, it is difficult to resist the frontal charge of a large-scale cavalry group with such weapons. In addition, the British army still carried rockets, which were hundreds of gunpowder arrows, and the British rockets were not accurate. It is mainly used to burn the enemy's luggage and tents. I didn't expect to try it in battle, but found that the northern war horses of the Qing army were completely untrained in battle formation and gunfire, and they panicked and trampled on each other. caused great confusion.

Let’s talk about the equipment of the Qing army. In addition to cavalry, the Qing army at that time was also equipped with a large number of muskets and artillery, as well as shells. At this time, foreign goods were used, and cluster rockets were of better quality than the British army.It's a domestic product, but it's useless once fired. I don't know what to keep it for. God knows what the commander thinks.Most of the infantry in the Qing army were equipped with matchlock guns. Matchlock guns belonged to the series of musket guns. Except that the ignition device was different from the flintlock guns, other parameters were theoretically similar to those of the British army. However, the quality of matchlock guns in the hands of ordinary soldiers cannot be compared. Compared with the flintlock guns of the British and French allied forces, a commander must have a clear understanding of this.Compared with the flintlock gun, the disadvantage is that if the two sides meet suddenly, the former will suffer from the first shot, and if the battle continues, the latter will be very troublesome, because the flintlock gun often fires six or seven bullets and one will die , If free shooting is okay, find out and replace the fire surface in time, but if it is a queue salvo, you will not know if the fire is dead, and if you continue to reload, then the rear will not be able to fire.

The Qing army discovered this problem a long time ago, so it is not that the Qing army did not have flintlock guns, but they have not been used by grassroots soldiers, because the accuracy of the Qing army’s standard muskets is worse than that of the British army, and they can only be used for firing in formation. .From the point of view of cannons and weapons and equipment, although the Qing army is at a disadvantage, it can definitely fight. The geography is in our hands, and our military strength is also superior. Why did they lose so badly?Let me tell you the truth.

The special infantry of the 90 Jingzhi Army (Eight Banners and Green Camp) of the Qing Dynasty is equipped with a rattan flat knife (a variant of the Miao knife, which is similar to a Japanese knife).There are long guns, but they only account for 1% to 2% of the infantry ranks, and they are mainly used to deal with cavalry, and they are often set up and not used.In other words, the Qing army gradually lost its ability to fight in close combat. As long as the British and French allied forces raised their bayonets and stepped on the drums, the Qing army's infantry would immediately be defeated for thousands of miles.

A square team rushed up with bayonets. If they rushed up without formation and fought alone, they would be mowed.Therefore, kung fu is the first in normal times, but it is useless on the battlefield.An effective battle formation can restrain the enemy's charge.The loss of the ability of the Qing army to fight in hand-to-hand combat is ridiculous. The elite of the Eight Banners who boasted of being kung fu masters have lost the ability to fight in hand-to-hand combat. This is the bloody reality.He managed to hide it from the emperor, but was seen through by the enemy.

I just said that the rattan flat swords of the special infantry of the Qing Dynasty are special infantry, that is, a small number of infantry have rattan flat swords.In fact, the musketeers of the Qing army after Emperor Sejong (Qianlong) did not wear waist knives at all. They imagined that after the musket bullets were fired, the enemy had all fallen, and they were not mentally prepared for close combat at all. Of course, this is impossible.It's just a theoretical fantasy, and it's impossible for European musketeers to do it, so the British and French allied forces were equipped with bayonets.There is a Russian proverb: "The bullet is a fool, but the bayonet is a hero." 'So our army's long-range attack power is not as good as that of the enemy, and it is also at an absolute disadvantage in hand-to-hand combat.

But I want to explain that in the Battle of Baliqiao, the musket shooting of the infantry of the British and French allied forces was of practical significance in the decisive victory of the entire battle, and it was more to prepare for the charge.

The artillerymen of the Qing Army mistook the officials in the First Patriotic War in order to shirk responsibility, thinking that the foreign cannons were really invincible in range, and desperately adjusted the elevation angle of their cannons. Ten shells hit the rear of the artillery positions of the British and French allied forces. Most of the field artillery of the British and French allied forces were medium and light artillery. After a few shots, they couldn't reach us.The infantry and cavalry of the British and French allied forces recovered their senses and charged at the artillery positions of the Qing army. The [-]-jin heavy artillery had not been maintained for more than a hundred years, and it was too late to adjust the firing angle.The infantry in the nearby bushes fired a few rows of guns, and immediately collapsed. The artillery could only discard the cannons and run away. The artillery of the Qing Dynasty ended in a complete defeat.This tells us that drills are important, one second faster than the enemy's cannon, and you can win if you shoot accurately.The army raised artillery and turned it into a display. The fake artillery killed many soldiers of the Qing Dynasty.Artillery is the main force of an army, and the main force will only use cannons as salutes. The fact is embarrassing.

In terms of serving the Qing army, Seng Gelinqin retired from the Dagu Fort with 17000 horse infantry officers and soldiers, and later added 3000 soldiers from the Monan Mongolian army, and 10000 soldiers from the Tongsheng Baobu. 9000 people, a total of 39000 people.

In terms of the British and French allied forces, there were 15000 British troops and 9000 French troops, a total of 24000 troops. There were more than 60 warships of the coalition forces, excluding the navy, and 16000 landing troops. They stayed in Tianjin and the areas captured along the way. The actual number of people who went to Zhangjiawan was no more than 6000. There were more than [-] forwards arriving at Baliqiao.

The Anglo-French allied forces used rockets to cause confusion to the cavalry of the Qing army at the beginning, but soon the Qing army organized nearly 20000 cavalry to carry out a large group of frontal countercharges, and the remaining more than 10000 infantry were waiting for the enemy in the bushes.No matter how stupid the 6000 coalition troops in the vanguard are, they will not be so stupid that they can block the frontal impact of the cavalry that is three times more than themselves with the British three-shot or the French five-shot, and their artillery is not protected by the superior cavalry. They did not dare to show their faces easily, otherwise the cavalry of the Qing army would find them, and the artillery would become captives at any time. Their infantry tried to exhaust the Qing army with hollow phalanxes, but the cavalry of the Qing army rushed to 3 meters and actually released bows and arrows. Indian Asan The cavalry stipulated that they could only slash with sabers when charging in groups, and were not allowed to shoot with muskets. The reasons are obvious. die.The effectiveness of the hollow phalanx was immediately reduced, and it didn't take long for the coalition forces to shoot nearly a thousand people. The Qing army took the lead at this time, but the gap between the hollow phalanx made the cavalry of the Qing army charge from a loose horizontal formation. A column crossing into a dense formation.At this time, the intention of the Qing army was to divide and break through each phalanx of the British and French allied forces. Once it broke through, the cavalry would kill the musketeers, the bayonet was fine against the infantry, but it would kill the cavalry.If there is no other reason, the 50 British and French allied forces will be here anyway.

The artillery of the French army played a role in turning things around at this critical moment. They quickly occupied the commanding heights and fired artillery at the Qing cavalry. The artillery fired fiercely, but as I said before, all our shells fell behind the enemy, and none of them hit the enemy, while the French artillery was extremely accurate, and every shell hit our cavalry formation. The smog filled the air and flowers bloomed everywhere. The Qing cavalry charged repeatedly and carried out wheel attacks. After losing nearly 2000 people, the Dutong Shengbaobu was defeated first. After Shengbao was defeated, there was a big gap in our flank.

More than a thousand Indian cavalrymen each armed with a lance, counter-charged our side. When our cavalrymen saw the British spears, they were frightened, turned around and left, and were stabbed off their horses one by one.There are also a large number of reserve teams behind the British and French allied forces, which are horns and look after each other.When our flank was completely exposed and faced the danger of being outflanked, the cavalry was still in the formation, but the infantry had abandoned their friendly troops and all fled.

So far, Zeng Gelinqin had no choice but to order the entire line to retreat. On the way to retreat, nearly a thousand people fell under the British cavalry and artillery fire. By this time, the war was over.The coalition forces almost exhausted all their ammunition in this battle. As long as the Qing army persisted for half a day, Emperor Xianfeng would not be like the picture on the back saying, "The emperor will not return, and the three platforms will collapse." 'A unit with high morale will only consider retreating when it loses one third. The Qing army had been so brave when it entered the customs. Obviously, the Qing army at this time was not.Although nearly a thousand coalition soldiers who were hit by arrows lost their combat effectiveness, after all, most of the arrow wounds were penetrating wounds, which were not as difficult to treat as gunshot wounds. Moreover, the victors could be rescued calmly, and their medical conditions were good. Only a few dozen people.At that time, there was a saying: "The cavalry fled looking at the shadow, and the infantry fled when they heard the wind." According to the battle report, all 39000 people of the Qing army died in this battle, and no one escaped.Is it possible?An act of deceiving the world and stealing fame, a fart bloody battle.In fact, the 39000 Qing troops not only escaped with cavalry, but also returned with infantry intact.

It was the British and French coalition forces who cleared the battlefield and confiscated more than 3000 bows and arrows, hundreds of matchlock guns, and more than 100 artillery pieces from the Qing army.That is to say, the Qing army lost more than 3000 cavalry, hundreds of infantry and all the artillery transferred from Beijing to the front in this campaign, and the remaining 30000 people all ran away.The tradition of the Qing army offering sacrifices to the god of guns at Lugou Bridge every autumn stipulated that "every time a large army goes out for an expedition, it must go with artillery." 'The artillery is really the soul of the Qing army, but most of its artillery carriages are very awkwardly made. Therefore, there is a very strange phenomenon. Once the Qing army is defeated, all the artillery equipment must be lost. Once all the artillery equipment is lost, it will be impossible immediately Fight again.The Qing army without cannons would not be able to fight. Is this still our Eight Banners soldiers?

Many of the above information are obtained from foreigners, the enemy will never despise the small credit.It is clear that [-] soldiers and horses were killed in battle, but we would say that [-] elite soldiers were killed. This is what our Qing army did.The bloody battle at Baliqiao was like this, and this is the record of our Royal Guards.Seng Gelinqin, the prince of Horqin who was completely annihilated, recruited new troops in the future, in fact, those deserters. The sad fact is that national heroes are powerless. "

The school officials all bowed their heads in thought, their responsibilities are heavy, and there is a long way to go to change the stereotypes of the Qing army.

The students were filled with righteous indignation and hated the Qing army for being so miserable. They secretly vowed to change from now on, to set an example, to study the tactical thinking of modern warfare, and to be a qualified commander.


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