late Qing Dynasty arrest

Chapter 485 Bombing Loess Blockhouses

Xiaokongtong Huangtu Fortress is located on the high loess slope east of Dong Zhiyuan. It is the main form of military defense blockhouse and is a group of yellow soil blockhouses.Built in the late Ming and early Qing Dynasties, there are mainly two types of fortresses: one is a stone block built with stone blocks; Majestic, with a height of more than 30 meters.Most of the yellow clay blockhouses scattered in Dong Zhiyuan have been submerged in the dust of history or replaced by stone blockhouses.

However, after experiencing various disasters, the loess blockhouses still survived intact, which has to be amazed.Because the blockhouses are rammed with yellow mud and clay, they are lavender red, so they are also called copper blockhouses.

The Xiaokongtong loess blockhouse group stands high on the top of the mountain. The loess blockhouse group consists of three yellow soil blockhouses, which are distributed in the Huizhai of Buchu Village within a range of 3 meters from east to west and 1000 meters from north to south.The blockhouse is a quadrangular yellow clay blockhouse. The plane of the blockhouse is rectangular, the bottom side is 350 meters long, the width is 100 meters, and the wall thickness is 70 meters. A small "t" shaped window is opened in the middle as a lookout or shooting hole. There is a wooden bucket arch building on the top to shelter from the wind and rain. There is a door at the bottom, which is 5 meters high and 2 meters wide.There is no decoration on the outside of the blockhouses, and each side is as straight as a chip. The three yellow clay blockhouses are of different heights, ranging from 1 meters to 1 meters.

The small Kongtong loess blockhouses form the horns of each other, forming a complete defense system. During wartime, they are mainly used to defend against invasion and robbery. In case of emergency, all nearby households, old and young, women and children can go inside to hide. In normal times, the earthen blockhouses are mostly used to store grain and grass.

The loess blockhouses in Xiaokongtong three-dimensionally reflect the aesthetic tendency of the Hui people to pursue deep and passionate, simple and vigorous, and full of sense of strength.This soaring and towering yellow mud blockhouse group can show the national personality of the Hui people who are indomitable and dance with the mountains.

It was these three fortresses that caused Xu Zhanbiao to return home, because these three fortresses not only formed a corner, preventing the Qing soldiers from launching their offensive, but also had four Francine cannons on each fortress, with the lethality of shotguns. huge.The cannons of the Qing soldiers were too high to shoot at the top of the city because of the range. Therefore, the Xiaokongtong loess blockhouses became a stumbling block for the Qing army to attack Dong Zhiyuan.

Xu Zhanbiao personally commanded the army to come to Xiaokongtong, and the main officers of the North Road came. They all wanted to see the power of the imported Krupp cannon.

In the icy and snowy Dong Zhiyuan, thousands of civilians were building forts, right under the noses of the enemy. Li Ziying had been on the front line for three days and overcame many difficulties during these three days. The artillery officer calculated the exact distance, high.Engineers built three majestic wooden observation platforms with a height of more than 30 meters. Observers can climb up to the observation platforms and observe the movements in the three fortresses 1000 meters away.

The officers and soldiers of the Qing Dynasty returned to the army under their noses, and there was no way to build observation towers and forts. Not far from the slope below the fortress, there were heavy Qing soldiers guarding them, and they established a defensive offensive. The five battalions of Guo Baochang of the Anhui Army were like beasts. Prepare to devour the attack of the returning army.The Qing soldiers in the ditch looked hideous, and they were all talking about the wise decision of Deputy Commander Xu Zhanbiao to kill and burn all the chickens and dogs to avenge the dead comrades.

Guo Baochang personally directed the battle and was already at the forefront, preparing for the first attack. He looked at the three forts behind him, cursing and blaming Li Ziying for dragging his feet for three days. In the enemy's stronghold.If it is fierce, not afraid of death, and brave enough to go to the city to fight, no one can compare with the Anhui Army. This army is Zuo Zongtang's direct line.

Although Guo Baochang was full of complaints about Zuo Zongtang, he immediately bowed his head and listened to Zuo Zongtang in front of Zuo Zongtang.The 10,000+ Qing troops in the Northwest were under the control of Zuo Zongtang, and Zuo Zongtang would not bring troops without combat effectiveness to fight in the Shaanxi-Gansu region.Of course, most Qing troops were good at defending cities, and most of them guarded strategically important places.The troops that can be pulled out for field battles are only these few troops, about 6 to [-] horses.Because the prerequisite for a field army is to have cavalry, infantry equipment is almost enough to form an army, and cavalry is a troop piled up with silver. If the artillery is eliminated, the cavalry has the best conditions.

"Grandma, why don't you fire the cannon, why are you dawdling? The herald will go and see, what is Deputy Commander Xu doing, like an old woman with little feet, please be quick." Guo Baochang was furious, except for his dissatisfaction with Li Guolou, he had already vented his anger On Deputy Marshal Xu Zhanbiao.Constantly looking at the pocket watch, the time is clearly up, the military order is like a mountain, and it is said that if the time is not fired, the head should be killed.

On the fort, Xu Zhanbiao held up his binoculars and looked at the fort a kilometer away. He could see the muzzle of the Franji cannon, and said solemnly: "Li Guolou, the enemy's cannons pose the greatest threat to our army. Knock it out."

As the commander-in-chief of an army, Xu Zhanbiao has experienced hundreds of battles and survived nine deaths.Visiting the scene in person attaches great importance to this battle, the military orders are cruel and ruthless, and he keeps his promises. What he wants is a complete victory.

"Yes! Guaranteed to complete the task, my subordinates will definitely knock down the earthen walls of the fortress, as long as all the bunkers that can be seen by visual inspection are leveled." Li Guolou caressed the huge Krupp cannon, full of confidence in himself, even the French Also defeated by the Prussians, a fortress built of loess will be destroyed under powerful artillery fire.

"Well, let's start." Xu Zhanbiao gave an order, pinning his hope of tackling the tough battle on the Krupp cannon.For the officers and soldiers of the Qing Dynasty, without these cannons, they would have attacked Dong Zhiyuan. With the order of the army, they would have rushed forward even if they were killed, relying on their flesh and blood to build a new Great Wall.

These officers and soldiers of the Qing Dynasty for the unification of the motherland and territorial integrity are the pride of a country, and those who belittle them are all traitors.

"Yes!" Li Guolou waved the command flag with his chest and belly protruding, the time has come to prove his ability, he wants to use thunderbolt of anger to smash those who have dreams of independence.Fart's anti-Qing and anti-oppression is to fight for independence, starting with local separatism.

The artillery observer standing on the observation platform waved the command flag, the flesh on Xun Xi's face shook, and he howled, "Fire!"


The first huge shell, weighing forty catties, drew a graceful arc from the barrel and shot towards the high wall thousands of meters away.

The smoke filled the sky, and everyone looked at the sky. The iron ball with sparks carried the revival of the Qing Dynasty, allowing countless heroes and soldiers to rush up the city wall with their flesh and blood without braving the enemy's artillery fire.

With a loud bang, the shell smashed the frame of a Francois cannon on the top of the wall, and the trembling earth wall trembled under the fire.

A returning gunner hiding behind the Fran plane was blown to pieces, and another observer was hit by a fallen gun barrel, which rolled down on the observer's hands and feet.

"Let go!" Fan Ye on the other fort commanded ten howitzers, and the first round of artillery salvo fired into the fortress together, creating a puff of smoke.


The Krupp cannon on the third fort erupted in anger, and the earth wall of the third fortress suffered the first impact. With a bang, a huge piece of loess fell from the earth wall.

"Long live!"

The Qing officers and soldiers hiding in the tunnel raised their arms and shouted, and the three fortresses were all punished as they should.

"Hit me hard!" Li Guolou waved his fist excitedly, and the three fortresses were like a beast, causing countless heroes of the Qing Dynasty to fall to the ground.This time he wants to avenge the dead heroes and turn the fort into ruins, and the resisters have no reason to live.




The heavy shells made the trembling earth wall drop pieces of loess. Those Frangler cannons had already been buried in the loess, and several Frangler cannons fell from the top of the city.

"Good! Good fight!" Xu Zhanbiao praised the artillery loudly. The results of the battle were brilliant. Without the Franji cannons in the returning army, the death rate of the Qing soldiers in the siege battle could be greatly reduced.But he still wants to see more glorious results. The three forts are in a corner. To break the enemy's fortifications, the three forts must be destroyed together. This attack is just a small test. When hundreds of cannons are pulled out, Dong Zhiyuan will be smashed to pieces in the Qing Dynasty, and the Yellow Dragon Banner will be planted all over the plateau of the motherland.

Gunpowder smoke filled the air, and wave after wave of shells hit the earthen walls of the three fortresses. The Hui soldiers hiding in the fortifications not only had to avoid the shells, but those shells seemed to have eyes, and each shell shot at the people. hit the place.

Guo Baochang cheered, and the loess poured down the earthen wall of a fortress, eager to try to charge, but the shells whizzing past his head still did not stop, and the heart hanging in his throat swallowed the words again .


A watchtower with an earthen wall was knocked down, and the Hui soldiers hiding in the watchtower cried and cried for their mothers. Hiding on the earthen wall, there was no safe place.The blind spot that was originally proud of was also hit by shells, and another watchtower disappeared from the sight, leaving only a pile of rubble.

The mouths of the officers and soldiers of the Qing Dynasty were all opened wide. The shocking shelling made them feel small. The earthen walls were like quicksand, constantly moving, and the ground was trembling.

Incendiary bombs shot into the fortress like firebirds one by one, and disappeared from the eyes of the officers and soldiers of the Qing Dynasty.Clouds of thick smoke rose up, and a fire was already burning inside the fortress.

No one could be seen on the earthen walls, the torn earthen walls were blasted into gaps, and some places could be climbed up without ladders, and the three strong fortresses were destroyed by artillery fire.The returned soldiers hiding in the fortifications were blasted to a bloody mess, with their stumps flying around.

"Tick tick tick tick!" The loud bugle sounded, and it was the horn of Li Ziying's bugle to issue an attack horn. The artillery on the fort was firing into the fortress, allowing the soldiers on the front line to advance despite the artillery fire.

Guo Baochang waved his hand and shouted: "The warriors of the Qing Dynasty charge!"

Amidst the roar of the mountains and the tsunami, thousands of soldiers of the Qing Dynasty rushed up the mountain ridge with loaded bayonets, a big knife on their backs, bare arms, and bamboo ladders.Countless warriors of the Qing Dynasty marched under the cannon fire.Some of the artillerymen of Li Ziying carried copper cannons and ammunition boxes, and followed the large army to climb the earthen wall.

The war is very cruel and bloody, and honor is defended by blood, so whichever army climbs to the top of the wall will benefit the most.Guo Baochang's Anhui army accepts the most dangerous mission, so they don't allow others to get involved in everything in the three fortresses.

But because of the artillery attack of Li Ziying, Guo Baochang agreed to let 200 of Li Guolou's men participate in climbing the fort. As long as they are alive, they can do whatever they want. This is the law of war.Even if Li Guolou didn't focus on burning, killing and looting, the soldiers under him had already exploded with animal nature. More than 2000 people competed for these [-] places, and there were all kinds of people. Those who are not afraid of death must use killing to prove that they are qualified fighters.

A group of desperadoes from Li Ziying also climbed to the top of the city. Several gunners in the vanguard climbed onto the mound, set up copper cannons and began to bombard the gap, blasting the original narrow gap into a large gap.

The copper cannon is flexible and convenient, and two gunners can lift it up and run, and fire at close range, with a hundred shots.There were rumbling explosions one after another, and there were gunners in every gap.

"Okay, okay! I want all the artillery." Guo Baochang was excited. Guo Ziying, who was rich and powerful, wanted to build an artillery battalion.

After seeing the power of the cannon salvo, Guo Baochang had a new understanding that he should be willing to spend money where it should be spent. Like Li Ziying, he did not ask for help in everything. Only he came up to flatter Li Guolou.A modern army should be so mighty. No wonder Li Ziying was able to wipe out more than 2000 cavalry at one time.The Hui army on the wall was easier to hit. How many of the Hui army in the fortress were wiped out in a round of heavy bombardment?I'm afraid that the Hui army on the earth wall is almost dead.

The Hui army guarding the fortress had already been beaten into pieces. The earthen walls were full of corpses. The Qing officers and soldiers with bayonets rushed forward under the leadership of the team officers and sentry officers. The sound of guns, cannons, and trumpets , screaming and killing, gunpowder smoke filled the air, one after another snow mountain lion flags were planted on the tall earthen wall, and bronze cannons and howitzers were erected on high places, blasting fiercely at the inside of the fortress. The picture of the war is so long, but also So bloody.

"Okay! So many military flags have been put up! Guo Ziying is doing well." Deputy Marshal Xu Zhanbiao rubbed his eyes, unable to believe his eyes.There was no tragic battle to climb the city, the ground was not piled up with the corpses of Qing soldiers, and the three fortresses were covered with the flags of the Lion Army on the snow mountain.

"Glory! Glory belongs to the soldiers of the Qing Dynasty." Li Guolou's eyes were filled with tears. For a nation and a country, the soldiers of the Qing Dynasty who were not afraid of death gave their youth and blood, and used their loyalty to prove the rise of the Chinese nation. And he witnessed this moment himself.

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