After Li Ziying arrived in the Shaanxi-Gansu region, the land was vast and sparsely populated, and one town was far away from the next, and sometimes he slept in the wild.In the severe winter, the soldiers gather around the fire to keep warm. The long night is long and the shadow of the moon is sparse.I could hear wild wolves howling on the high hills. Outside the camp gate, there were secret whistles on the camp wall. Li Ziying followed the Chu camp's military system and dared not slack off a bit.The vehicles were surrounded by the outer ring, which was used as a protective wall, and piles of fires were lit around the camp to prevent wild wolves and rebels with ulterior motives from sneaking into the camp.

It has already entered the battle zone, and in winter there are countless rebellious troops running around and looting. Although this is an area controlled by the Qing army, there may be rebels coming to grab a vote.Small convoys are often ambushed by rebels who are familiar with the geography.

During the march, Li Ziying encountered sporadic robbers, but most of the time the robbers did not dare to attack when they saw how many convoys there were.I just watched from afar and saw that there was no loophole to exploit, so I followed for a few days and left.Before leaving, some robbers even fired a gun into the sky, which is regarded as a parting ceremony.

The outpost team led by Dao Xiyun also encountered robbers who wanted to buy road money. Seeing that the teachers were from the same family, they all gave some small money to send away the small group of robbers.

I also met robbers who shot at the convoy. One person in Li Ziying was shot dead and four were injured.For this kind of robber who dared to provoke Li Ziying, the officers and soldiers of Li Ziying shared the same hatred with the enemy, and directly fought back with volleys of guns, so that the robbers knew that Li Ziying's sharpshooters could kill people 1000 meters away, and they could not escape by riding a horse.

There were also incidents in which horses were frightened, civilian husbands were trampled to death by horses, and a student soldier accidentally fell into a ditch and fell to his death.As for desertion and escape, it has never happened. Marching with a large army in the wilderness, wild wolves will not come to seek death.If you are alone, the wolves will rush to kill you at any time.

The camp is inseparable from water sources. There are many gullies on the high loess slopes, forming valleys and rivers. Every place has local officials or troops stationed to provide guides, so Li Ziying did not go wrong.When camping, one is to build a simple shelter, and the vehicles are surrounded by several circles, which are used as fortifications during the battle. In addition, the cattle, horses, and camels are also surrounded to prevent the animals from escaping.

Each team of 30 people takes charge of the food, cooks a big pot of hot soup, throws miscellaneous food into the soup, and puts some chili every time, and the hodgepodge soup is the main course.After coming to Gansu, the staple food is no longer the pot helmet that Shaanxi people like to eat, but a kind of naan, a kind of flatbread, and there is a special oven at home.But when marching, a simple method is used, directly burying the naan under the fire, and about two quarters of an hour, the naan can be taken out and eaten.Nang is better than pot helmet, but it cannot be separated from baking.If you need to hide, you can still change the ration.

Now a team of soldiers gathered around the fire, drinking hot soup while warming the fire, tearing the naan into small pieces, dipping some soup, stuffing them into their mouths and chewing.Beside the steaming fire, the soldiers took off their coats. They were satisfied with hot soup, meat, vegetables, and enough to eat while marching.

In the first days of the march, everyone had blisters on the soles of their feet.The feet are the most important during the march, so every night you have to wash your feet with hot water, prick the blisters with a needle, and apply some medicated oil.Through these days of marching, everyone has worn out layer after layer of calluses, and will not worry about a pair of feet anymore.

After dinner, Li Guolou took Ghosh Hamadquan, Xiao Shitou, Ma Liang and Fu Guozhong to tour the camp. He was still used to holding a horsewhip, and those who did wrong would be whipped.Military discipline is strict, and beating and scolding subordinates is common.Be strict with your subordinates and be stingy with your words, so that your subordinates will feel awe.If you make a small mistake, there is still a chance to correct it. If you make a big mistake, you will be killed.

You can't move around in the barracks. Seeing Li Guolou and his party approaching, the four soldiers on guard immediately saluted and shouted: "Dong Zhiyuan."

"Kill the enemy and serve the country." Li Guolou waved his horsewhip in return, and looked at the four soldiers standing guard facing four directions.

This way of standing guard was thought up by Li Guolou. The enemy likes to sneak attack. The sentry on guard will sneak up to the sentry by virtue of the darkness and the blind spot of sight, and then the enemy will surprise the sentry on guard. This sneak attack method has been tried and tested, and the success rate very high.Therefore, Li Guolou came up with a once-and-for-all way of standing guard. Four sentries were arranged at a checkpoint, facing four directions, so that the enemy who wanted to attack would not be easy to approach the soldiers.Sure enough, Li Ziying used this way of standing guard and sentry. He has not been killed by the enemy along the way, and it is no longer a dangerous job to be on duty at night.

The soldiers of Li Ziying couldn't help admiring that Li Guolou was good at using his brains and plugging his own loopholes.Even Fu Guozhong, who retired from the army and returned to Li Guolou's post, appreciated this way of standing guard, and felt that it could be greatly promoted in the army during wartime.

There were more than 600 refugees and villagers who voluntarily followed Li Ziying along the way. When sleeping in the wild, they did not camp with Li Ziying officers and soldiers, but set up another open space for them to sleep alone.For this group of people, Li Guolou felt that it was tasteless.A lot of people who don't know their origins gather together, who knows what disaster it will bring him?Some people have ulterior motives and sneak into Li Ziying with ulterior motives.

Some refugees have participated in the rebellion, and some refugees are even spies of the rebel army. Most Han people have no faith, and they kowtow when they see temples.People who have survived to this day in the war-torn zone have known many masters.And he is by no means the last master, Li Guolou will not trust those refugees and villagers who have just joined Li Ziying.Especially for the refugees who are closer to the enemy-occupied areas, more than 100 refugees have been taken in in the past two days. He wants to see what kind of moths the unarmed "refugees" can play.

A few days ago, I encountered sporadic robbers wandering around the convoy, but these two days suddenly calmed down. Apart from encountering officers and soldiers at the outpost along the way, no robbers appeared.The high slopes of the loess are full of ravines and thorns. It seems that the road is controlled by officers and soldiers, but the unknown trail is not known to outsiders.

The rebels should pay attention to Li Ziying. They will always have some fragmentary news about Li Ziying. Will they launch a surprise attack on Li Ziying?Li Guolou likes to think things over thoroughly, and slowly walks towards the camp of the caravan.

In the camp of the caravan, the convoy of more than 100 merchants was placed in the position of the Chinese army. The merchants and men also had firearms, but the firearms were relatively old. Li Guolou was responsible for their safety, so the caravan was placed in the position of the Chinese army.

Hu Yangyue, the owner of "Caimaotang", saw Li Guolou came to see them, and hurried up to greet them. He was already familiar with Li Guolou, and said casually: "Master Li, are you still not resting so late?"

Li Guolou heard the implication, isn't it that men are interested in what he and Wanniang did at night?Yan Ran smiled and said: Too busy, no time to rest.Mr. Hu, I'm here to ask you to hold a military meeting. You and Xiao Yang will follow me. "

Hu Yangyue was easy-going after hearing Li Guolou's words, but the shadow of war loomed over his head, and the pressure was great.Then he explained a few words to the people in the caravan, took the young manager Yang Zhao, followed behind Li Guolou, and walked towards a big willow tree by the river.

In the dark night, most of the soldiers in the camp were resting. Only some sentry patrolling the camp were still on patrol. Seeing Li Guolou and others approaching, a sentry shouted, "Stop, who is it?"

Li Guolou said: "The escort is Li Guolou."

The military meeting was held in front of a pile of fire, and three cordons were put up outside. People above the rank of Li Ziying's team officers came, about 80 people, all standing around Li Guolou. What's the big deal for adults to talk to them?

Li Guolou went straight to the point and said: "Everyone, we are very close to the front line now, about [-] days away. This is also the hardest hit area for rebel looting, we have to guard against it. The possibility of being attacked is more than [-]%. When the enemy suddenly launches a sneak attack on our convoy, we must make the most appropriate emergency measures to prevent the enemy from taking advantage of it. How can we reduce losses with such a long team? We must also hurt the enemy's cavalry as much as possible. It is necessary for each of us to exert our strength and twist into one rope. Instead of running around in panic and shooting indiscriminately, it will not cause any lethality. We must know that if the enemy's cavalry rushes in front of us, we will only be slaughtered. Xijia There is a daughter. So I announce that tomorrow we will conduct a practical exercise to test the combat effectiveness of our Li Ziying."

"Yes!" As soon as they heard about the actual combat drill tomorrow, every officer and the leader of the civilian husband became very motivated. They hadn't heard the sound of guns and guns for a long time, and the guns were almost rusted.

"Okay! For tomorrow's battle command, each team will be regarded as a combat group. How will the adjacent teams cooperate and how to deploy defenses? It will be determined by the post commander himself. The battalion officer and team supervisor will give each team a score. I want to see The cooperative spirit of each team." I am very pleased with the unquestionable obedience of the subordinates and the faint murderous intent.The soldiers of Li Ziying have the consciousness of fighting, and the war can make the students of Xinwu Hall grow rapidly and become a qualified commander.

Yao Bin, Xishan Jianrui's nutrition and training soldier, was also in the ranks of the meeting. He was appointed by Li Guolou as the team officer to supervise the thirty training soldiers.Seeing that even the elders had Mausers, the student soldiers of Xinwutang had already resisted Mausers, showing off in front of the foster soldiers all the way.That Su Yuanchun is already wearing an exquisite revolver, and their [-] foster soldiers are still carrying flintlock guns until now. Xishan Jianrui's nutrition and training soldiers have long scolded their mothers behind their backs. Tomorrow's military exercise, isn't it the nurturing soldiers? Shame on you?

"Report to Li Xuezheng, we Xishan Jianrui are not raised by our stepmothers. I hope Li Xuezheng will treat us equally and change our equipment." Yao Bin couldn't bear it anymore, and stepped forward to salute.

"Captain Yao, it doesn't matter whether you use guns well or not. You have raised your soldiers to get used to using flintlock guns. You should use weapons that are good for you first, so that you can perform well. When you go back, each of you will give you a revolver."

"Yes!" Yao Bin left happily, wanting to tell the good news to his brothers, holding a mimeographed operational outline in his hand.This outline is a collective effort, and some battlefield contingency measures formulated by the school officials, so that when an emergency occurs, people will not have a blank mind. When learning to fight in a war, you must also learn to sum up experience and lessons.

Seeing the looks of those poor old men eager to try, Hu Yangyue's heart was ups and downs. His caravan also has a strong fighting force, how can he be a turtle in the middle, and rushed to say: "Li Xuezheng, our caravan wants to participate in the drill, and I promise to listen to it." order to act."

"Okay! It's good for Mr. Hu to exercise. People have instinctive reactions. Combat drills allow people to make the right choice in an instant." Li Guolou asked Hu Yangyue to participate in the military meeting to improve the self-protection ability of the caravan and let the team everyone plays a role

The officers returned to the camp, and the surroundings gradually calmed down. Li Guolou said in a low voice, "Keep an eye on those refugees. Don't be afraid of trouble. Call me tomorrow according to the roster. I think someone will slip away tonight."

"Yes! I'll go roll call tomorrow morning." Fan Dahui was surprised, and stared at Li Guolou with wide eyes. It turned out that Li Guolou was not on a whim, and danger was approaching anytime and anywhere. The group of people who called Master Fan the "savior" There are hidden murderous intentions, and they actually want their lives.Fortunately, he followed a "God Catcher", this time he will not die on the battlefield.

"If someone escapes, whoever came to serve with that person will be arrested and driven away. There is also the method of forming a team among the refugees, and those who spread rumors and do not report them will be punished together. Whoever dares to make trouble, let him go. Li Ziying's military regulations should be stricter, don't be kind to others, but be cruel to yourself." Li Guolou secretly told a few of his confidantes, and he was going to kill him tomorrow morning. take actions.

Hearing that Li Guolou was going to attack those refugees, Fan Dahui, Ma Dequan, Battelle and others were eager to try.

The most excited person among them is Jin Erzi. He is twisted in his heart and belongs to the abnormal type. He likes to see bloody scenes. If a refugee disappears tomorrow, he can kill someone.So Jin Erzi didn't do any good work, but clamored to come to the Great Northwest to fight.

"Li Xuezheng, I brought the entire set of torture instruments from the Ministry of Punishment. Before driving the suspect away tomorrow, let me ask for a statement. I can pry open even a tiger's mouth." Jin Erzi no longer conceals the torture instruments that he secretly hid, but wants to take them out. use.

Surprised the people around him, he was even more ruthless than Li Guolou, Li Guolou just used the double-sit method to deal with hidden spies.And Jin Erzi still wants to lynch, and doesn't treat people as human beings.

"Well, Jinyin is here, let's go with Master Fan tomorrow." Li Guolou raised his eyebrows, turned and left, not to let others see his facial expression.He was secretly delighted that he had finally discovered a talent. This kind of vicious and vicious person was the talent he needed.Jin Erzi has a lot of conditions, and he can become his trump card in the future.

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