late Qing Dynasty arrest

Chapter 447 Eight Knives at Caishikou

The execution of the Qing Dynasty was executed after the autumn, so on the night before the winter solstice, a large group of criminals who stole the money from the bank account of Wanjia were sent to Caishikou Execution Ground. .

The more popular "eight knife punishment" execution in the Qing Dynasty, the so-called "eight knife punishment" means that the executioner uses a basket of numbered sharp knives to divide people: the first knife cuts the chest (starting from the left side, the following The same goes for other parts); second cut, biceps; third cut, thigh; fourth and fifth cuts, arm to elbow; sixth and seventh cuts, calf to knee; eighth Knife, owl head.The dismembered remains of the corpses were placed in baskets, and the heads were publicly displayed for an indefinite period.In addition, there are "sixteen knives", "32 knives" and "360 knives", the more the number of knives, the closer to the authentic Lingchi.

This day was the busiest day in the capital, and foreigners flocked here to watch the legendary Eight Swords Punishment.This is why Caishikou was famous in the Qing Dynasty. The criminals in many places were escorted to the capital and executed at Caishikou.

Bao Yitong is red-faced and has a successful career. Yesenia has just given birth to a fat son for him, and he has finally become a father. He is refreshed on happy occasions, and sits majestically on a high platform. There is also a bamboo stick of a criminal, and an inkstone, the ink inside is red, and the red ink is used to hook the criminal, and the bloody red is used to kill the bright world and return the Qing Dynasty to a peaceful world.Waiting for the time of execution at [-]:[-] noon, the surrounding area is heavily guarded with swords and guns, in case there are mobs robbing the execution ground.The autumn wind is bleak, and gusts of cold wind bring wild sand, making people unable to open their eyes.

The deputy supervisor is Rong Lu, with a serious face, no smile, a long square face with a murderous look, like a gentleman, with all kinds of senses in his heart, full of resentment.Today, Emperor Tongzhi personally welcomed the two empress dowagers back to Beijing. A group of important court officials went to the north gate of the city, Andingmen, to meet them, but he came to the Caishikou in the south of the city to look at the dead head, and became Bao Tong's deputy. Who ordered this? order?Mingyan is to promote Bao Yi, and his position will soon be under Bao Yi.

As the minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Rong Lu knew the most about what happened in the palace. Li Guolou, as the slave of Emperor Tongzhi, rode on the empress dowager of the two palaces. How could such a thing be hidden from his eyes and ears.It seems that Li Guolou wants to repay his old chief and make Bao Tong the minister of the upper study, forming a new force.For the sake of power, Tan Hualang actually sold his body. He is really a villain with no morals and no dignity.Rong Lu was denouncing Li Guolou's despicable and shameless behavior in his heart. The thing that made him most angry was that Li Guolou was favored by the Empress Dowager Ci'an. What about the one who walks this way?Lamenting the ill-fated fate, who told him that his appearance is not as good as Li Guolou, hey!Still popular among young people, he, like Prince Gong, will become a figure of the past.

Rong Lu complained to himself, and where he put his mind on the execution ground, he was only thinking about his two fat jobs, the post of minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the post of secretary of the Ministry of Industry.

The crowd blocked by the three cordons clapped their hands excitedly. Although the execution had not yet been carried out, the executioner came out bare-chested, escorting the death-row prisoners who were tied behind their backs in front of them. Two strong men dragged them to the designated seats. With towels stuffed in their mouths, the condemned prisoners knelt on the bluestone floor tiles. Each condemned prisoner also had a wooden sign with his name on his back, waiting for the moment of death.

Among the excited crowd, there were three big men with curly beards, who kept silent, and shot fierce eyes at Bao Qingtian, the Qing Dynasty sitting on the high platform——Bao Yi.With a wave of hatred in his heart, he wanted to kill Bao Yitong. The three of them were the ones who slipped through the theft of the Wanjia ticket office.The three of them came to the capital with only one purpose, to kill and take revenge!They don't have so much ability and manpower to rob the law field.But the plan to assassinate Bao Tong has already been implemented step by step.Today they came to see the brothers who lived and died together for the last time, and secretly sent people to collect the bodies of these brothers afterward.

Yuan Kui, a thin bearded man, said in a low voice: "Brother, I can see what Bao Yi looks like, so I won't mistake him."

"Well, don't worry, don't move. There are spies lurking all around. If you leave now, you will reveal your guilt. Let's go separately when the crowd disperses." With a full circle of thinner skin and a big beard, no one would be able to detect that he was the leader of the Wanjia bank theft case.

The three of them pretended to be spectators, and followed the crazy crowd, shouting, cheering, pointing and applauding, but no one noticed that there were three fugitives in the crowd.Even if dozens of plainclothes policemen who were the most effective Baoyi were scattered in the crowd, they didn't find any unusual behaviors from the three of them.

Yuan Baozhen, Yuan Kui, and Yuan Huan hated the court's verdict extremely. They had thought of being beheaded in the first place when they made this deal, and even if they were really killed, they would not regret it.But this time, the imperial court exterminated all of them, and the punishment was extremely cruel and involved a lot.Their families were also involved. Immediate family members were exiled and dispatched to the Northeast Ning Guta to wear armor as slaves, not to mention the female relatives. Younger women were used as official prostitutes, and some were directly bought into kilns.So the three of them held a grudge against Bao Yi, the presiding judge of the case, and ran to the capital regardless of the danger, and vowed not to be human if they didn't kill Bao together.

"The eight knife punishments are very interesting. The first knife cuts the chest, the second knife cuts the biceps, the third knife cuts the thigh, the fourth and fifth knife cuts the arm to the elbow, the sixth knife and the seventh knife Cut the calf to the knee, cut the head of the eighth knife, put the dismembered remains of the corpse into the basket, and hang the head on the shaft gate. I come to see it every year, and I have eaten the executioner's human blood steamed buns;;;;; ;;" A Manchu onlooker boasted that he had eaten human blood steamed buns.

Legend has it that the blood of executed prisoners can cure diseases, especially in the treatment of tuberculosis.So every year, there are people holding steamed buns, waiting to stick the blood of executed prisoners on the steamed buns, and those executioners still do this business, selling steamed buns glued with blood at a high price.

"I have eaten it too. My illness is cured by eating steamed buns with blood on them. You see, these three years have passed, and I am still alive." A man as thin as a monkey came forward to prove that the steamed buns with human blood It works wonders.People like him are still alive, which shows that the human blood buns are effective.

Just on the edge of the execution ground, there were people doing business. The Qing Empire had everything, even the blood of dead people could be bought and sold.There are quite a lot of people who are eager to try it. Many women have come to Caishikou to buy human blood steamed buns. The fresher the more curative, the first steamed bun in the hands of the executioner is worth a lot of money.The family members of terminally ill tuberculosis patients are desperate to go to the doctor, and they have to try everything.

Bao Yitong was lucky enough to be in the peak of his career. The family raised a well-behaved foreign girl and an obedient husband. His son had just been born. He was standing on a high platform in high spirits, with three strands of beard fluttering in the wind. His handsome masculinity.Hear the praises of the people around him.Unaware that death is approaching, the assassin has already mastered his daily routine, and his work and rest habits with loopholes will surely lead to a fatal disaster.

Bao opened the gold watch together and looked at the mugshot inside. Yesenia was smiling at him, revealing an imperceptible smile in high spirits.What does it mean that Minister of the Interior Rong Lu is appointed as his deputy?His official career is bright, and he can't help but think of Li Guolou, the matchmaker between him and Yesenia, who is now in the palace. His official career and destiny have changed due to one of his former subordinates.At most, next year, he will enter the upper study room, closer to the Military Aircraft Department, and will soon become Emperor Tongzhi's confidant.

Rong Lu didn't want to wait in the sun for a long time, wishing to leave early, he kept taking out his pocket watch to check the time, the time passed by every minute, and at noon, the bell rang in the Bell and Drum Tower.There are still three quarters of an hour, and I have to hold back my urine for three quarters of an hour, sitting bored on the high platform, and being regarded as a monkey by the common people.

"Execution!" The gun salute sounded, and a bloody scene was staged. The cloth strips from the mouths of every condemned prisoner were taken away, and the executioner began to perform his unique skills cruelly. The bloody scene of "eight knife punishments" was truly staged.

The photographer Roberts, who was fortunate enough to watch in the field, took every step of the way and took pictures.This group of photos taken by Roberts was later exhibited in Paris, France, and won the highest award in the photography industry, the "Black and White World Gold Award", which brought him personal honor.It also caused the Qing government to be condemned by the world's public opinion. In the second year, Emperor Tongzhi reformed a new policy. The eight-knife punishment was abolished, and the execution was changed to the same as Westerners, who shot death row criminals.The laws of the Qing government also learned from Westerners, and this time the "eight knife punishment" execution became the swan song of history.

Those who came here to watch the execution came voluntarily, and no one forced them. It can be said that those who can stand on the periphery of the execution ground and watch are all daring people.Watching the bloody scene, I can still laugh and applaud the executioner.The screams of the death row prisoners made them go crazy even more.The swarming crowd held up the steamed buns and waited for the moment when they would be stained with blood, shouting wildly, "Lord Bao is Bao Qingtian." "Bao Qingtian, we want to be stained with blood!"

The three court fugitives Yuan Baozhen, Yuan Kui, and Yuan Huan were also shouting, with tears of excitement in their eyes: "We want Bao Qingtian to be covered with blood!"

The similar words have different meanings. Instead of tears of excitement, the eyes are crying for the dead brother.They also became crazy, rushing into the infield with the people around them, to taste the excitement brought by the blood of the dead.A killing that has been brewing for a long time, waiting for the cooperation of the three of them to complete.

Yuan Baozhen muttered to himself: "Brothers, go away, we will avenge you, and we will never die."

"We swear! We will never die." Yuan Kui and Yuan Huan stained the blood on the ground with their fingers, and Tian licked the blood on their hands. This is the blood of brothers. Family members, a crazy revenge plan is brewing and completed, Bao Yi and his family are their goals.As for Li Guolou's role in this case, solving a shocking case in one day is just a legend made up by a storyteller.Their master Zheng Zizi (Zheng Yuanchang) told them that it was all made up, so don't believe it.Li Guolou has nothing to do with this case, he is just an outsider.

All of this could have been avoided, because Li Guolou had expected this scene a long time ago, and he had also thought about how to deal with the approaching danger. Zheng Laizi's line should have been pursued.But Li Guolou didn't persevere, and he even forgot to tell Bao Tongtong.It's not like his thoughtful behavior, how can the god arrester not even have such a brain, but he just forgot to say it, let alone track down the fugitive criminal Yuan Baozhen and others, nor did he go to Zheng Zizi once.He just thought that Zheng Zizi had already washed his hands in the golden basin, and he was partnering with his family in the jade, gold, silver, and jewelry business. He was already a friend, so why should he mention the partner.

Unexpectedly, killing and hating, letting Zheng Zizi support the three apprentices in the past, anyway, the people of the world are lenient and take care of the fleeing brothers, it is not a heinous crime.The actions of people in the Jianghu must conform to the rules of the Jianghu. Zheng Zizi thought he was worthy of the conscience of heaven and earth, and hid the tracks for Yuan Baozhen, Yuan Kui, and Yuan Huan, letting them hide in the house rented by the capital.

Today's Li Guolou is immersed in the quagmire of love between men and women, and he is deeply trapped in it and cannot extricate himself.Where did he think about the safety of his friends around him, he just wanted to plug his own loopholes, so he forgot about Bao Yi's safety, and left the matter of Yuan Baozhen, Yuan Kui, and Yuan Huan, the three who slipped through the net, out of the blue sky .

At this time, Li Guolou was dressed in military uniform and was riding on a horse. A snow-white imperial horse without a single hair was riding a snow and thunder horse, holding a huge yellow dragon flag, which was inserted into the iron ring of the saddle. In the palace, holding the flagpole with one hand, he swaggered as the flag bearer, clearing the way for the empress dowagers of the two palaces.The support of the flagpole requires the king of divine power to support the shaking flagpole. The flag must not be twisted. If it falls down, it will be a joke, and it will be severely punished.Only those who are good-looking and warriors can be qualified for this prestigious job. Generally, the people who support the flags for the emperor and the two queen mothers are big men, and most of them are Mongols with full faces, and they are first-class bodyguard.

Today, Li Guolou snatched this job, let the people on both sides of the road kneeling to welcome Fenxiang, to see Yushu Linfeng's little boy, also a lot of strength, can't use it up.Listening to the people on both sides of the road praising Tanhualang, who is capable of writing and martial arts, just like Zhao Zilong of Changshan, he is worthy of being a national hero who defeated Taishan.The tall yellow dragon flag fluttered in the wind.

Li Guolou rode a tall horse and held a yellow dragon banner, clearing the way in front of the royal motorcade.Walking across the street, I heard passersby yelling: "Ah! This is Tanhualang! It really is Pan An of our Qing Dynasty."

"What! It's Zhao Zilong from Changshan. Can Pan An support such a heavy Huanglong flag?" Although a passerby was kneeling on the ground, he had already quarreled with another passerby.

Li Guolou felt at ease when he heard it, and couldn't help but glanced at the luxurious carriage next to him, and smiled at the slightly lifted cloth man.It turned out that it was so wonderful to be face-to-face with two magnificent empress dowagers.Until now, he is still puffing out his chest, showing his majestic demeanor, and his smile, which is as bright as fireworks, deeply touched his heart. For the sake of the two empress dowagers, he has to take on greater responsibilities for the Qing Dynasty, and open up borders. Open up the soil and fight in the Northwest.

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