late Qing Dynasty arrest

Chapter 562 Pagoda Town River Demon

Pagoda Mountain, known as Fenglin Mountain and Jialing Mountain in ancient times, is located in the southeast of Yan'an City. From the mountain, you can have a bird's-eye view of the entire city of Yan'an. Because there are pagodas on the mountain, it is often called Baota Mountain.The Pagoda Mountain is more than 100 meters high. The pagoda was first built in the Tang Dynasty and is now a Ming Dynasty building.Octagonal in plane, nine floors, about 44 meters high, and a pavilion-style brick tower.

Li Guolou accompanied Zuo Zongtang to visit the Pagoda Mountain. Standing on the Pagoda Mountain, he could have a bird's-eye view of the entire city of Yan'an.At the foot of the mountain, there are many Moyan inscriptions left over from past dynasties. Fan Zhongyan's official script "Jialing Mountain" and "Tens of Thousands of Armored Soldiers in His Breast" are the most famous inscriptions.Next to the tower is an iron bell cast in the Ming Dynasty. On the mountain are Fan Gongjing, Zhaixing Building, Dongyue Temple, Jialing Academy, Beacon Tower and other historic sites.

Gu Yanshou, the magistrate of Yan'an in the Ming Dynasty, wrote in a poem:

"Jialing stacked chairs are in the clear sky, and the scenery is all in the west.

The shadow of the tower is divided into deep green trees, and low flowers and branches reflect blue and red. [

The secluded monk lives in Yanxiawu, and the wild birds fly back to Jinxiu. "

The words "Gao Chao Bi Luo" and "Looking down at the world of mortals" are engraved on the foreheads of the two arches at the bottom of the tower.In addition, there is a 260-meter-long group of cliff stone carvings and a forest of steles. The shore surface of the stone carvings is neat and the shore stones are complete, which is a rare stone carving art.

"Really? Li Guolou, you're not fooling the old man. You didn't even shave your head and never killed anyone. Think about which civil servant did such a thing?" Zuo Zongtang squinted, pretending to be drunk.

"If there is a lesson from the past, there must be successors to inherit it. Didn't the lower officials do it by themselves? Please rest assured, Marshal Zuo, that the lower officials will kill Lei Heng alive. The lower officials will also do the eight knife punishments." Li Guolou He completely exposed his ruffian tone and looked fearful. He was a sinister villain in his bones, and he would get excited when he saw blood. Observing the execution in the execution ground was his hobby, and he had long wanted to execute the execution himself.

Zuo Zongtang didn't want to use the execution ground as a stage for performances, so he said anxiously: "This commander likes to cut messes quickly. Li Guolou, don't play tricks."

The people at the three tables in the private room applauded one after another. They had the opportunity to witness a piece of history, and tomorrow the practice field will be lively.Zhang Yao yelled: "Okay! Marshal Zuo must do what he says, and he is an example for us to learn from. I also learned from Li Guolou, who is both civil and military. Let's compete, let's have a killing contest."

Li Guolou looked down on Zhang Yao, if an illiterate learns some knowledge, he becomes a literate butcher, no!Exposing the nature of the executioner.He didn't believe that Zhang Yao became a literate person, relying on his wife to teach him how to write articles, an illiterate person who only knew a few words in his 20s, how could he master profound classical Chinese, let alone stereotyped essays.The papers presented to the emperor must have been edited by Zhang Yao's wife. A good wife would dare to deceive the world. Zhang Yao is still a rough man, so he had the nerve to engrave a seal of "Illiterate" to motivate his fighting spirit.A thick-skinned military officer, a fake big empty thing.

Li Guolou has personal experience. There are two bookkeepers in his family, and Xie Xiuzhu and Wu Peipei secretly help him, so he can become a three-headed and six-armed Nezha, boasting that he can do everything well.I can often stay awake and write notebooks without sleep.

"I'm competing with you! I'm a low-ranking official who is also good at digging my heart out." Lan Mingtai jumped up and asked him to sit in Yan'an.Longing for a life of burning, killing and looting, sitting in court from [-] to [-], killing his fighting spirit, the glorious years of the past are vivid in his memory, what kind of onion is massacre?He has done the most amazing jobs, so he wanted to go to the front line to fight, and enjoy the addiction of burning, killing and looting.

"Compare, compare! It's a deal!" Zhang Yao was so drunk that he high-fived Lan Mingtai at the banquet and swore that there would be a killing contest.

The civil and military officials present cheered and applauded. They had no sense of shame at all. The blood debt must be paid with blood. The 20 people in Jinjibao must pay the blood price for Liu Songshan's death.

Lan Mingtai frequently toasted with a group of generals. This was his place, and the host entertained guests from all over the world, making the banquet full of laughter.Those civil servants in Yan'an were promoted by virtue of military merits, and each was bolder than the other, and the topic of discussion at the banquet became war and murder.Turning a corner, there is no edge, and the military officer who leaked his mouth made the battlefield privacy a joke.

This is Zuo Zongtang's head, which changes the flavor of the elegant banquet.Since Marshal Zuo listened with great interest, which general didn't have blood on his hands?Military generals have no other hobbies in drinking, but they like to show off their military exploits. During the war-torn era, these military generals were even more energetic and passionate, expressing their pride. The officials present are all murderous demon kings.

Li Guolou talked about the various criminal laws in the prison, the unheard-of lynching in the Qing Dynasty, the fate of offending the prison boss is very sad, and the wronged souls who died in the prison will have justice.

The celebration banquet was shrouded in a terrifying atmosphere, and the people at the three tables ate happily without any scruples.On the battlefield, even if there were corpses beside them, they would still eat, drink, and sleep. How could they mind the horrific pictures painted on their mouths?

Zuo Zongtang is also borrowing wine to strengthen his courage in order to go to the execution ground tomorrow, and keeps toasting the meritorious ministers, preparing to get himself drunk.All the officials here are his promoted cronies, except the talkative Li Guolou.But Zuo Zongtang did not exclude Li Guolou, on the contrary, he cared more about Li Guolou, clinked glasses with Li Guolou three times in a row, giving Li Guolou enough face.

Fighting wars is making money from wars, and many of Zuo Zongtang's subordinates rely on fighting to get rich. Hu Xueyan and Qiao Zhiyong are his pocketbooks.

Hu Xueyan and Qiao Zhiyong became very rich in the Qing Dynasty because they were next to Zuo Zongtang.

No one would believe that Zuo Zongtang didn't reap benefits.Sitting in his seat can't do it, and he can take the 20 silver favor fee from the governor of Shaanxi and Gansu.The palace must be filial, and the Ministry of War must manage.The prince spoke for him and wanted to see the white money.It's just that he is principled and restrained in his conduct. Most of the rebates are placed in the public account and have not been embezzled into his own pocket.

But generally speaking, fighting is burning money. Zuo Zongtang's pockets are always tight, and the cashing rate of the IOUs and checks issued is very low. The 20 Chu troops live in tight clothing and food. (Actually, there were 18 Chu troops, and the other [-] people, Zuo Zongtang was empty.) But there was one person who made his life easier, and that person was Li Guolou.Even Zuo Zongtang, who is self-proclaimed, will not have trouble with silver. During this period of time, governors from all over the country are vying to donate to the Chu army, and the amount is [-] to [-].It is said that it is for the country and the people, for the unification of the motherland, and to help Zuo Zongtang if he saves food and money.Among them, Xuanxu means that the empress dowagers of the two palaces have greeted the governors from all over the world. Li Guolou's energy is amazing, Zuo Zongtang knows it well, and believes that Li Guolou will support him in the future.

Li Guolou received the imperial decree and returned to Beijing for important matters, which made Zuo Zongtang a little bit reluctant. Li Guolou did not have a stinky skin, but a talented Tanhualang. Such a rising star is worthy of deep friendship.So Zuo Zongtang put down his airs and talked with Li Guolou about his life with confidence.The two of them exchanged cups, back and forth, very busy.

There are very few officials that Zuo Zongtang looks up to, and there are not many people in the world.Even Zeng Guofan, who is both a teacher and a friend, and Zuo Zongtang dared to call out, "Zeng shaved his head!" Li Guolou was honored to be Zuo Zongtang's confidant, and he was very honored, his face glowed, and he was immersed in excitement. [

Li Guolou would not refuse anyone who came, chatted happily with everyone present, hooked shoulders to shoulders while drinking wine, they were all bloody sons and comrades worthy of deep friendship.As soon as the soldier's spirit is on the top of a mouthful of boredom, who would dare not drink it?Just don't give face.He was good at drinking, but he still couldn't escape the fate of falling to the ground. Most of the civil officials present were drunk and carried back by the guards.

The few people who went out standing up belonged to the Jiuxian ranks.Zhang Yao curled his tongue, and his footsteps were flimsy, he shouted: "I'm not drunk! I'll treat you tonight, everyone will come! Anyone who dares not to come, I'll kill him."

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