Leaving the dark corridor of the prison, Yao Cuo carried a lantern and asked, "Second brother, what do you think about letting Baye Man be promoted to the position of eldest brother?"

Wu Defu didn't even think about it, and said: "People are too rough, there is no goods in their stomachs, I am afraid they will sell us, and find someone with a tighter mouth."

Yao Cuo couldn't help showing a smile, and said, "How about the little plum?"

Wu Defu said solemnly: "The mouth is tight, but it's not on the stage. How can you bring it out for negotiation like this, and it will be bad."

Yao Cuo nodded and said: "Yes! Then he will not be allowed to drink in the future. What kind of passionate young man is playing with flower guns in front of the lake. Isn't he looking for death?"

Wu Defu talked to himself, and said: "Playing with flower guns! This kid shouldn't be a hollow dumpling, he can only move his mouth." He raised his head and said: "Brother, find a hard idea for him, to see whether he has a big mouth or has a job under his command. We have a lot of sycophants here, it's not his turn to take over."

There was a cold light in Yao Cuo's eyes, which flickered and then dimmed, and he said slowly, "Second brother, who do you want to be operated on?"

Wu Defu stood on the empty corridor, surrounded by silence, the cold wind blew out the lantern in Yao Cuo's hand with a biting Xiao Sha.The sky and the earth were even darker, and in the lifeless environment, there were only two vague shadows.

Wu Defu word by word, said: "Let's take Yipintang's Xian Chengli first. This kid thinks that there are people in the Ministry of Internal Affairs and doesn't take us seriously. Taking advantage of the current chaos, he will make the porridge even worse. Let us actions are more logical.”

Yao Cuo looked up to the sky and sighed, and said: "Second brother, your ambition is too great. You still want to be in Yipintang's territory, can we reach it?"

Wu Defu snorted coldly and said: "Brother, you only think about your own one-acre three-point land. I want to take care of the overall situation for Mr. Bao. If you manage your territory well, can Mr. Bao show your merits? You! I have to blame you It's too selfish to please Mr. Bao, and it's impossible for people who don't see the big picture to get support from the people above."

When Wu Defu brought the words to Mr. Bao, Yao knew he was wrong. This incident was said to be a test for Li Guolou, but it was actually a test for him.In order to get Wu Defu's support, the transaction must first be submitted with a nomination certificate.He can't make fun of the personal grievances between Wu Defu and Xian Chengli, some words can only be hidden in his heart.At most, when there is nowhere to confide, I confide in my wife Gu Yongping.No matter how good the brotherhood is, there must also be personal interests. If he wants to go to the next level and get Master Bao's support, he must solve the enemy for Wu Defu.

Yao Cuo seemed to understand, nodded and said: "Second brother is right, it is time for Xiao Li to submit a certificate of merit. Our Tianzihao will become famous, and even a big crocodile cannot stay in the capital."

Wu Defu chuckled, patted Yao Cuo on the shoulder, and said: "Brother said that we are also like gangsters. We are for the country and the people, and we take it as our duty to eliminate the gangsters. When all the gangsters in the capital are wiped out, we will get drunk again." .”

The laughter drove all the ghosts into the darkness, the two straight figures disappeared, the surroundings returned to tranquility, and the entire capital was also silent.There are countless things planned, and it depends on who has the last laugh.Some people just need to talk, while others have to struggle in their nightmares.In Li Guolou's dream, the eldest brother Yao Cuo and the second brother Wu Defu are smiling at him; It costs money to light oil lamps, winter is coming, and the night is even darker.They always get up at dawn in the morning, and those high-ranking officials have to wait in line at Zhengyangmen to go to court in the middle of the night.Fortunately, the last morning court was only on the [-]th, otherwise, few of these old guys would live long.Senior officials can still sleep in the official sedan chair and wait for the palace gate to open.Those bearers and attendants could only stand on one side, stamping their feet to drive away the cold.

Although Li Guolou was a little tired and wanted to sleep in, but he thought that there were too many things to do, and he couldn't sleep well. His hair was untied, so he tied it with a hair tie, and then went to brush his teeth and wash his face.

As soon as Qian Shuiping saw Li Guolou's appearance in the yard, he began to criticize Li Guolou.Said that he must have been spending time and drinking outside, still hungover, and didn't come home all night, I'm sorry for the care of the mother and daughter; I didn't mean that, so stop accusing Sang and scolding Huai."

Qian Shuiping pretended not to understand, and asked: "Fake foreign devil, please explain clearly, who is it not interesting to, is it for the big ones, or the small ones?"

Li Guolou didn't dare to say anything, how did the neighbors arrange him?All craned their necks to listen to his answer.He fled back to the house, there was no place for him in the yard.

As usual, Qian Shuiping followed Li Guolou's house without any scruples, but she was also cautious.Like Li Guolou's braid, she won't be good for Li Guolou's real estate.Instead, he taught his daughter, Niuniu, to let the children braid Li Guo's real estate.

Li Guolou rubbed his forehead and asked, "Niuniu, do you think uncle is going to shave his head?"

Niuniu's small hand touched Li Guolou's forehead from behind, and she said softly, "It's not necessary, why do you want to look so good, you are not the little gentleman in the hall."

Li Guolou exclaimed, "Niu Niu, you also know the young gentleman in the hall, so hurry up and introduce me."

Niu Niu sarcastically said: "My father said that you are the young man, otherwise how would you support yourself?"

Li Guolou turned his face to Qian Shuiping, and said angrily: "Okay! Treat my kindness as a donkey's liver and lungs! So you are benefactor! Sister Qian, don't forget, I have only paid tuition fees for three years. snort!"

Qian Shuipin laughed and said, "My two sons and daughters have been raised for nothing, and they all recognize you as godfather. Niu Niu and Niu Niu will call you godfather in the future, especially three times on the street before letting the fake foreign devils in. .”

Niu Niu and Niu Niu barked happily, like a mangy dog ​​barking in the yard.

Li Guolou said anxiously: "Sister-in-law Qian, I'm not so old yet. I'll be ten years old after being promoted to a higher level, and I haven't married a wife yet. Who will marry me if I have children? It's absolutely impossible."

Qian Shuiping sighed: "Originally, I also wanted to let Niu Niu and Niu Niu recognize you as godfather after you got married, but Little Bell said that she would change her surname to Li, and I was afraid that she would not recognize you as a relative again. I’m about to move, so I’m going to cry with someone. There are a lot of poor relatives, and you’re the only rich relative, so it’s up to you. Although poor, the rules cannot be broken.”

When Li Guolou heard that he was a hundred heads tall, what did Zheng Lingling say here?The clever and clever Zheng Lingling teamed up with her mother Chen Xiangfang, and they trapped him in just one visit, and there was no room for maneuver in the future.Women either don’t have it, or if they do, they don’t even have to have children. The daughter surnamed Li, plus Niuniu and Niu Niu.He suddenly felt that the burden on him was heavy. He was no longer the third brother who reached out to his family for money. It was time to earn money to support the family. Li Guolou lamented that the time of youth and carefree was gone forever.

Li Guolou replied: "Sister-in-law Qian, I see that your child's birthday is just a bowl of longevity noodles. Why should I spend so much money? Now I'm short on money. Godfather will celebrate Niu Niu and Niu Niu's birthday in the future. This matter of worshiping the Xiangtang, we can still avoid it if possible."

Qian Shuiping raised his voice and said: "No! I know you have already entered the yamen as an official. You must have face, otherwise you will be stabbed in the back by the neighbors in the future. If you only know how to make money, you will not be promoted. Yes. When you become an official, you have to put gold on your face."

Li Guolou smiled wryly and said, "Sister-in-law Qian, I'm not a local, and I won't live here for a long time. Is it necessary to make it known to everyone?"

Niuniu and Niu Niu yelled together: "Yes, yes;;;;;;"

Aunt Qian laughed happily and said, "See? That's it. Hurry up and get the money out. I'll arrange it for you. Whether it's more popular or more high-end, you can tell me the number first."

It suddenly occurred to Li Guolou that he was about to pull a group of people out, and he might as well take this opportunity to get together. The money issue was a small problem for him, as long as he asked, there were many places where he could borrow money.There is a possibility that he refuses to borrow, but he has his fists in hand, and those fake foreign devils have plenty of money. Since he once spent money in the British Empire, those fake foreign devils will also be dragged onto this thief ship by him.

Li Guolou said: "Well, Miss Qian, I will book five days later. Man Hanlou, the venue is fully booked. You can reserve another [-] seats for me. I want to invite friends. Neighbors in the neighborhood will be invited by you. I will invite you." Never mind."

Qian Shuiping was blindsided, and looked at Li Guolou blankly. Is it necessary to make such a big scene?How much will it cost?

Two heads protruded from the door, Wang Kuaizui and Wang Zaizi revealed their original shapes together, and Wang Shutong pulled his son Wang Lianying away.

Wang Kuaizui walked into the room with a smile, and said: "Did the fake foreign devil reach the sky in one step? As the saying goes: one person can ascend to heaven. No matter how you say, Xiao Li, we are neighbors next door. You have a good point and you can't forget our family. The case of Weifu Bieyuan Did you solve the case? As soon as I heard that it was a case called Xiao Lizi and a fake foreign devil who solved it, I knew it was you. You must have benefited, right? The second grandma used to be one of the four famous actors in the capital. No wonder you want to solve the case if you don't come home all night. I'm right."

Li Guolou hurriedly waved his hands and said, "Wang Kuaizui must not talk nonsense. I have nothing to do with that case. I just reported to the yamen yesterday. I have never heard of the second grandma."

"Really?" Wang Kuaizui asked suspiciously, not sure in his heart, although he was well informed, he did not see it with his own eyes.Rumor has it that this murder case has spread all over the place, there is no border there, and even ghosts and gods have appeared in the case.

Just as Li Guolou's cowhide fell, someone shouted outside the door: "Is this Xiao Lizi's house?"

Landlord Wu Cuilian stood at the gate and asked, "Who are you?"

The person outside the door smiled and said, "Oh! I'm the housekeeper of the second grandma's house in Wei's house. My name is Wei Xiaoliu. Little Li hasn't left yet." After speaking, Wei Xiaoliu stuck his head into the yard first, just in time to catch Looking at Li Guolou's figure.

Li Guolou's face was flushed, and he secretly vowed that he would stop talking about such bullshit that would be exposed immediately in the future, and that he should first have the demeanor of an honest gentleman.This will be seen by Niuniu and Niu Niu, and it will set a bad example for the next generation.

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