late Qing Dynasty arrest

Chapter 631 Meet the Governor of Shandong

Shandong governor Zhang Renjun led 3000 troops to regain Zaozhuang and finally regained his face and issued a letter to the court to show his merits. Zhang Renjun got Long Wangshu and issued an order to move the Changsheng Army to defend his troops to enter Lincheng.

Bai Langning obeyed orders and did not ask Zhang Renjun for money. Three days later, he led the main force of the Changsheng Army and [-] members of the Long Spear Club to Weishan County.

Zhang Renjun soon settled in Lincheng and expressed deep sympathy for the suffering of the gentry in Lincheng, but the bloody debts of the [-] households in Lincheng were to be charged to the bandit armed forces. It is easy to punish the people of the Long Spear Club, but behind the Long Spear Club stands the Ever-Victorious Army. Behind the Ever-Victorious Army stands Li Guolou. Didn't he lose his wife and lose his army in Shandong?

During the war, there was chaos in the war. When people died, they died to testify against the bitter owners of eighty merchants. Which eye saw the people from the Long Spear Club kill people? just ignore it

Zhang Renjun inspected the Lincheng left by the Changsheng Army, touched the mustache, and was quite satisfied. The city was intact and damaged, only the east gate of the city needed to be repaired. Zhang Renjun didn't need to be extremely vicious to give him a great gift, and his master would do it for him [

Zhang Renjun ascended the heights and looked into the distance, as if he saw the flames of the Weishan Lake. He remembered that Li Guolou ignored him at the beginning. He was so arrogant and arrogant that he attacked the bandits armed without authorization. He was not a human being inside and outside. Now he turned over and became the master. If you want a boat, you have to come to pay homage to him

Zhang Renjun predicted things like a god, and as expected, the Changsheng Army had just left Guolou, and Li Guolou led a cavalry to the border of Lincheng.

The so-called soldiers are expensive and fast. Thousands of Xinwu troops spend time on the shore of Weishan Lake. Li Guolou is not angry. As soon as he comes out, the Xinwu army points directly at Weishan Lake, but there is no big boat and small sampan. It is increasing every day. But this A small sampan for two people can only be used for fishing and used for fighting. I’m afraid I have to go back to Li Guolou. I finally learned the lesson from Zhang Renjun, the governor of Shandong. He understands the truth that people have to bow their heads under the roof. of

Only then did Li Guolou change his strategy and go to Lincheng to meet Shandong governor Zhang Renjun in person. He is good at being able to bend and stretch.

Zhang Renjun was magnanimous and led the civil servants and generals to welcome the victorious teacher Li Guolou at the Ten Mile Changting Pavilion. He kowtowed to meet Zhang Renjun. The two looked at each other with sympathetic expressions.

Li Guolou took a look at the official sedan chair prepared for him, and sat in with no hesitation

"Get up"

The guard of honor has eight faces and various flags are erected, eight are raised, the pride is steady, and the avoidance card, the quiet card, the flying tiger flag, the apricot-yellow umbrella, the green fan, and the golden stick are lined up neatly. Four government servants beat the gong to clear the way. Ghoshha is surrounded by eight sedan chairs. Zhang Renjun's private guard of honor is well-equipped with 60 people.

Behind him, the civil servants sat in sedan chairs and the military generals rode on horses, surrounded by a large group of people and marched towards Lincheng.

Li Guolou secretly looked at the guard of honor, the governor of Shandong, Zhang Renjun, was more prestigious than Prince Gong when he went on tour. Lou closes his eyes like an old monk sitting in meditation

Li Yunkai took the lead and looked down on civilians and military generals Haiwa, Hulu and other thirteen little bald heads followed closely behind, all of them with their nostrils upturned, looking contemptuous of others. It's better than arrogance and domineering

It’s incredible that Zhang Renjun can defeat the brave bandit with this little guy. I don’t know how Li Guolou trains his troops, but I don’t see what’s special about the Xinwu Army. To the humble Li Guolou, it’s like looking at flowers in the fog. Zhang Renjun said to himself: "Li Guolou is as cunning as a fox, but unfortunately I am the hunter Baojiawei state-owned shotgun"

Zhang Renjun closed his eyes and rested his mind like still water. He was not in a hurry. Shandong has been a bandit since ancient times. He has been the governor of Shandong. It became a stubborn disease, and after the imperial court recruited a generation of bandits, a new generation of bandits appeared. This is a folk custom formed by the geographical environment. established family business

There are several groups of bandits hidden in Weishan Lake, and the fundamental reason why it is difficult to clear them up is that many bandits are locals, bandits and people, and they put down their guns and cast nets to catch fish. The government calls this kind of people "robbers". available

Unless it was during the founding of the country, the army could do whatever it wanted to kill and kill all the local people to eradicate the bandits. Dare to risk the disgrace of the world, dare to kill all the local people, kill not only the common people, but also kill all the bandits Generation after generation of bandits have taken root in their homeland

The government can only use official hats to lure the bandits, mainly to appease the bandits, so that the bandits change from evil to good. The officers and soldiers refuse to make efforts to wipe out the bandits and bandits in Weishan Lake. There are four lakes connected for nearly 700 miles in a week, with a total area of ​​about 4100 square miles. Bandits can run around and commit crimes at any time, and they can hide in another place.

Therefore, Zhang Renjun is not enthusiastic about clearing up the bandits in Weishan Lake. To wipe out a group of bandits, it will not be long before a group of bandits occupy Weishan Island. This time, Li Guolou is overly enthusiastic and wants to capture Weishan Island, the stronghold of bandits. Banditry in Shandong has become an indisputable fact. The cover was lifted. The former governor of Shandong, Ding Baozhen, was also punished. This violated the official rules. He sat on the position of governor of Shandong. Full of fear, he didn't want to get involved in this muddy water, but he was "forced" by Li Guolou to do whatever he could. In the end, he was even more afraid of Li Guolou. sword over head

Now that Li Guolou came to the city in person, Zhang Renjun wanted to unite sincerely with Li Guolou. After passing this hurdle, he will be demoted and appointed. After a few years, he can make a comeback. Where can Zhang Renjun sleep, rubbing his temples along the way? Get Li Guolou out of Shandong as soon as possible

Two large sedan chairs carrying eight sedan chairs entered the government office. Li Guolou followed Zhang Renjun wisely and entered the courtroom. The first hall is where prisoners are interrogated. Inside, the dark light passes through the second hall, and everyone directly enters the third hall. The aroma of tea came to the hall, Zhang Renjun was in the middle, Li Guolou sat on the left side, Zheng Hengdan accompanied the chief envoy Ning De, and the inspectorate envoy Hu Chaqing sat on the right side, and the other three generals sat in the back row. The bosses are drinking tea and chatting in the second hall. They are not of high level. There is no place for them in the third hall [

After a round of watching tea, Li Guolou handed over the notebook and said: "The next official is the guest army in Shandong. I hope the three adults will be more tolerant, don't worry about the Xinwu soldiers eating horses and chewing on the boat, but there is no need to delay it."

Zhang Renjun took the notebook from his attendant, flipped through it, and frowned, "How can you be responsible for the food and grass supply of the Xinwu Army, Master Fantai? Why are you so lax and overdue for three days?"

Ning De, the chief envoy, leaned forward and said, "Your Majesty, Futai, please tell the department to be responsible for the logistics of the five armies. These more than [-] people and [-] mules and horses alone will recruit [-] civilians. The [-] civilians also want to eat and drink. I’m so busy that I can’t starve anyone, so the food and grass shipped to the Xinwu Army can only meet [-]% of the food, but I have prepared [-] shi of food and grass, and I am preparing to ship it to Weishan County.”

Li Guolou glanced at him and said: "The accounts of the masters of the Fantai are not calculated in this way. The only troops fighting are the Xinwu Army and the Ever Victorious Army. You can't let the soldiers fight hungry. You can't "force" me to play the autumn wind."

Chief envoy Ning De licked his face and said with a smile: "Li Zhentai is really good at joking. Everyone knows that you are a famous three-good general. The Xinwu Army eats well, dresses well, and has good welfare. On the front line, you eat meat and fish every day. One day you will be hungry"

Li Guolou originally wanted to complain, but he already knew about the situation of the Xinwu Army. The fish in the Weishan Lake ate less and exposed his lies face to face. You can't let me go bankrupt in Shandong, right? The Xinwu army consumes 3000 shi of grain and grass every day. Until today, you owe me 70 shi of grain and grass. The Qing army must never accept IOUs."

The chief minister, Ning De, is a figure in the real power faction. He is blessed by his ancestors. He has three points of fear towards Li Guolou and dare not do too much, but he has a strong temper and said angrily: "Li Zhentai, who are you scaring? Do you owe me anything? Am I going to embezzle you? Forage? I’m not that donkey that kicks.”

Zhang Renjun smoothed things over and laughed: "Don't worry, Li Zhentai, please put a hundred hearts and grasses, and he will definitely make up for this kind of trivial matter, isn't it just a word? Don't let this matter stop here and watch tea in a hurtful mood."

Li Guolou looked at Ningde quite strangely and suddenly said "I'm not that sluggish donkey" what does it mean? Li Guolou knows how to deal with the constraints. After drinking a few cups of yellow soup and becoming good friends, Ningde will not make it difficult for him to take care of each other in the officialdom. Ningde

"Don't worry about offending the officials of Fantai with your own words." Li Guolou said softly that he is sure that after he arrives in Lincheng, all the ghosts and snakes in Shandong will be able to deal with him. He is a guest soldier and has conflicts of interest with the people present. Zhang Renjun will not treat him badly.

Zhang Renjun then inquired in detail about the preparations of the Xinwu Army and the battle at Shenfeng Ridge. Speaking of the battle, the three commanders also became active.

Li Guolou heard the mystery in the words. The army with ships can only be deployed along the coast of Weishan Lake. There must be someone with a ship in the hands of the three generals, but they just don’t say that everyone pretends to be confused.

Li Guolou chatted nonchalantly, grabbed the right to speak, and said: "Master Futai, please send [-] large ships to the Xinwu Army. I will take Weishan Island within three days."

Zhang Renjun almost thought he heard it wrong and said urgently: "Li Zhentai, how many ships are you talking about?"

Li Guolou Zhenger Bajing said: "I don't have high requirements for Li Zhentai. I only need 30 wooden boats that can hold [-] people to take Weishan Island."

Zhang Renjun's Chinese face became serious and he shouted: "Li Zhentai, you must know that you can't tolerate jokes."

Li Guolou stood up and bowed: "This subordinate dares to issue a military order. After the [-] ships arrive in three days, Weishan Island must be "planted" with the Snow Mountain Lion Flag."

He Fengyu, the commander-in-chief of Yanzhou, was in a hurry: "Xiao Li, you don't understand the complicated situation of Weishan Lake. The bandits have hundreds of boats, nailed rafts and bit you, and they can be solved by fire."

Li Guolou nodded gratefully and said, "Thank you, Lao He, for reminding me that Weishan Island can be captured with twenty ships."

"I have the guts to immediately dispatch [-] strong ships to Weishan County within three days." Zhang Renjun took the case, and this time he wants to see what Li Guolou can do to capture Weishan Island. Too big to ignore thousands of bandits

There are at least 2000 bandits hiding in Weishan Lake. Zhang Renjun seems to have seen the tragic situation of Li Guolou returning home. How can Shandong heroes be bullied by the people of Lilliputian?

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