
A rebel soldier holding a white flag at the entrance of Luoda Village was shot in the head, and fell to the entrance of the village forcefully.Sharpshooter Wei Qun proudly raised his head and blew on the muzzle that smelled like gunpowder smoke.Li Ziying does not want prisoners, and does not allow the enemy hiding in Luoda village to surrender.

Wei Qun was originally Bao Tong's Goshha, and he, Wei Yun, Alirang, and Yang Cong were originally going back to Beijing.But bad news came from the capital. During the Spring Festival, Shang Shubao of the Ministry of Justice was assassinated together.This made the four of their personal guards miserable, and also lost the meaning of returning to the capital. Since the master and son Bao Yi died, they had to change their families.Wei Qun and his companions stayed and took refuge in Li Guolou, willing to contribute to Xinwutang and to be an instructor in Xinwutang in the future.To tell the truth, they have long wanted to leave Baoyi, follow Li Guolou on the saddle, fight in the Northwest, and serve the country. This is like a real warrior of the Qing Dynasty.

Being a bodyguard next to a high-ranking official is just a decoration. Although the salary is high and the rank is high, it feels boring and loses the motivation to move forward.On the contrary, by following Li Guolou's side, every day, he will have more room for development in his career.In the past, even though the official rank was high, they were still doing sentry duties.Although it is only a small team officer now, he is the person who commands the army. There are thirty soldiers, all of whom are brave enough to fight and have accurate marksmanship.

In the battle the night before yesterday, Wei Yun with the spear died fighting with a bayonet, and Arirang the sword was also seriously injured. The only good brother left by his side was Yang Cong, the arrow, but Wei Qun did not regret it. He believed that everyone who stayed would not regret. [

Died on the battlefield, the body shrouded in horse leather is returned!It is the home of soldiers.

Recovering the land is the duty of a soldier!

To die for the country is as heavy as Mount Tai!

The soldiers of Li Ziying swear to defend their position with iron bones.

The soldiers of Li Ziying have already fought bloody, and they want to use the heads of the enemy one by one to pay homage to the dead comrades in arms.

"Remember! Be calm, don't be blinded by hatred, a bullet on the battlefield determines your life. Only by destroying the enemy can you survive, don't care who the person in front is, the officer said to shoot, you have to be ruthless." Beat hard! Do you remember it all?" Wei Qun taught the soldiers under his command and passed on the experience of facing the enemy to thirty soldiers.

"Remember! Fighting for the country is sacred, the motherland is not allowed to be divided! Li Ziying will fight until the last soldier!"

Standing in the tunnel with their chests and bellies raised, the soldiers must shoot without hesitation in the battlefield. If they want to survive, they must kill the enemy, and the enemy who holds the white flag will also die.

The military order fell like a mountain, Li Guolou said, "Don't take prisoners!" Then wipe out the enemy.

Yang Cong rushed out from the corner of the tunnel in a hurry, raised his eyebrows, and said breathlessly: "Little knife, I have good news for you. I saw the enemy's banner. A large group of enemies is coming from the east. There are still twenty miles. Hmm! It should be closer now."

"Arrowhead, go and tell Chief Li to ask my sixth team to change seats. It's safe here. It's too chatty." Wei Qun was not happy, but felt powerful. Focus on monitoring the enemy in Luoda Village, and cannot leave the forward position privately.The enemies in the village can only gnaw on the bark now, and if the siege continues, the enemies can only eat the corpses of their comrades-in-arms.Several landmines were planted in the forward position, and dozens of people in Luoda village were defending the enemy. There was a dead end, and they could not rush out.

"Hey! Back it up! Chief Li won't use us anymore, didn't you see that I'm here too?" Yang Cong sighed, took off his helmet, and looked slouch.

Wei Yun died in battle, was stabbed in the heart by the enemy, and didn't even leave a last word.Arirang was seriously injured, and his life is still uncertain.How could Li Guolou put Wei Qun and Yang Cong in a dangerous place? He also had to think about the future, and sent them to fight the enemies in Luoda Village. To break the minefields.

"Damn it! Chief Li treats one more than another, and the benefits are all given to the capitulators. Now even Gu Xin is a sentinel, what are we old people? We are being ridden on the head! This is not good! Arrowhead, you are in charge of this place for the time being." I will go to Chief Li, and I want to avenge my brother." Wei Qun's eyes were burning, and he went to Li Guolou to ask for a fight, regardless of the military law.

"Hmm..." The soldiers in the tunnel nodded frequently, such officers are worthy of their death.Without meritorious service in the army, there is no status. To put it bluntly, there is nothing.Either die on the battlefield, or win glory. In the battlefield, there is no soldier who does not want to make meritorious service.

Wei Qun hurriedly went to find Li Guolou, but got frustrated. He didn't find Li Guolou in the command post, but was scolded by Fan Dahui, saying that he left his post without authorization and wanted to demote him.Naizhong Wei Qun had finished his good words, and then returned to the forward position of Luo Da Village in despair.

When Yang Cong saw Wei Qun's face, he knew that there was no game. The two looked at each other and smiled wryly. They wiped the Mauser in their hands helplessly, waiting for the opportunity to fight, hoping to see the figure of the herald, hoping to have a chance to fight.The soldiers all stretched their necks and looked towards the layers of black clouds in the east, where the enemy and us had already exchanged fire. Hearing the sound of guns and guns, the battlefield was ten miles away.

"Damn, we were fooled. Chief Li placed the battlefield ten miles away. We can only smell the smoke of gunpowder and have no chance to make meritorious deeds." Yang Cong threw away his helmet angrily, swearing and swearing indistinctly, I don't know who he is scolding?

"I lost my position! At the end of the quarrel, the domestic slaves are one level higher than my friends, and they claim to be elite soldiers, and at the end of the quarrel, they are just like the soldiers of the Eight Banners. It is still a decoration. We were deceived by Li Guolou." Wei Qun looked at it. Looking at the group of people around him, he was extremely angry and threw his helmet on the ground as well. [

"This won't work, we have to save ourselves!"

But I saw that the tunnel was full of steel helmets thrown on the ground one by one, with aggrieved faces, annoyed at sitting in the tunnel doing nothing.

These people are all well-known "heroes" in the capital, about 60 people. Last year, they helped their friend Li Guolou and came to Li Ziying as Li Guolou's Geshiha on secondment. There was a glorious time in the Battle of Gang, and a battle with the Hui army.Afterwards, there were not many chances to kill the enemy and serve the country. Li Guolou did not assign them dangerous jobs. He was on the front line, but he was doing sentry duties.

This time, after finally coming to the front line, he gave Li Guolou another one, and Li Guolou dumped them, and threw their friends who lived and died together in the fortifications of Luoda Village like a spider web.

Of course, Wei Qun, Yang Cong and others did not dare to scold Li Guolou blatantly. They made nonsense about Sang and Huai, and began to think of a way. The result of the discussion was that there was no need for the second team to be stationed here.In the end, Wei Qun led a group of men and horses, and quickly set off ten miles away privately, fighting despite the military orders.

Wei Qun justified himself: "The captain believes that the situation on the battlefield is changing rapidly. The enemy changes and I change. Now the enemy is ten miles away and is attacking Luo Dacun. I order! The sixth team will follow me." After speaking, Wei Qun picked up a box A box weighing more than 40 kilograms flung off his thighs and ran away.

Yang Cong was still a little unwilling, and shouted loudly: "Xiao Daozi, remember it's my turn next time!"

Thirty soldiers, carrying tens of catties of heavy loads, followed behind Wei Qun. Judging by the posture, they all had a pair of iron feet and a good body.From the capital to the Northwest, he marched and practiced for more than 2000 miles, and experienced severe cold and heat.They all understand the truth that winning battles depends on marching speed and conquering the limits of the human body in order to win victory after victory.On the battlefield, whoever is faster will take the initiative.Diebu County is mostly mountainous, so it needs more leg work.The team led by Wei Qun was in good physical condition, and with the hard training of the past six months, everyone marched towards the smoky battlefield with a fearless spirit, hoping to fight a battle in time.

The fortification outside Luoda Village is Li Guolou's last line of defense, so he will not sit on the sidelines and wait for the enemy's attack.Surrounding the points to fight for aid is to find favorable terrain and fight a halfway ambush.A hillside to the east of Luo Da Village was his fancy battlefield.Enemies are not fools who walk into a desperate situation and wait to die.Don't even think about the pocket array, the cunning Lei Heng won't get into the ambush circle.So this slope is not steep or steep, it is a very ordinary slope of 50 meters high.

With only a small geographical advantage, Li Guolou took advantage of it to the extreme. He used two sentry troops to suppress more than 1000 enemies at the bottom of the hillside.The artillery blocked the enemy's retreat, platooned guns to suppress the enemy's charge, and then quickly interspersed behind the enemy with three sentry troops. He wanted to use five sentry troops to wipe out twice as many enemies.This is Li Guolou's ambition, full of confidence in Li Ziying's fighting power.

Fan Ye, the battlefield commander who was ambushing on the hill, saw the enemy swaggering into the ambush circle, puffed up his cheeks and blew the bugle, "Beep beep beep beep!"

It was better to use the western bugle, the soldiers on the whole battlefield could hear the sound of the bugle, and Fan Ye took the lead in blowing the attack horn.

Li Zijun flags were planted all over the hillside, and hundreds of red Li Zi flags suddenly appeared, and they began to attack the enemy with their domineering arrogance.


A dozen cannons fell into the long line of the enemy, detonating a row of landmines buried in the ground.A large area of ​​landmines skillfully buried by the engineering post was right on the enemy's marching route.This time the artillery used cannons as the fuse, and hundreds of mines were detonated by the cannons, and one of them blossomed everywhere.The power of the howitzer shakes the earth.The rebel army marched cautiously. Although they put up a long snake formation, thinking that such a march could avoid heavy casualties, the landmines under their feet exploded like cannons, and the team was scattered.

The rebel army's more than 1000-strong team, no matter whether they were alive, injured, or alive, all lay on the ground and dared not move.The sound of explosions came and went, and the screams made people panic and shattered.

In the first round of artillery battle, more than 1000 former troops dispatched by Lei Heng were disabled, and more than half of them were killed or injured.The rebel army was attacked by Li Ziying without warning.A green grassland turned into a dead end, and the sound of explosions from mountains and tsunami made the insurgents terrified. Surrounded by severed limbs and wreckage, their bloody figures told every living soldier that they were killed by gold and jade. Li Ziying, who was among the rotten outsiders, attacked in a sneak attack, and he was beaten to the skin and bruised all over his body.

The artillery of Li Ziying is very powerful. Could it be that the Prussian Krupp cannons are showing their power, and the heavy Krupp cannons were dragged to the hilly forest by Li Guolou? This is absolutely impossible!Ma Zhankui lay on the ground, unable to figure out what was going on?Li Ziying's artillery is so lethal that even his hands are covered with blood. Whose blood is this?

The more than 1000 rebel soldiers led by Ma Zhankui marched cautiously and kept fighting with the rangers of the Qing army, but they failed to stop the advance of the rebel army. He was very familiar with the geography near Luoda Village and could not move Li Ziying. , you can flee into the mountains again.Unexpectedly, he would be hit by love in the smooth hilly forest area. Ma Zhankui was so regretful that his intestines were green. He opened his mouth wide to issue orders, but why couldn't he hear the voice?What are the people around you shouting?Dawns Here Are Quiet.When I touched my ear, it was covered with blood. It turned out that my ear was bleeding and I became deaf.

Ma Zhankui wanted to cry, but he hadn't got up yet, who was next to him?A punch hit him on the bridge of the nose, and with a bang, Ma Zhankui fell down again, collapsing to the ground like a puddle of mud, and this time he didn't even have the chance to open his eyes to see the battlefield.

"Didi didi!" A row of trumpeters blew the charge horn, and several officers and soldiers of the Li Zi Battalion jumped out of the position, holding the red flag and rushing to the enemy.The advantage is fleeting. In Fan Ye's eyes, the enemies lying on the ground are a group of lambs waiting to be slaughtered.Cannons, guns, and grenades are flying across, but this is the best opportunity to charge, to prevent the enemy from forming a group, and eat the enemy in front of you in one go.The troops of Li Ziying's five outposts took the initiative to attack, still in a hand-to-hand combat posture, fighting a battle of gathering and annihilating.

"Kill, kill, kill!" [

The red battle flags all over the mountains and plains rolled towards them, and the posture of rushing desperately seemed to have thousands of troops.The momentum on the battlefield was overwhelming, and the officers and soldiers of Li Ziying rushed forward regardless of everything, braved the artillery fire, completely disrupted the enemy's command system, and rushed forward into the enemy's camp.

Cheng Laosi and Liu Guogai, the surrendering factions of the Gelaohui, were also in this torrent, threw out two grenades, and slashed at the enemy with their big knives.

For a better tomorrow and a bright future, more than 200 soldiers who surrendered on the battlefield who were retained by Li Ziying braved the artillery fire and rushed to the front line.Holding the bayonet without giving way, he stabbed viciously into the chest of his former comrade-in-arms.

For the bright Li Zizhan flag, for the glory of Li Ziying, for the god-like master!

The officers and soldiers of Li Ziying charged into the battle with overwhelming momentum. With firm belief, they had the courage to fear death.

Kill kill kill kill!

Huge red waves swept across the mountains and plains, and fierce battles were raging on the battlefield filled with gunpowder.

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