late Qing Dynasty arrest

Chapter 560 Li Guolou and Liu Jintang Victoriously Join Forces

A criticism meeting was held in Li Guolou's camp. The protagonist of the criticism was Liu Jintang, who believed that the final battle achievements had been robbed.Similarly, in Liu Jintang's camp, Li Guolou's Wang Bayun was also condemned.So many teams of the Qing army suppressed the bandits in Diebu County, and the rebel army went deep into the valley, living a life of hunger and cold. Everyone knew that Lei Heng's rebel army was like grasshoppers after autumn, and they couldn't grow!

In the end, the rebel army collided with Li Ziying's muzzle, and the main force of the rebel army was wiped out by Li Ziying. With so many Qing troops, tens of thousands of people worked hard, all they got was nothing.The officers and soldiers of Jinziying didn't think they took the credit of Li Ziying, but felt that they were wronged.Everyone from top to bottom is denouncing the clown.Li Guolou would only take advantage of it and make Zhang Yao's Songwu army a laughing stock. A person like Li Guolou would have no foothold in the army.

"Small man, villain, he didn't obey the military order and left the Songwu Army without authorization. This kind of behavior is a contempt for the military order. It would be considered light to cut off Li Guolou's head." Dong Fuxiang stroked a big beard, imitating Guan The man in the emperor's temple looked at the bonfire and squinted his eyes, as if Li Guolou had fallen into his hands, and he could only beat Ma Di with tears.

Yu Enhu was born as a Wu Jinshi, taller and more powerful than Dong Fuxiang. Even if he was sitting, his tall body was like an iron tower. He said shamelessly: "Well, after all, I was a bit unlucky, and the number of prisoners captured was less than 50. , I heard that Li Ziying arrested more than 2000 people. Liu Zhoutong, what do you think should be done?"

There is something in Yu Enhu's words, the deep meaning is to let Liu Jintang get some more prisoners of war back?When the troops returned to Yan'an, let Zuo Zongtang take a look at the illustrious military exploits of the Jinzi Battalion.Where to take prisoners?Of course, picking up ready-made prisoners of war from Li Ziying, this kind of thing is often communicated between the armies, and when Zhang Yao reports to Zuo Zongtang, there will be military exploits of the Songwu Army. [

The rebellion of Brother Laohui Lei Heng in Yan'an is a big event, and it scares the Qing court even more than the Hui people's independence. They are afraid that Lei Heng's rebel army will become the second in the Tianping Heavenly Kingdom!Now Zuo Zongtang personally sits in Yan'an, which is enough to show how much the Qing army attaches importance to Lei Heng's rebellion.The war in the Northwest put the focus of military strikes on this campaign. The Battle of Jinjibao was in a truce period, and the admiral of the Qing army Liu Songshan was conducting rounds of negotiations with the leaders of the Hui army Ma Hualong and Ma Yaobang.

Zuo Zongtang resorted to deceitful tactics to deceive the Hui army's separatist forces, and made the Hui army in the Northwest think that there was still room for maneuver with the Qing Dynasty. The imperial court did not want to continue the fight and would allow a high degree of local autonomy.Divide and strike!It is Zuo Zongtang's way of using troops. The soldiers he can use are said to be 20 horses, but in fact only 5 to [-] horses can be drawn out to fight. Other troops are good at defending cities and guarding dangerous passes.Pulling them into the field to fight and counting them back and forth, the tactics of tearing down the east wall to make up for the west wall were not defeated by the Hui army, so the Qing army actually coexisted peacefully with the Hui army, and even withdrew from some strategic locations.

Returning to the army did not see through the weak side of the Qing army, thinking that the 20 Chu army in the Northwest would be used to fighting, but was bluffed by Zuo Zongtang's prestige.At this time, the returning troops in the Northwest did not seize the favorable opportunity to launch a Jedi counterattack, missed the golden opportunity, and will soon taste the taste of failure.Li Guolou defeated the main force of the rebel army and wiped out more than 4000 enemies.Liu Jintang captured Lei Heng alive, which was the watershed in the Great Northwest Campaign. After that, the Qing army transferred the main force to Suzhou and Jinji Fort, and then the Qing army would launch a bloody revenge on the enemies of Jinji Fort.

The original story was that on the front line of Jinji Fort, when Liu Songshan, the admiral of the Qing army, was negotiating with the leaders of the Hui army, Ma Hualong and Ma Yaobang, something unexpected happened.Because of the verbal conflict, a returning general suddenly pulled out a hidden pistol and beat Liu Songshan to death on the negotiating table.This incident was beyond the expectations of the people present, it was really an accident, even the leader of the Hui army was dumbfounded, and the two sides could no longer talk.However, Ma Hualong, Ma Yaobang and his son were responsible for this account, and it also became the trigger for the Qing army to brutally retaliate against hundreds of thousands of people in Jinjibao.

The irrational act of a famous rat has harmed hundreds of thousands of Muslims. How should history evaluate this gun?

Zuo Zongtang was deeply saddened by this incident, and temporarily concealed it from Liu Jintang. The officers and soldiers of the Jinzi Battalion who were in the bandit suppression in Diebu County did not know about it.

Li Guolou didn't know about this either. He was a high-ranking and powerful man who could see battle reports from all over the place. During this period of time, the battle reports about Jinji Fort suddenly disappeared.I once wrote a letter to ask Xu Zhanbiao and Huang Ding about this matter.The answer he got was that Jinjibao was in a truce period, nothing serious, so he should not worry.

Since Liu Jintang captured Lei Heng alive, he still needs to have enough military exploits, otherwise he would be sued by Li Guolou, and it would be a bad idea to rob Li Ziying of the credit.In fact, everyone knew in their hearts that the two battalions of the Jinzi Battalion this time were fighting for food. Li Guolou was played by Li Guolou. In the bloody hand-to-hand combat, the Jinzi Battalion kept a respectful distance, and the fruits of victory were picked.If Li Guolou had no doubts in his heart, he would have sent someone to contact him a long time ago. He didn't pay attention to Jin Ziying, and he didn't send a liaison officer, which means that Li Guolou was in a mood.

Liu Jintang snorted coldly and said, "Li Guolou owes me a lot, and I haven't settled the Lazikou debt with him yet. I'll meet him in person tomorrow, the brat's hair hasn't grown yet, so he can't turn the world over. "

Liu Jintang beat back and counted all the soldiers who died at Lazikou in Jinziying as helping Li Guolou. Jinziying was guarding Lazikou for Liziying. Lazikou?In this way, even if Li Guolou repays the debt with two hundred war horses, he can take them with peace of mind.Fan Dahui once asked Liu Jintang to collect debts, but he scolded him back. The Battle of Lazikou made Liu Jintang famous all over the world, and it also gave him the capital to offend Li Guolou.In this battle of Luo Daxiang, at least half of the Jinzi Battalion had to be captured, so that they could be considered clean with Li Guolou.The brazenness of the military commander was fully reflected in Liu Jintang. He didn't think he took advantage of Li Guolou. He could only say, "The old Hunan Army's help is not selfish. It will cost a lot of blood to raise soldiers."

Dong Fuxiang said aggressively: "Yes! It is to settle the matter with Li Guolou. The Muslims in Dong Zhiyuan were oppressed by Wei Hanyu, the magistrate of the county. The Wei Hanyu used Li Guolou as a shield and the chicken feathers as arrows."

Liu Jintang glanced at him and said, "Don't worry about Dong Dusi's matter about Dong Zhiyuan. Let him go to the place where the birds don't shit. Jinjibao and Xining are very rich, and they are suitable for the old man to take care of."

Dong Fuxiang understood and smiled knowingly. With Liu Jintang's words, his [-] refugee army will live and work in peace and contentment.He took a fancy to Jinji Fort, a land of good geomantic omen, and moved out Dong Zhiyuan's shit, which was smoke, and then immigrated his tribe to Jinji Fort.Clearing out the Hui people in Jinji Fort, the first to occupy this strategically important area, the Dong family will prosper in Jinji Fort.

"Liu Zhoutong, what if Li Guolou refuses?" Yu Enhu had seen Li Ziying's bravery before, and he was no worse than the old Hunan Army in fighting.I still have lingering fears in my heart, afraid that Li Guolou will show his bad temper, and turn his back if he says he will turn his back on him, and it will be bad if he becomes stiff.

Liu Jintang said with a chuckle: "Commander Yu, if I can capture Lei Heng alive and claim credit in front of Li Ziying's cavalry, I won't be afraid of Li Guolou's anger. After all, he is still a literati and can't stand intimidation. My official hat is no better than his. Little, it's still unknown who bowed his head."

Liu Jintang's words are reassuring. Anyway, Lei Heng is in the hands of Jinziying, and several officers are smiling, and it is impossible not to be promoted. First, please greet Li Guolou, and see you later.

"Hey! Li Guolou is really a lucky general. If Lei Heng made a mistake, he would bring the main force to Luo Daxiang, breaking the taboo of military strategists. Let me ask Lei Heng what he thinks?" Eunhu was looking for trouble, wanted to see the captured Lei Heng, and walked deep into the dense forest.

Everyone has curiosity. Regarding the leader of the rebellion, these Qing generals wanted to see something new. They asked Lei Heng why he wanted to kill Gao Liansheng, and did he regret the rebellion?

Lei Heng is like a monkey, being visited by the Qing army. Liu Jintang treats Lei Heng well, eats and drinks to let Lei Heng rest, and assigns special guards to prevent Lei Heng from committing suicide.Zuo Zongtang said that he would execute the execution himself, and use the hearts of Lei Heng and other traitors to commemorate the dead Gao Liansheng. Only the living Lei Heng is valuable, and he will be escorted to Yan'an.These soldiers worshiped Zuo Zongtang and strictly carried out Zuo Zongtang's military order. They never thought that this would force Zuo Zongtang to go to Liangshan. Opening his heart is a technical job, and Zuo Zongtang can't do it well. [

Dong Fuxiang didn't move his butt, he was not interested in the captives, and asked, "Liu Zhoutong, what should Li Guolou do if he wants to see Lei Heng tomorrow?"

"Don't show it. From tomorrow on, everyone is not allowed to approach Lei Heng. You will escort Lei Heng to Yan'an. Li Guolou, what kind of brains do you think I don't know? I'm not a fool, don't you Stimulate Lei Heng, be careful on the road." Liu Jintang is good at strategizing, with the heart of a villain, he thinks that Li Guolou will steal people, and Lei Heng is a treasure, so he doesn't even give Li Ziying a chance to visit.

"Yes! Li Guolou is a slick guy, he doesn't look authentic at first glance. He worked so hard this time because he saw that Lei Heng was vulnerable. This credit is a lot of credit. Why didn't you go to Jinji Fort? Why did you give up Lazikou to make meritorious service? This kind of friendly army is not trustworthy." Dong Fuxiang gave Li Guolou three bad medicines at once, because the Hui people in Dong Zhiyuan were treated unfairly, and Wei Hanyu, the county magistrate, was not kind to the Hui people who immigrated to Dong Zhiyuan. , Dong Zhiyuan's Muslims called Wei Hanyu, the county magistrate, and "Wei Papi!" Who is Wei Papi's backstage?Of course it was Li Guolou.So he put this account on Li Guolou and kept slandering Li Guolou.

Liu Jintang is the second in command of the Hunan Army. He has a high IQ and is able to handle factional struggles with ease. All the troops under him obey his orders, not only by affiliation, but also by emotional bonds for interpersonal communication.Dong Fuxiang is used to fighting, but he is not a foolish and loyal man. He pulled out "10 horses" in troubled times, and he can lead the refugee army to surrender to the Qing Dynasty on the grounds of filial piety.In order for the status of the Hunan Army not to be threatened, of course he would not say good things about Li Ziying. Li Guolou was reused by the commander Zuo Zongtang, which was a threat to his status, so he kept belittling Li Guolou. People see through.

Liu Jintang was well aware of the virtues of his subordinates, pretending to be grateful, pressed Dong Fuxiang's shoulder, and said with a smile: "Dong Dusi has a thorough analysis, and I will guard against Li Guolou. But This time I still want to thank Li Ziying for his personal help. You must put the overall situation first, and don’t let people down for the sake of ethnic issues. The military will be in charge of government affairs and will be sued by people with bad intentions. You are you, your brother It's your younger brother, so don't stand up for your younger brother's affairs. Otherwise, if you violate the taboo of the court, even I can't protect you, understand?"

"My subordinates understand, I won't offend Li Guolou tomorrow, even if I'm a junior, I will control my temper." Dong Fuxiang was grateful to Liu Jintang, knelt down on the ground, and expressed his heart.He worshiped Liu Jintang, and obeyed Liu Jintang's words. The Dong family's status and power today are all thanks to Liu Songshan. Name), is his second master.

This is the style of warlords. These warlords only obey the orders of their masters. Zuo Zongtang and Li Hongzhang are big warlords, belonging to two major factions, and there is Prince Gong Yi sitting on top of them.With these three great gods sitting in charge, Daqing seems to be in harmony.There are many gangs under them, and each of the small warlords is alive and well, and they already have the capital to cause chaos in the Qing Dynasty.

Warlords do not rely on the army to gain the right to speak and raise their own self-respect, that is courting death.It is because in order to eliminate the rebels, the Qing Dynasty handed over part of the taxation power to the army and let the army intervene in local government affairs.At the beginning, they set up cards to collect taxes, allowing the army to earn some money to support the soldiers. Once this opening was opened, it was like opening a Pandora's box. The desire would never end, and the status of the soldiers rose rapidly.After that, the Qing government suffered bad results. The Ministry of War could not mobilize local troops. If they wanted to dispatch troops, they had to negotiate terms with these warlords so that these warlords could gain more power and have more autonomy, causing vicious cycle, and become another source of trouble.

But these are accumulated over time, and have not yet formed evil results.At this time, the Qing Dynasty was really collecting the dividends of this policy. The local warlords contributed money and effort, obeyed the dispatch of the Ministry of War, and fought in the Northwest with remorse. No one dared to be a stabbing head. Qing.

There are very few people who see the root of the disaster clearly, and those who are capable still want to take control of the military and refuse to explain the mystery.Li Guolou sharpened his head and squeezed into the top ranks of the army because he had the foresight to see the evil consequences of the government's power out of control, and he first made enough capital to become a prince along the way.Therefore, he was quite interested in fighting, and took risks to stay on the front line, hoping to be knighted by military merit.

Of course, warlords are also patriotic. For the unification of the motherland, Li Guolou took the lead and made a career in the Northwest.Li Ziying suppressed the rebel army of the Gelaohui in the Battle of Luoda Township. This battle inspired the hearts of the people.The Qing Dynasty presents a ZTE pattern, and the state affairs are flourishing day by day.

Two shining stars, Li Guolou and Liu Jintang, have gradually risen and become the well-known rising stars of this era.The rapid rise of the Qing Dynasty made the western powers restless. A catastrophe is brewing, and another accident will test Li Guolou again.

Zuo Zongtang looked at Li Guolou and Liu Jintang with admiration, and promoted Li Guolou and Liu Jintang to the stage of history for the country.

The next day, Li Ziying and Jinziying successfully joined forces at Bazipo in Luoda Township, and the two armies were very happy.Li Guolou and Liu Jintang hugged each other warmly, like conjoined twins, slapped each other, only missing the western kissing ceremony

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