late Qing Dynasty arrest

Chapter 511 The Uprising in Yongyang Prefecture City Chapter Army

In the city of Yongyang Mansion, Cao Zhongquan took out his pocket watch and checked the time. He was very nervous that the Qing army was about to launch a general attack at three quarters. die.

Cao Zhongquan had more than 100 subordinates, with a white towel tied around their necks and a white towel wrapped around their right arm. This was a symbol of the uprising. With an order, the returned soldiers with wooden fish heads didn't know what to do?

Looking at this group of soldiers with swords and guns, Cao Zhongquan had a serious expression on his face. He was seeking wealth and wealth. He was in a dangerous situation and led his relatives to make a mutiny. Only he dared to speak and do it. A complaint.

Now that Cao Zhongquan is old, it is up to the next generation to work hard, climb the wall and fight, and let Aizi do it.From now on, he will lie drunk in the arms of a beautiful woman and become a magistrate who loves the people like a son.

Cao Zhongquan nodded slightly to his eldest son Cao Keliao, it was time for his son to stand up. [

Cao Keliao's immature face became ferocious and terrifying. With a swipe, he pulled out the two revolvers from his waist and looked at the two men and horses in front of him. There were more than 200 people in total. This was the foundation of his future.

"Brothers, our people in Taichang Township are revolting! The artillery of the Qing Dynasty is about to resound throughout Yongyang Prefecture. For this day, our father and son endured humiliation and entered the enemy's camp. We look forward to the stars and the moon, just for this day! They are all citizens of the Qing Dynasty. Returning to the embrace of the motherland is a natural and righteous feat. A good man is obliged! Wealth and glory are waiting for us. I will reward you with money and land, and the girls will grab it at will. Now I order... "··" Cao Keliao recited it several times, although there were several pauses in the middle, the general meaning was clear.

People from all walks of life in the Hui army are subordinate soldiers, and they all listen to what the leader says.The folks in Taichang Township control each team, what the hearts of the people want, and when the mobilization order is issued, the old brothers in Taichang Township immediately show their hearts, turn their guns, and prepare to kill the top of the city as soon as the gunfire stops.

Cao Kewu, Cao Keding, Feng Mingzhi and others are also mobilizing their troops before the battle, hoping that the Qing army's artillery will come more violently.A box of boxes and grenades were carried out, and weapons and medicine were distributed.

Cao Keding led a team of 30 people and walked not far away. There was another team's camp. He wanted to kill Ma Liu, and the bird's head would be messed up.As long as Ma Liu is killed, Huijun's command system in the north of the city will be chaotic.Uncle Cao Zhongquan planned every step, as for Ma Liu, can he cooperate?It has been made very clear that this kind of executioner who is stained with the blood of the people kills and pardons!

The reward of 5 taels of silver, Uncle Cao Zhongquan would not be willing to give it to Ma Liu.

"Brothers, get up early! Is Brother Ma up yet?"Cao Keding held a whip in his hand, and walked inside while saying hello.

"General Ma, he's the most aggressive in the morning, and he's going to fire a cannon!" A soldier nuzzled in a strange way. He had already been bought by Cao Keding, pointed out the direction, and flashed a way.

The camp was still quiet in the early morning. These days, Cao Keding often came to hold a tooth-making sacrifice. When Ma Liu's soldiers saw Cao Keding coming, they were not surprised. They were busy and lazily grooming.

Cao Ke understood it with confidence, picked the door felt, stepped into the room, pulled out two revolvers, and said loudly: "Brother Ma, what kind of stuff is it, let me try it."

"Hey hey hey! Brother Cao, you don't have this diamond, so don't take up this porcelain job." The naked Ma Liu on the kang was still smiling, his buttocks were shaking non-stop, and a pistol was already held against his head.

"Bang!" With a gunshot, Cao Keding looked at the dead body on the kang, and said to the frightened woman below, "Beauty, don't be afraid! Come with me later."

"Hmm..." I don't know what to think, the woman with blood splashed all over her face made a voice of ecstasy.Cao Keding took advantage of the opportunity to touch the fatty white meat, laughed, and rushed out.

Gunshots sounded like popping beans in the yard, and the unsuspecting Hui soldiers fell down, and those Hui soldiers who were still sleeping on the kang were captured alive.

The former comrades-in-arms turned their faces, and as long as they returned to the army with titles, they were killed immediately, and the noisy Hui army shouted: "Maliu bombed the camp!"

After arresting fifteen returning soldiers, most of whom were wearing underwear, Cao Keding grinned grimly, "No bullshit, you guys will fuck with me in the future, and anyone who doesn't want to, will die! Those who are willing, stand a step ahead of me. We're revolting!"

The fifteen returnees who were in a daze had not figured it out, but they had already taken a step forward, thinking in their minds that if they took a step forward, they would be able to live.

"That's right, we will be rich and honor together in the future." Cao Ke calmed down, laughed, and watched his subordinates hold up a flag of the Snow Mountain Lion Army.The timing was just right, the ground was trembling, and the chaotic city of Yongyang was under the attack of artillery fire.

At the same time, Feng Mingzhi kicked open the door of his brother Zhang's second brother, holding a pistol, and a group of brothers behind him raised their long and short guns and pointed their swords at Zhang's second brother. [

"Second Brother Zhang, our brothers in Taichang Township have revolted, would you like to join us?" Feng Mingzhi shouted violently, as if Dangyang Bridge's violent Zhang Fei was enough to scare away all monsters and ghosts.

Brother Zhang's hairs stood up in horror, he stared at Feng Mingzhi at the door in horror, and opened his mouth wide... Cao Zhongquan's men launched a sneak attack on the returning troops around them, and they placed the artillery. of the main attack.After taking down a cannon, he immediately turned the direction of the cannon, aiming at the city and bombarding it fiercely.There was a lot of killing, and in the north of the city and under the city, the uprising Hui army opened fire, aiming at the civilians guarding the city and shooting.The uprising Hui army was still setting fire to houses, and the smoky north of the city was shrouded in horrific killings.


The five Qing army flags brought back by Cao Keding have been tied to bamboo poles and held high. They will fight for this glorious flag.And the flying eagle battle flag was thrown into the stinky ditch, and it stinks even as a rag.

"What's the matter, what happened?" Amidst the noise of the chaotic chapter, teams shouted and exchanged news.

"I don't know! It seems that Ma Liu has rebelled."

"How is this possible? Then what do you think we should do?" The generals of the Hui army lived in troubled times, like flies on the head, and this is the time to test their character.

"Notify Chen Shuai and ask him to send troops!" a bearded returning general shouted.

"!" A cold shot hit the bearded Huijun general in the chest, and another bearded Huijun general took off the towel on his head and cursed angrily: "Brothers, we are in an uprising! Chen Shuai, he has already escaped from Ximen , who would come to die."

"!" There was another burst of sniping shots, and the Hui army general fell into a pool of blood. In the chaotic north of the city, all the Hui army troops fought on their own. After the gunshots rang out.On the one hand, I still have to shout to figure out where the other team is standing?When your own people fight with your own people, the sound of gunfire makes people feel at ease. You must save your life before you can settle the score.All the troops of the returning army fought bloody battles in the north of the city.


The artillery of the Qing army fired on time, and the city of Yongyang Prefecture was submerged in gunpowder smoke. The Hui soldiers on the top of the city hid in the corners, hoping to be alive.

A breech-loading gun let out a sharp roar, and the artillery fired recklessly.Artillery is the power of science and technology. They are the product of the times and the darling of history.Hundreds of cannons were fired together, and the spectacular scene made people excited.

Xun Xi, President Qian, stood proudly with his chest and belly protruding, and he was the only one with the courage to attack with big artillery.History brought him onto the stage, and he wanted to restore peace to the Northwest.What I think about the most is the pride of the Manchus. He is worthy of his ancestors and rejuvenated the Manchus.

Li Guolou is a passer-by in his life. He gets promoted and gets rich by his own efforts.This time, I want to get two little beauties for the old chief admiral Yulu, and I can't forget the well digger when I get promoted and get rich.Yulu came with a letter, asking him to do a good job and not to lose the face of Dagukou Fort.My family doesn't speak two different languages, secret things should be done in secret, don't let Zuo Zongtang know.If this little thing is not done well, is he still full?The soldiers of the Eight Banners are best at collecting beautiful women.

Xun Xi lifted his belt, suppressed the desire that was about to explode, and held back!Whenever the artillery will suffer, he will lead the main force of the artillery to enter the city of Yongyangfu and destroy the fortresses one by one.

"Boom!" With a loud noise, the city wall in the north of the city collapsed. This was the result of being bombarded by Krupp cannons. It had nothing to do with tunnel operations. value.

Xun Xi's face brightened, and he shouted: "Extend the artillery, fire quickly! Fire the cannon into the city, and shoot me two bases first."


The cannon draws a beautiful arc and shoots further into the city, even blowing up the entire city.Xun Xi secretly took a sip of the spirits and shouted, "Happy!"

With the sound of military drums, bugles, and the loud and majestic charging horn, the dark Qing army emerged from the tunnel, and several military flags greeted the morning glow.This scene was staged simultaneously in the east, south, and north of Yongyangfu City, and the Qing army launched a fierce charge.Tens of thousands of Qing soldiers rushed to the top of the city. The peasants carried cloud ladders and bamboo ladders, and the gunners carried bronze cannons. Howitzers also moved forward from the tunnels.

There were dense figures on the entire battlefield, and they charged regardless of life and death. They had only one goal, and they planted the military flag firmly on the top of the city, so that the Snow Mountain Lion Flag fluttered over Dong Zhiyuan.

"Brothers, go! Avenge the dead comrades!" The surrender faction was the bravest, they rushed to the front, and the fearless elder brother would lead teams of soldiers to climb the collapsed city wall. [

"Liberate the Northwest, liberate the Muslim compatriots! Brothers, the motherland looks at us, and it's time for us to make meritorious deeds!" The Hui barracks officers in the Qing army also rushed to the forefront. They were not inferior to the Han army of the Gelaohui. , rushed into the city to get whatever they wanted, and the desire to pick the fruits of victory made the counting army go crazy.

The commanders of the Qing army gathered in the fortifications outside the north of the city. This is the breakthrough point. The main attack direction of the Qing army is here. The Qing army seems to attack Yongyangfu City from three sides, but the real main attack direction is this section of the city wall.

Xu Zhanbiao held up the binoculars without saying a word, watching the situation on the top of the city nervously.

Next to him, Guo Baochang beat his chest and stamped his feet regretting his death. The Anhui army did not get a chance to enter the city. This time the siege battle was based on the Chu army's Gao Liansheng's troops.Only now did he think of the benefits of Li Guolou, why did he refuse to cooperate with Li Guolou back then.Later, the Qing army changed its tactics, and the righteous army liberated Dong Zhiyuan, so that the Hui compatriots were enlightened to welcome the soldiers of the Qing Dynasty.The end result of not taking risks is that there is no chance to make a fortune.Guo Baochang was scolded by his subordinates, saying that he would not be an official, no wonder he was still on the guard until now.Seeing the snow-mountain lion flag planted on the top of the city, he shouted vigorously: "Good job!"

Gao Liansheng laughed and said, "Guo Shoubei, what's the matter? You've already eaten two pieces of fat, and here's the count of you earning the most."

"Hey! The opportunity is right in front of me. How could I have made a mistake and let the civil official Zodiac get ahead. I only blame Deputy Commander Xu for letting me lose the game. I lost the whole game with one careless move. Now Huang Ding is full, I count What is it?" Guo Baochang did not expect that Xu Zhanbiao would agree to the Qing army cavalry's taking risks. Victory must be accumulated step by step, and small victories are exchanged for big victories. How could Xu Zhanbiao change his temper?

"Well, we rushed in, Chen Lin and Feng Junfu are about to be overwhelmed, high defense, the cavalry battle in the west of the city, it's up to you." Xu Zhanbiao showed a gratified expression, and he climbed to the top of the city so quickly, responding to Cao Zhongquan's words The team has done a great job.

"You bastards, don't embarrass me, Guo Baoren, he said he would bring back two heads of the commander. I am optimistic about him." Gao Liansheng Youxiao led the cavalry with Guo Baoren, standing firmly beside the deputy commander Xu Zhanbiao.

"Well, chase them more fiercely. I hope the Zodiac can fish in troubled waters." Xu Zhanbiao had such a serious expression on his face, and he didn't show too much joy because the Qing army invaded Yongyangfu City.He still needs greater military achievements, and the next step is to watch the cavalry contest.

On the high loess slope to the west, columns of Qing troops are marching towards Shishe Town. They disguise themselves, with towels wrapped around their heads, their braids loose, and their hair draped over their shoulders. They look exactly like the rebel Hui troops. Huang Ding He and Li Guolou led more than 4000 cavalry, watching the smoke-filled city of Yongyang, a group of pigeons soared high into the sky, flying towards the direction of Shishe Town.

That is hope, conveying the news of returning to the army, and it is also a loophole of returning to the army.Li Guolou raised his head to observe the pigeons flying high in the sky, and reluctantly disappeared from his eyes. The talk on paper will eventually become reality.His dream has just begun, looking at the continuous stream of cavalry, hope is ahead.

Chapter 511: The Uprising Returning Army in Yongyang Prefecture

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