late Qing Dynasty arrest

Chapter 552 Siege of Luo Da Township

Li Guolou recruited Cheng Laosi and his gang who ran down from Xieziling, and they were kind to the 34 surrendered rebels.Ask Cheng Laosi about the situation of Ma Zhankui's troops, and get the situation of the strength of the rebel army in Luoda Township.I have more confidence in the insurgents who defeated the fighting spirit of the army.It was decided to continue to implement siege tactics against the more than 200 rebels led by Wang Bianyu in Luoda Township. The Qing army did not shout to the rebels in the village. Starving to death, the battle became more and more cruel as the battle progressed. The rebel army in Luoda Township refused to surrender, and he would not need prisoners in the future. The remaining rebel army in Luoda Township had only one way to die.

Thirty or forty unkempt rebel soldiers, like beggars, with hideous faces, unshaven beards, and torn clothes, gathered together to eat.Surviving in the wild, the rebels often did not even dare to light a fire, for fear of being spotted by Qing army scouts.Eat a handful of raw rice, drink a few mouthfuls of stream water, and you can live.

Now eating hot naan cakes and broth, the soldiers of the surrendered rebel army wept silently while eating.

It was not the first time that the cooking soldiers of the Qing army saw the appearance of the soldiers of the rebel army who surrendered. Otherwise, my stomach will not be able to bear it, and I will die of flatulence, and I will invite you to eat a full banquet in two days. Hehehehe!"

"Oh! Sir, is there any meat to eat at night?" A little soldier who surrendered touched his stomach, feeling hungrier than when he hadn't eaten. . [

The cooking soldiers of the Qing army smiled and said: "Don't worry, our Li Ziying's food is the number one in the Chu army, and there is meat to eat at night, and there are ten dates and ten peanuts each in the evening meal. Don't worry, eat it, I am not asking you Eat that kind of peanuts. Hehehehe!"

The thin Cheng Laosi and the soldiers who surrendered were laughing together, their teeth were sour, and there was an indescribable bitterness in their mouths.In just two months, he lost more than two circles of weight from a strong soldier. The mental and physical pressure endured by the rebels was overwhelming, and he was engaged in ideological struggles all the time.

The Gelaohui, which has a strong sense of loyalty, also worships Guan Gong and advocates the spirit of loyalty and chivalry.Lei Heng actually killed the lord Gao Liansheng and raised the flag to rebel in Yan'an. This is something that many Gelaohui members cannot understand.Many Gelaohui members thought that bombing the camp was polite and proper, and that a team of Gelaohui should be drawn from the Qing army.

"Eliminate the Tartars and restore China!" The political proposition fits the needs of the times and can win the hearts of scholars all over the world.However, Lei Heng personally killed the guard Gao Liansheng, which was the biggest defeat of the eldest brother Lei Heng when he rebelled. Many members loyal to the elder brother's organization had no motivation to follow Lei Heng to the death because of the reason why Lei Heng lost his following.The villain of Enyi does not have the noble character of the heroes of the rivers and lakes, and is not enough to achieve great things, and he does not feel ashamed to surrender to the Qing army. The uprising in the battlefield has become an epidemic among the insurgents.

Under the publicity of the Daqing Mansion Newspaper, many bigwigs also stood up and belittled Lei Heng. How can there be heroes who belong to people who are like slaves with three surnames?Even the thieves who fell in the grass on the mountain heard Lei Heng's team passing by, and avoided them, lest they get Lei Heng's bad luck.

Lei Heng took the banner of the Gelaohui to rebel, and there was no universal response in the northwest. Sichuan was still calm, and there was no riot organized by the Gelaohui.Through public opinion, the Qing court degraded Lei Heng's character to a very low level.It even raised the image of Gao Liansheng to the height of Guan Gong. The tragic hero died righteously in Yan'an, refusing to bow his knees and surrender to the Gelaohui. He would rather die than betray the Qing Dynasty of the motherland.

After Gao Liansheng's death, he was buried generously by the Qing court. He was awarded a large number of ranks and ranks.

The official position in the Qing Dynasty cannot be hereditary, but the title can be inherited by the eldest son. Therefore, for the Gao Liansheng family, the title awarded by the Tongzhi Emperor can best reflect the court's love for the Gao Liansheng family.

The death of Gao Liansheng was a major event of historical significance that occurred during this period. Afterwards, the Gelaohui fell into a slump and its reputation was completely ruined. For a long time, the Gelaohui disappeared, and the Jianghu sects no longer carried the banner of the Gelaohui to recruit students.

Under Zuo Zongtang's planning, all the evil deeds in the war-torn area were blamed on the rebel army, and the rebel army's poisoning of the countryside in the northwest was publicized.

The Qing army is on the side of justice, the benevolent is the enemy!It is the will of the people to eliminate the Gelaohui rebels.Let the people of all ethnic groups share the same hatred and defend the territory of the Qing Dynasty to the death.Especially the Tibetan chieftains, from the beginning to the end, refused to let the troops of the Gelaohui pass through their territory. This made Lei Heng's troops have a harder time in Diebu County. The militia militia also stepped in, making the Gelaohui's insurgents become rats in the bellows, and were attacked by armed forces from all sides.

Fan Dahui ran to the more than 30 surrendered soldiers with a smile on his face, nodded slightly, and greeted the new fighters, but then his expression changed, and he said solemnly: "Brothers have eaten, it's time to move around Muscles and bones, Chief Li will not let you fight, but you must do your part when you are on the battlefield. In the afternoon, I will arrange an errand for you to dig fortifications. Chief Li does not send hungry soldiers. I will give you a tael of silver, which is regarded as a meeting gift for your submission, and you must perform your best, and Li Ziying will give priority to admission for those who do well."

"Okay! Let's exercise our muscles and bones." More than 30 surrendered soldiers smiled brightly. When they heard that there was money for digging holes, they all happily took shovels and picks and started digging ditches in a field ridge.Looking around, thousands of people were working around the village, preparing to trap more than 200 rebels from Luoda Township to death in the village.

Cheng Laosi has not figured out how many troops there are in Li Ziying until now. There are banners of Li Ziying flying on Xieziling. Li Ziying may have 5000 troops. Cheng Laosi secretly rejoices that it is wise to surrender Act of.

Tunnel work is very strenuous and thankless, and many fortifications are not of much use.In the fields around Luoda Township, the officers and soldiers of Li Ziying dug many pits, many of which were still filled with water, and trenches blocked the insurgents in Luoda Township in the village, trying to pass through the blockade established by the Qing army. , will be attacked by Li Ziying's various weapons. More than 200 rebels wanted to break out of the siege, but it was impossible. After the blockade was completed, Wang Bianyu could hardly fly.

Seeing this spectacular scene, Cheng Laosi was even more convinced that Li Guolou would carry out the strategy of encircling the spot to fight for aid. He looked up to the direction of Xieziling, wondering if Lei Heng would send troops to rescue him?

"Hey! There's going to be a war." Cheng Laosi had all kinds of flavors in his mouth, and he didn't know what to say, but this time he actually hoped that Lei Heng would come to die.The officers and soldiers of Li Ziying, who put efficiency first, even did a good job in digging fortifications.Li Ziying was preparing for a night battle, and also prepared for hand-to-hand combat. The whole army was filled with an atmosphere of sacrificing one's life. Putting life and death behind him, he wanted to avenge his past shame, wash away the shame of the Yan'an Campaign, and fight a tough battle with outnumbered enemies.

The soldiers around glanced at Cheng Laosi with strange eyes, why did they come here if they didn't want to fight? If the capitulators said it, it would be the same as if they hadn't said it.

"Soldiers, work harder. We are sweating a lot now, so we can wait for work at night and repel the invading enemies." Li Guolou went into battle shirtless, loudly encouraging the soldiers around him, in order to boost morale and let the officers and soldiers of Li Ziying know , the danger is imminent, and it will not be long before a tough battle will be fought. [

The rebel army lurking in the mountains will come to rescue more than 200 rebel soldiers in Luoda Township within a day or two.The pocket array must be firmly established, and the officers and soldiers of Li Ziying will be attacked by enemies on both sides.Fighting in the fields, the Qing army did not have any geographical advantage at all. The fortifications excavated were waiting for work at leisure, which slightly shifted the advantage of the battlefield to Li Ziying's side.Whether the rebel army can be completely defeated depends on whether Li Ziqi can tempt the rebel army.

From the mouths of the surrendered rebels, Li Guolou knew that Li Ziying was a soft persimmon in the eyes of the rebels, and that the offensive and defensive battle in Yan'an had made Lei Heng's reputation for perseverance.Is it tolerable or unbearable!Li Guolou didn't have the patience to play circle games with the rebels, exhausting his energy in the countryside of Diebu County.He presumably made one contribution to one battle, destroying the large army of the rebel army at one time, and completely crippling the rebel army.So he didn't eat the piece of meat that was brought to his mouth. He only carried out sporadic harassment tactics against the insurgents hiding in Luoda Township, used siege tactics to attack the enemy, and deliberately let dozens of Ma Zhankui's troops go. Can you take the bait.

Li Guolou looked up at the sky, the scorching sun began to set in the west, and the afterglow of the setting sun sprinkled the earth with golden yellow, and the landscape of Luoda Township was enchanting and colorful.The idyllic environment with green mountains and green waters is filled with the smell of gunfire, and there is a lingering evil spirit in the air, muttering to himself: "God bless, don't rain these days."

"Well, I don't think it will rain for the next three days, and it will depend on God's will." Fan Dahui squinted his eyes and looked at the sunset in the west, as if he knew astronomy from the top and geography from the bottom.

The officers and soldiers of Li Ziying were most afraid of rain. Rainy days would sharply reduce the power of grenades, cavalry could not use the speed of horses in the muddy fields, and the power of charging would also be greatly reduced.If it rains in the old days, it is very likely to turn a battle of siege and reinforcements into a war of attrition shirtless.Li Guolou is not afraid of hand-to-hand combat, but God's will will break his heart. He hopes that the clear weather will last as long as possible, so that the enemy can take a look at it. What is the battle of efficiency first? With what to win a battle?The braver the man on the battlefield, the sooner he dies.The officers and soldiers of Li Ziying are not the bravest fighters, but they are definitely the most efficient team to kill the enemy. They pay attention to the spirit of teamwork and cooperate with multiple arms, which is the biggest strength of Li Ziying.

Ba Teer deployed [-] cavalry on the mountainside of Xiezi Ridge, and transported a batch of grain down the mountain, and escorted a batch of grain down the mountain by himself.Looking at Li Guolou with a smirk, it turned out that Li Guolou was a lucky star, he found an enemy and got a batch of food, so that Li Ziying had no worries.

Li Guolou glanced and said in a low voice: "Officer Baying, don't be so relaxed, Xieziling is our army's retreat. If the battle is unfavorable, our army has only this way to escape. Give me a few haircuts." .”

"Yes! I'll talk about it again right away. Master Li, is there any chance for my cavalry to fight at night?" Bateer looked at the busy crowd under the afterglow, feeling a little lost in his heart. , Li Guolou will not use cavalry to fight.This gave him the opportunity to kill the enemy and serve the country with all his enthusiasm.

Li Guolou sent him to Xieziling to guard, but he was not allowed to be the commander. How could Battelle not know what the soldiers said behind his back about him and Cheng Kun.It has become an indisputable fact that Su Yuanchun and Li Yunchu, students of Xinwutang, have surpassed the school officials and have become independent.So Battelle was in a hurry, and left the stationed Xieziling before it was dark, and expressed his desire to fight to Li Guolou.

"Don't worry, you are my trump card. The balance of victory lies with the cavalry battalion. The battle is easy to fight. You should rest well tonight, and there will be a difficult task for you." Li Guolou said without leaking , to appease the ready-to-move Battelle, he has already seen that Battelle is a brave warrior, suitable for reckless fighting.He knows the strengths and weaknesses of every officer under his command.Making use of the strengths of each officer is exactly the quality that a qualified commander should have.An army needs different types of military talents. Li Guolou does not care about seniority in employing personnel, and the students surpass the teachers. Only in this way can the Xinwutang flourish.The military officers Li Guolou focused on training were Su Yuanchun and Li Yunchu.Through the tempering of the Great Northwest this time, a group of military commanders who can conquer battles have been trained.

"Yes! Master Li, then I'm going back." Battelle gave a military salute to Li Guolou, and reluctantly glanced at the gunpowder smoke above Luoda Township. The artillerymen were firing sporadically. It seems that even if there is a war tonight, it will not be his turn. There is no hope for the cavalry to make military exploits.However, listening to Li Guolou's words was comfortable, Battelle walked towards Xieziling happily, feeling that his master Li Guolou always looked at him differently, and soon, the title of President Qian would not be able to escape.

"Well, the enemy will definitely break out tonight. This time the enemy will not directly attack the east and west village entrances. They must have waded across the river. I don't know if they got the grenades wet." Li Guolou looked cunning, pointed at the map, and let The men under him were impressed with each other, and their incomparable talent allowed Li Ziying to take the lead and win the encounter in Luoda Township. Li Ziying tried his hand at a small test and wiped out more than 100 rebels. What follows will be a matter of life and death decisive battle.

The soldiers were full of desire for battle, and as dusk approached, the magical rainbow hanging in the sky indicated that the night would be noisy and strange.

The officers of Li Ziying gathered around Li Guolou, listening to the pre-war arrangements, their resolute faces were full of desire for war.The officers have grown up in battle after battle, like that rainbow, shining brilliantly, and their domineering aura has just begun to show.

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