late Qing Dynasty arrest

Chapter 434 Unsteady Personality

Every autumn, the Emperor Tongzhi hunted in Rehe. He also had to meet the princes, nobles and religious leaders of various ethnic groups, and give some rewards to the envoys of the vassal states. In previous years, the two empress dowagers came forward. That's enough, this year he will be in charge of the government and do everything by himself. He has to meet princes and nobles who come from afar every day, and he has to have fun at night. He has worked hard for more than a month before returning to the capital.

Now that he has returned to the capital, Li Guolou's case can no longer be delayed, and the necessary punishment is still needed. Tongzhi Emperor Zai Chun sat on the dragon chair in the upper study room, watched the scriptures for punishing Li Guolou drawn up by the Prime Minister's Office, and went down. Prince Gong Yixin sat on the porcelain stool, Li Hongzao and Weng Tonghe sat on the wooden stool.

Regarding the case of imperial envoy Li Guolou dispatching officers and soldiers to destroy the Japanese Black Dragon Association in Tianjin without requesting an order, the Prime Minister’s Office wrote a detailed case and severely condemned Li Guolou in the wording. The final verdict was The flower feathers were pulled out, the official rank was demoted to the second level, and it was handed over to the household department for atonement of 5 taels of silver. He was still a fourth-rank civil official, and Li Guolou was asked to transport a batch of military supplies to Lanzhou as an escort. Distressed, he was exiled and dispatched to Lanzhou for three years.

This proposal was made after several changes before the punishment of Li Guolou was finalized. The two empress dowagers were quite moved by Li Guolou's contribution to the Qing Dynasty. In the coming year, the imperial court will make Li Guolou a baron, but he did not expect to give him a gold medal arrow, causing him to cause international disputes, killing without trial the members of the Japanese Black Dragon Association protected by the Qing government, and opening a very unscrupulous case. The good international precedent has filled foreigners with righteous indignation, and they all want to stand up for the Japanese Black Dragon Association and seek legal justice.

The Emperor Tongzhi drew a pen on the paper, ticked a red circle, closed the book, and said angrily: "As an imperial envoy, Li Guolou didn't want to solve the court's worries, so he did such an outrageous thing. It is disrespectful, and the court will lose face in front of foreigners, I want to enforce the family law, so that I can punish this slave."

Li Guolou's status is somewhat special. He has raised the flag to join the Manchus. He is a Manchu with a yellow flag. He is not only an important official of the court, but also a domestic slave of the Tongzhi Emperor. One set is the Eight Banners system. Sometimes the laws of the Qing Dynasty and the Eight Banners system conflict and go against each other. The coexistence of the two systems has caused many unclear things. The slaves have the power to live and kill, and they can be punished by lynching.

Li Guolou is protected by the Empress Dowager Cixi and Ci'an. Everyone knows that there will be no serious problems. Letting Li Guolou go to Lanzhou for three years is also a deceitful move. After a while, Li Guolou will be allowed to return. In the imperial court, Emperor Tongzhi served the family according to the family law, and he also slightly punished the minor precepts. Prince Gong Yixin took the lead and expressed his attitude: "The emperor is holy, Li Guolou, as an important minister of the court, does not want to serve the country, and uses his own selfishness to harm the pirates. It's really disrespectful, but I really can't see it. Why did the Japanese government send people to protest? Members of the Black Dragon Society will be executed or imprisoned in Japan. They belong to illegal organizations. Similarly, it should have been killed long ago, and the Japanese government should applaud the Black Dragon Society for the Japanese government by our Daqing."

Hearing that Prince Gong Yixin called the Japanese Japanese pirates, Emperor Tongzhi not only smiled, but immediately tensed his face, and said solemnly: "Emperor Meiji took the wrong medicine and always troubled our Celestial Dynasty. Last time it was about the Ryukyu vassal state. This time It's about the Black Dragon Society, how dare a small country run rampant, let's see how I deal with them in the future."

With the help of a group of good ministers who planned state affairs for Emperor Tongzhi, Emperor Tongzhi seemed to be a powerful and strategic monarch, looking down on the people in all directions. In the future, he would also learn from the emperor Kangxi, the emperor, to fight in all directions to expand the territory of the Qing Dynasty and re-classify Ryukyu into the Qing Dynasty. In the middle of the map, at this moment he suddenly remembered the benefits of Li Guolou. He cannot do without Li Guolou, a financial expert, and the reform of the Qing Dynasty also required Li Guolou's advice. I hope that this time the killer will let the "dog slave" learn a lesson , If there is a next time, I will never let you down.

After several long conversations with Li Guolou, Weng Tonghe gained a new understanding of Japan's actions, and immediately said: "Your Majesty, Japan is also keeping a low profile. It has purchased two British cruisers and sold many foreign ships. Guns and foreign guns are also building a modern army. They have the ambition to annex Ryukyu, a vassal state. Emperor Meiji sent troops to Ryukyu to steal our vassal state from the Qing Dynasty. Now he canonize Shang Tai as the Ryukyu vassal king. In the future, Ryukyu will be annexed and become Japan. The land of the Qing Dynasty, the next country of the Qing Dynasty, North Korea, is Japan's next target. Toyotomi Hideyoshi's plan to expedition to East Asia has now been revived. The powers that covet the Qing Dynasty's territory, apart from Russia, Japan is the most dangerous neighbor. Japan and Russia is of the same line, they all want permanent land, unlike Britain and Prussia who have a piece of land in their concessions, they will give it back to us in a few decades, or 100 years. To deal with Japan, we must learn from the previous dynasty, and we must beat them. , If you indulge the Japanese pirates, there will be endless troubles, so there is still a positive side to dealing with the Japanese pirates like Li Guolou, and you will be punished by thunder and wrath if you offend the Qing Dynasty."

Prince Gong Yixin and Li Hongzao were on the sidelines, nodding frequently to express their agreement. This is also the main reason why Li Guolou did not lose the trust of the court. A targeted approach can be effective in critical moments. The Black Dragon will hide so many arms in Tianjin with ulterior motives. , in the Qing Dynasty, the conspiracy should be wiped out. As for the methods used by Li Guolou are too extreme, it can be used as a warning, and the next one is not an example.

Emperor Tongzhi showed the stability of a young and mature man, his thin and fair face could not see emotions, and said slowly: "Well, when Li Hongzhang comes back from his overseas inspection, he will bring back a batch of advanced Western facilities and build a batch of advanced factories. After ten years of striving to catch up, I believe that a strong Qing Dynasty is just around the corner, and it is better to be a mature and prudent person. Li Guolou lacks a bit of a stable character, so I have to bear the consequences for him. A person who does not know how to advance or retreat is not enough to take on great responsibilities .”

The three important court officials looked at the Tongzhi emperor on the dragon chair, and they dared not agree with each other. It seemed that Li Guolou had a lot of errands. Li Guolou's position is still reserved for Li Guolou. He doesn't look like a person who can't bear the great responsibility. I don't know what Emperor Tongzhi thinks in his heart. He imprisoned Li Guolou for more than a month and sent him to the northwest wind.

As Li Guolou's mentor, Li Hongzao was also implicated when his students made mistakes. It’s not good, it’s better to abolish Li Guolou’s several official posts this time, so that he can concentrate on his work and avoid mistakes.”

Weng Tonghe was in a hurry. Only Li Guolou could hold the position of chief academic officer of the Xinwutang, so he could restrain Li Hongzhang from encroaching on his influence in the army. , entered Tianjin City overnight, acted resolutely, and eliminated a malignant tumor in the Qing Dynasty. Although the killing was too heavy during the operation, he managed to wipe out the resisting Japanese pirates with one blow. Things have been done well, the officers and students of the Xinwutang have been tempered, and the position of chief academic officer of the Xinwutang is irrevocable."

"Well, I got it." Emperor Tongzhi groaned in his heart. Li Guolou had to come forward to earn money back from the empress dowagers of the two palaces. He didn't want to allocate money from the Ministry of Internal Affairs to the Longevity Hill project.

Prince Gong Yixin is also in a hurry. Only Li Guolou, the chief academic officer of Qingzhong University, can build the first Western-style university in the Qing Dynasty. Although this project is nominally allocated by the imperial court, it is also supervised by Prince Qing Yikuang. , but who is Prince Qing Yikuang, wouldn't he know?The insatiable Prince Qing would not stop unless the funds allocated by the imperial court for the construction of Qingzhong University were emptied. He did not want Qingzhong University to be built as an unfinished building, and only Li Guolou could support the overall situation.

Prince Gong hurriedly stood up and said, "Your Majesty, only Li Guolou can do all the preparations well for the post of Chief Academic Officer of Tsingzhong University. Prince Qing also mentioned many times that Li Guolou is good at organizing and coordinating all aspects The relationship between the two sides is very important. The position of Chief Academic Officer of Tsingzhong University is irrevocable. This position is too important and needs to be reserved for Li Guolou. The minister will protect Li Guolou with the throne. In two years, a brand new Tsingzhong University will be built. , If Li Guolou is abolished, the 30 taels of silver that the imperial court invested in Qingzhong University in advance will be considered as free, and the additional money will have to be doubled at least, and it may be even more."

"Really?" Emperor Tongzhi couldn't say clearly that the royal family always wanted a piece of the pie. He had already learned this truth from various profiteering industries such as mining, ginseng, and fur. The industries that the former emperor rewarded several princes have become family The inheritance, even if he wanted to take it back, it would become a fantasy. After thinking it over carefully, he said dryly: "Well, it's Prince Gong's old minister who seeks the country. I understand. Sit down and talk to Prince Gong slowly."

Prince Gong sat down relaxedly, his fear finally subsided, Emperor Tongzhi pondered for a moment, and said: "The post of supervising the Wanshou Mountain project and minister in the study room is still reserved for Li Guolou. It’s better to be exempted, as for the third-class bodyguard position, I think it’s reserved for him, without the rank of military officer, those Qiuba will turn upside down, it’s convenient to go out.”

"The emperor is wise, and I have no objection." Li Hongzao successfully completed his mission and suffered. Let him say that the person next to him who took advantage of Li Guolou can separate the relationship, but he did not expect that Li Guolou capsized this time. When people fall into trouble, all the court halls are sealed, and the quiet scene makes people forget Li Guolou. Money can make ghosts turn the clock back. There is only Li Guolou in the Qing Dynasty.

Emperor Tongzhi said, "Weng Tonghe, what is Li Guolou doing at home recently?"

Weng Tonghe often went to Li Guolou's house to familiarize himself with the situation, and hurriedly replied: "My Majesty, Li Guolou reads books every day, learns the theories of sages, uses benevolence, justice and moral articles to improve his character and recuperate, and regrets that he has failed the emperor's trust and entrustment. I reflect on my actions every day."

Emperor Tongzhi sat for too long, his legs and feet were numb, he stood up and walked back and forth, here he does not need to be as formal as the Hall of Mental Cultivation, he can discuss with his courtiers casually, and said: "Well... I see When Li Guolou writes articles, he will have a big head. For a while, he will write in vernacular, and then he will turn back to a knowledgeable scholar. !"

"What the emperor said, I also thought that Li Guolou needed to hone it a little bit more. For the children of this kind of aristocratic family, they are used to enjoying it since they were young. They never know the sufferings of the people. Li Guolou should let Li Guolou went to the northwest border to suffer a little bit, so he will be stable in the future." Prince Gong Yixuan seemed to know the sufferings of the people, and he spoke from the standpoint of the common people in the world. With more trust, he slowly turned back to the daring Prince Gong in the past, and the drunken life of singing and dancing at night finally came to an end.

Emperor Tongzhi felt relieved, the Qing Empire was developing in a positive direction, and the country's great cause was booming. Although the Tianjin Black Dragon Association case affected the Qing Empire's international reputation and corrupted the court's principles, Westerners criticized the Qing Empire for having no human rights. But the Qing Dynasty was not allowed to cede the land for compensation, and even the Japanese government only protested and did not ask for compensation. This time, the imperial court only needs to push Li Guolou to punish them, and they can calm things down, so the Emperor Tongzhi can still laugh, and the little Japan is bored. Unfortunately, I dare not even talk about the compensation, because I am afraid that the Qing government will expel the Japanese migrant workers, and the matter of the vassal state Ryukyu will not end. Soil, he has been under the sword since he was a child.

Emperor Tongzhi seemed to see an endless Beiyang navy firing at two Japanese ironclad ships in the turbulent waves. Countless yellow dragon flags were waving in the wind, and the people standing on the deck of the ship were commanding. It is his most admired important minister, Li Guolou, the national hero of the Qing Dynasty, is standing on the deck of a tall and majestic iron-clad ship. Who can guess the emperor's art, and the Emperor Tongzhi is very happy. The righteous act of the Tianjin Black Dragon Society, killing the inexhaustible Japanese pirates, has actually bullied the Heavenly Dynasty. When the power reaches the sky, he will fight in all directions, drive the Western powers out of the Qing territory, and return my great rivers and mountains, and restore me. Eight Banners spirit,

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