late Qing Dynasty arrest

Chapter 509 How tall is the sky, how bold are people!

In the middle of the night, Li Guolou was still in a dream, so he woke up Ma Dequan and asked him to go to the top of Pengyuan Mountain overnight for an important meeting

Li Guolou was sore all over, and he was wandering in a dream, but the dream was interrupted, and he said vaguely: "Ma Dequan, did you ask anything?"

"I asked! That Goshha didn't know anything, and Deputy Commander Xu asked you to go." Ma Dequan handed the clothes to Li Guolou casually, and the military order came down, and he must execute it if he is alive.

"It's not so fast, it's still raining. Let the little pole follow me up the mountain, don't call Master Fan." Li Guolou heard the ticking sound on the cowhide tent, the spring rain was continuous, and the rain would continue to fall.Thinking of the best ending, the returning army in Yongyang Prefecture will be in chaos without a fight, and people from all walks of life are waiting for the wind to surrender.But I never thought that within 24 hours, there would be good news.

Zheng Heng was on duty tonight, and Li Guolou led him, followed by [-] Goshhas, braved the rain, and rode in the direction of Pengyuan Mountain on horseback.Goshha in front answered the password with the sentry post, took out the token for verification, passed through the strict sentry post, and climbed up the hillside. [

"Grandma's Xiong, Deputy Commander Xu will enjoy it, but we will suffer." Li Guolou was extremely dissatisfied and complained loudly when climbing the mountain in the rain in the middle of the night. His military boots stepped on the muddy road, and it was quite strenuous to walk.

The person next to him seemed to be dumb, and no one spoke. Relying on the light of the oil lamp, a group of Geshiha escorted Li Guolou up the mountain.

Zheng Hengdan wanted to remind Li Guolou not to speak ill of the chief behind his back.The words came to his lips and he swallowed them back. Soldiers are all cursing, so let Li Guolou show off his sharp teeth.

Huang Ding met Li Guolou at the gate of Dishui Cave, and said with a smile: "Master Li, good news, your 10 taels of silver has paid off. There is internal chaos in Huizi, and a group of generals are about to revolt on the battlefield."

Li Guolou grinned loudly, and complained loudly: "Member Zodiac, just let me know about this kind of thing tomorrow. I don't need me to come to listen in the middle of the night. It's not like a war is going to happen so soon."

"Hey, you don't know, they are in a hurry than us. The person who came is called Cao Keding, who is here to negotiate on behalf of Cao Zhongquan. I want to see you by name, and I want to know how much money they can make by defecting on the battlefield. That kid is very good at negotiating. Yes, Deputy Commander Xu promised to let him be a battalion officer in the future." Huang Ding looked at the people who entered the cave, and was drinking ginger tea with a ladle, which he specially used for Li Guolou and his party to drive away the cold. Occasionally, it is easy to get sick.

Li Guolou said with a smile: "Master Zodiac, I'm telling you the truth. I'm not good at negotiating, and I don't like to bargain with others. You'll make the decision later, and I'll go around with that kid."

Huang Ding explained the ins and outs of the matter, and then met with Cao Keding, after some haggling.Cao Keding began to draw the defense map of Yongyangfu City. He even drew the position of each artillery piece, the staffing was clearly written, and the total number of weapons and horses was clearly on the paper.

Li Guolou took a look, his handwriting was beautiful, and a map looked decent, and he couldn't help praising: "Cao Keding, you are a rare military talent, and you will work hard under Deputy Commander Xu in the future. Soon to be."

"Thank you, Commander Li, for your compliment. I like fighting the most, so I don't want to enjoy life in the local area. Being a battalion officer is my lowest goal. I will definitely serve as Deputy Commander Xu in the future." Cao Keding stood beside him respectfully, with a very respectful expression. .From the tense look when I first came, I slowly relaxed.The generals of the Qing army were not hideous and evil, they were much better than he had imagined.

"Very good, very promising." Li Guolou nodded slightly, and patted Cao Keding on the shoulder a few times, as if he was very optimistic about Cao Keding's future, and his love for talents was overflowing.In fact, I was thinking in my heart: the talented surrender faction is a sharp sword hanging over the head of the Qing Dynasty, ready to strike back at any time.Let Cao Keding be cannon fodder as soon as possible, the surrendering faction Song Jiang will not die, and Song Huizong will have trouble sleeping and eating.Let Cao Keding go to God, Amen!

After asking Cao Keding about the situation in Yongyangfu City, it was already dawn, and senior generals such as Xu Zhanbiao, Huang Ding, Guo Baochang, Li Guolou, etc. were eating noodles and studying the map at the same time.

The military deployment of the Qing army changed drastically overnight. Xu Zhanbiao's distribution of troops could not achieve the goal of completely annihilating the Hui army and defending the enemy.The original strategic deployment was to encircle the Three Ques as a bait to lure the main force of the returning army to flee.The Qing army mainly occupied Yongyangfu City, and eliminated as many main forces of the Hui army as possible in the pursuit battle.Now Xu Zhanbiao's appetite has grown, and with the aim of eliminating the fifth commander-in-chief Chen Lin and the seventh commander-in-chief Feng Junfu, he has taken a fancy to the main force of the Hui army. The 4000-man cavalry unit is a huge piece of fat and a tough bone.

The problem was before them, when several generals were asked to eat noodles, they were all thinking about how to allocate their troops?The mobility of the returned cavalry is too strong, and it is difficult to eliminate the main force of the returned cavalry in mobile warfare.

Xu Zhanbiao put down the big bowl, wiped his mouth, and said, "The west of Yongyang Prefecture is a plain suitable for cavalry maneuvering. What's your opinion on how to cut off the retreat of the returning army?"

"My cavalry can fight and fight hard. It is no problem to wipe out part of the main force of the Hui army. The key is that the cavalry of the Hui army will flee in mobile warfare. We can't stop them." Guo Baochang shook his head, saying that the actual situation is very difficult. The army cavalry was pulled out to confront the Hui army cavalry, and they could only goug out a piece of meat from the Hui army cavalry.

"Is it okay to dig a hole?" Li Guolou thought of a good way to deal with the cavalry.

"Hey! Then how much labor force will be mobilized to work in the plains to the west? Do you know how big a hole one person can dig in a day? I think you've lost your mind because of your reading, you're a pedantic scholar, so save yourself." Guo Baochang said loudly Li Guolou laughed at Li Guolou, digging pits in the plains is an act of willful and impractical. When charging, several ditches will be filled with corpses, and the cavalry can still fight a bloody path.

Li Guolou looked at the topographic map with a smirk, and said with a sneer: "How tall is the sky and how bold are people, then we'll play with the big ones and directly win by chaos, stabbing the knife into Zou Baohe's Shishe Town, Occupying Shishe Town disrupted the entire Dong Zhiyuan war situation, and then dispatched cavalry everywhere, burning, killing and looting, so that the Hui army could not understand our strength. As long as the main force of the Hui army fled to Jinji Fort, we would be able to occupy the entire city in the shortest possible time. Dong Zhiyuan area.”[

Counselor Gao was taken aback, and said urgently: "Mr. Li, it is absolutely impossible. If the returning army jumps over the wall in a hurry to attack us, then our main forward force will be finished. Even if your plan succeeds and you occupy Shishe Town, how can the cavalry defend it?" Live in a town."

"We don't need to go to extremes in war. Now that we are strong, we can scare people. Zhuge Kongming's empty city plan is based on defeat, and it is fake at first glance. But what about us? With victory as a guarantee, the returning army will be suspicious and think that we The number of troops has increased again, and the probability of not daring to attack us has greatly increased, definitely exceeding 20%. Deputy Commander Xu, according to Commander Zuo's strategic plan, continues to fight step by step, and will not occupy half of Dong Zhiyuan by autumn, and there will be a truce in winter In the short term, [-] Hui people can still support it. Although my move is risky, it can disrupt the entire defense system of the Hui army, and the summer offensive will be launched in advance. If I were Marshal Ma, I ran away with my tail between my legs, and went to the pier to recognize my brother. How dare you stand on your own as a king." Li Guolou pointed to the map with both hands, pointing out the direction on the map, speaking in a grand general's manner and speaking clearly and logically.


It was frightening to see that there was a sneak attack between Dong Zhiyuan's loess and high slopes, and the Sixteenth Commander Zou Baohe was treated as a fish on the board, allowing him to slaughter him.

Xu Zhanbiao glanced at him and said, "Li Guolou, how sure are you?"

Li Guolou thought for a while and said, "Deputy Marshal Xu, when it comes to certainty, it's less than [-]%, but that's how it is in war. The more uncertain things are, the less people will do them. Zou Baohe would never think that I would He likes Shishe Town, his lair, as long as I get in, I can fuck his mother upside down, with both feet in the air."

Hearing Li Guolou's obscene words, several generals chuckled, staying in the general environment of the army, everyone would become obscene.Huang Ding was thinking about Li Guolou's bold move in his mind, and he was a little tempted, so he said, "I think it can also be considered, as Imam Zou is getting older, older people will calculate, and the clearer the calculation, the more likely it will fail. Deputy Marshal Xu, this can also be regarded as a conspiracy, let's play it out in a meeting, who told Zhao Zilong to be brave. Hehehehe!"

Li Guolou touched his nose and sat down to eat noodles again. It was the deputy commander Xu Zhanbiao's business whether he heard it or not. Anyway, he risked his life and fought hard.Righteousness is the way of war, and strangeness is the strategy.When taking the initiative, I don't like to use strange moves and dangerous moves.But it is precisely because it is not used that it will have a surprising effect.This is the same as fighting to the death. The vast majority of people who use this trick end in failure, which is also the result of military tactics.The art of war pays attention to the virtual and the real, which means that things have two sides. There is a strategy for winning and losing, but the result is completely different.

Sometimes fighting is all about luck, and being familiar with military books is knowing that things can develop in two completely different ways, and success starts with talking on paper.

Xu Zhanbiao asked, "Guo Baochang, what do you think?"

"I see Xuan." Guo Baochang shook his head and sighed. He didn't want to do such a loss-making business, and told Xu Zhanbiao straightforwardly that his cavalry troops did not approve of surprise attacks.

Xu Zhanbiao already knew Huang Ding's thoughts. As a decision maker along the way, he must have the courage to make a final decision. His subordinates will formulate multiple plans, multiple-choice questions are placed in front of him, and he alone will be responsible for whether he is right or wrong.

"Then play it a few times, and let me see what the fruits of victory will be after a [-]% chance of winning." Xu Zhanbiao wavered. If he followed Li Guolou's plan, he would use his main force of the Sichuan Army's cavalry to take risks and test his strength. The moment has come.As a soldier, everyone likes to make a great leap forward like Huo Qubing and Li Jing, but when the opportunity is right in front of them, how many people would take such a risk?

Gambling with a [-]% chance of winning, how many soldiers can do it?Xu Zhanbiao looked at Li Guolou who was eating noodles. He misunderstood Li Guolou's character. He originally thought that Li Guolou held Li Ziying in his mouth as a treasure and was a miser, but at this moment he came here. , He actually wanted to surprise the returning army's lair, he was so courageous, no wonder he dared to fight on the front line, he was really like Changshan Zhao Zilong as Huang Ding said.

After eating a bowl of noodle soup, Li Guolou jumped up, slapped Guo Baochang on the head with his hands, and said angrily, "You son of a bitch, you coward."

Guo Baochang, on the other hand, was calm and calm, sitting still and said: "Differences do not conspire with each other, Mr. Li, I will send you a blessing. To win is to win with integrity. Do you understand? Turtle."

"Bullshit! It's not a duel between Western knights." Li Guolou ignored Guo Baochang and went to do a war show with Huang Ding. This is actually similar to playing chess. The chess pieces are soldiers and horses. All kinds of data let Li Guolou or Huang Ding make a decision.

Judging from the staffing, there is a [-]% chance of winning, and there is no chance to win during the performance. Li Guolou can only use his glib tongue to belittle the Huijun, and then desperately improve himself.In the end, he couldn't go on anymore. He couldn't even resist the tricks used by Counselor Gao, so he quibbled: "Deputy Marshal Xu, I have the confidence to occupy Shishe Town and nail it there like a wedge. The vacillating capitulators recruited under the sect. Controlling the barbarians with the barbarians is what I am best at, and the capitulators will have a sense of belonging here.”

Huang Ding nodded at the side, indicating that he wanted to take a risk, and he approved of Li Guolou's plan to attack Shishe Town by surprise, and was going to lead the team himself to capture Shishe Town.The smaller the chance, the richer the fruit.

Xu Zhanbiao scratched his head and said, "I really met a ghost. Why did you two have a good time? But, let me think about doing such an unreasonable thing. There are different strategies, which one do you think it belongs to?"

"The best strategy! The victory of the first battle will break the determination of the Hui army to resist." Li Guolou said firmly.

"At least it's the right strategy, Deputy Marshal Xu. We are also cavalry. At worst, we can survive in the wild. With the surrender faction leading the way, we won't go to a dead end and kill horses to satisfy our hunger. If we can't fight, Imam Zou will be vacillating and dare not fight." They stepped out of Shishe Town to trouble us. Older people are afraid of death. I have studied Zou Baohe. He is not a staunch nationalist, but an opportunist. Zou Baohe is our target." Huang Ding watched the opponents implement different tactics, and knew the personalities of the eighteen marshals who returned to the army very well. Among the eighteen marshals, there were tough guys and soft bones.

"Let's go, let's go catch fish, Mr. Li, I don't have your share, go back to the camp and eat your mutton." Xu Zhanbiao put aside the war and still had time to think about it. Three meals a day are a major event in life.Lead a group of generals down the mountain to see the fish and shrimp caught by the Qing army. [

"Hey!" Li Guolou smirked twice, followed behind the chief, and what he said was just farting, how could he be missing if there were fish to eat.

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