late Qing Dynasty arrest

Chapter 643 A New Round of Negotiations

The stocky Guo Qi is only a few years older, dressed like a mountain person, the blue coat is unbuttoned, two buttons are exposed, and the hair on the chest is exposed. The large military belt is equipped with two revolvers, four pairs of daggers, and a pair of trousers rolled up. In the second section, the hairy thighs are exposed. A pair of green rubber shoes are military rubber shoes produced by Yadong Rubber Company. Even without socks, you look like a bandit leader.

He is a rough man with a hot temper and impatient nonsense. As soon as he sat down to drink tea, he blew his beard and stared and said: "I said that you came at the wrong time. Li Guolou besieged Weishan Lake again, you brought a letter from Mr. Fu Xiang, who are we to trust?"

Caijin put down his teacup and said with a smile: "Two generals, if you trust me, I will do my best to fight for your best interests. As for Li Guolou, a bastard who is messing around, what can I say? If he wants him to stop, he wants us." How can there be any success here and he will withdraw his troops.”

"How can it be possible to talk successfully without any sincerity? The soldiers and horses around are gathering more and more." Guo Qicai was very annoyed that the first peace talks were almost successful. After repenting and offering a higher price, the situation was out of control. Li Hongzhang sent two armies, the Changsheng Army and the Xinwu Army, to enter the Shandong Lincheng garrison and suddenly fell into a trough. Sun Meifang's main force instantly Sun Guilu's navy was also heavily surrounded by the Qing army when it collapsed

Na Caijin smiled wryly and said, "You two generals, this is not something that I, a lobbyist, can influence To fight for peace is the foundation. This is how the ever-victorious army moves forward, and then there is the ambush at Shenfengling. It is a pity that Brother Sun Yingming and Shenwu did not die in the battle for the country, but died at the hands of his own people. The world is not fair” [

Guo Qicai and Sun Meijing glanced at each other, and only now did they know what was going on in the court. It turned out that Li Hongzhang thought the conditions they offered were too high, so he launched a murderous plan and released two vicious dogs to bite people. It seems that the Lincheng garrison was expanded into an army. If you agree to a price that is too harsh, you will be retaliated by love

Sun Meijing clenched his fists, all his subordinates were so ambitious, they wanted to be a guerrilla general, but instead, the main combat faction of the Qing army found an excuse for military strikes. Originally, according to the action plan he formulated, his merits and virtues had already been consummated. How could the eldest brother die tragically on the left side of Shenfengling? Counting on the right and finally counting on the death of my elder brother

Sun Meijing was full of wimps and still restrained her temper and remained silent. Guo Qicai yelled: "The Xinwu Army and the Changsheng Army don't behave morally, then we don't follow the rules and feel wronged. The master left his head to pay homage to the soul of the eldest brother."

Caijin is the frightened bannerman who likes to talk big and boast about himself. Caijin is thin, but the prestige of his ancestor Batulu has not diminished at all. Looking back, I was looking for a way out for thousands of brothers in Baodugu. The belly of the fish and I can only die Chao Yunguan In this way, Li Guolou avenged his wife's hatred and could burn Baodu to ashes, just in response to the whole nest, how can there be any tired eggs? Stick to the top of Baodugu Mountain, which leads to heaven, and everything else will be done for three years and three years, and you will never go down the mountain.”

Guo Qi was so angry that she slapped the table and stood up and shouted: "Guo San'er is your name? Then don't put on the vest, I don't know you, so what if you and the fake foreign devil wear the same pair of crotch pants and share a woman?"

Caijin snorted and said with a sneer: "I came here without Guo San'er thinking of getting out alive, but you have to know that Li Guolou is vicious and he doesn't need the common people's Xinwu Army to commit bloody debts in Dong Zhiyuan. The bones will be scattered everywhere, and there will be no human beings. Hostages are nothing to this kind of person. Even if you catch one of his wives, he doesn't care. Anyway, he will sell the interests of the country in exchange for the capital of promotion. In Beizhuang Town, even monks and Taoists will not have a lush forest in Dugu Mountain. He will definitely burn it to the ground. If he builds a fort, Baodugu Mountain, and the beacon fire on the top of the mountain is a miserable word."

That Caijin shook his head and sighed as if he saw the inhumane Li Guolou carrying out a brutal massacre in Baodugu

"Master, don't fool me. I grew up ambitious and courageous. Fighting in the mountains, the New Armed Forces will be defeated." Guo Qicai remained unmoved, as if he was sure to win, but Li Guolou's story has been heard too much. It seems that there is no [-]% chance of winning. The fact is that the coffin of eldest brother Sun Meifang is placed in the main hall. The Qing general Changsheng really can't be provoked. I'm afraid his subordinates heard Li Guolou coming to learn boxing and spear club. help people scramble to betray him

"I know if you don't believe it, have you ever seen a tiger show its power? Li Guolou is a tiger with wings inserted. The natural danger of Weishan Lake can't stop him. I can bet with your heads that there won't be a single bandit in Weishan Lake in ten days. All the islands have been destroyed. As for Li Guolou's capture, there will be no more than 100 heroes who fled back to the foot of the mountain to continue fighting." That Caijin was very arrogant and made a very risky handicap. Guo Qi didn't respond.

I saw Guo Qi looking at Sun Meijing with lingering fear, she was really not sure about accepting this handicap, her arrogance was suppressed by the money, she was not afraid of death, a lobbyist would not be afraid of white knives in and red knives out

Sun Meijing looked at the Caijin who was talking so eloquently and finally said: "I said, don't let the fake foreign devils sell the national interests and let the foreigners come to Shandong to bully us. We have the Ever Victorious Army and the gang of bastards to help. What kind of heroes are the fake foreign devils? My elder brother must avenge this revenge"

Cai Jin sighed: "General Sun listens to you or not. I'm just a messenger to send a message. You have read the letter from Mr. Fu Xiang. You have also read your elder brother's coffin. I also brought it. It's up to you to kill, cut, keep, and talk. In one thought, I still advise you to submit to the imperial court if you don’t want to rebel. There is still room for negotiation. If General Sun pulls up the banner, use my head to sacrifice the flag. It’s not that the religious people don’t have many supporters in Shandong, so I’m afraid they won’t be able to kill Zaozhuang.”

Baizhuang is Sun Meijing's hometown, and the people there are all related to Sun Meijing, so a large group of his subordinates are from Baizhuang. He is an armed force composed of relatives and fellow villagers of Baizhuang. Threatening the Qing court, Li Guolou threatened Sun Meijing with the lives of the people of Baizhuang, Li Hongzhang sang red faces, Li Guolou sang bad faces, and the two joined forces to put pressure on Sun Meijing

If Sun Meijing wants to start a killing spree, he must also think about the consequences. If he kills two bodyguards, he will not be in the world. Even the bandits under him will not agree. Zhuang is very likely to be razed to the ground. Sun Meijing already knows that Liu Tanggu of the Long Spear Club set a fire in Baizhuang and burned his family's grain stacks. This is a warning to him. You're welcome

Sun Meijing gritted his teeth with hatred at the thought of his elder brother's tragic death, but the messenger couldn't be killed, that's broken the rules of the world, who would be the middleman when both sides kill each other? Cai Jin represented the central "government" as Li Hongzhang's messenger to negotiate with Sun Meijing. His identity was more honorable and sincere than the messenger sent by Shandong governor Zhang Renjun.

Sun Meijing glanced at him and said, "Master came from the capital and was exhausted on the way. Let's not talk about business. Let's treat you to a meal of mountain delicacies."

"The relationship is good, I'm just hungry." That Cai Jin underestimated Sun Meijing, who is still eating and drinking at this time, it really is a bandit style. Although there is wine today, drunk today, he doesn't care about the guillotine tomorrow. His greatest advantage is that he can call the wind and rain at the banquet. After a glass of wine, this banquet is his stage. The amount of alcohol he can drink without getting drunk will surely impress these bandits.

At this time, Sun Meijing's armed forces, food and grass are sufficient, the soldiers are strong, and the ransom of more than 20 meat tickets from the Shanghai Chamber of Commerce will get more than 30 silver dollars. You can buy some weapons, including medicines, and the mountains are rich in products. It is more than enough to feed 5000 people.

But when he thought of Li Guolou's method of killing Sun Meifang and Li Guolou's cruel words, he would use the policy of human settlements to deal with the mountain people in the mountains. Success hopes to return to Lincheng as soon as possible to become the local emperor [

Outside the Taoist temple, there are several restaurants, shops, and two rows of residential houses. In the past, this place was a shop for pilgrims. The once bustling small street has become deserted and cleared of bandits standing guard. Few residents are walking around. The elderly mountain people saw Sun. Meifang would greet Sun Meifang with grateful eyes, and would take the initiative to say hello to Sun Meifang. The bandits and mountain people, armed with guns, were full of hostility towards Caijin and his party, staring at Caijin as if they had no business in military affairs. The control is all caused by the wealth. If the wealth wants to escape from the mountains, the mountain people will stone him to death.

Being so stared at Caijin felt uncomfortable, touched his nose and cursed secretly: "If you have a "milk", you are the mother. If he led the army to suppress the bandits, he would burn everything except Taoist temples and temples."

The restaurant is simple and elegant, the second floor is facing the foot of the mountain, the spring water is ding-dong, the clear stream is gurgling in the forest, and it is placed in the mountain, regardless of the Wei, Jin, Yuan and Ming Dynasties, put aside the worries of the world

Na Caijin stood in front of him and stared at the stretching green hills in admiration: "Baodu Gu has four distinct seasons, and the mountains and lights are different. As the saying goes: Spring brings peaches and plums to bloom, summer heat, thick shade does not invade muscles, autumn dyes red leaves, drunken fragrance, winter snow blooms Yusongmeiqi is a good place with outstanding people and great spirits. The two generals will definitely improve their careers. I hope we can be ministers in the same temple and take the responsibility of recovering the territory to return the Qing Dynasty to a Changping.”

That Caijin spoke beautifully Sun Meijing and Guo Qicai couldn't help but nodded and said that they were very polite to invite Na Caijin to sit down

There were two tables set up for the banquet, Na Caijin sat with Sun Meijing, Guo Qicai and other bandit leaders, Sun Yue, Zhang Tieniu, Na Le, and Na Yuan set up another table, and behind them Sun Meijing's followers stood at the four corners of the room, still maintaining a high degree of vigilance.

Seasonal melons, wild game, chicken, duck, and fish in the mountain are full of plates and bowls. The first glass of wine is to pay homage to the elder brother Sun Meifang. The spirit of the sky, the wine is spilled on the ground to show a little heart.

Sun Meijing's thoughts showed that he had just died because his eldest brother had just died, so he was so violent that he ate vegetable wine and only drank three cups, but the behavior of his subordinates could also be seen a little bit of way golden toast

Everyone feasted and ate to their heart's content, Cai Jin's mouth was smooth, and after three glasses of wine, he and Guo Qicai called brothers and sisters "Guo Sange" called Shun Liu, like a brother in a den of thieves

Sun Meijing doesn't talk much, but he has a lot of momentum. As long as he speaks, many bosses dare not interrupt him. The posture of not getting drunk and not returning makes the banquet present a lively scene

Sun Meijing still has the strength and doesn't want Caijin to see his urgency. Whether he agrees to the court's conditions depends on his mood.

Li Hongzhang showed his sincerity and was willing to let the Lincheng garrison maintain a complete establishment and expand the garrison area. Even the Zaozhuang Coal Mine was assigned to Sun Meijing. Similarly, Li Hongzhang also made a rule that the Lincheng garrison would not be expanded into an army. The Sun brothers wanted to become a big warlord immediately. Being attacked by the Changsheng Army and the Xinwu Army shows that the court will never compromise on this issue, even if the hostages are dead, there is still room for negotiation

At this time, the military system of the Qing Dynasty followed the example of the Prussian army and carried out restructuring. An army was formed by divisions and regiments. An army had a brigade-level organization. An army’s organization was based on four regiments (wings) and could have a maximum of tens of thousands of horses.

The Xinwu Army began to expand its recruitment after being reviewed by the Ministry of War. After that, there will be [-] regiments (wings) to become a royal guard to defend the capital.

Sun Meijing knows everything about the Yanzhou Army. The Yanzhou Army has a strong merchant atmosphere. Although there are still 5000 troops, the Yanzhou Army loses its strength to fight tough battles. The victorious army and the new armed forces are already under the couch, and Li Guolou let the militia scramble to join him, which shows that the people in Shandong love the national hero Li Guolou. Thinking about the way out, Sun Meijing was unwilling to eat, thoughtful and silent

Nabazi spied on Sun Meijing's actions and said with a smile: "General Sun has just recovered. I brought some medicinal materials to avoid miasma in the mountains and just gave it to General Sun."

Sun Meijing has lived in the mountains for a long time, and the water and soil are not acclimatized until Baodugu got sick. Now her body bones still feel soft and weak, and she often feels tired physically and mentally.

"Then thank you, sir. Many soldiers in our army are unwell, can you please ask me to get some medicinal materials for me?"

"It's a small matter that Lincheng's garrison is also a soldier of the Qing Dynasty. How can you let them suffer from pain? As long as General Sun believes in me, I will send people to Jinan to get what you want." Cai Jin readily agreed to Sun Meijing This immediately sublimated the atmosphere at the banquet

Sun Meijing pays more attention to Na Caijin, with Na Caijin intertwining in the middle, the new round of negotiations will develop towards a win-win situation

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