late Qing Dynasty arrest

Chapter 581 Enough to Blow Up the Entire Universe

Li Guolou argued: "Prince Gong Weichen's information about the British army is indeed from the book, but it is roughly the same as the real situation. It is the first time I came to the Military Aircraft Department for a meeting. I don't know if you know the situation. In a few words, the construction of the British navy is inseparable from its overseas colonial undertakings. They depend on each other and promote each other to become the rock of the British Empire. In view of this, the British "government" attaches great importance to the construction of the navy and always puts the navy in a more important position than the army. The armaments policy has a clear strategy of prioritizing the navy. Today, Britain still pursues the construction goal of "making its navy stronger than the navies of the two major powers." The navy combined is stronger

Based on the information I collected last year, the military expenditure of the British Navy was 9013000 pounds, an increase of 85% year-on-year. Although Prussia is vigorously developing its navy and claims that its steel production has surpassed that of the United Kingdom, the total tonnage of the navy is only 200000 tons, which is far from the British Navy’s 633000 tons. So we rely on the Prussians to resist The strategy of the British is also unrealistic. Prime Minister Bismarck will never offend the world's maritime hegemony because of our country. The British Bismarck, who I have studied, is definitely Su Qin, who is good at making long-distance and short-range attacks. In order to survive in the cracks of the Western powers, the Qing Dynasty must seize every opportunity, just like the domestic wars are raging, so that our Qing Dynasty was born again with so many warriors who are accustomed to fighting, and they can guard the Quartet to protect the safety of the Qing generation.”

Li Guolou peeped at everyone's expressions and didn't dare to say any more. It will be typed out, but only one generation's resources can be squandered. Even if the next generation is promoted to a post, they will be promoted from small officers at the rank of sentry officer and battalion officer. Soldiers with limited ability. He has no idea how far the combat effectiveness of the army has fallen, he has no idea how much he wants to seize the opportunity to lead the Qing Dynasty to a rich country and a strong army, but he still needs someone to support him. With so many military ministers holding military power, who is willing? Giving up power to him? Li Guolou covets military power and never dies. Thinking about Emperor Tongzhi's mind step by step to ascend to the top position.

Li Hongzhang smiled and said: "Li Guolou said it very well, and the warriors guard the four directions. I have never had so many generals since the emperor put down the rebellion. I and Zuo Zongtang have completed the mission entrusted to us by the late emperor. The future depends on it." You and Liu Jintang, the younger generation, guard the Quartet for the emperor."

Prince Gong rest assured that Li Guolou's words are under his control, and he smiled and said, "Li Guolou's eloquence is so good that he will fight for his own interests every time he holds a meeting. The situation of equal development in a bowl of water will be decided later, your majesty, can you agree?"[

This is to prevent the Emperor Tongzhi from arbitrarily militarizing. There is a precedent for the expansion of the new armed forces. Because the Jiuyuan Westernization Movement was funded by money, he only wanted to maintain the current military system

Li Guolou didn't wait for Emperor Tongzhi to speak anxiously: "The emperor must never respect the prince's thoughts. This kind of thinking is too dangerous. Now the pattern of ZTE in the Qing Dynasty has begun to take shape. A road to the Westernization Movement is a person who walks on one leg, even if his body becomes stronger. The other leg can't be slaughtered by Western powers at any time. As the saying goes, pigs have to be fattened before they are killed. Foreigners are waiting for us to become rich before they find excuses to squeeze us. Haiphong has been handed over to Prince Chun and Lord Fu, the thankless task of the army, even if it is extremely difficult, you must train a hundred thousand soldiers."

Weng Tonghe jumped up all of a sudden and shouted: "Your Majesty, I am determined to be responsible for the heavy responsibility of military training. The military academy in Baoding should also be entrusted to my minister to handle the specific affairs."

Li Hongzhang doesn't care much about the army. After the army is fed, it becomes a "drill" according to the model of the Huai army. One-third of the army trains and the other two-thirds of the army are doing business to make money. He devotes all his thoughts to the Beiyang Navy. It was built, but Baoding Military Academy is under the governor's yamen of Zhili, which is under his jurisdiction. How can you allow others to meddle? He suddenly changed his color and said: "Weng Tong and you just took over the Ministry of Criminal Justice, and you are all focused on making differences. When you look at a mountain and look at a mountain, when do you have a division of labor? If you can hand in 100 million taels of silver a year, I can bear it if you cross the border. Now Li Guolou proposes that it will cause a lot of bleeding. If you don’t have diamonds, don’t do porcelain work.”

Weng Tonghe had no ability to make money, only his loyalty to the Emperor Tongzhi, and he yelled, "Your Majesty, the education in the military academy is the most important thing. This is a job for the capable."

Emperor Tongzhi looked at Li Guolou with reproachful eyes. What is a pig like this? It’s so euphemistic: "Well, Prince Gong is right. I want a bowl of water to be flat. Don’t touch it for the time being. Wait until June next year to see the deposit bank of the household department." How much more will be discussed in the second half of next year.”

Li Guolou swallowed his saliva and did not argue about the advisability of reorganizing the new armed forces. There is no way to go. He can take a flexible move to reorganize the army in Xiaozhan Town.

The long husband does not count as the official establishment of the army, he must train tens of thousands of elite soldiers. Modern warfare consumes thousands of new military forces, which is not enough to consume. Besides, the new military army is an educated army. The seeds cannot be cut off. It is the quintessence of his long husband to die for the new military army, but he can't swallow it. He handed over to the country more than 350 million taels of silver, all of which were spent on the navy. Rushui has cultivated a large number of loyal and patriotic naval officers, but without a strong army as the backing, the navy is just a show, and even its old nest has been kicked out of the military port.

From the very beginning, Li Guolou disapproved of putting the focus of the Qing's national defense on the navy. Chen Tiao, who wrote a letter to Prince Gong, also clarified this point of view, thinking that the Qing navy should pay attention to offshore gunboats. The giant cannons of the fort can defend the coastal defense line, but Li Hongzhang insisted on his own opinion and wanted to establish the Beiyang Navy. He wanted to get close to the big tree of Li Hongzhang, so he had to bite the bullet and tamper with the original idea, and handed over the huge amount of money he earned to Li Hongzhang and Ding Richang. He will not stop investing money in coastal defense, or will he focus on the army strategically? He is far from satisfied. He wants to bring in the money of foreigners so that foreigners can also contribute to the Qing Dynasty Westernization Movement.

"Through the actual combat experience in the Northwest, the emperor's ministers have already gained a deep understanding of modern warfare, and proposed a brand-new combat strategy for the army's combat tactics. Hand-to-hand combat tactics are not what they used to be. You need to have strong tactical literacy to win honor in the final hand-to-hand combat. All the troops in the Qing Dynasty have all the tactical literacy courses. If you don’t change it, it’s too late.” Failed, the expansion of the new military army failed, immediately changed the routine, repackaged himself, and packaged himself as a tactical theorist. If the reputation of the master seat is like this, he can command any army in the Qing Dynasty. He can command any military camp he goes to. Call him "Master Xuezheng" for a small official position but make people bow their heads and listen to orders

The Emperor Tongzhi was in a good mood and took charge of the government for one year. The country’s fiscal revenue increased by 12%. The ZTE pattern has become a reality. The society is more stable than when the two empress dowagers were behind the curtain. The ability determines the hearts of the people. The emperor waited for the day when his small treasury of the House of Internal Affairs doubled tenfold. Li Guolou was very pleasing to the eye. As a man, he had already guessed why the empress dowagers of the two palaces wanted Li Guolou to be the supervisor of Longevity Hill. A face-to-face is not a big deal. In the Qing Dynasty, there was a tradition. The relationship between Prince Gong and Empress Dowager Cixi was well known in the Qing Dynasty. Women and children still live in harmony. He can change nothing and nothing can change this dynasty. The princes, ministers and governors in power in the hall are all promoted by the empress dowagers of the two palaces

The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. The emperor's mother trapped Prince Gong to let him sit firmly in the country. This move will also make that little eunuch Du Zhixi out of favor. Emperor Tongzhi has already sent Du Zhixi to guard the imperial mausoleum. Du Eniang, who had a marriage contract with Li Guolou, rewarded Li Guolou with the mulberry and elm harvested in the east. Check it out, I saw that the scriptures you wrote have the feeling of turning the clouds to the sun, which can be said to be both civil and military. I have absolute trust in you. If you have any thoughts on the military, feel free to say it."

Li Guolou raised his official sleeves, bowed and said: "Your Majesty, all ministers of military affairs, please move to the sand table, and Rong Weichen will explain it in detail."

Everyone followed Emperor Tongzhi to the next room and stood in front of the sand table to listen to Li Guolou's speech. Everyone had different thoughts, some were happy, some were jealous, some were angry, some were praised. Li Hongzhang was annoyed that Li Guolou didn't report his military thoughts to him. Mistakes, only thinking about how to deal with the aftermath, "The Margaret Case" let Li Guolou escape, but they have one thing in common. They firmly believe that Li Guolou is forward-looking. The tactical theory course is a compulsory course in the military aircraft department. Everyone who speaks a word becomes everyone. Whose opinion is not the point? Military Aircraft Minister Shen Guifang will never write the name of Li Guolou who is in the audience. It must be issued with the order of the Military Aircraft Department so that the troops around the world can learn from it.

Li Guolou didn't know that he was making wedding dresses for others and was still immersed in the dream of "teacher's seat". Holding a pointer and pointing at the sand table, he said: "The rebels mostly use human sea tactics to fight because of the constraints of weapons and equipment. There are guns, but the construction of artillery is very slow and requires a lot of manpower and material resources. It is difficult to rush the training of talents. Those Russian cannons can't exert their power and are captured by our side. As for the volleyball shooting, it is a mess. Willing to stand in line with our side to compare the power of the battle formation with the returning army. Individual bravery emerges endlessly on the battlefield, but this cannot change the outcome of a battle. Our army occupies a dominant position on the battlefield.

The tactics used by our side have been fully Westernized in terms of weapons, but they are specious and unreasonable. They first use artillery to suppress the enemy's firepower, and after a few rounds of gunfire, they blow the charge and win the final victory in hand-to-hand combat. Tactics rushed up and failed, and the result was a complete defeat. The tactics used by our army seem to be slightly different from those used by Western armies, but with such military literacy, fighting against second-rate Western armies is bound to fail. It is no match for the foreign gun team in Tianjin

I have summed up a set of experience in fighting on the front line. In modern warfare, although the artillery fires in unison, it can kill the enemy thousands of meters away, but the key factor that really determines the outcome is the people on the front line. The position uses dense rain to open a hole in the enemy's front line, so as to achieve precise strikes and destroy the enemy's vital forces. Artillery is by no means an observer who adjusts gun mounts alone. Artillery is a group of at least one five. Humans can also achieve precise strikes. This is the military concept advocated by the Xinwu Army, which is efficiency first. Nowadays, artillery training is used. The training cost has dropped a lot. If the artillery does not even have enough training and still cries to the Ministry of War, the commander will be fired directly. What's the use of such capable soldiers? I don't need to listen to the reasons. I just look at the results. Everyone has difficulties. Artillery is the soul of an army. Clear what the emperor said is good, practice it, and other military branches can fool people In this matter, I hate people to talk about their ancestors. Anyone who mentions a bird cage has a good ancestor..."

Li Hongzhang snorted and said, "Well... It seems to Yichen that when our army came to a big contest, we eliminated a group of wastes who were eating and waiting to die. There is one in the Westernization Movement The advantage is that there are many new jobs for these people to re-employ, so that the resistance of the army is also less. Is there anyone who will rob me of the job that offends people?"

Withdrawing a group of officers will promote a group of people to go up. None of the few present here understand the truth, but Li Hongzhang is right. He has the resources in his hand to arrange the life of the soldiers after they leave the army. Others can organize such a large-scale organization even if they want to. Li Guolou's reemployment project, Li Guolou's first knife to the army, seemed to be tailor-made for Li Hongzhang, and he was snatched away by Li Hongzhang. Execute the big training plan[

In the first round of the competition, only the recruiter did not see the demolition recruiter Li Guolou's proposal passed very smoothly. Several military ministers agreed to reorganize the artillery unit of the Qing Dynasty. Li Guolou didn't get anything, but he was not discouraged. The cowardice suffered by his subordinates is enough to blow up the entire universe, and he is still alive. He lowered his eyebrows and praised a few words, "Master Fu, you have worked hard."

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