The earth is trembling, as if the sky is burning, everything in front of me is rushing, and the dull roar makes people's eardrums want to shatter.People can't breathe, and the boiling Lijiabao is floating in an instant, as if floating in the smoke, which is very unreal.

When a gust of wind hits, people can't open their eyes. What happened?It was Emperor Guan who was furious, and a huge roar came from the bottom of his feet.Lijiabao is galloping like a wild horse running wild, with mountains roaring and tsunami, and the overwhelming air waves kicking up thousands of layers of dust.

Before anyone could recover, three blue signal flares shot towards the sky above Lijiabao with strange howls.





Thunderous artillery shells have pierced the sky, and the surging smoke covered people's eyes, and the sky above Lijiabao was filled with gunpowder smoke.

Xun Xi held his binoculars and remained motionless. If Xun Xi was usually a cannonball, now he has completely changed his appearance and imitated Li Guolou's depth.There is no expression of joy, anger, sorrow or joy, standing majestically in the artillery position, with smoke in front of it.

The observer on the command tower reluctantly put down the two flags in his hand.He could not direct the cannon, the smoke was too great.

Has the city wall of Lijiabao collapsed?The commander of the Qing army waited anxiously, but he couldn't see clearly. Every round, dozens of shells flew across, making people applaud. The clouds of smoke in his sight, with blood and flesh, blasted the enemy into pieces.Those who hide on the top of the wall have a very low chance of surviving.The tower on the top of the city has disappeared, and the dust is flying, and the shells whizzing by are pouring into Lijiabao one after another.

"Okay! Fuck it!" The soldiers hidden in the forward position finally saw the city wall of Lijiabao clearly. A large section of the collapsed city wall had turned into a slope, and the houses and buildings in Lijiabao city were faintly visible.

On the battlefield, Xu Zhanbiao couldn't help boasting: "Master Li, my engineers are the best, and the artillery is the icing on the cake."

It was also the first time for Li Guolou to see the power of Nobel's new explosives. He did not research and develop independently, but bought the patent rights for the new explosives from Nobel through the middleman French Minister Wade.The money that should be spent still needs to be spent. The idea of ​​self-reliance and arduous innovation will waste countless energy and manpower, and even cost the precious lives of scientific researchers.

The Qing people like to be opportunistic and refuse to pay patent fees.But he was different. He accepted new Western ideas and paid inventors. Although he was not recognized by the people of the country and there was no reward, no one said that he had done good things for the Qing Dynasty.

On the contrary, some people think that he spent 28 silver to buy back a few notes, which is really not worth the candle.It is believed that the arsenal of the Qing Dynasty will manufacture explosives, and Nobel's new explosives are of little use.

Thinking of the hardships and helplessness of the Qing Dynasty reform, Li Guolou felt sore, and replied dryly: "Deputy Marshal Xu, the loess explosives you used, but I brought them are much more powerful than black explosives, knowledge is combat effectiveness. "

"Oh! Really? I think the difference is the same. Next time, compare the two city gates with two types of explosives." Xu Zhanbiao refused to give in, and hoped that Li Guolou would continue to support the Northwest Army.He suffered from the insufficient power of the explosives. Many times a castle would have to dig several tunnels and carry out constant blasting because of the insufficient power of the explosives.

Li Guolou stared fiercely and said: "Deputy Marshal Xu, if it weren't for my support, you would have died tens of thousands more. I support you all, and I deserve the title of baron."

Hearing that Li Guolou accidentally revealed his dark heart, Xu Zhanbiao laughed wickedly. With this little virtue, the young man was insatiably greedy, and the purpose of coming to the Northwest was finally revealed.

Li Guolou's promotion speed has already violated the ancestral system of the Qing Dynasty. Officials are evaluated in three rounds, with a total of [-] grades. According to the normal promotion speed, it takes three years to go up one level at the fastest.But who told him to be favored?What awaited him was a four-level promotion and a knighthood.Seeing the power of the loess dynamite drove him even more crazy. He felt a sense of accomplishment that he had never had before, and he couldn't help but feel a little light, revealing the young man's ambition.

Civil servants have a superior reserve, Li Guolou was a little carried away for a moment, but he quickly adjusted his mentality, maintained a solemn look and held up his binoculars to watch the dust rising above Lijiabao.

The sharp roaring sound was endless, and many people couldn't help covering their ears.The loess ground under your feet is trembling, and it is only when you are on the scene that you feel the meaning of life.

The Hui army hid in the corner of the city head, at a loss as to what to do. The shells exploded around them, and they wanted to fight back but could not see the enemy.But seeing a large section of the collapsed city wall is frightening.The defenders and artillery in a large section of the land have disappeared, and I keep asking in my heart, what should I do next?Where is the commander?What about the cannon?What about comrades?The Hui army, which was bombarded by artillery and had no organization, was on the verge of despair.

Boom!The human head rolled down to the feet from nowhere.

"Crack!" Someone's hand hit the face.

"Hey!" Why is the ear bleeding.

"Ah!" My feet are gone.

Shrapnel flew across, and the returned soldiers buried in the rubble were wailing, but no one came to rescue them, and no one was running on the city wall.

Cao Kezhong was unrestrained and unrestrained, and had a happy night, but he was woken up by the deafening shelling before he got up.He came to the courtyard with his pants in hand and shouted: "Assemble, assemble! Urgently assemble."

The soldiers of the pro-barracks under him rushed out from all over the place, queuing up in disheveled clothes.I hate that the Qing army didn't pick a good time to fight, and the genius was so bright that it didn't let people live.

Cao Kezhong was arranging his clothes and waiting for a herald to report the battle situation to him, but no one came in from outside the compound.The panicked appearance of his subordinates made him hate it, and he cursed: "What are you panicking about? It's just a frightening bombardment. I have seen a lot. When the barrel of the gun is hot, the guns full of dogs will stop. Tao Maolin, you take a team To the west of the city, I will go to the east of the city. Why didn't Zhang Hua send a herald?"

Zhang Hua was on duty in the east of the city yesterday, and should report to him in case of an emergency, so Cao Kezhong looked at the gate of the yard with some dissatisfaction.

There was a puff of smoke at the gate of the city, Tao Maolin waved his hands impatiently, and shouted: "First whistle, second whistle, follow me."

Cao Kezhong and Tao Maolin each led more than 200 soldiers, split up, and went straight to the top of the city braving the smoke.

All the people on the streets of Lijiabao were soldiers, old and young, carrying swords and spears, ran towards the city head, and the woman who was still making love in bed just now also went to the battlefield with a spear.Many of these women, as well as civilians, were taken captive, but people will always bow their heads to reality. Now they have all joined the Hui army, dedicating their lives for a noble cause.

This war is no longer a battle between two armies. The Hui people are mobilizing the whole family, even the elderly, women and children.Many old, weak, sick and disabled who have no power to restrain their chickens commit suicide one after another, just not to burden their family members, and because they already feel that life is hopeless.The people in the Hui people's old base areas have long been brainwashed. In their eyes, the Qing army is the devil.

War is so cruel and ruthless. It was supposed to be a war between two armies, but it turned into a war of all people. This is one of the reasons why the Qing army would kill brutally. There were precedents for Qing soldiers to be killed by civilians, even women and children. It will have the consequences of massacring civilians.How to distinguish between enemy soldiers and civilians?A nation that kills even children with knives has deviated from the trajectory of war and turned into a massacre.The essence of war is to kill people. The two sides have already killed each other indiscriminately. It is impossible to find the righteous side from the killing.

Lijiabao is a big fortress with a population of more than 7000 people. More than half of the population has become soldiers. Even the women boil water and cook for the soldiers.Originally, they worked together to defend the Qing army, but they still had illusions, thinking that by defending their hometown with concerted efforts, they could stop the invasion of the Qing army.But the loud rumbling noise in the early morning made them frightened. The tall city wall collapsed instantly, and hundreds of shells poured down.The gate of the city became the hardest-hit area, and even the Wengcheng fell rumbling down.

The originally organized and continuous team collapsed, especially the women's organization. Those women who were boiling water and cooking, scrambled and fled home in fright.Some people are still struggling, some people are missing, some injured people are crying, and thick smoke billows from the messy city gate.

Cao Kezhong brought the soldiers from the pro-barracks to the east gate, and he knew it was over, and even the Wengcheng had been turned into ruins. He asked the living guards, but Zhang Hua was nowhere to be seen, probably no bones left.The city wall on which it was firmly defended turned into rubble and fell apart.

what to do?what to do?Cao Kezhong was still thinking about the second battle plan in his mind, and the shelling stopped instantly. Just as he was about to speak, the horn of the charge sounded, and the siege of the Qing army began.





The stopped artillery sounded again, and the artillery of the Qing army extended to the city, bombing wildly, destroying the houses of the residents, and many wooden houses began to burn.

Cao Kezhong wanted to command the battle, but when he looked around, the returned soldiers were fighting on their own. They had already climbed up the damaged city and shot at the advancing Qing army.Cao Kezhong was quite excited. With such brave fighters, the dilapidated Lijiabao could also withstand the siege of the Qing army.


A cannonball hit a returning soldier who shot on the top of the city impartially, turning this brave returning soldier into cannon fodder in an instant.The howitzer group of the Qing Dynasty began to move forward, from 1000 meters away, dragged to 900 meters, and was still moving forward, and it was much closer, already 800 meters away from the city gate.

The small copper cannons advanced together with the charging troops. Wherever the cannons pointed, the power of each copper cannon was huge, and the power of the explosion made people within ten meters dead.The Hui army who hid on the top of the city and fired, as long as he showed his head, shells would be shot at him later.


The shells were impartial and landed on the corner of the city wall. Two Hui soldiers hiding here were loading the bullets. They looked at each other and said goodbye to their comrades forever. See you in heaven.


The artillery of the Qing army searched for the target to shoot, and each bronze cannon played its greatest function.The copper cannon is a front-loaded shell. The gunner uses a thumb to measure the distance. There is a screw wrench on the gun mount to adjust the distance and angle, and then ignite the fuze to fire.They all squatted on the ground to reduce the target, and there were infantry soldiers standing beside them. One was to search for targets, and they could also guide the artillery to shoot, and the other was to block bullets for the artillery.

At this time, the artilleryman is loved by all kinds of people, and the value of an artilleryman is greater than that of a sentinel.The battalion officers and sentry officers of the Qing soldiers would also climb to the top of the city as death squads, but they would never use artillery to make unnecessary sacrifices.Even if they charge, there will be infantry dedicated to protecting the artillery. If the infantry standing next to the artillery falls to the ground, another infantry will immediately take over.

The Qing army fired in volleys, holding their Mauser guns high and shooting towards the top of the city.A dozen Qing soldiers pushing the ladders, hiding under the wet quilts, charged forward against the rain of zero bullets!

The slope in front of him was splashed with water in many places, and with some coagulated blood, it shone with a cold and slippery light. It was obviously not easy to climb up the slope.

There is a low wall in front of me, the low wall is actually not high, it only reaches the chest of a person, but it is very solidly built, there is a slope in front of the low wall, counting the slope, the wall is actually two feet high.In front of this low wall, there are three trenches. The first two trenches are okay. Although they are half a foot wide and half a foot deep, they are full of sharp wooden thorns. The key is the third trench, which is one foot deep. It is one foot wide, not to mention that the inside is covered with spikes, and the front of the trench is full of layers of horses and sharp wooden stakes. This is the biggest difficulty that the Qing army had to overcome before climbing the city wall.

The Qing army built a fortification in front of this piece of rubble, and directly competed with the Hui army on the top of the city, shooting back and forth.

Now the low wall has been shelled to pieces, but it still seriously hinders the progress of the Qing army. Behind the Qing army, there are a large number of long husbands carrying sandbags. There are 3000 people. They use bags of sandbags layered on top of each other. Forge a road, and even build simple fortifications.

Soon the chieftain Peng Dingyue of the front-line commander and the chieftain Mo Baoguo of the local soldiers had come here to take command of the battle, and the simple fortifications surrounded by sandbags just covered their figures.

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