late Qing Dynasty arrest

Chapter 407 Establishing a Strict Training System

"Hmph, it's just me talking about it." Liu Mingchuan strode away. It was just an ideological education class, just a wind blowing past his ears, that's all, but he held the handout written by Li Guolou in his hand. Here, there is always no harm in reading the tactics course. The battle commanded by Napoleon can also be used for research and discussion.

Although Liu Mingchuan was born as a private salt dealer, he looks like an old man, but he is actually very smart, has a strong learning ability, studies hard and earnestly, can write stereotyped essays, belongs to the Confucian generals in the army, and learns from civil servants when he wears clothes. Li Hongzhang is a role model, so Li Hongzhang attaches great importance to him, invites him to go out to do things, and trains him as his successor. With a good face, I agree with some of Li Guolou's ideas in my heart. Learning from the strong, self-improvement is the way to govern the country and train soldiers. Li Guolou is right. Only when the will and quality pass the test can an army compete with the strong. , Weapons and equipment are external factors, internal factors are fundamental, you must have an attitude of learning, but you must not be complacent, Liu Mingchuan has a good analytical ability, and he learned many new ideas from Li Guolou in one afternoon, and soon With experience, all become his thoughts and ideas.

Liu Mingchuan gesticulated at his master and said, "Master Fan, go and get the pamphlet on ideology and morality compiled by Li Guolou. I want to see how many of his thoughts are reactionary against the ancestors." Speech."

The master gave an example and said: "Grand Liu, I have taken it. There is nothing new. I put new wine in old bottles. Even if I change stereotyped essays into vernacular, I won't be afraid of losing face as a Jinshi. Hmph, a fake celebrity, a real villain. Even a scholar like me can't stand the sinister intentions." While speaking, Fan Shi took out a booklet from his satchel and handed it to Liu Mingchuan.

Li Guolou put a lot of effort into this thick booklet. The articles written in vernacular Chinese are much longer than those in classical Chinese. The generalization, analysis, and conclusion must be clearly stated, unlike classical Chinese, which is easy to remember and easy to remember. I will understand mistakes. Although the content of the thought has not changed, it is easy to understand and makes people understand the meaning.

"This kid, don't sleep!" Liu Mingchuan sighed, and couldn't help admiring Li Guolou's extremely high efficiency in handling affairs, unlike a Qing Dynasty man.

Li Hongzhang took a nap for a while, sat on the chair and drank tea, listened to Xu Qian's report on the content of Li Guolou's speech, and listened to Liu Mingchuan's complaints, and smiled casually: "Young people like to show off, Liu Liumazi, you are so big Li Guolou has a lot of errands, and he will not be stationed in Xinwutang in the future. It is still up to you to decide here. You are the main one in thinking, and his system is the main one in tactics. Let's see what kind of fruit it will bear in the end."

Liu Mingchuan had nothing to say. The idea of ​​loyalty to the emperor and patriotism continued to flourish. He could only adapt to the existing tactical system of the new Wutang and learn from the tactical manual compiled by Li Guolou.

Xu Qian warned: "Grand Liu, don't quarrel with Li Guolou. In fact, he is very easy to get along with. If you are kind, he will not be arrogant. It is a good thing for young people to be aggressive. You can see what those noble children are doing now. Yes, one hundred steps laugh at ninety-nine steps, Li Guolou married a few more wives, it didn't delay the business, it was just a small fault, if Li Guolou became tall and powerful, it would be dangerous, so Mr. It's on Li Guolou, do you understand?"

Liu Mingchuan laughed dryly, nodded and said, "I understand. I must run the new martial arts hall well. When Mr. Fu Xiang comes next time, I will personally direct the actual combat drills, and let those old antiques in the Ministry of War see the power of a modern military."

Li Hongzhang nodded slightly, admiring Liu Mingchuan's spirit of assiduous study, nodded and said: "Liu Liumazi, if you make some achievements, the backbone of the army will be your disciples in the future, and funds, weapons, and equipment will be continuously provided to you. Xinwutang, when a few batches of children grow up and enter the Xinwutang to learn military affairs, the trees here will also become towering trees, and there is a chance for you to do a good job."

Liu Mingchuan was overjoyed, and the militants thought about fighting, kowtowed to the ground, and kowtowed: "That's great, Mr. Fu Xiang, I'm just waiting for this day to come sooner, I won't slack off a little because of my official position, and I will fulfill my mission , to complete the restructuring of good officers."

Xinwutang is the cornerstone of a modern military academy. Li Hongzhang wants to break the system of yin descendants in the army. He is backed by Emperor Tongzhi and puts the headmaster Weng Tonghe on top. The establishment of Xinwutang is controlled by Li Hongzhang. Li Hongzhang is now Wuyingdian University Shi, the head of the Han officials, is powerful and powerful, even bigger than Prince Gong Yixin. His official career is on the uphill road, while Prince Gong Yixin is on the decline. His position of promise makes him high-spirited.

Li Hongzhang expressed his approval, waved his hand and said, "Look at the tea."

The three of them were in the living room, drinking tea slowly, chatting about the difficult years in the past, and waiting for a sumptuous dinner.

At this time, Li Guolou still did not rest. He summoned all the school officials and management personnel of Xinwu Hall, and issued the "Reorganization Order".

Li Guolou took the newly written "Reorganization Order" and read aloud: "Since the establishment of Xinwutang, it has achieved remarkable results, but it has also exposed and produced some serious phenomena, such as corruption, corruption, waste, and the resulting The laxness of certain military disciplines, the growing warlordism and the tendency to neglect ideological work, the weakening of the Xinwutang’s daily work system, etc., are extremely harmful and will risk losing the spirit of the Xinwutang’s advocacy. Be alert to the serious attention of our leaders at all levels and military agencies. To maintain the excellent model traditions of Xinwutang, such as hard work, unity of will, resolute courage, and high political vigilance, this must rely on more arduous ideological work, which must be for all growth and development. All kinds of bad tendencies that have only weak manifestations should be corrected and educated in time until they are openly fought against. All liberalism that is laissez-faire with bad tendencies may have bad consequences. In the ideological struggle, we should pay attention to opposing the existing ones. Corruption, corruption, laxity, and depravity. Oppose the growing warlordism and the tendency to ignore ideological work and leadership. Clearly establish a budget and final account system. Strictly limit extra-budgetary expenditures. Food, oppose waste, strictly establish a budget and final account system, and overcome the serious crimes of corruption and waste, eating vacancies, and reporting more with less.

There are indeed many subjective and objective difficulties regarding the regularization of supply work, but it is possible and necessary to establish the minimum supply systems even under the current circumstances, such as financial budgets and final accounts and All expenditure systems, food and fodder budget and storage and distribution system, ammunition reimbursement, statistics, storage, storage, and distribution system, clothing collection, storage, and distribution system, various equipment and public property collection, storage, reimbursement, registration, and statistics , use, handover systems, personnel and horse statistics, reporting systems, and other auditing systems, inspection systems, etc. must be strictly established. On the one hand, it is enough to prevent the occurrence of corruption and waste. Corruption and waste are not only a major financial and material loophole, but also a stain on the Qing army. It is Xinwutang who often works. "

Li Guolou suddenly paused for a while, staring at all the people present, and said loudly: "Anyone who embezzles more than 100 taels of silver from public funds will be executed by shooting. Anyone who does not believe in evil can try my gun. Xinwutang does not need atonement silver, and military law is ruthless."

"Understood." Everyone stood up straight, who dared to touch Li Guolou's tiger's whiskers.

Li Guolou asked several adjutants Ghoshha to issue instruction manuals and promulgate regulations to prevent and control corruption and waste from the aspects of strengthening supervision, severe punishment, and standardizing supply work. The instructions are mainly "Instructions for Establishing the Economic Review Committee" and Instructions on the Establishment of a Strict Supply System, the regulations promulgated are mainly the "Regulations on the Work of the Economic Review Committee" and the "Regulations on Punishment of Corruption".

In order to eliminate all corruption and waste, improve the material life of Xinwutang, and strengthen the style of honesty and hard work, it is decided to organize economic review committees at all levels and issue work regulations. I hope that all ministries will immediately and resolutely implement:

5. Each department must quickly sort out and improve its own organization and establish an economic review committee, organized with 7 to [-] people, responsible for summarizing the income and expenditure accounts of January at the end of each month, checking the income and expenditure items in detail and responsible for planning the income and expenditure budget for the next month , use various methods to prevent the occurrence of corruption and waste, improve the material life of the school, and often supervise the implementation of this plan and check the extent of its implementation.

5. Each sentry team must establish the same "Economic Review Committee" (organized with 7 to [-] people) to purchase daily necessities in the school in a planned and organized manner. On the one hand, do everything possible (under the existing economic conditions) ) to improve food and other material life. At the same time, ideological work supervisors should often understand the economic situation of the middle school students in the sentinel, use propaganda and explanations to carry out economical campaigns, and use education and management to prevent corruption and waste.

[-]. Every branch should mobilize enthusiastically, explain extensively and deeply the necessity of saving, and call on every student to carry out this movement as an example. At the same time, they should carry out ruthless struggle against corruption, corruption, waste and other tendencies and phenomena, and give strict punishment deal with it and overcome it.

The "Regulations on the Work of the Economic Review Committee" divides the economic review into general review, special review, and extraordinary review. The general review is once a month, and it will start working at the end of the month as soon as the reimbursement is made by each department. The special review is carried out at the end of each special income or expenditure. The special review is called at any time when an abnormal economic situation is discovered in the course of certain work. After the review, if any of the following situations is found, the review committee may give an opinion Report to the same level or senior leader to decide on punishment:

[-]. Those who have committed corruption or attempted corruption.

[-]. Those who have acted or attempted corruption in a disguised form.

[-]. Those who have caused losses to the public due to wasting public funds.

[-]. Arbitrarily appropriating public funds to seize private interests.

[-]. Persons who have caused great adverse effects due to improper income.

[-]. Those who suffer losses to the public due to neglect of business.

[-]. Those who conceal public funds and do not report them.

In accordance with the "Regulations on the Work of the Economic Review Committee", the review committee shall reject any case under any of the following circumstances after review:

[-]. Exceeding the budget or expenditure exceeding the prescribed amount.

[-]. Although it does not exceed a certain amount of budget and regulations, but the content has unnecessary expenses.

[-]. Expenditures have not gone through appropriate procedures, and the reimbursement has not followed the prescribed procedures.

[-]. Those who delay in reporting when they arrive at the reimbursement date.

[-]. It has been verified that there are expenditures in violation of regulations.

[-]. Those who use their work to seek personal benefits.

The "Regulations on the Work of the Economic Review Committee" also specifically stipulates that if one of the above-mentioned circumstances that should be punished or dismissed is found, any senior personnel must be subject to review, and should answer sincerely and satisfactorily when asked.

Complementing the "Regulations on the Work of the Economic Review Committee" is the "Regulations on the Punishment of Corruption" issued at the same time. Executed by firing squad, between 100 taels and 50 taels shall be punished with hard labor or confinement for more than 100 years; for 3 taels and 30 taels, between 50 year and 1 years of labor labor or confinement; for 3 taels to 10 taels, a sentence of 30 month or more shall be imposed. Hard labor or confinement for less than 1 years, hard labor or confinement for less than 2 month between 5 taels and 10 taels, confinement or warning for less than 1 month for embezzlement of less than 5 taels.

Any of the following circumstances shall be regarded as corruption:

[-]. It has been proven that there is indeed an attempt to embezzle and cause losses to the public.

[-]. Those who misappropriate public funds for personal gain.

[-]. Those who are good at selling public property to get rich.

[-]. Those who use work to seek undeserved money and materials.

[-]. Those who make excessive payments at the request of false organizations and cause losses to the public, those who instigate others to embezzle are regarded as principal offenders, and those who commit corruption and attempt to escape may be punished according to the circumstances.

Specially run multiple supply training courses to train supply officials to prevent corruption.

The "Instructions on Establishing a Strict Supply System" clearly stipulates as follows:

25. Establish a strict budget and final accounting system, and decide to receive the next month's budget before the 10th of each month, and report on time, and receive the previous month's report and settlement before the [-]th of the next month, otherwise no funds will be issued, and the number of personnel, weapons, and horses in the budget It must be accurate and consistent with the statistics of the United Front Work Department.

[-]. Income must be reported, and those who hide and fail to report, in addition to not paying funds, will be punished as corruption, and the main person in charge of the ministry will be asked.

[-]. In terms of expenses, except for regular expenses as required, if other expenses are necessary, a plan must be made in advance, submitted for approval, and then spent, otherwise no reimbursement will be made. [-]. Establish a strict auditing system to review Whether all the expenditures are correct, whether there is waste, and if corruption and waste are detected, we will fight and punish the corrupt.

"Don't worry about it. Institutionalization and standardization are the foundation of an army's long-term prosperity. Relying on me or the so-called great gods are all fake. Now I will put a magic spell on you to let you keep in mind Stay, wait until you get the scriptures, you will not worry about food and clothing for the rest of your life, sharing wealth and honor, never forgetting each other, this is the principle of my life, tonight I will pay out of my own pocket, treat everyone to a good meal, and the meeting will end." Li Guolou Turn around and leave without listening to the complaints of your subordinates.

The army must be self-denying and devoted to the public, otherwise it will degenerate. A modern army that dares to fight must have iron-like military discipline.

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