late Qing Dynasty arrest

Chapter 529 The Battle of Jinji Fort Begins

Li Guolou led more than 400 Li Ziying soldiers to leave Dongzhi County. The long convoy stood in the wind and rain, and cavalrymen in coir raincoats sat on horses and wore wide hats.The guns and knives are in the leather case, and the armed team looks majestic and majestic.A howitzer and a bronze cannon were wrapped on the carriage in the middle. A team capable of fighting tough battles stood quietly, waiting for Li Guolou's inspection.

This team only lacked a battle flag, the Li character battle flag on rainy days was not placed on the chariot to show off its martial arts.

Li Guolou didn't step into the carriage to make love with his wife Wanniang.

Like the soldiers, he straddled forward. This is a day of parting, with a little melancholy and some worries.The streets were full of people seeing off and retired veterans. Many people were still wearing military uniforms, with mutilated limbs, bandages, and crutches. People along the way were saluting Li Guolou.

Li Guolou's eyes were a little wet, with rain and tears streaming down his face, and he saluted the people on both sides of the street. The country will never forget the contribution these veterans made to the unification of the motherland.He didn't disturb the people, and was going to leave Dongzhi county silently, but there are still so many people spontaneously coming to see him off, it's not easy to be loved by the people of Dongzhiyuan!There are only a handful of generals in the Qing Dynasty who can be compassionate and compassionate in war. [

The soldiers of Li Ziying were also moved by the common people. A basket of eggs and a few pairs of cloth shoes represented the situation of fish and water between soldiers and civilians.

Wei Hanyu, who was walking side by side, said sadly: "Fake foreign devils, I don't know when we will see each other after this time. I really envy the rice bucket and Xu Lan."

Li Guolou wiped his face and sighed slightly: "Old Wei, don't think about it, we are still young, and we should start a career. It is raining heavily, so don't send it ten miles away, just send it to the gate of the city. What are you paying attention to? I'll take it. When we return to Beijing, we will have a good swim together."

"Don't be impulsive, even if Wanniang is robbed, it's not worth your effort." Wei Hanyu winked narrowly and said something strange.

Li Guolou glanced at the carriage with a strange face, a little afraid of being heard by Wanniang, curled his lips, and said, "Old Wei, be serious, maybe I will compose a poem when I am in a good mood. How to do it, the good mood in the rain is gone."

After hearty laughter, several old friends parted at the gate of the city. After drinking three bowls of wine, Li Guolou, Fan Dahui, and Xu Lan remounted their horses and waved goodbye to Wei Hanyu.This parting lasted at least five years, maybe forever, and melancholy lingered in my heart, and everyone was immersed in endless sadness.

The long team moved forward silently in the rain, and bid farewell to Dong Zhiyuan. The loess high slope was still stretching as far as the eye can see, and the terrain gradually became gentle, and the distant mountain beams were hazy in the eyes.

Strange ravines in Yan'an area.Liang Mao and Yan Xian added a lot of poetic flavor to the scenery along the way, which is a space for imagination to gallop during the march.These brown, wrinkled, and desolate places hide countless dangers. Many people are both farmers and bandits, and they will rob the Qing army who are alone.

Most of these bandits were people who were scattered in the villages and forests along the way to Jinji Fort, and there were also local bandits who had lived for many years. The two forces colluded together to harass the transportation lines of the Qing army.In the past, this was Ma Hualong's territory, so the local people only saw the leader Ma Hualong in their eyes, and did not have the concept of the Qing court. The people were very independent and regarded the Qing army as invaders.

Ma Hualong is the fifth-generation leader of the Jehrinya School of Sufism in Islam. His scriptures are named Topir Tura, and his title is Said Shuhaidayi, the leader of the martyrs.

Jinji Fort is more than [-] miles southwest of Lingzhou, with Huamachi in the east, Guyuan in the south, and the Yellow River in the west.

The Ma Hualong family lived in Jinjibao for generations, a wealthy party, and enjoyed the cuteness of the hereditary system of the Qing Dynasty. It can be said that the Ma Hualong family has been favored by the Qing Dynasty for generations, but he still turned against him and proclaimed himself "Prime Minister Ningjun Lianghe and other local military aircraft The chief of affairs".The rebellion of Ma Hualong, who was favored by the emperor, annoyed the Qing court, but for a while he also tried his best to deal with Ma Hualong.

When the domestic war was protracted, the Qing government adopted the strategy of making long-distance and short-term attacks, and repeatedly offered an olive branch to Ma Hualong.

Mu Tushan, the former Duolong Abe general, took over as the general of Ningxia and supervised the military affairs of Gansu.He adopted the policy of recruiting and surrendering. The Hui people in the Ningxia uprising surrendered the city. Ma Hualong also accepted the "recruitment" and became a magistrate appointed by the imperial court in the Jinjibao area.

The Hui people in Lingzhou always listened to Ma Hualong's order, and they were extremely contemptuous of the local officials appointed by the Qing government, and they were not restrained.

Ma Hualong still maintains a considerable degree of independence. He presides over local official affairs and collection of money and food.Ma Hualong and the officials he appointed carried out the policy of uniting the Han people and "less murder" and "emphasis on farming" in the Jinjibao area. They led the Hui Han people to build water conservancy projects, increase food production, and promote economic development. the trust of the masses.

Ma Hualong is wise and resourceful, and has a high prestige among the Hui people. After he led the local Hui people's uprising in 1862, the Shaanxi-Gansu Hui people defected to Jinji Fort one after another, resulting in a great increase in power. By virtue of geographical advantages and the aspirations of the people, they defeated the attacking Qing army many times.He also presented his watch and tribute to the Qing emperor, trying to use the existing facts to make the Qing recognize Jinjibao's high degree of autonomy.

The Qing court also courted Ma Hualong for a while, and they warmed up for a while, but that was the need of political struggle.Now that the Qing court has freed up its hands, it is no longer willing to tolerate Jinjibao being independent from the Qing system. How can a country have a country within a country?It can be said that Daqing's word is true, and it is also a strategy that politicians should have in their minds. The country only talks about hegemony, not faith.

Ma Hualong was content with the status quo and was willing to be a prince along the way. He did not expand his power outwards, and did not take advantage of the situation when the Qing Dynasty was weak and missed opportunities.Now it can only be defensive to deal with the attack of the Qing army. [

Ma Hualong knew that the Qing Dynasty would never allow this situation to exist for a long time.Therefore, on the one hand, he sent food and money to the local government of the Qing Dynasty, expressing respect.On the other hand, in the Jinji area, they repaired storage and grain, built villages and forts, bought horses and made weapons, and stepped up preparations to defend against the attack of the Qing army.In order to strengthen his own strength, Ma Hualong kept in touch with the Gansu Hui uprising army in Hezhou, Xining, Suzhou and other places.After the Shaanxi Muslim uprising army retreated into Gansu, Ma Hualong continued to provide material help,

"If Shaanxi is defeated, it will be funded with horses and equipment, and if Shaanxi will be poor, it will be aided with military rations."Therefore, "from Lingning to Xining in the west, and Hedi in the south, the Hui people do not look up to them."

It can be said that Ma Hualong was behind the back of the Qing Dynasty, funding the rebellious Hui army, and causing actual damage to the Qing army.

Zuo Zongtang hated Ma Hualong deeply, and he couldn't get rid of his unhappiness.Zuo Zongtang also deceived Ma Hualong and wrote a letter, saying clearly and erroneously: "The official army only suppressed Shaanxi Hui, and they have comforted them to return to live in peace."

Zuo Zongtang let Ma Hualong be content with the status quo, and did not formally turn against the Qing Dynasty.Now that the Qing army has pacified Dong Zhiyuan and opened up the road to Jinji Fort, the Qing army will not be willing to return to the court, and finally it is time for the bayonet to see red.

Zuo Zongtang had a showdown with Ma Hualong, and asked Ma Hualong's local armed forces to put down their weapons and accept the court's appeasement.After everything was ready, Zuo Zongtang began a large-scale attack on the Gansu Hui army, and the spearhead first pointed at Jinji Fort.

The Qing army divided into two groups and launched an attack on Jinji Fort. The Qing army on the north route arrived at Lingzhou from the Liu Songshan Department, and sent troops to capture Guojiaqiao to the east of Wuzhong Fort.

The Qing army in the middle road marched northward from Guyuan and Pingliang, and Zuo Zongtang himself also entered Pingliang from Jingzhou.In this way, the Qing army formed a situation of encircling Jinji Fort, and prepared to take back Jinji Fort in one go with a thunderous force.

Li Guolou was actually not enthusiastic about participating in the siege of Jinji Fort, so he stayed in Dong Zhiyuan for more than a month to make suggestions for local reconstruction.

Most of the stone fortresses in the Jinjibao area were built on dangerous hillsides. To attack such a strong fortress, digging tunnels was very slow, and it took hard work to blow up the stone caves and a city wall with explosives.If the Qing army climbed and attacked head-on, they would have to use the lives of soldiers to fight hand-to-hand. He had no interest in participating in such a thankless battle, so Li Guolou dilly-dally refused to leave Dong Zhiyuan.

Xu Zhanbiao, who was on the front line, believed that Li Guolou was talented as a counselor, and wrote a letter urging him to go to Guojiaqiao because the Qing army attacked the first fortress.Wu Zhongbao encountered very great difficulties, and the progress of the war was unfavorable.

At this time, Ma Hualong recognized Zuo Zongtang's face and officially turned against the Qing Dynasty. The Hui people in Ningxia and the Shaanxi Hui army united and fought against the Qing army's attack.When Liu Songshan's troops invaded from Lingzhou to Guojiaqiao, the Muslim forts along the way opened their guns and lined up next to the fort, shouting and killing officers and soldiers. The Shaanxi-Gansu Muslim uprising troops stationed in Ning'an Fort, Tongxin City, and Wangwang City also came. To aid in the battle, the Qing army was blocked in the area of ​​Wuzhong Fort.

In order to contain the Qing army on the North Road, the Lingzhou Hui army destroyed the rear transportation line of Liu Songshan's department and captured Lingzhou City.In order to restore the unfavorable situation of the war, Zuo Zongtang personally went to Lingzhou to command the battle, vowing to recover Lingzhou City.

The commander-in-chief of the Battle of Jinjibao was the admiral Liu Songshan, and the deputy commander Xu Zhanbiao was struggling to cope with Ma Hualong's harassment tactics, and they were in a dilemma.To deal with the harassment tactics of the rebels, the Qing army's consistent approach is to burn everything, loot everything and kill everything!

But this time it won't work, it will force the people in the entire Ningxia area to rebel.Although Ma Hualong was separated from the local regime, he was still a local official of the Qing Dynasty in name, so the people of Ningxia still had the consciousness of being a citizen of the Qing Dynasty, so they couldn't kill all the people under his rule.Before the battle is over, he will be locked up by the imperial court and taken back to Beijing, and his official career will come to an end.A group of officers at the military meeting scratched their heads, wondering how to deal with the guerrilla tactics of the returning army?

The strategy implemented by the Qing army was to build beacon towers one after another, and station troops along the way, which made the long supply line more difficult, and the troops could not be expanded, and they were tired of coping with the harassment tactics of the returning army.The Qing army's rear is unstable, how can the front line dare to let go of the attack?In this environment, the Qing army fought a fatigued battle with the Hui army.

The scar on Liu Songshan's face trembled like a centipede, and he grinned grinningly: "I'm not in a hurry, I have time. When Marshal Zuo regains Lingzhou City, I will kill Ma Hualong. Tell me again, how to protect it?" Logistics transportation line? Guo Dazui is not allowed to kill you, or I will take you first."

"Once and for all! Liu Junmen, I can show my loyalty. If you don't let me take the lead, I will take the responsibility." Guo Baochang looked like a dead pig who was not afraid of boiling water, and wanted to put a shit basin on his head.The other generals echoed one after another, enthusiastically showing their fearlessness, and there was a great commotion in the conference room, requiring Liu Songshan to make up his mind quickly, solve the troubles along the way, and open up a human zone.

Liu Songshan was furious, slapped the table, and shouted: "Nonsense! Do you dare to disobey Commander Zuo's order? Repeated orders and five orders have come down. In Ningxia, we must attack the heart. Are you talking nonsense and trying to force the people in the entire Ningxia area to rebel?" What about the Mongols, what about the Tibetans, can all the traitors be killed? Give me bad ideas, sit down and find a way for me.”

The meeting room fell silent, and the generals sat down one after another. What else could be done?Along the way, the Qing army garrisoned troops, and used the cruel method of standing together during the war to prevent the local people from cooperating with bandits.This is a housekeeping weapon that the Qing army used to fight, and it needs a little bit of depth to be effective.

"Reporting to Liu Junmen, the lower officials think that reusing Cui Wei and Lan Mingtai can solve the situation that our logistics transportation line is harassed by guerrillas, and we can also put aside our grievances and grievances with the local government, so that those ethnic minorities can talk about it. It can be said that this is called using the barbarians to control the barbarians." Huang Ding was calm and relaxed, with an air of maturity seeking the country.

"Member Zodiac, do you mean to make Cui Wei and Lan Mingtai the magistrates?" Liu Songshan stroked a big beard, thinking about Huang Ding's words, is it feasible? [

"Yes! Cui Wei is an image project. Bringing him out is just for show. Let him sit in Lingzhou City, and we will have no future troubles. Lan Mingtai is a traitor. Let him do evil deeds. What does it have to do with us? And this person is He likes to make trouble, and he knows how to deal with the guerrillas returning to the army, using these two is more useful than sending [-] troops." Huang Ding followed the temptation and said the truth, which made the people present impress, and echoed Huang Ding's words, Everyone said it was a brilliant idea.

Huang Ding's face was glowing, enjoying everyone's praise, he stroked his beard and squinted complacently, taking a great achievement on his body.In fact, it was Li Guolou who wrote him a letter. He had analyzed the pros and cons. Li Guolou was the best at coming up with ghost ideas. Huang Ding still wanted to cooperate with Li Guolou. The more than 4000 spies hidden in the Hui army, It's about to work.

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