late Qing Dynasty arrest

Chapter 496 The Unspoken Rules of the Qing Army

Yesterday the Qing army was a destroyer, but today it has become a builder. In Lijiabao, the Qing army and civilian husbands cleaned the streets and moved supplies.There is no shortcut to attacking the fortresses, it is to destroy the fortresses step by step.Now that Lijiabao has become the forefront of the war, the strategic center of the Qing army has shifted to Lijiabao.

Lijiabao is a large fort, and it is not a problem to station 3 to [-] people.Xu Zhanbiao's Sichuan army moved from outside the city to the fort in batches.

The dilapidated city wall is crowded with people, and the men who carry the burden and the soldiers who dig the soil are repairing the city wall.The Qing army was preparing to garrison Lijiabao for a long time, and launched a protracted offensive and defensive battle with the Hui army.

Li Guolou used to live quite comfortably in the mansion, but he lived alone in the master room in the south, so he wanted to have a few fights with Wanniang at night.Early in the morning, a large group of military officers came uninvited, and they all wanted to be neighbors with Li Guolou. They almost didn't even protect their big kang, and he threw a quilt out. It's outrageous, and he still has a little wife!How can a big man sleep on a kang.

The battle was very hard. Most soldiers slept in tents. Some officers and soldiers shared the joys and sorrows and ate the same meals.Li Guolou did not achieve the ultimate, people are still different, and their thinking is the same as that of Westerners, and the status of officers should be higher than that of soldiers.Besides, his soldiers are not short of food and pay, so there is no need to ask for trouble.

Surrounded by a group of Goshhas, Wanniang stepped into the courtyard, dressed in furs, as if a noble lady had arrived.The officers in the yard were like flies smelling the smell of carrion, and they all ran out to watch the excitement, and the salivating halaz had flowed to the corners of their mouths.

Li Guolou glared at the surrounding officers with great dissatisfaction, and shouted, "What are you looking at! Didn't you make a fuss last night?"

"No! The officer said, I'm going to get married after a fight, how dare I!" An officer howled lamentingly, and there were sighs all around them. They are officers, and they have wives and children at home. How can they marry a man? The dubious woman goes back.

Unexpectedly, Li Guolou asked in surprise, "Where are those women?"

"Hey! There is always someone who is willing to pay. The officer said to go to bed first. He will be the witness tonight. No one can deny it." Another officer laughed jokingly. Eat a few bites of tofu.

"Oh..." Li Guolou realized that the Qing army treated women as trophies and distributed them to officers as wives first, which is much better than letting women be military prostitutes in ancient times.The times are advancing, and the Qing army is also advancing with the times, becoming a teacher of civilization.This method is good, those veterans who have meritorious service can also enjoy welfare benefits, and the ninth-class women will be the wives of veterans.

Li Guolou asked the bottom line: "Then are there still prostitutes?"

"Hey! There are no camp prostitutes on the front line, it's not allowed." The officers watched Wanniang's big butt disappear from their eyes with reluctance.

"Then bear with it." Li Guolou turned and went back to the room, and went to talk to Wanniang.

He didn't care about the welfare benefits of the army, he blamed himself for his hypocrisy, and Li Ziying didn't get a woman twice.This is wrong!It's a pain for my subordinates.Next time, I have to make it clear to Deputy Marshal Xu Zhanbiao that Li Ziying also needs the quota for girls, and there is no reason to take advantage of other troops.

"Xiaolou, didn't you sleep last night?" Wanniang started tidying up the room as soon as she entered the door. Li Guolou actually likes to be clean, so cleaning should not be sloppy.Wanniang was extremely busy cleaning the table, folding the quilt, and sweeping the floor.

"Well, I can't sleep. I've been studying the map all night. Wanniang, take the quilt to the yard to dry it. It's sunny today." Li Guolou sat at the table and wrote letters to his family. Write whatever you want, and greet your family members again.

After the thrilling war, it is still an ordinary life, and the nerves need to be relaxed. Li Guolou has gotten used to this kind of life, adjusted his mentality, and stopped thinking about the war.When fighting in Dong Zhiyuan, he mainly observed and learned more about the experience of war.

Wanniang looked at Li Guolou strangely, and asked, "Xiaolou, aren't you going to inspect the barracks?"

While writing the letter, Li Guolou shook his head and said, "Today is a holiday, so let them do whatever they want, and go see the sick and wounded in the afternoon."

Wan Niang asked: "Then you have lunch here?"

"I don't know. The officer told me to leave. Prepare for me." Li Guolou knew that Xu Zhanbiao, the deputy commander, wanted to hide some things from him, especially the confiscation of property and female prisoners returned to the army. clear.The Hui army made a living by looting. In a large fortress, there was at least enough food and clothing for a year. It can be said that the Qing army captured a fortress in a day and made a fortune.Supporting war with war is by no means empty talk. In the past, wars were fought by looting to maintain troops.Now the Qing army is short of money, and the hole is getting bigger and bigger.The stomach is not hungry, and the morale of the army is still stable, but the soldiers are poorer, and the problem of arrears of payment has never been resolved.

This caused a vicious circle, which made the Qing army like to engage in massacres, and robbed all the property in a fortress.There was no way for the army commander to stop this behavior. Whoever wanted the Qing army to change its looting behavior had to solve the problem of payment arrears, and the worst result would be bombing the camp.The Qing soldiers solved it by plundering income, but the evil result was to bring down the local economy.The local common people have no means of production, the land is barren, and even normal farming is difficult. The economic development has seriously regressed.

Li Guolou pondered for a long time. Although he continued to create wealth for the Qing Dynasty, he could not solve the 10,000+ Qing army salary.Fighting the war is too costly, and it cannot be solved. Even Zuo Zongtang, the governor of Shaanxi and Gansu, cannot solve the salary gap of so many troops.The danger of the Qing army bombing the camp is still attached to the Qing army like flies. Those troops who did not get the opportunity to loot are even more dissatisfied. The Qing Dynasty is in crisis. The next time the Qing army breaks out, who will be unlucky?

The systems are different and the factions are different. Even if Li Guolou has money, he will not lend it to these troops. Loaning to the army is like beating dogs with meat buns, and there will be no return.Thinking of the heavy and difficult problems, Li Guolou couldn't help shaking his head and smiling bitterly. A big victory would also cause dissatisfaction from all parties. When will the difficult Qing Dynasty be able to spend energy on people's livelihood?It is still necessary to learn from the military household system of the Ming Dynasty, to support war with war, and to farm while fighting.There are too many soldiers and horses in the Northwest, it is really unaffordable, and the war must be ended as soon as possible.

A burst of hearty laughter interrupted Li Guolou's thoughts. Fan Dahui, Cheng Kun, Liu Yu, Battelle, Zhang Haojie, five members of Li Guolou's civil and military team stepped into the room.

"Oh, you guys are here, sit down!" Li Guolou moved his body slightly, facing the big kang, and asked his subordinates to sit on the kang.

"How about the army?" Li Guolou devoted countless efforts to Li Ziying. This is a team piled up with money, and he will go through fire and water for him. Li Ziying is a death squad.

"I'm so overwhelmed, how can I enjoy myself by throwing a few sandbags?" Cheng Kun was furious. Li Ziying participated in two battles with Battelle as the commander. A tall Mongol.

It is impossible for a bowl of water to be flat. Just like Guo Baochang of the Anhui Army took advantage of everything with his big mouth, the Anhui Army would not be in danger of bombing the camp.This is also a way of survival. Others will not be able to learn it even if they want to learn it. On the contrary, it will arouse the disgust of the chief. It is very difficult to behave vulgarly and stand out without making others jealous.But Guo Baochang handled it very well. A man who looks vulgar has a good ability.

Li Guolou smiled, put down the brush, and said, "It's okay to be noisy in the camp, don't let outsiders see the joke. You are not here to make meritorious deeds. Cultivating talents and discovering talents is the way to be a teacher. If you lose the nail in Yongyang Fucheng, most people will return to Beijing, and you will be able to brag about returning to Xinwutang."

Fan Dahui froze, and hurriedly asked: "Master Li, are you still going back to Beijing?"

Li Guolou nodded and said: "I still need to learn more, I hope to see Dong Zhiyuan's rebel civil strife." The Qing army will also collapse in front of the offensive.He didn't believe that Dong Zhiyuan's returning army was monolithic, as long as the city of Yongyang Prefecture with mountains and ditches was captured, Dong Zhiyuan's returning army would surely be in chaos.

Dong Zhiyuan's return army built the fort on a high slope of loess, which seemed to have a huge natural danger to defend, but there was a natural disadvantage that could not be overcome, that is, there was loess under the foot of the fort.As long as the Qing army wants to dig tunnels, no matter how strong the fortress is, it will be destroyed.The Qing army had powerful artillery and powerful new loess explosives, and more than 300 fortresses were blown up.

Religious belief unites the Hui people, and people with lofty ideals raise their arms and shout, and a nation rebels.But for the survival of the Hui people, the imam will use new rhetoric to make the Hui people put down their arms. Religious belief has a huge influence, and the Hui people who have a unified belief will listen to the imam's words and deeds.The Hui people have lived under the oppression of the Manchu Qing for hundreds of years. Taking advantage of the civil strife in the Qing Dynasty to rebel, it is time to return to their lost ways.

Seeing Li Guolou's full confidence, Battelle said first: "I'm not going back, I still want to be a death squad."

"I'm not going back either!" The others were unwilling to leave Dong Zhiyuan. Unlike other armies, they were troubled by the scarcity of food and wages and were full of desire to fight.

Li Guolou smiled casually and said: "I can't afford to support so many people, and I will obey the military orders. You all have to think about how to fight the war? The efficiency of killing the enemy must be improved, and the efficiency of building Li Ziying into a team is amazing." High-level killing team. How to combine each team, each team, and each sentry is the most efficient. Instill this topic in every Li Ziying fighter. One word. Bravery is just a slogan. Putting an army on bravery is worse than building an efficient killing machine. This is what I ask of you.”


"Oh! I almost forgot. At night, I will talk to Deputy Marshal Xu about women. We also want female prisoners of war. You can also take them back to be wives. There is nothing shameful about it. Just press it on the bed and it will be done for a lifetime Well. If you have any dissatisfaction in the future, just say it, I am not a saint, and I can understand the suffering of soldiers." Li Guolou wanted to speak with a straight face, but seeing the faces of his subordinates, he couldn't help but burst out laughing.

Fan Dahui grunted: "Master Li, those girls are very reactionary, they are full of outrageous words."

Battelle said anxiously: "Master Fan, what do you care about. No matter how reactionary the Taiping Army is, they didn't believe in God. The full man doesn't know the hungry man is hungry. You have orchids, so who cares about us?"

Fan Dahui's face turned red, and his head drooped immediately. The hero was saddened by the beauty pass. He was bought by Hu Yangyue from "Caimaotang", and took an orchid as his concubine. He will take it back when he returns to the capital.

Li Guolou was furious and scolded: "Battle, you are not allowed to slander God, your shamanism is not much better. The Taiping army is a false religion, and it is a thing to deceive the Qing people in the cloak of God. Don't mention God in the future, just like I never Not to mention Islam, which is a taboo, and the beliefs of all ethnic groups must be respected."

Seeing that Li Guolou was annoyed, Battelle immediately expressed his opinion: "Yes! Master Li, I will never say any taboo words again."

Li Guolou lectured in the tone of someone who has experienced it: "That's the way women are, and I have suffered a lot from it. Don't use women to flatter me. I won't eat a bite. I only have one sentence If you have eaten it, don’t try to throw it away. I will beat the reactionary bitch hard, and I will use both ideological education and the whip, so that the bitch will be tame. Do you understand?"

"Yes! Understood!" The four officers stood upright. Soldiers follow the execution of military orders as a criterion, and educating female prisoners of war has become a new topic for Li Ziying.

Li Guolou said in a soft voice: "Battle, don't be stupid. What I said today should not be put on the table, it should be passed down one by one. This is the unspoken rule of our Qing army. Our Li Ziying is just inheriting from our ancestors. Glorious tradition, not a single word is allowed to be recorded.”

"Lord Li, it's useless to talk too much, we don't have any of them." Battelle sat down slumped, looking listless, regretted after being excited, and reported his thoughts to Li Guolou earlier.

"Don't worry, it's not too late. If there is a chance, Vice Marshal Xu will give me face. If I leave, no one will send him Jinhua ham." Li Guolou smiled, and Xu Zhanbiao hoped that Li Ziying would change. As a personal guard, a large group of officers outside the door came to stay in his yard, not because he had food and drink here.

A smell of vegetables and rice filled the air, and Wanniang shouted outside: "Xiaolou, it's time to eat!"

"Hehe! Sister-in-law is really capable!" Several military officers who knew Wanniang's old background had already changed their tune and called her sister-in-law affectionately.

Li Guolou acted as if he didn't see these officers taking advantage of them, and he could understand the pain in the hearts of the soldiers.The unspoken rules of the Qing army are a reasonable system, which can improve the combat effectiveness of the army and solve the lifelong affairs of the soldiers.As Qingmai enters a new era of system reform, it is necessary to inherit and carry forward the glorious traditions of the older generation and liberate more women compatriots.

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