late Qing Dynasty arrest

Chapter 413 The Cunning Ape Tarzan

The night covered the land. In the Li Mansion on the Wall Road in the British Concession, Li Guolou waved a cattail fan and enjoyed his leisure time, but he still had leisure time. He watched his family play cards. Two tables of eight grandmothers were playing cards, one table of mahjong, one Table poker is better at home, don't worry about it, and enjoy a good family life.

After watching for a while, Li Guolou sat on the sofa next to him, and looked at the "Beijing-Tianjin Times", which is a new British newspaper in the concession. , The content of this issue is full of articles praising Li Hongzhang, telling the progress made by the Qing Empire under Li Hongzhang's forging ahead, which shocked the whole world.

This is politics, and the hidden purpose is to decide who will get the large order that Li Hongzhang will sign to go abroad. Be more friendly to the Qing Dynasty, throw an olive branch to the Qing Dynasty, and the industrial equipment sold immediately went up to a higher level.

Li Guolou said loudly: "Xie Liya, you British put down your airs and said that you will increase investment in the Qing Dynasty to ensure that the interests of the British Empire in China will not be damaged."

"Haha, I'm confused." Xie Liya happily spread out the mahjong tiles, and said impatiently: "Xiaolou, what British people! Now my family is a British expatriate, my parents are also in Shanghai, and I am from Tongda University. People from the Qing Dynasty are from the Qing Dynasty, are there any foreigners here?"

"No." The grandmas replied in unison, and no one left the table.

"Hey, don't get carried away. People in the countryside hate foreigners, and foreign religions have been smeared. I'm surprised that since Emperor Kangxi, the Qing Dynasty issued an imperial decree to never pay farmers. The Qing Dynasty's exploitation of farmers is the lowest. , impose heavy taxes on merchants and collect likin, merchants should hate the government, why do rural people hate foreigners so much?" Li Guolou still had a fresh memory of the rural people who sang reactionary ballads, and he was a little puzzled.

"Xiaolou, you ask us, let's ask who to go to, and we don't go to the countryside." Chen Xiangfang is now recuperating her body, and there is only one word in her mind, "play". Play.

"Oh." Li Guolou was overjoyed, and said with a smile: "The grandma is still smart, and she said it right. It turns out that someone is preaching in the countryside, and someone is instilling hatred into the country people. Hey, his heart can be punished! Peaceful coexistence ,Not very good."

"That's because you have good conditions and can afford to support us." Xie Xiuzhu glanced at her, and even she had to explain this kind of truth, and the more she lived, the more she twitched.

"Hey, raising you is a heavy burden for me!" Li Guolou looked meaningfully at the nine beautiful women in thin clothes and short sleeves, swallowed his saliva, and suppressed his impulsive desire.

"Xiaolou, don't look at it, go back to sleep." Chen Xiangfang didn't turn her head, seeing through Li Guolou's evil thoughts.

"Oh." Li Guolou left the living room obediently, after a while of eye addiction, he stared at the clothes as thin as silkworm silk for a while, and said with a playful smile: "Nine charming grandmas, you will be back in three days. It's in my arms, I want you to take turns serving the bed."

"Understood, let me out." There is no real reason for playing cards, and with a big belly, he pushed Li Guolou out.

"Heaven! Why should I compete with the ape Tarzan!" Li Guolou was extremely annoyed, he opened his hands and confided to the sky, insisting on setting himself up as a national hero, as if being roasted in an oven. It is worthwhile to have self-knowledge. The ape Tarzan is a person who came out of the primeval forest. He is born with agility and strength. He is only 30% sure of winning.

On the mahjong table, Zhen Yuhuan sighed: "Grandma, did you see that Xiao Louhua is very cruel, and that mourner wants to come to our house next year. If this continues, the threshold will be broken by shameless women. Lou needs someone to serve you, Grandma, you have to find a way to plug the loophole."

Chen Xiangfang glanced at the next family, Bai Lian, and said: "Old Nine, did you hear that, it's a good deal for you, and I will serve Xiaolou in the future, don't let the mourning star come close to Xiaolou, I will get angry when I think of that mourning star, the worst thing in the world The woman with the face is her."

Bai Lian's status is low, and her backstage is Wu Peipei, but seeing that the eighth brother Wu Peipei didn't say a word, she seemed to agree with Chen Xiangfang's proposition, so she immediately replied: "It's grandma, I listen to you, never let shameless women come near the small building .”

At the card table next to her, Xie Liya interjected, "I can also serve Brother Xiaolou."

Chen Xiangfang squinted and said, "Fourth, don't make any trouble. Just now Xiaolou has already said that foreigners are not welcome in rural areas, so you should stay at home honestly and go to school every day to teach English to the students." class."

Xie Liya had nothing to say, and temporarily silenced the drums, Chu Xiangyu said softly: "I can also serve Brother Xiaolou, Lao Jiu, let's take turns."

Chen Xiangfang said loudly: "Both of you are fine. The foreign woman stays at home honestly. She wants to leave Daqing as soon as possible. She is old and young, so no one wants her."

"Hey hey hey." The nine grandmas laughed slyly together, each with their own calculations, their eyes were full of nostalgia, and it was not yet time to turn their faces and be ruthless.

The current situation in the French Concession is not optimistic. During the Franco-Prussian War, France signed a humiliating peace treaty with Prussia. France paid 50 billion francs in compensation. In addition to the war losses, the total loss of funds reached 200 billion francs, resulting in insufficient investment in economic development capital and ceded iron ore reserves. The abundance of Alsace and Lorraine caused a serious shortage of resources needed for economic development. In addition, before the reparations were paid, Germany occupied the six northern provinces of France, which further narrowed the domestic market. All of these greatly slowed down the French economy. The development of France made the second industrial revolution progress slowly. After entering the imperialist stage, the French industrial revolution and economic development process obviously lagged behind the United States, Germany, and Britain.

Since the first Annan Battle in the Qing Dynasty ended with the failure of the French, the French became a weak and bullied nation in the Qing Dynasty. The French tightened their belts to live, and they were also popular in the French Concession of the Qing Dynasty In the French Concession of Tianjin, the only place where there is a lot of money is the casino. The business is getting more and more prosperous. The French people who have nothing to do are crowding into the Captain Iron Hook Casino to kill their leisure time. This is just the superficial scenery, the casino The boss, the one-eyed jack, couldn't laugh. Most of the French people who came to the casino were poor and poor, and the revenue of the casino dropped sharply compared to the past.

Fortunately, the one-eyed Jack also holds a big card. The boxing match between Li Guolou and the ape Tarzan made him the object of gamblers all over the world. He pocketed millions of francs of gambling money. Guolou’s Li’s consortium has made greater contributions to the French Concession, so that the French Concession can remain prosperous. After a long talk with French Minister Luo Shuya, Jack the Cyclops made the right decision. He needs Li Guolou to win the boxing match. Let Li Guolou walk with his head held high in the French Concession in the future, flex his muscles, and increase investment in basic projects in the French Concession.

National interests are above all else, and this initiative has long been under the control of Jack the Cyclops. Back then, he controlled several boxing matches of Tarzan, and now he is doing the last curtain call performance. Who wins and who loses depends on how he chooses. .

After applying for American citizenship for Tarzan the ape, Tarzan the ape didn't have to worry about the future. He handed over the passport and a large check to Tarzan the ape. Jack the one-eyed dragon raised the red wine and said, "Mr. Tarzan is happy to cooperate."

Tarzan shook the red wine in his hand, drank it down, and said with a smile: "Mr. Jack, it's a happy cooperation. This time, let the dog with pigtails be complacent. We French can afford to lose."

"Hmph, the Prussians and the Qing people are the enemies of our French. Today's shame will be doubled by the Prussians and the Qing people in the future." The one-eyed Jack opened one eye wide, and swallowed a glass of red wine fiercely, thinking Joy Blossom, who played tricks and gambled in the name of patriotism, put Taishan in an unrighteous situation, but he was flattering on both sides, and he made friends with a dignitary in the Qing Dynasty after earning money. Li Guolou accepted His favor will be doubled back.

One-eyed Jack asked curiously: "Mr. Tarzan, does your fiancée Jenny know?"

Tarzan the Ape said meaningfully: "Mr. Jack, Jenny is a reporter, and her brain can turn a hundred times faster than mine. Even if I didn't tell her, she didn't bet on her property. This means that she has a hand in it?"

"Well, Tarzan the ape, your thinking ability is the same as that of a human being. You are an evolving ape!" Jack the Cyclops dared to play a low-level joke on his old friend Tarzan the ape.

"Hahahaha, one-eyed Jack, you are so cunning, you have calculated Mark long ago, braided dogs want face, there is no connotation!" Tarzan the ape raised his head and laughed wildly. He will leave the Qing Dynasty and go to the United States to write legends. He wrote about his life experience, the stain in the eastern country is just an unbearable episode in the ups and downs of his life.

One-eyed Jack stretched out three fingers and said, "Tarzan, three rounds, show me the truth in the three rounds, don't let people see through."

Tarzan the Ape took the check and said, "As long as this cashes, I won't be able to live with the money. Mike is still training hard. I feel sorry for him. The Qing people have no brains. Coward."

Anita, a beautiful woman with big breasts, filled three glasses of red wine and said coquettishly, "Taishan, happy cooperation."

The ape Taishan hugged him left and right, and the three beauties in the private room surrounded him, so he didn't have time to practice boxing.

One-eyed Longjie drank a gulp and left the secret private room. He still has another identity, a French spy. He hid his real identity and became a casino owner. The Qing spies he recruited, Li Guolou's every move, cannot escape his one-eyed dragon.

Li Guolou thought that Tarzan the Ape happened to be in poor health, which allowed him to win by chance, but he did not expect that the boxing match had changed, and the French for the sake of the national interest would show favor to him. Drenched in sweat, he swung his arms dripping with sweat. After more than half a month of abstinence, the effect was obvious. The bloody man fought hard in the boxing ring.

"Crack, click." Magnesium powder illuminated the boxing gym, and more than a dozen reporters from various countries kept taking pictures of "Mike Lee" shirtless. Mike was stronger than last year. No wonder the two empress dowagers of the Qing Dynasty , Empress Dowager Cixi, will hand-picked Tanhua Lang: "Mike Lee" is clearly the flower protector. More than a dozen reporters from various countries nodded in agreement with each other, and their obscene expressions contained a layer of deep meaning. The lace of tomorrow's newspaper News, there will be an explosive news...

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