late Qing Dynasty arrest

Chapter 454 Inspecting the Xishan Jianrui Camp

The team led by Li Guolou will also stay in Xishan Jianrui Camp for a few days, and spend a few days with more than 1000 long husbands and servants.Let them also serve as alternate soldiers, and they can go to the battlefield when they are in danger.The difference between the long husband and the servant is that the long husband behaves well and gives the opportunity to be paid by the army.There are many refugees here. As long as they have no tattoos and are physically fit, the examiner Fan Dahui will take them in. A total of more than 600 long husbands have been taken in.These laborers are the people in the Gyeonggi area who are supposed to serve hard labor. Most of them have skills, such as horsemen, cowherds, horsemen who drive carts, and clerks in car repair shops. There are also more than 600 laborers.Fan Dahui treats them equally, does not let the servants work in vain, and gives them a labor fee of 50 Wen per day.

This benevolent act won the praise of Master Fan from the slaves. Serving hard labor can also make money for the family. It is worthwhile to go to Lanzhou this time, and some slaves also have the urge to serve as soldiers.Apart from practicing in the Jianrui camp, thousands of people were looking forward to seeing the escort Li Guolou.

The drummer on the drum cart at the main entrance of the barracks was beating the big drum. Every time he beat it, it was exciting. The soldiers of the Ruiying lined up in a square formation to greet Li Guolou and his party.Li Guolou's face changed suddenly, he was not an imperial envoy, why did Zhang Xuefei receive him so grandly.

Li Guolou pointed to the front and asked, "What are you doing, Master Supervisor? You're going to kill me."

"Hey, my brother is also a face-saving person. How can I make you unique and let your recruits see our Xishan Jianrui camp's nurturing soldiers, who are no worse than your recruits. Master Li must bring a Give me credit for my brother." Governor Zhang Xuefei spoke earnestly, grabbed Li Guolou's hand, and asked him to inspect the training soldiers of the Xishan Jianrui Battalion first.

Nurturing soldiers, also called Yangyu soldiers, are not soldiers left over from the surplus, but the reserve force of the soldiers of the Eight Banners. They should be reserve soldiers, with a certain monthly salary, but no housing.There is also a certain age limit for raising soldiers from 10 to 17 years old.The soldiers of the Eight Banners have been serving as soldiers for generations in the barracks. When the children reach the age of ten, they will reach the age of raising soldiers, and they can earn their share of salary.However, this requires hard work and certain external conditions.When the Banner examines and raises soldiers, because of the small number of admissions and the examination of many children, in addition to the child's own conditions, it is also necessary to consider the population and income of the child's family. There are already several soldiers in the family.Generally speaking, the families of the most difficult children will be sympathized and recruited by the clan leaders.There is a certain age group for nurturing soldiers, that is, from 10 to 17 years old. If the child is over 17 years old and has not yet become a nurturing soldier, he has to skip the level of nurturing soldiers and go directly to the forward examination committee.

The governor Zhang Xuefei was so sincere to Li Guolou because he wanted Li Guolou to train his subordinates and recruit a group of nurturing soldiers to enter the new martial arts hall to train a new generation of soldiers.He also knows the chronic illness of the soldiers of the Eight Banners, newcomers are always easy to lose, and it is also the wish of the soldiers of the Eight Banners to keep up with the needs of the new era as soon as possible.First learn the military system of the Chu army, and then envy the pioneering spirit of Xinwutang.

Is Xinwutang any good?After visiting and studying, everyone suddenly realized that the modernization war is a war of cultural knowledge.It is not only necessary to coordinate the various arms, but also requires a large number of officers with the ability to command operations.Can the governor, Zhang Xuefei, not be in a hurry?The Chu Army, Huai Army, and Hunan Army have all become powerful soldiers. The strength of the Han soldiers is the biggest threat to the soldiers of the Eight Banners, and it also seriously threatens the treatment and future of the soldiers of the Eight Banners.The military restructuring has completely changed the organizational system, and if the reform continues, there will be no room for raising soldiers to survive.Therefore, the training of soldiers must be uplifting, and only a large number of officers can come out of the training soldiers to have a say in the army.He has also experienced the Darwinian theory of evolution of the survival of the fittest. If it makes sense, he must learn it. Long live doctrine!

Li Guolou's face was full of embarrassment, his mouth was short when eating others, and his hands were short when taking others.With more than 2000 people living in Xishan Jianrui Camp, although they are paid, they must always give face to the owner.Resignedly said: "Master Supervisor, my group of people marched and trained, all of them were voluntary. They had to bear the hardships and the cold, flying sand and rocks all the way to Lanzhou. It was very hard work, and it was not something ordinary people could bear. You see ..."

"Boys, are you afraid of suffering?" Zhang Xuefei yelled loudly at the hundreds of foster soldiers holding spears and swords in front of them.Granny Bear!How can it be so hard, the officers here don’t have a pair of suede boots, and the heavy cotton coat is the winter coat that the Eight Banners soldiers dream of, not to mention the new-style Mauser, most of his soldiers are using flintlocks .

"Don't be afraid of suffering! Don't be afraid of being tired! Don't be afraid of death!" The immature homonym has not changed, and hundreds of nurturing soldiers burst into a sky-shattering roar.

"Very good! Very good!" Li Guolou nodded frequently to the group of young children in front of him. The hope of the country's future lies.I stopped in front of each phalanx for a long time, inspected each phalanx, and returned to the glorious days of imperial envoys.It seems that he has not been demoted, and the officers are more respectful to him.

Amidst the passionate marching drum music, the people and horses followed closely, entered the Xishan Jianrui Camp, and marched towards each camp.Xishan is a branch of Taihang Mountain, known as "the head of Taihang Mountain" in ancient times, also known as Xiaoqingliang Mountain.Like a flying dragon rising from a python, guarding the capital from afar in the west.Therefore, the ancients called it "the right arm of Shenjing".

Xishan Jianrui Camp is built on the mountain and occupies the entire south side of Xishan. It is a military town with watchtowers connected to each other. I think that when the Eight-Power Allied Forces invaded the capital, they did not attack Xishan Jianrui Camp. Everyone's well water does not violate the river water, so it is so empty. time.

Because the Jianrui camp is divided into left and right wings, each has a wing leader, who is in charge of the four banners in the east and west, and has a third-rank official position. He lives in the large courtyard in front of the Eight Banners Yinfang. There are about [-] rooms with horses.They usually wear blue jerseys, with blue, red or red flower caps on their heads, depending on their victories in battles.The governor, Zhang Xuefei, usually does not live in the barracks, but lives in the capital, and the two wing chiefs are in charge of all the affairs of the barracks.This is also a rule and system of the Qing Dynasty, which does not give too much power to the general, but only honor and status. During wartime, the imperial court issues official seals for dispatching troops, and the official seals are withdrawn after the war ends.Like Dorobel Zaicheng, who also has the title of general, and rarely goes to the military camp. Official title and power are two different things.

The watchtowers in the barracks are dedicated to training officers and soldiers in the skills and tactics of climbing ladders and attacking city pools.The Jianrui camp is divided into left and right wings. The left wing has four banners of yellow, white, white and blue, and the right wing has four banners of yellow, red, blue and red.There are 24 four-story watchtowers and [-] three-story watchtowers on the left wing.On the right wing, there are two five-story watchtowers, ten four-story watchtowers, and [-] three-story watchtowers, which are used to train officers and soldiers to climb the ladder and climb the top of the city.

Li Guolou and others came to the south gate at the foot of the mountain, and paid homage to the city gate. On the top of the tall tower, the words "Wei Xuan Barrier" were inscribed in Qianlong's imperial pen.

In the city, first there is the Wengcheng, then there is a large martial arts arena, and there are rows of Jianrui battalion sergeants holding ladders, waiting for the inspection by the chief.The Martial Arts Field is built on the hillside, with the stretching western mountains as its natural barrier, and the north, southeast and three sides are open flat land. Such a view naturally feels that the group city is very high psychologically.

This oval-shaped city is only 50 meters in diameter from east to west, 40 meters from north to south, and 11 meters high.

The sergeants of the Jianrui Battalion performed the skills of attacking the city and pulling out the village. More than a dozen sergeants set up ladders, armed with knives, spears, shields, and military flags. Amidst the sound of shouting and killing, they climbed the ladders at a very fast speed, and soon there were snow mountain lion flags. Put up watchtowers one after another, and all the sergeants stood in the watchtowers, waving knives, guns, and military flags to salute the officers.

Li Guolou and a group of officers watched the performance and nodded their approval. Only skilled and brave sergeants could climb the watchtower. Although it was a performance, it could also show the actual combat level of the sergeants.Li Guolou praised the two wing chiefs who were in charge of daily drills, took off his belt, and gave them the belt and two American-made Colt revolvers.He can't help it, now that he is in a high position, these soldiers still rely on his breath and will not make unreasonable demands on him.When a soldier sees a good gun, he will desperately snatch it, and ask him for a gun. That's human nature, that's all.

The two wing commanders had bright faces, and they worked harder to direct the exercise. The flags in their hands were flying up and down, and they still had more to gain. "Guns" were something that could be put on the table.Among a group of officers, they all lamented the pain of the soldiers of the Jianrui Battalion who did not have good guns, and the name of the Mauser was mentioned by the officers again and again.

Amidst the laughter, a group of officers climbed up the steps and boarded the Tuancheng.This is the place where Jianrui Yunti Camp performs martial arts, with a unique layout and magnificent buildings.On the resplendent military parade tower in the south of Tuancheng, I met the sergeants who had just climbed up the tower.

Li Guolou looked at the expectant eyes around him, was forced to the corner again, and said helplessly, "My lord, please leave a hundred guns behind."

"Thank you, Mr. Li." Except for Zhang Xuefei, the Commander-in-Chief, all the officers of the Jianrui Battalion knelt down on one knee and marched to express their gratitude to Li Guolou.

Zhang Xuefei was quite happy, and excitedly rubbed his palms non-stop. Li Guolou gave him face like this, and this friend is settled.The military officer depends on the face of the civil servants to live, and the logistics supplies are controlled by the civil servants. If Li Guolou, an upright official, enters the military aircraft department to be his immediate superior, it will be a happy thing. I hope that Li Guolou will be more powerful. The good days are coming.

"Well, I'll pay homage to the King of Horqin County later." Li Guolou stood above the watchtower, overlooking Shisheng Temple in the distance, which is the temple of Seng Gelinqin, the king of Horqin County. national hero.

Overlooking the Xicheng Gate Tower, the Martial Arts Field, the School Horse Field and the Stele Pavilion of Shisheng Temple where the commanding exercise is conducted, one can see the scene of a row of banners and flags hunting in the martial arts field, the sound of horseshoes, soldiers bowing their bows and roaring to move the ground.The Ruijian Camp Martial Arts Hall is a complex of military equipment that combines cities, palaces, pavilions, watchtowers, and teaching grounds. It can be called a treasure of architectural art.Li Guolou raised his binoculars and looked into the distance. The forest sea was vast, with smoke and haze, and the scenery was beautiful, reflecting the afterglow of the bleak winter day.Li Guolou was overwhelmed by the scenery of Xishan Mountain. He had a strong sense of wandering, never returning to joy, and full of poetic flavor.

Taking advantage of the joy, he splashed ink in the Shisheng Temple, showing the unique style of Xinke Tanhua in one stroke.

The poem "Winter Habitat on the West Mountain" says: The soul travels around the West Mountain, and the sea of ​​clouds is a forest.The dry roots are hanging on the ice, and the snow-capped mountains support the red clouds.The sound of the Japanese and afternoon troops vibrates, and the courtyard is shaded and majestic.If you are interested, the watchtower will accompany the country.

"Master Li's poems are becoming more and more flavorful. The artistic conception is lofty, the ambition is noble and pure, and there is an upward and majestic spirit, which is admired by the lower officials." Fan Dahui, the staff member, read it aloud and was greatly impressed. This was improvisation Anyone who dares to slander Tanhualang's career is wrong, so let's make a song "Winter Habitat on the West Mountain". No one here can surpass Li Guolou.

Most of the officers are old and rough, who don't understand the pros and cons of poetry, and follow behind to make a fuss.Call a few times, "Good poetry, good poetry! Really good poetry!"

But the counselors and staff are all learned talents. They are stationed in Xishan every day, and they have never written such a poem. There are people out there, Wenqu Xing descended to earth, that's all."

"Your Majesty Li is amazing. He speaks from the bottom of his heart, the aspirations of generations of us who have been stationed here! Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh!" A staff member touched the scene, wiped his eyes with his sleeve, and really cried.

The battalion officer Wang Qing felt irritable when he heard this, how could he change his talkative temper, after holding it in for so long, he suddenly exploded, thinking he had hit the point, raised his eyebrows, and said loudly: "Counselor Yang, you That’s not right, Tanhualang was originally a Wenqu star descending to the earth. "Dongqi Xishan" is a poem that can touch Master Wan’s heart, just like Liu Yong’s poems, women all over the world cry for the loss of a confidant, that’s how to describe it.”

Master Wan didn't dare to cry all of a sudden, and looked at Li Guolou pitifully. The others also looked embarrassed, afraid of touching Li Guolou's tiger whiskers.Li Guolou was not angry. He patted the battalion officer Wang Qing on the shoulder and said with a smile: "Wang Yingguan, you are also wrong. I don't have so many confidante friends. There are a few in the brothel. Please hurry up." introduce to you."

"Hahahaha!" Loud laughter broke out in the Shisheng Temple, and a group of crows perched on the ancient trees were startled.That group of crows croaked, as if they were condemning the human beings who disturbed their cleanliness. The overwhelming black crows hovered over the empty temple. Are they the soldiers brought by the national hero Zeng Gelinqin from the underworld?

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