late Qing Dynasty arrest

Chapter 571 This Gold Is Not That Gold

It is common for political disagreements to criticize each other in court, but Li Guolou didn't take it to heart, and was the first to leave the upper study room and hurried to the prime minister's office.I ate a few small biscuits in the morning, I was so hungry, my stomach growled, and I could only think about the food in the Zongli Yamen restaurant in my mind.

"Master Li!" Xiao De Zhang probed his head at the gate of the palace and called out.

Li Guolou's face was strange, and he felt a little uneasy. He hadn't done anything wrong for a long time, touched his nose, approached him, and asked in a low voice, "Xiao Dezhang, what's the matter?"

Xiaode smiled playfully, stretched out his hand and said, "Master Li, you have been promoted again, don't forget little brother."

Li Guolou touched all over his body, and gave away the dozens of banknotes he brought into the palace. He apologized and said, "I'm sorry, Xiao Dezhang, I have given away all my banknotes. Make it up again.” [

"Oh! It's okay, just remember me next time, little brother." Xiao Dezhang didn't care about this kind of small money, but the rules in the palace must not be broken, and he didn't get a penny from the Yuanmingyuan to the Forbidden City, which was a bit of a loss.Zheng'er's Eight Classics said: "The Empress Dowager ordered Master Li to go to the Old Summer Palace tomorrow to see the Empress Dowager."

"Oh! I see. Tomorrow morning after the meeting of the Military Aircraft Department, go to the Old Summer Palace to meet the two empress dowagers immediately. Xiao Dezhang, you can go back and deal with business." Li Guolou did not kowtow to thank him, just like a master dismissing a slave. He waved and left.

Xiao Dezhang still had a smile on his face, and said in a loud voice: "Master Li, let's go, I will take a few friends to Baozhi's room for a meal, and go back to work in the evening."

All the other eunuchs call themselves slaves, but Li Guolou is Xiaode Zhang's eldest brother, he has the upper hand, and he will eat and use him for a lifetime.

Li Guolou didn't turn his head back, and said, "Xiao Dezhang, don't exceed the table."

"To order!" Xiao Dezhang said with a strange tone, now he is a celebrity in the palace, with great power, he can turn around in front of the three masters, snowflakes and money are rolling in, he is no longer the dilapidated little eunuch in the past.His backstage is Li Lianying and Li Guolou, and now he doesn't have to practice walking on the "Five Blessings" toilet.

Li Guolou grunted in a low voice: "There are so many women, how can we settle it? Kill me."

Li Guolou left the Forbidden City with a lot of worries. Family affairs and state affairs were mixed together. For the rise of the nation, personal enjoyment should be abandoned.And his fat horse and light fur, with a group of heavily armed Geshha behind him, how can he be a low-key man.

Thinking of working hard for the country and the people, you shouldn't have married so many women. Riding on the horse, Li Guolou actually calculated how many "grandmas" would be kicked out?The family banquet in the evening has to pay public food, and there are joys and sorrows, and he is born to work hard.The perfect combination of power and "color" is the goal he pursues. He should spend his energy on the Empress Dowager Ci'an and Cixi to lay a good foundation for his future career.Women rely on coaxing, how can he have the time to deal with so many female wolves?Li Guolou was thinking wildly, but he didn't realize that his dozen or so riders had already been watched by the spectators, unable to move an inch, being blocked in the street.

"Come and see Master Li!" "Our Zhao Zilong of the Qing Dynasty!" "Master Li, we support you!"

There are all kinds of people on the bustling Chang'an Street. The patriotic people of the capital worship Li Guolou as a national hero. The dense crowd gathers more and more. A wide street is blocked with traffic. The people who support the old and the young are hurried out. , all look at the diorama.

Li Guolou's ten personal guards hurriedly surrounded Li Guolou's mount, trying to stand out from the encirclement, but there were too many people, and they stretched out their hands, hoping to be honored as a national hero.

Li Guolou could escape, and tried to persuade the people with good words, but instead attracted a large number of onlookers, who cheered loudly, "Master Li, tell me a few words. Where is our Daqing Road? You are the guide!" !"

"Yes! Yes! Master Li, please say a few words. I have deposited all my family's money in Please Come in Bank. Our whole family supports your restructuring."

The crowd was even more crowded, and if you squeezed any further, you would be killed. Li Guolou didn't dare to say anything, so he wanted to escape from Chang'an Avenue, regretting not riding a horse in the capital, ostentatiously crossing the street, being surrounded by people like a monkey, and he didn't dare to get angry. Now his words and deeds represent the interests of many people, how can he lower his self-worth.

Some people were crying, some were laughing, and finally saw Li Guolou, who was famous all over the world. He was indeed a man of horses and horses, and all the Geshhas around him were heroes. Alliance!"

"The general of the Qing Dynasty, the general of Bai Sheng, Wan Sheng!"

"Wan Sheng!" "Wan Sheng!" "Wan Sheng!"

It was only a quarter of an hour's journey from the Forbidden City to the Zongli Yamen, and Li Guolou and his party had difficulty walking an inch, which was ten times harder than going to a temple fair. Finally, the patrolling Yamen found a problem, and the traffic on Chang'an Avenue was paralyzed.A team of yamen servants was hurriedly dispatched from the yamen on Chang'an Street, and then Li Guolou was safely escorted into the prime minister's yamen. After walking such a short distance for more than an hour, Li Guolou and ten Goshhas were sweating profusely. Afraid of killing people. [

Fan Dahui had already gotten impatient waiting at the prime minister's office, pointed to his pocket watch, and said, "Lord Li, check what time it is now, Prince Gong and Lord Fu Xiang are still waiting for you to eat."

Li Guolou said angrily: "What are you waiting for me, you want to die together."

Seeing Li Guolou's bad temper and lack of complacency, Fan Dahui knew that the morning in the study was not going well, and hurriedly asked, "What's wrong with Mr. Li? Who gave you anger?"

Li Guolou waved his arms and said, "Let's go in and talk about it. When we Westernization faction are shit, if you step on it casually, I was almost killed by Master Fu! Why didn't you notify me in advance, and you will be attacked from all sides, and you will suffer."

Li Guolou complained all the way, and when he entered the state guest room, he was still complaining that Li Hongzhang was not on the road, and he didn't disclose any news in advance.Let him be the traitorous special envoy, he can still afford to sell a little national interest.There is still a conspiracy behind it, if he is not calm-headed, does not have the position of respecting teachers and respecting morals, and dares to speak out.Maybe the Emperor Tongzhi had a hot head and ignored the conditions put forward by the British Empire, and the war broke out, and the coastline of the Qing Dynasty was restless.

Li Guolou can speak eloquently, and told Prince Gong and Li Hongzhang all the weird things that happened in the court meeting in the morning. The mob knows as well.

"Hey! People who are too upright are not suitable for being an official. Li Hongzao and Weng Tong are suitable to be princes and protectors. To be emperors will make a country suffer disasters. The national humiliation is brought about by Lin Zexu's closed-door policy. It sounds nice to ban opium imports." In the Qing Dynasty, opium was only banned? That was the reluctance to do business with the British, which led to the first Opium War. How can scholars govern the country? Can the great principles in the book be explained to foreign devils?" Li Hongzhang was full of complaints ’, this time he was reprimanded by the Emperor Tongzhi, so he knew it was not a good thing, but he did not expect that behind it was the Qingliu faction united with the conservative faction, trying to overthrow him from the position of Fu Xiang.

Prince Gong gulped it down, and said with a bitter smile: "Master Fu, what are they trying to do with you, they just want to get rid of the Prime Minister's Yamen. to greater shame."

Li Guolou echoed: "That's right, Prince Gong, what you said is very good. I also advise the emperor to take a step back and endure the calm for a while. We are the most industrious nation with a vast land and abundant resources. In the future, the gross national product will double, and then hum!"

Prince Gong squinted and said: "Li Guolou, you drink too much and talk nonsense as soon as you come back. It will take eight years for our country to pay back the war indemnity. After ten years, the debt will be great. The country's annual income is 5000 million conservatively. Two taels of silver, if you double it, it will be 5000 million taels of silver, where can you dig up so much silver? How about double it, if you didn’t double it, it would be on Qiuxiang’s body.”

The three staff members, Fan Dahui, Xu Qian, and Zhang Jingtian laughed wickedly, clinked glasses with each other, and drank it all in one gulp.Li Guolou is talking big again. This person has a thick skin and dares to set a precedent in history. He seems to be ridiculing Li Guolou, but in fact they are listening with pricked ears. They all know that Li Guolou advocates that there is a practical and feasible plan, and he directly uses it as doctrine. , Changing its appearance into the idea of ​​the Westernization School.

Li Guolou rolled his eyes around the people sitting there, and with a sneer in his nose, he sighed: "You guys are still short-sighted, and only see the small profits in front of you. The big train in Xiyanglouzi is almost finished. I let you The emperor and empresses will go on a few trips first, and the empress dowagers of the two palaces will also like to take a big train, which is a hundred times more luxurious than a luxury carriage. The prince and Fujin will also like to go to the Western Building. Have you ever heard of this Western proverb? I saved the country with a curve, and brought the Qing Dynasty on the road of saving the country through a strong industry. This time, you can’t be greedy for my credit, don’t mention the thing that was written in the book, this thing shines through In the annals of history, Li Guolou rewrote the history of the Qing Dynasty."

Li Hongzhang's slender eyes glared, and he said angrily: "Li Guolou, don't be greedy for other people's credit. The construction of the train is a book on Zhang Zhidong, the governor of Huguang. He is a serious Tanhualang who wants to build the Beijing-Han Railway. , what you do is hard work, how can a small way govern a country."

Li Guolou was tongue-tied and was so angry that he couldn't speak for a while.

How can the nobles of the Qing Dynasty be so easy to talk?Otherwise, how could the Qing Dynasty not see a train route?Besides, Li Hongzhang and Zhang Zhidong are at odds. Li Hongzhang specially wears small shoes for Zhang Zhidong. Even if the Beijing-Han Railway passes the motion in the court, the court will not allocate enough money to the governor of Huguang Zhang Zhidong. The Beijing-Han Railway will definitely be built as an unfinished railway .Now that he said it, Li Hongzhang was clearly going to grab the credit. If he wanted to get involved in the railway business, he would definitely be stripped of his skin by Li Hongzhang.Li Hongzhang spoke in a subtle way, and even exposed his dirty background, saying that he cheated in the Jinshi examination, and that he was not on the same level as the well-deserved Tanhua Lang Zhang Zhidong.

"Oh! This king has also heard this Western proverb. It turns out that this gold is real gold, not the gold excreted from the train."

Prince Gong was delighted to hear that, his right and left men are all able to govern the world, a man who is good at using devious strategies, Li Guolou is willing to sell his "humor", has everything to learn, and can catch everything in one go, he really is his favorite student.The other is even more outstanding. Li Hongzhang was able to put aside his personal grievances and speak for Zhang Zhidong, Governor of Huguang, in order to create momentum for the first Beijing-Han Railway in the Qing Dynasty.

Everyone laughed, Prince Gong was able to have fun while suffering, and did not get depressed because of the Ma Jiali case, and joked at the dinner table.

Li Guolou had a bitter face and an embarrassed smile. He couldn't tell the true meaning of this Western proverb. Prince Gong said that this gold is not that gold.As soon as the train started, the country borrowed heavily, making finances even more difficult.The Westernization Movement will hand over the construction of the railway to foreigners, and finally the management power will also be handed over to foreigners, and they will betray the interests of the country.

Hastily reminded: "Prince Gong, Mr. Fu Xiang, I am not kidding. The construction of the train cannot be done without the help of foreigners, but the jurisdiction in the future must not be handed over to foreigners, even if foreigners invest. This is our Qing Dynasty. The main artery is controlled by foreigners, and our "life" will be handed over to foreigners, and we will never recover. If there is not enough funds to build the railway, we can raise funds from the private sector and promise the right to operate for several years. If foreign banks and businessmen are willing to invest Railways are also managed according to this policy, profits can be shared, and sovereignty will never be sold.”

Li Hongzhang was full of evil and had no place to vent his anger. He was scolded as a traitor, not every day or two, and he was scolded by the Emperor Tongzhi.The grandsons of the family dared to expose his scars, put on the tone of an elder, and were not afraid of breaking the precious folding fan. They beat Li Guolou on the head and scolded: "Li Guolou, who are you talking about. I don't understand Western affairs. Who else in the world knows?"

Li Guolou shrank his neck, rubbed his forehead, and said anxiously: "Yes, yes! What Master Fu Xiang taught is that I just said it to remind everyone here. The next official is the special negotiating envoy for the Ma Jiali case, and it is still according to Fu Xiang. The framework of the discussion continues to bargain, and I will be the gran of the grocery shopping, picking out the rotten vegetable skins from the baskets of the British and throwing them away.”[

Hearing Li Guolou's statement, Prince Gong and Li Hongzhang's complexions improved a lot. They want to fight for this, and they must not fall because of the Margaret case. Sacrificing a little national interest is nothing! "The Margaret case" is a hot potato, which has already been held in the hands. If it is done in such an embarrassing way, it cannot start anew, and it is necessary to accept the traitorous treaty.

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