late Qing Dynasty arrest

Chapter 499 The Wedding Banquet in the Gathering Hall

At night, the hall where the plaque of the Juyi Hall was hung was brightly lit, and the deputy commander Xu Zhanbiao led a group of officers to congratulate the bride and groom.

There are more than [-] Eight Immortals tables in the hall, full of one hundred couples of bridegrooms and brides, the numbers are very auspicious.But the expressions of the brides are different, some are excited, some are shy, more are unwilling, and some are crying silently.But women are always weak, they are occupied by men, and if they have a chance to give them a name, they are still married by the media, making these women accept their fate.

Except for Yang Dawazi, He Mingtang, Mu San and other righteous men anyway, one person occupied a woman, kissed and touched them happily, and it was unclear how many times they got married.There are also a few officers who are grooms, and most of the grooms are veterans who have done meritorious service. You can see a fairly decent-looking woman sitting beside Liu Sheng, the commander of the Sichuan Army carrying explosives.

Li Guolou followed behind Xu Zhanbiao, and distributed wedding money and gifts to the bride and groom. He belonged to a wealthy family, and he gave each pair of bride and groom a bright brocade silk, muttering: "Live a good life in the future, forget the past and focus on the future. We will grow old together!"

"That's that! I'm going to upgrade to be a father!" He Mingtang let go and shouted loudly. If it wasn't for the face of the highest official, he wouldn't get married.But today is different, several officials with status are all there, so they just join in the fun and promote a woman who has done it to the post of wife.

Li Guolou glanced at the bride with red and swollen eyes, and warned: "Bride, she is already a blessing from eighteen generations of ancestors. He Mingtang is a good man, so he should know how to cherish it. He is not a virgin, so he can't be hurt. Where are you going?"

The bride's face was blushing, thinking of He Mingtang's fierceness last night, and not stopping his conquest overnight, she couldn't help but feel excited, holding her husband He Mingtang with one hand, being a woman is very important.Life must go on, put aside the past and look forward to the future, women who can sit here can see a happy tomorrow.

The audience roared with laughter, and even the brides not only smiled, they glanced at Li Guolou, thinking to themselves: Whoever is lucky enough to be crushed by this officer is also a blessing from the [-]th generation of ancestors.

It was the first time that deputy commander Xu Zhanbiao heard Li Guolou swearing, he couldn't help turning around, and said, "Master Li, do you also want to be a groom?"

Li Guolou shook his head like a wave drum, and lamented: "Deputy Marshal Xu, don't mention girls, I will be caught by bustards and sister Huahua even when I go to brothels, and I have too much luck in this life, so I dare not go back with a fishy body. "

Xu Zhanbiao smiled sweetly and said, "Who told you that your flower name is Zhao Zilong? Girls like silver guns."

There was another burst of laughter, and even the dust on the beams fell off.The beauty is delicious, and the officers did not take the opportunity to eat tofu in a formal manner, but touched a few in a wild manner, and began to make trouble with the bride.The hall is full of laughing and joking military officers, and their subordinates are getting married. Tonight, regardless of each other, taking advantage of each other, the bride and groom can't be angry.

Although Li Guolou was laughing, he thought it was very funny.But he is not tempted at all, a twisted melon is not sweet, what is the point of this kind of overlord forcing himself to bow?Suddenly he thought of his own fate, that he was crushed by women several times, and women would seduce men with their beauty and power.Wouldn't he be played with like these female prisoners of war?Sad!After empathizing with others, it turned out that I was so unbearable, in the same situation as the bride in front of me, forced to smile and live in the world by deceiving myself and others.The most exasperating thing is that he still has to support those stinky and shameless women for the rest of his life!Li Guolou understands this joint, so he can't help feeling wronged for himself, vowing to never be a passive person again, forcing Yan Chenghuan, even if the beauty strips naked, he will kick the shameless beauty out of bed.

Everyone else was laughing, Li Guolou couldn't help but wiped his eyes, wiped away the tears that were about to come out of his eyes, and said to himself, don't think about messy things. "Leave the past behind and look to the future!" is also his motto.

There were festive words all the way. Seeing Dawazi Yang with his left hand still hanging in front of his chest, with a strap tied around his shoulder, Li Guolou asked with concern: "Dawazi Yang, don't let him go if you get hurt. Don't let him die!" gone."

Dawazi Yang seemed unhappy, and lamented, "Master Li, I have no choice but to lead by example, otherwise my brothers, how can I accept it. No matter how big the difficulty is, we have to face it, and minor injuries can't be the line of fire." After finishing speaking Dawazi Yang put his arms around the bride with his intact arm, kissed the bride in public, and immediately won the applause of the whole house.

Li Guolou let out a laugh, adjusted his mentality, and nodded in agreement with Dawazi Yang's words. He could pull out a team, Dawazi Yang's personal charm infected the bandits under him, and one person could change the fate of hundreds of people.If Dawazi Yang was a little stupid, he would either be used as cannon fodder by the Hui army, or be betrayed by Huizi.Yang Dawazi, like Dong Fuxiang, was a hero for a while, a figure like a hero.

I saw a table of daredevils smiling brightly, fighting wine with Liu Sheng.Li Guolou couldn't help but glance at Huang Ding in Shan'an Road. Happiness is just an illusion, and successful examples are only a minority.Most of these brothers who shared life and death with the groom Liu did not end well, and they all died honorably in battles.Liu Sheng, who was able to make meritorious service and embrace a beautiful woman, was just a bright firework that Huang Ding showed those daredevils.Liu Sheng, who wrote the legend, may be able to occupy a high position in the Sichuan Army, but that is a fake success. The real unknown heroes are buried in this land, and even their bones are blown to pieces.

But this is the essence of war, the dazzling fireworks. Everyone wants to be a hero like Liu Sheng, gain both fame and fortune, and become the leader of the army.The soldiers all inspired themselves with such heroic deeds as Liu Sheng, and braved the rain of bullets without fear of sacrifice.As an officer, I want to find out this kind of model in the army, and carry it forward, constantly bragging and exalting Liu Sheng's character.Heroes who can survive the cruel war deserve to enjoy the glory and wealth.

Li Guolou came up to toast with a wine bowl with a smile, nodded in approval and said: "Liu Sheng is doing well, if you have the opportunity to come to Tianjin Wei in the future, give lectures to those students, I will come for the fee, and you can bring your wife with you, I will show you around Yuanmingyuan."

Liu Sheng was already half-drunk and half-awake. He had laughed countless times and cried countless times. In a trance, he saw his dead comrade-in-arms. His red and swollen eyes could hardly be opened. Me, I will definitely bring my wife to you. Lectures are a trivial matter. I like telling stories best! Wife, what’s your name..."

The people around laughed wantonly, does it matter what the bride's name is?Most brides will have a new life and a new name, and even their beliefs will be changed. A battle will change a person's life.The chaos caused the residents of the Northwest to be reborn in blood, changing the destiny of a nation.Many women left their hometowns, followed in the footsteps of the Qing army, and remarried in other places.

Although these Hui women and Han women cannot let go of their attachment to their hometown, their fate has already been doomed, and this land will not favor them for the rest of their lives.

The Hui people used to be good at doing business. The Silk Road allowed many Hui people to get rich and rich, and it also allowed the Hui people to have money, food and people when they rebelled.But because of the Hui chaos, the Qing Dynasty changed its attitude towards the Hui people, forbidding the Hui people to do business, let alone allowing the Hui people to live in natural dangers.By relocating Hui people to poor and backward areas, a nation will suffer a lot in the years to come.

As for the attitude towards women, the Qing army is shameful, but history tells us that most of the army is like this, including the so-called righteous division.The only Yue family army that has been written about in a big book, historians tell the world that the Yue family army has strict military discipline and can be called a model of the nation, but it is an army that eats human flesh. Although it eats the flesh of the enemy, it is not the work of soldiers. Nothing to brag about.

Returning people are even more crazy. Dong Fuxiang's return to the army has not corrected this problem.It can be seen how the Hui army of later generations treated the female soldiers of the Red Army. War includes killing, and various unspoken rules have also been derived.When there is a need for criticism, historians will just point out a few words. Most of the time, the evil deeds are imposed on the enemy, and the truth is that both sides are equally shameful.The army opened up territory, brought unspoken rules to all directions, and then covered up the evil deeds and buried them in the dust of history. No one would mention the scandals of their ancestors.

The killing of a male must include the delicate body of a female.Just like two bucks in a duel, the female is tasted by the victor and passed on to the victor.Now the heroes of the Qing Dynasty have this honor. The wedding banquet was full of voices, and the officers boasted of their military exploits and told about yesterday's cruelty and bravery.What could be more impulsive than killing someone else's husband and occupying her body.

The supreme glory made those grooms drink wine and shout impulsively.

Those brides were also drunk with fine wine, anesthetizing themselves with alcohol, forgetting the pain, forgetting the past, throwing aside the shackles of morality, and sitting on the man.

The Qing Dynasty advocated the Famous Festival, and chaste memorial archways were built in various places to commend women who were determined.But on the battlefield, I realized that most people are still willing to live. These women have the opportunity to commit suicide, but they survived and become other people's wives overnight.Some are still mothers, but the children will never be seen. Most of the children were taken away by the chieftain Peng Dingyue and the chieftain Mo Baoguo. What will be the fate of these children in the future?No one cares.Minority armies need spoils to fight for the Qing emperor. The tradition inherited from ancient times to the present continues in the Northwest.

Li Guolou was sitting next to Peng Dingyue and Mo Baoguo, chatting happily and maintaining a happy mood.War destroys humanity, and only victory is worth boasting about, and you can sit down and drink celebration wine.The losers can only complain about their grievances and the history of national humiliation.

Li Guolou watched several tables of Muslims having a drink, and some of the leaders of the Muslims married two wives at once, and they were busy hugging left and right.These Muslims killed their own compatriots, not at all soft-hearted, even more brutal, and also robbed their compatriots' wives.I was thinking in my heart: the ancestors of the Han people were also like this.War makes people vent their primitive desires, and they can't tell which is right and which is wrong?How will future generations evaluate those who fought for the unity of the motherland?In the final analysis, people are just beasts in clothes, using war as an excuse to do things that violate human ethics and morality.

"Master Li, please!" Mo Baoguo raised his wine glass and asked impatiently, "Master Li, when are you going back to Beijing?"

Li Guolou took a sip of his wine with a forced smile, and said with a smile: "Toast Mo, don't worry, when Li Ziying leaves, he will sell the equipment to you two at a cheap price, and I won't take it back."

Peng Dingyue was getting older, and he nagged, "Lord Li, don't sell it to the Chu army. The imperial court will arrange it for them. We arm ourselves entirely by ourselves. As you can see, this time we local soldiers suffered a lot. .Those little bastards have become warriors. I don’t know the year of the monkey.”

Li Guolou replied: "I advise the two chieftains to keep up with the times and let the heirs in the tribe learn the new style of warfare. If there are a few bronze cannons in mountain warfare, they will be invincible. No Dare to invade your territory."

Peng Ding shook his head and said: "We can't let them learn, otherwise there will be endless troubles and wars will be provoked."

Mo Baoguo sneered and said, "Chief Peng, why are you lying when you are so big? You are too selfish. When you die, the tribe will definitely split."

Peng Ding sighed dejectedly, stroked his white beard, smiled wryly, and looked at a group of young sons at the other table, who seemed to be drinking and chatting in harmony, but in fact there were many factions.After he died, his sons drew their swords against each other for territory, wealth, and women. Others saw it, how could he not know, but the palms and backs of his hands were full of flesh, so he couldn't make a choice.

Li Guolou looked at this scene, and his heart skipped a beat. This is the trouble of having many descendants. He will also have such a day when his brothers and sisters will fight each other, turn their faces and be ruthless, and burn each other at the same root.The wealth he accumulated will also be divided among his descendants.The grandma in the family lives in harmony now, and one day she will turn her face because of the uneven wealth.There are many losers in the rich family, and the rich can only last three generations, so we should pay close attention to the education of our children.It is necessary to deal with the persistent problem of grandmas with uneven wealth. Grandmas from different backgrounds have their own private money and do business behind his back.

Xu Zhanbiao raised his glass to toast, and said, "Come on! Drink this cup to the full, and you can't drink any more. At midnight tomorrow morning, a military meeting will be held."

Hearing this, everyone at the table stood up and clinked glasses!A group of high-ranking officers dispersed, and the remaining people continued to have fun in the Juyi Hall. There were no more officers, and they acted more recklessly.

Li Guolou walked out of the Juyi Hall, and asked in a low voice, "Master Fan, how much did Zhu Dinghe do?"

"Hey! This kid has two of them, hiding him tightly, as if I would snatch him. Even the rice is eaten on the kang, you won't see him, he should be drinking a cup of wine now. I am so happy. "Fan Dahui snickered furtively, he wouldn't do such immoral things.

"Hey! Give him 1000 taels of silver, and I will practice it for him. How can I live with such a rectification?" Li Guolou drifted away, and when friends always parted, he had done his best to help his friends. The roots are gone.

"Deling!" Fan Dahui stretched out his hand to catch the rainwater falling from the sky, feeling a little moist.It was raining lightly, and Dong Zhiyuan underwent earth-shaking changes.

The man's fame depends on the pen that turns his hand into clouds and his hands into rain. All the secrets in Dong Zhiyuan will be buried, and only the heroic deeds of the cutest fighters will be written in the long river of history.

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