late Qing Dynasty arrest

Chapter 422 Wine is the gall of a hero

At the banquet, officers with good deeds went to Xie Liya and Bai Lian to toast, and the beauty of the British women was praised by everyone. These officers were literate, understood the handshake etiquette of foreigners, and were quite active in learning Western etiquette, so they went to find Xie Liya Shake hands and even ask for a photo.

Xie Liya has long been used to being surrounded by people, sitting on a chair in a charming manner, and taking a group photo with the standing officer, which looks quite weird, like a couple taking a photo.

Li Guolou didn't think so, and still maintained his demeanor, talking and laughing happily, holding a wine glass, and frequently toasted to the admiral Yulu.

Admiral Yulu drank too much wine, rolled his tongue and said, "Master Li is so lucky! He has a Persian cat, but the smell of foreigners who drink milk is pungent. I don't know how Master Li can solve it."

Li Guolou laughed and said, "Yujunmen, it's not difficult, just take a bath and put on some perfume."

"'s just that I'm ignorant. I just don't know how Mr. Li describes the face of a Persian cat, so that we can see Tanhualang's demeanor." Yulu didn't know if he was really drunk or on purpose Ridiculous Li Guolou, speaking a little lightly.

Li Guolou is in high spirits, he has a bit of a western temper, he likes to show off his wives and concubines at home, Xie Liya is praised by others, which makes him feel quite complacent, his alcoholism is getting up, he pondered for a while, nodded and said: "Okay Well, since Yujunmen has such a taste, I will compose a poem and bring a pen, Xie Liya, Yujunmen likes the British, so you can sing an English song."

"Okay, I will sing a song from my hometown "Morning", and I hope everyone likes it." Xie Liya enjoyed the glory of the stars and the moon, and she stood up generously and sang in English that others could not understand. song.

"In the morning of early spring, look at the eastern sky before dawn, listen to the robins singing beautifully in the field, the south wind is blowing, the green grass is growing, we are the messengers to announce the spring.

At dusk in late autumn, listen to the lingering singing of robins, the cold wind is howling, and we will see you again when the wind is warm and the sun is warm.

At dusk in late autumn, watching the sunset in the western sky, listening to the lingering singing of robins on the trees, the cold wind is howling, we should go, see you again when the wind and sun are warm..."

The officers were dumbfounded when they heard this, and the corners of their mouths drooled, looking obsessed with fascination. If they couldn’t marry a British girl, it would be a good idea to substitute Andijan women. They are a nation that can sing and dance well, and that’s why they wanted to get close to Li Guolou. It means that if you can make contributions in the war-torn western Xinjiang, you can have gold, silver, jewelry, and beauties from the Western Regions in your pocket.

In a short while, Li Guolou wrote a poem with a stroke of his pen, saying, thanking the lady in a foreign land for singing and dancing:

The cheongsam is cleverly painted with crescent eyebrows, and the forehead is covered with light gauze.

The front is evenly radiant, and the waist is wrinkled slowly.

Speech is elegant and romantic, and demeanor is charming and charming.

There is even more sadness and heartbreak, stretching your throat and singing the song of looking after your husband.

Master Fan Dahui was greatly impressed, and applauded: "Master Li, I admire you the most. The talent of singing the wind and singing the moon has already surpassed the skill of Tan Laoer. Let's see how those people in the Imperial Academy evaluate this poem."

Those military officers who chanted this poem knew that Li Guolou had written a good poem. At first glance, it was a masterpiece of a master who stole incense and jade, with the charm of Liu Yong's poems in it. The girl didn't let go of the movies, she said she admired her, but her eyes were burning with jealousy for Li Guolou's demeanor.

The flesh on Guan Dai Xun Xi's face was throbbing, and he said with a smirk: "Master Li, if I can go to the western Xinjiang to make contributions, I will be able to fight for a fortune. What can I do if I guard the fortress? Khotan jade is the supreme treasure of a man." !"

Li Guolou glanced at him and said, "Xun Guandai, Hetian Meiyu also doesn't like to take a bath, can you bear it?"

Guan Dai Xun Xi laughed, and waved boldly: "As long as Yu Junmen can bear it, there is no reason for me to dislike it. The smell of sheep has an exotic flavor."

The officer in the living room burst out laughing. Admiral Yulu didn't blame his subordinates for being rude. The army is full of such rough men. If you don't show your guy to speak, you are not a soldier.

Yulu's third wife squeezed Li Guolou out with her buttocks, and took the poem in her hand, Jiao Didi said: "Master Li's handwriting is quite beautiful, this poem is in my family's collection. , hurry up to "Zhenbaoxuan" to get a picture to pair with, do you think it's good!"

"Okay." Li Guolou quickly walked back to the dining table, drinking with the big boss. The horrible woman abandoned her family and husband for him and committed a murder case. He even suspected that Xie Yunfang murdered her husband Wanshoulu. This mystery, He should never know the answer.

Admiral Yulu nodded approvingly to his third wife. He should blackmail Li Guolou once, help Li Guolou on business, and lend thirty artillery instructors from Xinwutang. Of course, he will also benefit personally. One painting is worth thousands of dollars. The two ancient paintings, the way of equal exchange, reached a deal tacitly.

Li Guolou was drunk, and was supported by his personal guards before returning to the bedroom. Bai Lian changed his underwear, washed his face, and wiped his body. Willing to do this kind of work.

"Hey, I thought you were good at it?" Xie Liya was a little angry and had no place to vent her anger. Seeing Li Guolou sleeping like a dead pig, she could only hug him and kiss him fiercely, leaning tightly beside him.

The night is deep, and the coldness of Dagukou in September is strong. There are waves of howling sea breeze, and there are waves of barking dogs in the barracks. The patrolling officers and soldiers, holding hounds, guard the sea of ​​the motherland.

"No." Xie Liya hesitated, annoyed that Li Guolou tore her pajamas, what are you doing in the middle of the night.

"Honey, do you want it or not?" Li Guolou kept kneading Xie Liya's emotional part with both hands, wanting to kiss her little mouth.

"Well...then come on, Bai Lian lights up the oil lamp, I want to watch my husband." Xie Liya was aroused and touched Li Guolou's buttocks, feeling throbbing. At the end, she couldn't do without this man.

"Brother Xiaolou, I want you too." Bai Lian rubbed Li Guolou's face with her soft body.

"Wine is the courage of a hero. I am invincible tonight, hehehehe." Li Guolou stood proudly and boasted.

Xie Liya gasped, "Xiaolou, I want a son."

Bai Lian said tenderly: "Brother Xiaolou, I want a son too."

"Hey, there are all babies." Li Guolou was too busy, greedy for beauty, pressed the most beautiful woman under his body, and ravaged to his heart's content.

The oil lamp flickered slightly, the dim light reflected the curtain, three naked bodies, weird twists, delicate voices were covered by the wind, the beautiful picture made people want to stop...

The next day, the officers and students of Xinwutang were divided into five groups to visit the Dagukou Barracks. Li Guolou watched various military facilities with great interest.

He is not interested in the Hongyi cannon, this kind of bulky cannon can already be eliminated, but to watch the imported small cannon.

The Francophone uses a spiral iron handle to adjust the angle, and has a four-wheeled gun mount. It is easy to carry and is the main cannon for the army.

The tiger squatting gun fires shotguns, with a lethality of only forty or fifty paces, which is the last barrier to protect the artillery positions.

Compared with iron cannons, brass or bronze cannons require much less cooling time, and have the best performance when dissipated. However, considering the cost, the army's configuration is still dominated by iron cannons.

In the Dagukou barracks, every ten Hongyi cannons are in charge of one cannon, and every ten cannons are the basic salvo units. There are five observers and equipped with gun mirrors. The 64 Hongyi cannons are divided into two parts. There are two thousand generals, one thousand general headquarters, one has 1000 people, and two thousand generals are in charge of Hongyi Cannon, with a total of 2000 people.

For the Big Buddha Langji, every five people are in charge of a cannon, and there is a general, and there is a general headquarters; for the Zhongfolangji, Xiaofulangji, etc., every three people are responsible for a cannon, and there is always a general headquarters. , Counting each sentry, there are 200 people.

There is an artillery battalion with a lot of ammunition vehicles, which are specially used to transport ammunition, donkeys and horses. There are nearly 500 people including servants and long-term followers, half of whom are servants hired by officers, which belong to cheap labor.

Regardless of the supply department or the battalion department, there are many artillery apprentices. They learn all kinds of artillery knowledge and actual combat in the training camp and artillery battalion. They learn and practice on the training ground for more than [-] days. Cannonballs are qualified to be artillerymen. If you can't even move the cannonballs, you can retire. Therefore, the officers and soldiers in Dagukou are all in good health, and they dare not slack off in practicing martial arts.

There are products that have been actually researched on square wares and round gun gauges, as well as imported Western goods. There are also special documents to record the shooting range and ammunition consumption at different elevation angles. Gunners and gunners must memorize them by heart. In the assessment of the skills of artillery battalion sergeants, the difference between upper-ranking officers and lower-ranking officers lies in this. This is related to income and official rank, so artillerymen are willing to study hard to become excellent gunners.

The art of observing and aiming the Hongyi cannon is a secret skill of the military. The Qing army mainly taught the children of the Manchus, and the army did not pass it on. He is also the envied "Prince Soldier".

Dagukou Artillery practiced a lot of live ammunition and constantly corrected mistakes. They also have gun scopes and binoculars. Gunners emerge in endlessly. Skilled gunners rely on visual inspection to hit targets without the aid of measuring instruments. Only such gunners are recognized as master gunners here.

The priming cotton cloth powder always leaves unburnt residue and soot in the gun bore, you need to use a wet mop to clean the gun bore, otherwise the gun bore is overheated, or if there is a little spark, it will cause the gunpowder to spontaneously ignite and cause the iron gun to cool down for too long , this problem is a bottleneck in the development of cannons, like Hongyi cannons, when firing a cannon, you need to clean up the residue, soot and heat dissipation in the inner chamber, and fire it in one round every three quarters of an hour, otherwise there is a danger of exploding the chamber. The range of the cannonball is shortened, and the locked target cannot be fired.

In this way, we can only work hard on the charge bag. As long as the combustion is sufficient, the barrel will not be overheated, which can greatly speed up the reloading process. The advanced cotton cloth charge bag is made of silk, so that the charge cotton cloth charge bag can be fully burned. There is less residual material in the barrel. The so-called "heartbeat" when the cannon is fired. A qualified artilleryman trained in the army is fed with silver. Those corrupt Qing troops are reluctant to fire. It has become a decoration, and when it is time to use it, you can't blame them for not being able to hit the target.

For the Qing Dynasty, Dagukou was an important town to defend the royal family. The emperor sitting in the dragon chair in the capital always thought about whether Dagukou was safe or not. Therefore, the best soldiers of the Eight Banners of the Manchus were stationed here. Guan Gong's "loyalty" In 1860, when the British and French allied forces attacked Dagukou, Admiral Shi Rongchun led his troops to defend the fort and fought fiercely with the British army. Most of the patriotic officers and soldiers died heroically, and Admiral Shi Rongchun also committed suicide. In the defense battle of Gukou, the defenders of the Qing Dynasty killed the family members, wives, and children accompanying the army. Even the British and French allied forces were amazed by the tragedy.

Therefore, Li Guolou wanted to second the artillery officers here, the essence of the soldiers of the Eight Banners, which remained in the Dagukou Fort. The soldiers here have a proud history and painful experiences, but they maintain a good combat system. It is commendable in the garrisons everywhere,

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