late Qing Dynasty arrest

Chapter 424 Little Japan Makes an Assassination Plan


Li Guolou led fifteen Goshhas under his command and left the Dagukou Fortress. Nearly a hundred instructors and students from the Xinwu Hall had to study in Dagukou for a period of time. The sign of silence did not sound the gong to clear the way, and even the yellow dragon banner of the imperial envoy was gathered up, and it was not placed on the carriage, but there were only three carriages, two of which contained personal belongings, some of which were belongings of his subordinates, and Admiral Yulu gave him some seafood, scallops, and tea. 【Baidu search member login】

Li Guolou has inherited the courtesy and reciprocity in the officialdom, and he will not accept any expensive gifts from local officials, but he will still accept food such as souvenirs, as long as they are not precious food, it is human nature Still abide by it, if the water is clear, there will be no fish, and you can't live up to the wishes of your colleagues.

Four horses pull a carriage, a coachman, and a guard. Three carriages are six Goshhas, and the other nine Goshhas are riding tall horses. There are three empty saddle horses behind, a total of nine war horses, which are used alternately.

Li Guolou, Xie Liya, and Bai Lian sat in a carriage, lying on a soft couch, hugging each other comfortably. The exhaustion of the journey made them a little lazy, and they hoped to return to the government office in Tianjin City as soon as possible. Now Li Guolou is As an imperial envoy, he can't even return home. Even if he returns to Beijing, he must first live in Xianliang Temple, meet the emperor, and return home only after he is on business.

Li Guolou put his arms around the two beautiful girls, opened his mouth, a candied fruit entered his mouth, chewed the sour and sweet snacks, and said with a smile: "It's a lot easier to have you two serving me. Want to ride a horse and eat ashes?"

Xie Liya gave Li Guolou a kiss, and said with a smile: "My husband has worked so hard, of course we both have to take good care of you."

Bai Lian was still dissatisfied, she glanced and said: "There is no imperial envoy like you in the world, and you don't care about pomp at all, no wonder those soldiers and ruffians are not afraid of you, you are powerful only with dignity, even the imperial envoys in dramas know how to sway? "

Li Guolou touched his chin, laughed and said, "The imperial envoys in the drama all have three strands of beard. Your husband hasn't grown a beard yet? I'm the only person in the world who doesn't rely on cuteness to achieve my position. Let me Putting on airs in front of dozens of people, I still can't get rid of this face."

The carriage shook, and Bai Lian fell into Li Guolou's arms, and said shyly, "Brother Xiaolou is necrotic, and he is making fun of me for sending him to the door automatically. I will ignore you."

Li Guolou squeezed Bailian's small face, and said lewdly: "Grandma Ninth is the thickest-skinned, and we take a bath together at night."

The three of them were flirting and flirting in the carriage, killing the time of the journey, not expecting that a death trap was waiting for them, someone was going to put Li Guolou to death, and it was someone who had never had any grievances with Li Guolou.

All of this is the result of the sudden birth of Li Guolou, the establishment of the modernization and restructuring of the Qing Dynasty, and the modernization of the Qing Empire.

This starts with Japan, a neighbor of the Qing Empire with a narrow strip of water. In December 1871, more than 12 Ryukyu people encountered a typhoon by boat and drifted to southern Taiwan. return home.

In 1872, Japan coerced Ryukyu to become its "inner vassal": "canonized" Shang Tai as the Ryukyu vassal king, and Japan used the killing of Ryukyu drifters in Taiwan as an excuse. With the assistance of Li Xiande, he immediately attacked the Qing government and lodged a strong protest against the Qing government.

In November 1873, the Japanese government sent Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs Shima Tanetomi to China, and his entourage Maemitsu Yanagihara went to the Prime Minister’s Office of the Qing government to inquire about the murder of Ryukyu drifters. Under the guise of exchanging the “Repair Regulations” between China and Japan, they spied on the Qing court. Regarding the false and true understanding of Taiwan's sovereignty, the deputy envoy Liu Yuan Maeguang deceived the Prime Minister's Office Minister Mao Changxi to understand the concept of modern Western sovereignty. He earned the words "becoming a foreigner and making it difficult to govern poorly" in his words, so he misinterpreted the "fan society" in eastern Taiwan Not owned by China.

The Qing Dynasty complacently dug a hole for itself without knowing it. The excuse for Japan's invasion of Taiwan was "Fandi has no owner". "No owner" is not Chinese territory, so Japan can claim it.

This is indeed a sophistry, but the Japanese government’s sophistry has a historical origin that can be traced back to February 1867, when the American merchant ship "Pirate" was wrecked off the east coast of Taiwan, and the people who landed were killed by local "students". The American Consul in Xiamen, Charles Lissander, approached the Yamen of the Governor of Fujian and Zhejiang to negotiate. In order to evade responsibility, the local officials of the Qing court put forward the statement that the local natives were "not returned to the king".

Li Xiande could not accept the evasive words of the local officials of the Qing court, and blamed: "Over the past 200 years, the Chinese people's activities in Taiwan have gradually expanded from the west bank to the east coast in conjunction with the Chinese government's administrative power in Taiwan. The government has never recognized that Shengpan has the sovereignty over the land where they currently live. Residents on the West Bank often buy products from the Shengpan area, and the camphor produced in the Shengpan area has become a monopoly of the Taiwan government, and outsiders are not allowed to freely purchase and export. Violators will be severely punished, and the so-called statement that the Shengfan area is not under the jurisdiction of China is really groundless."

Liu Mingdeng, the commander-in-chief of Fujian Taiwan Town, and Wu Dating, a Taoist and political scholar in Fujian Province, who directly negotiated with Li Xiande, stated at the beginning of their memorial to the imperial court on this matter: "The land of raw birds is like a bird, the intestines of a bird, and the deep forest is dense. , Since there are few people in the world, and the territory has not been collected, our dynasty has established a ban on native cattle and strict prevention of entry and exit, so it is cruel and life-threatening, and the intention is far-reaching."

These local officials, who were deeply influenced by the traditional Chinese view of the world but knew nothing about the concept of territorial sovereignty in the modern world, smugly thought that they had found an excellent reason to shirk responsibility for the incident.

So in the memorial, he thought wishfully: "Specifically, people are not Chinese, and the land is not in the interior, and they must overcome all difficulties, and foreigners should forgive them."

This kind of classification and governance of compiling people, cooked fans, and raw fans, as well as the derived political discourse system of "huawai" and "huain", are all based on the extent and boundaries of enlightenment etiquette Therefore, in the view of the Qing court, it is not inappropriate to describe the "Fandi" in eastern Taiwan as "unreturned to the king" or "born outside the country", and it can be regarded as a successful negotiation worth learning from. .

The American Consul Li Xiande couldn't forgive him. He couldn't understand the world view of the officials of the Qing court, so he could only interpret the non-return of Fandi as the sophistry of the local officials of the Qing court: "Fandi is not Chinese territory, so China killed the American sailors against the Fandi Irresponsible".

In Li Xiande's view, this way of shirking responsibility is simply unreasonable.

Japan, with ulterior motives, played with the Qing court’s outdated view of the world. This was exactly the response the Japanese hoped for from the Qing court. Taiwan’s local officials did not realize that this was related to China’s territorial sovereignty in eastern Taiwan.

It wasn't until May that the Qing court realized Japan's true intentions. The Japanese army's "Fan" commander Xixiang Congdao sent a note to send troops to Taiwan to Li Henian, governor of Fujian and Zhejiang. Li Henian unexpectedly received a strong counterattack from Li.

After May 5th, Li sent a series of notes to Xixiang Congdao, saying: "The headquarters has investigated the whole of Taiwan, and it has been part of our territory for a long time. Although the aborigines are different from each other, they have been eating hair and practicing the soil for more than two hundred years... ·································································································································· The territory of China, which belongs to China, shall be governed by Chinese laws, and shall not be allowed to be conspired by other countries. This is a note from the Japanese Lieutenant General to kill the refugees who were born in Taiwan. The murderer, as a sign of punishment, has repeatedly acted violently and killed innocent people in his life. Even according to the laws of China, he must be punished. However, the whole of Taiwan belongs to China, and the Japanese government has not agreed with the prime minister's office. How to deal with it, just follow the order and lead the troops to go forward, which is not only against the public law of the world, but also inconsistent with the first and second clauses of the peace treaty exchanged in the tenth year of Tongzhi."

Li Henian's sudden tough attitude was due to the points raised by the Western countries to the Qing court: first, the British ambassador to China Wade Wade wrote a letter to the Zongli Yamen on April 4, informing the Qing court of Japan's dispatch of troops to Taiwan, and asked in the letter "Sheng Whether the place where the Taiwanese live is included in the territory of China"; Later, the British and French envoys and the chief tax officer Hurd also went to the Prime Minister's Office successively to ask whether the place where the Taiwanese lived was Chinese territory.

What is especially important is that the British informed China through the envoys to China of the information received from the British ambassador to Japan Parker: "According to the opinion of the East, the island of Taiwan is not part of the territory of China from a certain place in Dinan."

Wade emphasized that the Qing government's recognition of Taiwan's sovereignty over Taiwan is closely related to Britain's diplomatic attitude towards this matter. If China believes that Taiwan does not belong to China's territory, the British government will not impose any restrictions on the British people's assistance to Japan in sending troops to Taiwan; The Qing court determined that Taiwan belonged to China, so the British government would explicitly prohibit the British people from participating in the Japanese military dispatch to Taiwan. The opinions held by France and the United States were roughly similar to those of the United Kingdom.

For this reason, the Qing court issued an edict on May 5, declaring: "The Shengfan area is originally under the jurisdiction of China, and Japan should not be allowed to spy on it."

He also sent Shen Baozhen to lead the steamship army to inspect the Shengfan area in Taiwan under the pretext of patrolling: "Keep your eyes on the ground and prepare with the camera." China, France, and the United States also sent notes to the Qing court, expressing their disapproval of Japan's actions.

However, Li Henian is obviously still not very clear about what territorial sovereignty is. In a later memorial, he returned to the old tune of "Fandi does not belong to the boundary" in the view of the world: "Only thinking about border conflicts is easy to open and not easy to eliminate. Fandi's hinterland, after all, There is a difference. If the Japanese soldiers invade the hinterland of Taiwan, they should be the governors and encourage the corps to join forces to block and suppress them. If they only use the name of killing Ryukyu refugees to avenge the Shengfan, it should be based on the theory of the contract, and the crime will not be announced in a hurry. Discuss, so as not to provoke yourself."

This distinction between "Fandi" and "hinterland" is inevitably misinterpreted by Japan as Fandi has no owner. Therefore, the Prime Minister's Office issued an edict again on June 6, sternly emphasizing: "Although Fandi is in a barren state, it is still part of the Chinese territory." If it harms the Japanese refugees, it should be handled equally by China. Why did Japan suddenly raise its troops and invade the country? Contempt, covetousness, quarrels cannot be opened, and the system must not be lost. The supervisor should only follow the contract theory, prevent the order to return to the army, and make peace with Dun, and not allow the land to be different from the hinterland, and let it do whatever it wants."

The concepts of "Fandi" and "hinterland" in the world view must be subordinated to the territorial sovereignty under the world view. This is the clearest statement by the Qing court that Taiwan is Chinese territory, and it played the most critical role in defeating the Japanese invasion of Taiwan.

The matter finally got to the Prime Minister’s Office. After the meeting, the Prime Minister’s Office did not deny the wording of the negotiations in Fujian and Zhejiang, but at the same time instructed relevant officials in Fujian and Zhejiang in a secret letter, specifically emphasizing the issue of the territory of Taiwan’s Shengfan area: “Tell Yisheng Although it cannot be brought under the law, its territory is the ground of the Qing Dynasty. Discussing with the consul of that country should not reveal the theory that it is not a Chinese territory, so that foreigners will feel it."

In the political discourse system of Zongli Yamen: 1. Taiwan's "Shengfan" area belongs to the territory of the Qing Dynasty, and it is undoubtedly the territory of the Qing Dynasty.

2. "Shengfan" has not belonged to "Wanghua", and Chinese law cannot govern "Shengfan". The two can coexist without conflicting. The latter is not a negation of the former, and the former is similar to the territorial sovereignty declaration of the modern West , the latter is based on the traditional Chinese view of the world.

In the traditional view of the world system, the general principle is that the whole world is under the heavens, could it be the land of the king? The central dynasties of the past dynasties regarded themselves as the center of civilization, radiating from the center, and there were different levels according to the degree of civilization.

Included in order: Fan, Miao, Yi and local chieftains who lived in their land and guarded the frontier for the country;

Four descendants of vassals guarding the gate and paying tribute;

Outside the feudal vassals, there is an unknown land. The classic description is: the Qing Dynasty resides in the world, and the four barbarians live in the side of the world. There is no specific boundary of territorial sovereignty in this "view of the world", everything depends on the degree of "civilization".

Liuyuan Maemitsu pointed out: "In the land of Taiwan in your country, your country only governs half of the island. In the land of Tufan in the east, your country has not exercised power at all, and the Fan people still maintain an independent state. The winter of the year before last, the people of our country He drifted to this place and was plundered and killed by him, so our government will send envoys to question him."

Mao Changxi, Minister of the Prime Minister's Yamen, replied: "Fanmin killed the Ryu people. After hearing about it, I belong to the two islands of the husband and I belong to the soil. The people who belong to the soil will kill each other. The verdict is on me. I sympathize with the Ryukyu people and take my own measures. What's the plan?" I'm bothered to ask about your country's affairs."

Yanagihara Maemitsu argued that Ryukyu was already part of Japan, and the Qing government should punish Fanmin who killed Ryukyu people.

Mao Changxi said: "The murderers are all born, so let's put them aside, and they will not accept Wang Hua."

Liuyuan Qianguang said: "Students harm people, your country will not rule, but I will question the people of the island."

The Qing government ignored Japan's protests for a simple reason. Both Ryukyu and Taiwan were vassal states of the Qing Dynasty, so there was no need for Japan to make irresponsible remarks.

But Japan has nothing to gain, so it holds a grudge and wants revenge. The Japanese cabinet has formulated a plan to invade Taiwan. Shang Bi bought two cruisers built by the United Kingdom two years ago and established a modern navy. Japan is preparing its troops and keeping a low profile. At the moment when the Yang strategy deceived the Qing Empire, the Qing Dynasty suddenly turned out to be a financial minister Li Guolou, who tried his best to build the Qing Empire with new ideas. This frightened the Japanese cabinet. Under the plan of Yanagihara Maemitsu, an assassination The action of the imperial envoy Li Guolou has started quietly.

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