late Qing Dynasty arrest

Chapter 564 Little Fatty Nie Shicheng

Li Guolou didn't look at the weird faces of the officers, and continued: "A person without principles is a useful person, and a person without conviction is an empty waste. 3000 years ago, King Gou Jian of Yue endured humiliation and tried his best to defeat the mighty Wu State. It is a shame. It is a national policy formulated by the older generation. This established national policy has been scolded by the world. It’s time to fight back. Let’s be dogs first, and we are a group of mad dogs. First, flatter the Eight-Power Allied Forces and wag their tails desperately.

Sima Qian, a famous historian of the Han Dynasty more than 2000 years ago, was imprisoned for the Li Ling incident and was sentenced to imperial punishment.There is no greater shame than this in the world, but he did not feel depressed, endured the humiliation, worked hard, devoted himself to writing for 11 years, and finally wrote

Zhang Peilun next to him didn't change his expression, as if he didn't hear Li Guolou's words, he acted neither humble nor overbearing, and knew how to respect the teacher.It's a blessing in disguise!He was originally just a Goshha under Liu Mingchuan, who was silently heard in the army.It was because of his strength that he had a fight with Li Guolou, and his nose was broken by Li Guolou. Then Li Hongzhang fell in love with him and thought he was a talented person. First let Zhang Peilun be a school officer in the Xinwutang, This time he was promoted to the rank of deputy battalion officer and served as Nie Shicheng's deputy.

Nie Shicheng was originally the sentry officer of the Mingzi Camp, and he is a direct descendant of Liu Ming. Although he is short and fat, he is not impressive, and he was promoted by military exploits.He is very smart, eloquent, and good at speeches. He holds classes in Xinwutang, and the students are always full of students. He is only a little less popular than Li Guolou.

In the new Wutang class, Li Guolou ranked first, and the corridors of the classroom were full of students, and those instructors would also come to listen.

Nie Shicheng ranked second. He is best at bragging about wars so vividly that people feel like they are actually there. Students like to listen to his stories about wars the most.A tactical theory class is very profitable, and he is the most proud student of Liu Mingchuan.

Liu Mingchuan, the vice-principal of Xinwutang, can only be ranked third. His ideas are closely following Li Hongzhang’s, and there is nothing new to listen to. Putting it into action is still a long way off.When a big boss talks about these profound truths, he can only copy the theories of Li Hongzhang and Li Guolou. Listening to his lectures is to review the past and learn the new.

As for the school principal Weng Tong, who is well-educated, not many people like to listen to it. Out of respect, students listen to a class honestly and learn the virtues of self-cultivation.Regarding war matters, Weng Tong just copied military books, talked about ready-made battle examples, analyzed them well, and had zero actual combat experience.

Nie Shicheng's thinking changed, and the concept of Greater China began to take shape. Everyone understands it differently. It is entirely possible to understand Li Guolou's central idea as the idea of ​​loyalty to the monarch and patriotism.Slowly getting closer to Li Guolou's faction, subtly influenced by Li Guolou the most, unknowingly, his attitude towards Li Guolou became more and more submissive.

Li Guolou's personality charm made the instructors of the Xinwu Hall scramble to join him. Even Zhang Peilun, who had an inseparable rift with Li Guolou, did not dare to challenge Li Guolou's authority. He stood aside respectfully and waited for Li Guolou's words. dispatch.

Today is the day of Daqing in Yan'an. Zuo Zongtang rewarded the three armies to celebrate the elimination of the Gelaohui rebels.The soldiers and civilians in the whole city had a holiday, and the soldiers ate and drank delicious food, and a reward of silver was also issued.The officers even ate and drank two banquets, and some troops were still having parties.

A group of officers arranged for the student soldiers to have a meal, and then walked into the backyard.The commander does not drink with the student soldiers. The atmosphere of eating and drinking in the army is very strong. The dishes are not extravagant, but big fish and meat are good. The wine must be enough. Use a large bowl of low-alcohol rice wine, so that it looks grand .

At the banquet, Li Guolou told the truth: "I'm sorry, everyone. I drank a little too much wine at noon with Marshal Zuo, so I neglected you all in the afternoon and looked at Haihan. Tomorrow I have to go to the execution ground and be a member of the death squad. Drink three cups. I'll do it first as a respect!" After speaking, Li Guolou drank it down in one gulp, and showed the bottom of the cup to everyone present.

"Okay! Master Xuezheng is the master, and I would like to present to you all." Fan Ye was the second to stand up and toast to everyone present.The ranks and ranks in the army are orderly. Now he is the second leader of this new military army and enjoys the second right to speak.

Fan Ye had already begun to establish his authority, and the rank of lieutenant general was coveted, which made all the officers jealous.But this was an official position promoted by Li Guolou, and no one could question it. The few officers who were unwilling to do so could only drink away their sorrows, and after Li Guolou left the banquet, they were going to get Fan Ye drunk.Now that the Ministry of War has not officially issued the order to appoint Fan Ye as the deputy general, these officers can still sit on an equal footing with Fan Ye.

The army pays attention to the order of seniority and order, and the subordinates rarely have the opportunity to surpass the chief, and they are promoted according to seniority.The Xinwu Army is a new army, but after the framework is established, it will follow this principle.Unless you break away from the original system and go to another army to be promoted again, but this depends on the promotion of high-ranking officials and the issuance of transfer orders by the Ministry of War.

"It's okay, it's okay! It's good for newcomers. I've long thought that Master Xuezheng will test the new army. I'm not surprised at all. I have a big appetite. Hahahaha!" Zhang Peilun felt a little overwhelmed when he saw the good wine , exposing the vulgar side.

Li Guolou frowned slightly, and he didn't like Zhang Peilun's behavior in his heart. This person was too scheming, and he regarded him as a famous name.But it is human nature for young people to want to stand out and step on other people's shoulders, so there is no need to put on small shoes for Zhang Peilun.

Li Guolou stood up and said with a smile: "For the second glass of wine, I will respect my old friend. We will know each other if we don't fight. Zhang Peilun, you are not going to carve a villain."

Seeing Li Guolou's second toast to him, Zhang Peilun couldn't help but feel honored. He stood up quickly, raised his glass with both hands, and said with a smile: "Master Xuezheng thinks highly of a little Goshha, and it gives me a chance to stand out. How can I hate Mr. Xuezheng! I am obedient to Mr. Xuezheng, and dare to go to the mountains of swords and seas of fire." After speaking, Zhang Peilun picked up the wine bowl, drank three bowls of wine in one breath, and the officers present applauded.

"Okay! I believe you are a good man." Li Guolou gulped it down, believing that Zhang Peilun would go to war, not afraid of sacrifice for fame and fortune, and dared to go to the front line to command the battle.But people will change in the future. After gaining military exploits and status, Zhang Peilun will become greedy for enjoyment, and will become greedy and disgusting.But now Zhang Peilun is still a good man, he deserves a toast.

After eating two bowls of rice wine, Li Guolou felt as if his stomach was on fire. He drank the wine too quickly, shook his head, and said with a smile, "Let me take a breath, don't rush me away. I will eat two bowls of rice, and kill the last one." A bowl of wine will disappear automatically, and then you will make trouble again." [

"Haha! Master Xuezheng is like a roundworm in my stomach." Nie Shicheng said something wrong, stopped there, and looked at the table with embarrassment, a little embarrassed.

"Hahahaha! Little fat man is so funny, Master Fan used to talk to me like this, but now he doesn't dare, you two are like twins." Li Guolou waved his hands and laughed endlessly. I grew up in the ridicule and play.The past is a living treasure at the banquet, the scene of being a pimp is vivid, and the past is unbearable.

Amidst the laughter, Fan Dahui said loudly, "Brother, cheers to our happy reunion in Yan'an! How long has it been since we haven't seen each other, how is my dad?"

"Hey! Our parents are alright, the old clam gave birth to pearls, and the third child was just born, named rice bucket." Nie Shicheng has a talent for talking about octagonal drums, and his interface is quick.

The laughter broke out, some people crawled under the table with their stomachs in their hands, some threw their bowls on the ground, and some sprayed the wine on Li Guolou's face.There was no distinction between big and small at the banquet, Li Guolou couldn't get out of his body, he drank so much that he was really drunk.

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