Four days later, when the morning light broke through the mist, the sound of bugles and golden drums sounded in the Xishan camp, waking up the people outside the barracks. Zhang Xuefei and a group of strong camp officers stood in the barracks At the door, bid farewell to Li Guolou and his party.Li Guolou led a large army of more than 2000 people to set off. It was more than 3000 miles from Gyeonggi to Lanzhou.

Zhang Xuefei's rough face was full of flattery, and a group of subordinates saluted Li Guolou who was on the horse, and said solemnly: "Master Li has a smooth journey and made great achievements in battle, I will wait for your victory report. "

"Your Excellency Supervisor, don't bother to send them away, and drink fine wine when the officials come back. Just say goodbye to the gentlemen, and there will be a time later." Li Guolou stepped onto the snow and lightning horse, and bid farewell to a group of officers.Turning the horse's head, pulling up the front hooves of the war horse gracefully, the wild and unrestrained Pegasus leaps forward.

The horse neighed, Li Guolou held the reins with one hand, and the stabbing gun with the other, his face sank like water, and his eyes were deep, as if he wanted to see through the clouds and the hazy sky.Let the people outside the barracks to see the military power of Li Ziying, and he happens to be the escort of this army.

"Li Guolou, I love you!" "Tanhualang, redeem your slaves!" "Xiaolou, please come up, no money is needed."

The team passed a fancy brothel not far from Xishan Jianrui Camp. A group of prostitutes upstairs waved at Li Guolou along the window.

Li Guolou was filled with righteous indignation, his blood was surging, his face was extremely ugly, secretly annoyed, who deliberately made him lose face?It must be that he was not selected for the insidious tricks used by those nurturing soldiers, which is tolerable or unbearable!

Unexpectedly, a fragrant handkerchief came to cover his face, and the image of "Changshan Zhao Zilong" disappeared immediately.Li Guolou took off the scented handkerchief on his face, and his rectangular face was stretched like a bitter melon.He was a little afraid to look at the deputy envoys Xun Xi and Fan Dahui, and said with an embarrassed expression: "The girls in Xishan are so enthusiastic."

After getting in touch with Xun Xi these days, he is no longer afraid of Li Guolou. He couldn't help laughing, and sighed: "Yes, for these girls, the officials are willing to live and sleep in the open." Patting his chest again, howling: "Brothers, give me face!" , Let my artillery battalion cooperate well with Master Li, make great military exploits in Shaanxi and Gansu, and snatch some thieves and wives. Hahahaha!"

"Yes!" echoed the marching civilian husbands. They wanted to make war fortune when they were soldiers.Li Guolou went to great lengths to let them practice military skills, just to fight in Shaanxi and Gansu.

Shrewdness and cunning flashed in Li Guolou's eyes. He stared blankly at Xun Xi who was on the horse beside him. He saw through his inner thoughts and dared to look for the allies in an open and honest manner. He wanted to make war fortune. If you want to offend a large number of Qiu Ba under Zuo Zongtang's subordinates, enough is enough. If you make meritorious service and receive a reward and return to Beijing, you can kill against heaven and martial arts.Anyway, the emperor and the empress dowagers of the two palaces will count minor merits as major merits, and they can be promoted and appointed as soon as they return to Beijing.

There are two roads from the capital to Lanzhou, one goes north, from Hohhot in Mongolia to Yinchuan, and then to Lanzhou, but the weather is cold, covered with snow and ice, and the road to the north has been closed.Li Guolou goes southwest, passing through Shijiazhuang, Taiyuan, Xi'an, and finally Lanzhou.

Due to the heavy weight of the two Krupp cannons, which weigh more than [-] jin, the cannon body and the gun carriage need to be transported separately. Each cannon needs to be dragged by nearly ten horses, cattle, etc., and the march is slow.There are dozens of large-caliber mortars in the army, which specialize in hitting stone bullets, iron bullets, and some flowering bullets.Of course, the explosive ammunition here is all fragmentation ammunition, poisonous smoke ammunition, gray ammunition, etc., and there is no solid ammunition in the ammunition delivered.

The materials escorted this time are mainly military materials. Other small Krupp cannons, one hundred new howitzers, mortar guns, and copper guns all have two-wheel or four-wheel gun mounts. They don’t need to be disassembled, and they can be directly dragged by ox carts or horse-drawn carts. .1200 Mauser rifles, as well as a large number of flowering ammunition, bullets, and 400 military coats and other supporting military equipment.More than 100 long husbands and servants were arranged, more than [-] horse-drawn carts and ox carts, and more than [-] camels.

Howitzers and mortars are light and flexible, but their power and range are not small, and they also need to master the knowledge of ballistics.

Soldiers wear hoods and helmets. The inside is a military cap to keep warm, with ear pads to protect the ears. The outside is an iron helmet with a brim that looks like a Prussian helmet. The color is also gray like the cotton coat, not bright. Feathers.From the outside, the biggest difference between a soldier and a civilian husband is the hat and shoes. The civilian husband issued a pair of suede boots, but most of the civilian husbands wore cloth shoes or even straw sandals. Only some civilian husbands who drove cars wore suede boots and the gray Cotton coat, showing off superior attire.

The morning wind blew, and the fiery red Li character flag was inserted on the carriage and kept churning. On the long westbound road, it looked like a swimming centipede, with no end in sight.

The sergeants under the banner are all tall and straight, looking forward to being majestic, with pride in their eyes.The leader was a burly man with a weathered face and a beard. He didn't wear a cotton coat, but a red cloak.The prancing horse is galloping, and the red cloak on his body is vigorously flamboyant.There are as many subordinates as there are officers. Li Guolou loves to show off. Of course, it is a matter of face to let Battelle, whom he has always admired, be the vanguard officer.

Behind Battelle was a group of strong men, five big and three thick. The horse thief Saber Yun led twenty horse thieves to clear the way for Li Ziying.You will encounter many unexpected things on a long journey. Of course, you need experienced people to lead the way. Apart from guides, horse thieves have the sharpest nose and are naturally alert.

Dao Shea Yun defected to Li Guolou and started a livestock business in the Gyeonggi area. It was Li Guolou's affirmation of his ability to ask him to bring a group of newcomers this time.The war horses of the Xinwutang were all bought from him. As long as the army's business goes smoothly, the future will flow smoothly, and the scabbard cloud will give Li Guolou a tablet of longevity.

All the gunners and civilian husbands pushed the heavy cannon carts and meandered along the official road.A tightly-wrapped cannon, like a monster, raised its fangs and entered the boundary of Shijiazhuang.

The drummer on the drum car beat the marching clap, and every time he knocked, it was exciting. The bugle player behind him responded, making the crowd cheer and shout, and they all felt satisfied. give pointers.Everyone saw it fresh at first, and then they all said that Li Ziqi's banner is really different from other armies, that is, it is extraordinary.

The crowd screamed with passion exposed, and Li Guolou rode his horse and whipped his whip and walked in front of the military vehicle, waving to the people on both sides of the road.

There are countless cavalry Goshha in the rear, all of them are well-dressed, wearing red cloaks, hoods and helmets, and they are extremely majestic. Following behind are row after row of student soldiers in gray military coats.

Then came the elders who walked neatly, their military uniforms were neat, they walked solemnly and calmly, their military boots knocked on the road, there was a neat bang, everyone tried their best to show that they were nurturing soldiers, they all held their heads high, without squinting, Just march in awe.

The servant Deng Tong's face was tense. Shijiazhuang is his hometown, and the officer gave him a chance to show his face.Hold the musket close to your shoulder, and follow the drumming music, raise your foot high, stamp it down vigorously, mix in the long husband, join Li Ziying's extravagant wish, and finally realize the full text of the devil brother's forbidden pet.

Suddenly, women screamed from the side of the road, "Xiaolou! Xiaolou! I love you!" They yelled at Li Guolou, throwing a lot of handkerchiefs, sachets and other boudoir belongings to Li Guolou. Immediately, Li Guolou's head, body, and horse were filled with the fragrant private things of his fellow women.

Li Guolou has long been used to it, and turned a deaf ear to it. Women have done crazy things in order to do it. Who called him the Zhao Zilong of the Qing Empire.He just stuffed the sachet on his body into the horse pocket, and couldn't help but glance over there.Seeing Li Guolou's eyes, those women waved and stamped their feet, trying to attract his attention.

One of the pretty young women blew a kiss and shouted, "Xiaolou, I'm a widow!"

This time Li Guolou couldn't hold back his face, jumped off his horse and got into the carriage, and felt quite ashamed when he heard Gesh laughing all around him.He likes to marry widows and has a reputation outside, let him attract bees and butterflies, and bring countless good luck, what is the crime?He is oppressed by women.

The three hundred chariots were solidly built, and the cannon carts and cavalry marched, and the oxen and the people pushed it, and the march was not easy.At this time, the vehicle wheels are specially made, and the rubber tires are wrapped on the outside, which are more wear-resistant and stronger than animal skin-wrapped tires, and it is also very convenient to replace. Put a piece of rubber on it.The only downside is that there are no tubes in the tires yet, and the vehicle is just a little faster than it used to be.

All the way through the mountain city and across the plains, there are lofty mountains in front of you. Compared with the flat official roads in the Gyeonggi area, the mountainous official roads here are much more difficult to walk.The cavalry, soldiers and infantry of each army are okay, but the baggage carts and artillery carts are difficult to move, and there is still sunshine at noon, and they are often accompanied by the cold.

There are few trees, bare everywhere, the north wind howls, and the wind and sand are so strong that people can't open their eyes. They are wrapped in a turban, only two eyeballs are exposed.

All the soldiers are marching with helmets and cotton coats, so there is no need to worry about keeping warm.The army rested under a hill, drank water and ate some dry food, and had to turn over another mound ahead.

Li Guolou came over to inspect the army, pulled off his hood, and asked, "Brothers, you have worked hard. You have climbed this hill and set up camp. Work harder."

The servant Deng Tong saw that the masked person was Li Guolou, he immediately got up his fighting spirit, stood up from the ground, and said loudly: "Master Li, don't worry, a small hill won't stop us.

Li Guolou looked around the pack horse, caressingly touching the horse's mane. Horses have relatively strong endurance, so they are not easy to get sick, and it is difficult to be seen when they are sick. When they fall ill, they often cannot be rescued.For Li Guolou, horse mules are precious and should be cherished. The military supplies escorted this time are of high value and cannot be lost.

Even if animals such as horses and mules get sick, fortunately there are many veterinarians who can detect the signs in advance. The only thing that worries him is whether these student soldiers can suffer?Fortunately, more than ten days have passed, and the team of more than 2000 people has not been placed in a place to recuperate because of illness.The cloudy weather indicated that a blizzard was coming, so it was necessary to rest for a few days, so that those irresistible horse thieves, school officials, and civilian husbands could go to brothels a few times.As for the student soldiers, all should be kept close, staying in the camp and receiving ideological and moral education.

Wanniang was sitting in the carriage, wearing a fiery red fur coat, like a graceful and luxurious lady, she didn't feel bitter at all, she just drove along bumpy roads.In the past few days when I was away from home, I traveled about eighty miles a day at most, and sometimes only thirty or forty miles.

The local officials tried their best to flatter Li Guolou, who was a fourth-rank official, and treated them exceptionally. He knew that he loved his soldiers. He had never let the sergeants and civilian husbands eat and sleep in the wild. He always received local specialties and the car was full of snacks. , The mouth is full of food.Wanniang lifted the soft and thick windshield bear skin and looked at the scenery outside the glass window.

Everything seen from here is so desolate, with primitive roughness, and it is fascinating.Wanniang loves the untouched wilderness, the majestic and tall mountains, and the wild and howling mountain wind.This is the most poignant scenery located on the high loess slope. In this vast middle area, it appears deep and heavy under the first touch of the sun.In the soft light and mist, the troops moved forward slowly.

Snow covered the branches on the mountain, and the heavy snow bent the big trees, and some overwhelmed trees were crushed by the wind and snow, blocking the way. "Pfft..." a ball of snow fell from the branch to the ground, like lifelike robbers jumping out from unexpected places, the fierce and cruel battle scene appeared in front of Li Guolou, the more dangerous it was as he walked forward, The unique loess high-slope landform in the Shaanxi-Gansu region has just emerged.

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