The Qing army repulsed the enemy's first wave of attack, and the corpses everywhere were right in front of our noses. The broken limbs and wreckage were in a mess. The people who didn't die were still shouting. Dragging their intestines, crawling on the ground with distorted faces, crying for father and mother, the soldiers of the Hunan Army are familiar with the scenes on the battlefield. The tragic scene of drinking water is for the old soldiers of the Hunan Army. more than usual

"Don't shoot, let that guy continue to climb." The veteran soldier of the Qing army prevented another new soldier from pulling the bolt

The Qing army was very cruel and deliberately did not shoot the wounded rebel soldiers. This is the best way to hit the enemy's morale. The miserable scene continued until the wounded couldn't cry anymore. The incomplete flag that was erected again made every soldier of the Qing army full of pride

After the bloody battle, the Qing army still stands proudly at Lazikou. The enemy has not rushed over. Under the setting sun, the red sun shines on the valley, and the faces of every soldier are bright red. The weary birds know that they are returning home. The soldiers yearn for a peaceful life. If a person flies freely like a bird that would be great

Liu Jintang sat in the outpost halfway up the mountain and listened to the casualties of each team. His face was expressionless. Killing nearly a thousand rebels armed with spears was not a big victory. The difficult battle behind him said sternly: " The first team and the second team each added ten fighters, and the fifth team was pulled to the west side of the mountain stream as a reserve, and those who dared to take a step back were killed”[

"Yes" Several team officers puffed their chests and sucked their stomachs, showing absolute obedience. They are all veterans who crawled out of the bones of the sea of ​​blood, and they did not plan to walk off the battlefield alive. blood but none of them said they were dying and went back to the hills where their teams were

The first wave of the rebel army used grenades to clear the way and threw them into the Qing army. There were very few hand grenades on the mountainside. The Qing army suffered a slight loss. 66 people were sacrificed and the other 80 people were injured, but Liu Jintang's expression was serious. They are not familiar with each other. It is difficult to make these strange soldiers work hard. The night is coming. Hand-to-hand combat is the biggest difficulty for the Qing army.

"Son, save some grenades and don't shoot randomly when you hear the shouts." Liu Jintang regretted letting Yu Enhu take away half of the old Hunan Army. Yu Enhu takes a team to go, as long as Yu Enhu's remaining prestige is enough to scare away Lei Heng's guts, now he has too many troops, he doesn't dare to send more money to those miscellaneous troops, grenades, these people are losers in the first round Throwing "randomly" means using up all the seeds and grenades on hand. They have to guard Lazikou for several days. Not one round can scare off the rebels.

Li Guolou told Liu Jintang that he wanted to guard Lazikou because he thought that there is still a prefectural city in Minzhou. People who can climb the city wall can gather four to five thousand people, counting the old and weak, women and children, and there are tens of thousands of people who regret it. Yu Enhu shouldn't be allowed to take away 5000 elite soldiers. The battle of Lazikou lasted for two days. The team lost more than 200 people. More than 200% of the losses and casualties were mostly elite soldiers. What should we do tomorrow? Does the motley army have the determination to die?

"Qin Guan defends Lazikou, I recommend you to be the chief executive, Liu Sheng, and hold me for one night. I will protect you as the magistrate of Diebu County." Liu Jintang wooed two local snakes under his command. One is Lazikou camp officer Qin Can and the other is Qin Can. Liu Sheng

"It's Liu Zhou and you don't worry, I'm in the position and I will never retreat half a step." Liu Sheng waved his hand and shouted: "Follow me, brothers." After speaking, Liu Sheng led a personal entourage out of the outpost. The Hunan Army has already made a move. The role model for the next battle will depend on his subordinates, these militia members

The militia members are actually gangsters, gangsters, self-proclaimed heroes, these people are the instability factors in a region, smart people have already seen it, so the imperial court has to spend money to support these people, solve the livelihood of such people, and a place will be peaceful. The members of the militia live a little better than the common people, but they can still be dispatched. The bosses are ordered by the court to give some favors to those bosses. Among them, the Youth Gang is the leader. Many gangster organizations claim to be loyal to the emperor and patriotism, and rely on this trick to survive in the sinister society. There are very few gangsters whose patriotic spirit is really opposed to the state power

Liu Jintang was forced to treat the miscellaneous army as the old Hunan army, so that when Qin Guan heard that he was going to be promoted to be the general manager, he immediately cheered up, drew his revolver and shouted: "All the soldiers follow me The frontline Lao Tzu wants to let the rebels die."

Inspired by Liu Jintang, the two capable men walked out of the outpost one after the other to prove their abilities with practical actions

Liu Jintang breathed a sigh of relief Qin Guan's ability to sit in Lazikou should not be weak enough to make the original Lazikou Qing army follow him to the death. As for Liu Sheng's role, as long as this person does not run away, those members of the militia will never dare to escape from Lazikou. Liu Sheng's livelihood depends on Liu Sheng. Heroes value reputation the most. If a reputation is ruined, you can't lift your head in the local area. The career built by reputation will collapse, and your life will be over.

"You really expected Li Guolou that Lei Heng was a mad dog you released." Liu Jintang was annoyed and hated. If Li Ziying hadn't given way to the rebels in Yan'an, how could there be today's shopping spree? Li Guolou only thought of it. Li Ziying was hard-earned and refused to fight the rebels to the death under the city of Yan'an. I never imagined how much the country would pay for Li Guolou's selfish interests.

Regardless of whether Li Guolou was fighting the rebels on the front line in Yan'an or not, Liu Jintang put the debt on Li Guolou's head and said cursingly: "Bah, I still ask me to give you back two hundred horses and give you two hundred for a big-headed ghost." A slap in the face to avenge a sissy, a fake foreign devil for a dead brother"

One of Dong Fuxiang's injured left hands was hanging on his chest, the other right hand was grabbing his scalp and looking at Liu Jintang. Sudden scolding of Li Guolou and constant swearing is not in line with Liu Jintang's character. Han people often have perverted and changeable personalities. I don't know which nerve of the second master is wrong.

"Liu Zhoutong, it's time for you to eat dinner." Dong Fuxiang didn't know how to persuade him, so he could only change the topic and pretend to care about the officer's health

Liu Jintang glanced deeply and said, "Dong Fuxiang, I don't want you to work hard today. Go back to sleep and rest. Don't be an eyesore here. Get lost."

"Yes, this subordinate, get out now." Dong Fuxiang was scolded so obediently, with deep love and deep responsibility, Dong Fuxiang looked gratefully at Liu Jintang, a lord like Liu Jintang, who deserves his life and death

Most of the soldiers are quarreling with each other like this, the chief still beats and scolds his subordinates when they meet each other like Bin, it's superficial and it's a soldier who has no affiliation relationship, as long as the familiar soldier immediately reveals his "nature", Liu Jintang, right? Familiar Liu Sheng and Qin Guan can still talk to Yan Yue. They beat and scold the subordinates of the old Xiang army straightforwardly. If they win, they will reconcile as before. The generals who have survived in this environment are as determined as iron and stone. Only this kind of soldiers can survive in a dangerous war environment and win victory in adversity.

Looking at the combat effectiveness of an army is to look at the relationship between the top and the bottom of this army. To follow orders and prohibit them like arms and fingers must be based on cruel military laws and have clear allegiance goals. The object of allegiance of the Qing army fighting in the Northwest Not the Emperor Tongzhi, but Zuo Zongtang, the governor of Shaanxi and Gansu, and the [-]th Battalion of the old Hunan Army.

There was a bean-popping sound outside the outpost, the enemy and us started a contest at night Liu Jintang was unmoved and did not look at the battle outside, he had a lot of grenades, throw it, the roar of the grenades made the pulse swell and the blood boiled, the Qing army occupied the dangerous place Throwing grenades blindly in the middle of winter, the Qing army has the advantage of throwing grenades from top to bottom, and it saves effort and is easy to hide the body. Fight it, fighting at night is fighting to consume both the enemy and us. Both the enemy and us are going to die together amidst the sound of gunshots and roars. The civil war in Butu Lazikou Gorge was extremely fierce[

Many rebel soldiers are strapped with "explosives" and they want to use their bodies to blow up a passage. Cruel hand-to-hand combat is by no means letting soldiers hold knives and guns to desperately strap explosives and grenades. Rebel soldiers with explosives and grenades have no way out. By virtue of "expelling the Tartars and restoring China"

A slogan of great fear These rebel soldiers who were "forced" bravely rushed to the enemy's position with the belief of serving the people of the world, and "survive" for the comrades behind them

It's a shame to die

The military drums in the dense forest are more than agitated. Several senior generals of the rebel army beat the military drums in person to enhance the soldiers' determination to die righteously. The appearance of hot weapons makes the generals no longer wield their knives to kill the enemy. A small soldier rushes to kill. On the front line, there are hundreds of hand-to-hand combat at night. Thousands of silent recruits rushed into the Lazikou Canyon regardless of their own safety


Huge roaring sounds kept ringing in Lazikou, the soldiers of the enemy and us both died together, were blown beyond recognition, and the bones of each other could not be distinguished from each other. Gunpowder rose to a glimmer of light, and the two sides relied on the faint moon and burning trees to start a battle in Lazikou Canyon. An unprecedented grenade showdown

Because of Zi’s shooting speed, people can outrun Zi’s kung fu, and there is still hope of winning against Shangzi, but the probability of winning the hand grenade is too small. Besides, there is a huge geographical gap in front of Lazikou Canyon, from the mountain roads on both sides of the valley. Hundreds of grenades were dropped. The smoke from each grenade fills the bottom of the canyon with the pungent smell of gunpowder, and the people below cannot see the situation above. climbing a steep cliff

Ants that cannot be killed keep pouring into the Lazikou Canyon. Some rebel soldiers climbed the cliff to fight the Qing army hiding on the mountainside. Some rebel soldiers continued to rush forward and wanted to cross the 30-meter Lazi But the front of the pass has long been blocked by the Qing army with boulders. What should I do if I untie the explosives on my body and want to blow up the boulder?


Soldiers of the rebel army carried out blasting to break through the boulder blocking the road


Dozens of grenades fell from the sky and blew up the rebel soldiers who rushed to the end to pieces


The rebel soldiers rushed into the canyon, throwing grenades one by one, throwing them all at the enemy post halfway up the mountain.

At this time, the two sides were throwing grenades wildly. Many soldiers of the Qing army threw away all the grenades around them before unwillingly picking up their Mauser guns and firing randomly at the bottom of the canyon. The grenades were used to make the explosions have an exciting effect. Gun shooting down the smoky canyon with little hope of hitting the enemy

The rebel soldiers who also rushed into the canyon hid under the cliff and fired randomly at the Qing army's position, which seemed to be a lively fight, and the chances of hitting each other's targets were pitifully rare. The power of the grenade grenade is great in a small area

The insurgents who came from the supply camp of the Qing army had two 10,000+ grenades in their hands, and they were all new-style grenades. This is also the fault of Li Guolou, because the new formula of explosives was provided to the military by him, even though the Qing army occupied it. It’s a natural danger, but today’s grenades can be thrown far away, and the power is as high as 60 meters. Therefore, the Qing army hiding on the mountainside suffered huge casualties.

Both the enemy and the enemy suffered huge casualties in the Lazikou Gorge, and they both gritted their teeth and stiffened. Thick layers of broken limbs accumulated in the canyon. Thousands of rebel soldiers died at the Lazikou pass, but the indomitable rebel army still charged sharply. Lei Heng looked at the hundreds of feet high cliffs and believed that a miracle would happen because he still had a trump card. With the sparks flying around, he could see someone climbing on the cliff on the left. That was the rebel army Mingxiu Plank Road, and they were two Qiang people in the Chencang rebel army. Climb to the top of the Qing army and want to throw grenades on the enemy's head and let the enemy taste the flowering on the head

Lei Heng's heart is almost in his throat, I hope the heavens will bless the old man, and Zheng Chenggong, the surname of the motherland, will show up soon

(It is said that Zheng Chenggong is a Japanese "traitor", even if he is not, it is not far from them. The father and son are the accomplices of the Japanese pirates. They harmed Daming Haiphong. The seniors of the Zheng family who were entrenched in the Japanese pirate family also fought with Qi Jiguang. In the eyes of the Japanese, Zheng Chenggong is also Japanese. National hero Today, Japan still worships Zheng Chenggong. The Zheng family’s pirate group harmed the Ming Dynasty and the Qing Dynasty. I heard that it harmed Japan. The pirate group left the benefits to the Japanese, but everyone will change. Zheng Chenggong and his father Zheng Zhilong drew a line and successfully recovered Taiwan Zheng Chenggong has evolved from a Japanese "traitor" to a Chinese national hero. The national hero has indelible stains on him, and he doesn't know how to distinguish between historical views. Using this kind of person to educate the next generation is also a learning curve to save the country)

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