After the morning exercise, groups of people went to have breakfast under the leadership of the squad leader. The most outstanding person in the student force was Su Yuanchun. He was upright, tall, and shaved. Among the student soldiers, he was like a leader, with a clear voice, and he always walked in front of the queue for meals.

A group of foster soldiers walked up to Su Yuanchun shaking their heads. The leader was also bald, named Madeli, nicknamed "Xiaoqiguan", and his ancestors had been a Xiaoqi school.Madeli is more than 1.7 meters tall. He looks older than he actually is. The boss, of course, was a hundred times dissatisfied, and purposely approached Su Yuanchun to find fault.

The horse soldiers in the camp were called Alihachaoha, and later renamed Xiaoqiying.There is Zuo Ling, and there is a Xiaoqi School under it. Each Zuo Ling has one person, and he is the sixth grade.The Xiaoqi Battalion is an army under the direct command of the capital commanders of each banner, and the Zuoling and Xiaoqi schools are officers directly under the jurisdiction of the capital commanders, deputy capital commanders, and participating leaders.That is to say, Madeli's ancestral official rank was only one level lower than the current Yichang's senior official, so he was the leader of a group of foster soldiers.

Another gentle man next to him is Yao Bin, nicknamed "Xiucai". He shrinks his neck when he smiles. Li came to find fault.

A group of nurturing soldiers each held tin bowls and spoons in the other hand, knocked and walked to the door of the dining hall, and stopped in front of Su Yuanchun.

With a sound of "bang", the bowl in Madeli's hand fell to the ground. Suddenly, Madeli raised her eyebrows and said angrily, "The thief is in the army, why are you pushing me? I beat you to death!"

How could the young man suffer from being wronged, Su Yuanchun was furious, and shouted: "Baldy thief, where did I push you, you accidentally fell off."

"I see you look like a stalk, and your tongue is knotted when you speak, and you don't understand clearly. Are you dissatisfied? If you have the guts, you can fight one-on-one. My master will let you do three tricks." Fighting in the army is not allowed. , whether right or wrong, both parties must be put in confinement, but sparring is allowed. In the army, one relies on official titles, and the other relies on fists. Level one, helping relatives but not helping others.Ma Deli would not look down on the children of the Han people. He was born in martial arts since he was a child. Su Yuanchun is a scholar who turned to a military academy, and his background is not at the same level.

Young people have a good face. When Su Yuanchun raided the Black Dragon Club in Tianjin, he was one of the few students who had beheaded. He was appreciated by Li Guolou and other school officials. He was a military student who was vigorously cultivated. Several people are his opponents.But when he met a Manchu who practiced martial arts since he was a child, he already retreated in his heart, but he was also clever, and he had his own clever way to deal with it. He deliberately yelled: "Bi, Bi, shoot a 150-meter target, whoever loses is a bad grandson, a thief!" A bald man is nothing more than a shrinking turtle."

For the time being, Madley didn't deal with any rebuttals. The military marksmanship competition is also within normal considerations. He wanted to talk about the martial arts competition, but the other party first talked about the marksmanship competition. How could there be any reason to propose another competition instead of the challenge?The head melon couldn't think of a way, and his eyes looked at the "dog-headed military adviser" Yao Bin next to him.

As soon as he rolled his eyes, Yao Bin had a solution. A gentle and delicate man, full of ghost ideas, he said slowly: "Su Yuanchun, it was you who said it, just compare, three rounds will determine the outcome, and one round will determine the outcome. Shooting competitions, wrestling competitions two, and equestrian competitions three, that's all."

Madeli was happy when he heard that, and said urgently: "Yes! That's it. The young master asked you to decide which one to compare first. If you don't compare, you're a bastard."

The foster soldier next to him made a fuss, looked at Su Yuanchun with condescending and disdainful eyes, knocked on the tin bowl in his hand, and yelled like singing a folk song: "Su Yuanchun, hear me clearly, you're just a bastard, a bastard!"

The student soldiers all looked at Su Yuanchun, some said it was better than others, some said no, they were afraid that Su Yuanchun would suffer from a necromancer breaking into another world.The student soldiers are about the same height and age, and they have all been educated since they were young, so they are not as strong as the raised soldiers in terms of physique.

You must know that raising soldiers already has a salary, and it is no problem to support themselves, so they are well nourished. In the past, they had the capital to be proud of, and they were the proud sons of heaven in the Qing Dynasty.But now it has been replaced by a new generation of student soldiers from "Xinwutang", the favored son of heaven. When the old and the new change, of course there will be fierce fighting.

The student soldiers look down on the foster soldiers who can only climb the city wall, thinking that they are cannon fodder, who will stay in the Xishan Jianrui Camp all their lives, emptying the court's salary, and become a reviewing force, just a fancy decoration.Nowadays, how can you use the soldiers of the Eight Banners to climb the city wall? They are all brave and desperate to climb the city wall.

And the foster soldiers look down on student soldiers even more, thinking that they are all cowards, and they are not expected to be soldiers.How could a frail body bear the burden of war.But he was so suffocated that he had no chance of promotion and was stationed in the Xishan military camp all his life.As a young man, who doesn't want to gallop freely in the vast battlefield?Student soldiers can go to Xijiang for training, why can't they go?It is best to let the escort envoy Li Guolou see their bravery. This competition is a great opportunity for the nurturing soldiers to feel proud.

Nursing soldiers are of different heights, some are like children, they can be lifted with one hand, and their stature is not as tall as a gun.But some foster soldiers already looked like adults, and they were strong and thick.They are all good breeds, their ancestors are all soldiers, and the habit of practicing martial arts has been passed down for several generations.Many of them are still bow-legged, and it looks like they have been trained from riding a horse since childhood.

Su Yuanchun was struggling in his heart. How could he not know that his chance of winning was only one third. He used to be a scholar. Manchurians who can deal with horseback will try horseback riding and wrestling.But I thought about it again, Li Guolou, the master of Xuezheng, said that losing is not terrible. If you have the courage to fight, it doesn't matter how many times you let the enemy win?We can afford to lose and have a solid family background.

Su Yuanchun was furious, and shouted: "Competition is the competition. First the wrestling competition, then the equestrian competition, and finally the shooting competition. Baldy thief, do you have a gun? Don't tell me to use a shotgun competition?"

Madeli was furious, and retorted: "The thief is in the army, don't look down on people, I have a flintlock gun, but it's 150 meters away, it's too far away, my gun can't hit the target."

"Our Mauser has an effective range of 1200 meters." Chi Chi was surrounded by mocking voices, and the student soldiers looked at a group of foster soldiers blocking the gate with contempt.It's still half master, so stingy and deliberately looking for their bad luck, if it is on the battlefield, all the raising soldiers can be killed 1000 meters away.

The instructor's consent was required for the competition. After breakfast and the instructor's permission, the student soldiers and foster soldiers who disliked each other came to the martial arts arena one after another.Seeing that Li Guolou, Battelle, Cheng Kun and other instructors were also watching the excitement, Su Yuanchun immediately went up to greet him and saluted, "Su Yuanchun from the third class reported to Li Xuezheng and asked to compete with the cavalry officer who raised the soldiers."

Su Yuanchun didn't know the other party's real name, and hearing that he claimed to be Xiaoqiguan, he thought that Ma Deli's name was Xiaoqiguan.

Li Guolou felt fresh when he heard it, what a nice name, he immediately remembered it, and his eyes swept away, only those with capital are qualified to bully others, and the world of the jungle needs bloody people.The foster soldier still gave him face and didn't beat the student soldier.

Li Guolou looked up and down Madley, and then said: "Su Yuanchun, you have a weight advantage over him, give me the best. Understand?"

Wrestling is not only a technical job but also a physical job. The two sides have a certain advantage over the heavy weight, especially in a protracted battle, it must be that the light weight will be exhausted.Although Su Yuanchun has not learned wrestling for a long time, he still has a certain foundation. If he can keep grinding with his opponent, he still has a chance of winning.

"Yes!" Su Yuanchun understood, he was also looking for his own advantages, bald headed against bald headed, the opponent was stronger than him, and he was still a Lian Jiazi, but with these months of hard training, he already had a certain foundation, and if he used it up, he would have With the hope of winning, Su Yuanchun imitated the wrestling movements of the school official Battelle, jumping around as if there were cockroaches under his feet, and howled with his teeth and claws: "Short, adults don't bully children, I let you go first."

"You son of a bitch, if you don't give me a taste, you won't know that Lord Ma has three eyes." Madley has stayed in the barracks for a long time, and has a wide network of contacts. Those who cheered for him occupied the watchtower, crowded A large group of Jianrui battalion sergeants waved their flags and shouted from a high place, with an overwhelming momentum, this is the home field of Jianrui battalion, who will fight for the front?

The two little bald men both threw off their padded jackets and took off their underwear. They were shirtless and stared at each other with four bull eyes.With a strange cry, Madeli pounced on her, her four arms mingled together, and the bloody man began to fight.

When Zhang Xuefei heard the news, he rushed over and saw that Li Guolou was watching the excitement with great interest, so he felt relieved, walked to Li Guolou's side, and said in a loud voice: "Xiao cavalry officer, you boy is causing trouble. Don't lose your health." Ruiying's face!"

Li Guolou glanced and said: "Su Yuanchun, don't be fooled, the opponent is not weak, don't worry."

Zhang Xuefei was very personable, always smiling, but now his face showed a ferocious face, and he said loudly: "Cavalry officer, don't play three ways with the idiot, give me a kick, the idiot can't bear it."

After the two people fought on the field, the two factions off the field were clearly separated. They were no longer as harmonious as they were yesterday. They refused to give in to each other, and verbal conflicts spread.

The entire martial arts arena suddenly boiled, and the sound of cheers and cheers resounded through the sky. Madeli felt that the fire that had been imprisoned in his chest for more than ten years was blazing for a moment, and the excitement of competition spread to every nerve in his body. It made a sound like a drum beating.He has inherited too many honors from his ancestors. He wants to break out, strive for strength, and strive for self-improvement.

After hearing Zhang Xuefei's reminder, the scrambler who was still in a stalemate just now began to use the kung fu of kicking garlic with his feet, pushing the bull with both arms, and attacking with both feet.If the opponent was stretched to the left and right, he immediately won the initiative of the scene, and the victory was imminent. The opponent couldn't hold back, and attacked together from top to bottom.

Su Yuanchun panicked, from being calm at the beginning to struggling to support now, he was able to hold back the brute strength of his opponent when he came up.But the more you go back, the more you feel your arms are sore and weak, the physical strength is exhausted, the movements begin to deform, and the movements become jerky, what a difficult opponent!Bearing flooded stagnation, all kinds of hardships, exhausting the last effort.

Seeing that Su Yuanchun's movements were stiff and unable to keep up with his rhythm, Madeli saw that Su Yuanchun was only entangled with his arms when he was forced to the right.He thought to himself: The opponent can only support the upper three lanes.Seeing that I don't need to do anything, I just kick this guy to the ground.See if you are forced to come in, the false general will use his feet to sell a loophole.

Su Yuanchun yelled, "Don't come!"

But Madeli waited to run to him, and hooked him with one foot.Su Yuanchun found the opening under Madley's left flank, and reached into the opponent's right rib with one hand.Ma Deli got up, and hurriedly stepped back half a step to grab Su Yuanchun again, but Su Yuanchun dodged sideways, made a false leap, and exerted force on his left flank.

Madley didn't expect that he still had the advantage just now, lost the initiative with one mistake, moved around three times, but was still suppressed by the opponent.The footsteps were messed up.

Su Yuanchun rushed in, twisted Madeli's left arm with his right hand, reached out his right hand to hook Madeli's neck, pressed his shoulder blades against his chest, and pushed his knees, making Madeli top-heavy, and turned around with his strength. With five spins, the opponent was stiff and didn't want to fall to the ground, and was desperately retreating.

Su Yuanchun had long hands and long legs, and continued to pounce. This pounce was called "swinging the big back", and he threw Madley up and threw it out, shouting: "Pour it down!"

But seeing Madeli's head on the bottom, feet on the top, he fell to the ground. Hundreds of spectators watched and cheered in unison!

Li Guolou laughed loudly, cupped his hands and said: "My lord supervisor has accepted, with your help, my son will be beautiful."

Du Tong Zhang Xuefei blushed, and suddenly realized that what he saw just now was just an illusion. It was Su Yuanchun who deliberately let the opponent attack the next three lanes, and showed him a loophole. He gritted his teeth in hatred, pointed at the tip of Li Guolou's nose, and said angrily: "Okay, okay! I've finally learned Li Ziying's cunning. Don't be discouraged, Officer Xiaoqi, there are still two chances to fight."

Su Yuanchun bowed to the right hand of the Xinwutang instructor, and said loudly: "Su Yuanchun, the third class of Xinwutang, fulfilled his mission and won the victory."

The school officer Cheng Kun nodded in satisfaction and said: "Well, very good! Su Yuanchun must guard against arrogance and impetuosity. There are still two games left. I want to see the final victory."

"Yes!" Su Yuanchun was in high spirits, squinting at the defeated rooster "Xiaoqiguan", who had lost his arrogance just now, and stood in the field in a disheveled manner.The students of Xinwutang are not vegetarians, and their cunning Jedi counterattacks have already penetrated into their bones.

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