There are also [-] elders in the Xinwu Army. They don’t belong to the army, but they can be regarded as reservists. In the Xinwu Army, they can be regarded as corporals. no markings on the shoulder

The driver driving the cannon cart is Nagao, and I saw a carriage driving past the reviewing platform. Nagao's helmet has a green crown of woven plants, and the cannon car is full of green branches. A camouflaged green "" team on the shelf salutes the chief executive on the stage when they pass by the reviewing stand

Behind the convoy is a phalanx of long husbands carrying [-]-pound cannons on their shoulders, and each of them is striding forward energetically.

A thousand long husbands have been trained by Li Guolou to become elite soldiers, and their momentum is no worse than that of soldiers. Their feet thumped on the ground, and even the reviewing platform trembled. My lord, Li Guolou disturbed the law and order in Shandong, and you asked him to suppress the bandits, but he violated military discipline by recruiting troops here. Where are the laws of the country? How can I start my work in the future?"

Li Hongzhang pointed his hand upwards and replied: "Zhang Futai, this is not what I mean. You understand that without Li Guolou's favor, the Ministry of War must make adjustments according to his wishes. You have to adapt to his ideas. Only by cooperating can Shandong restore Changping and end this situation as soon as possible. You are the meritorious minister in the mutiny, otherwise if Sun Meijing becomes a bandit, it will be a big disaster again. No matter how hard you try, the court will condemn you and I can’t protect you.”

Zhang Renjun understood the meaning as soon as he heard it

Zhang Renjun's expression changed as soon as he said it, stroking his two bearded beards, looked at Li Guolou with admiration, and said with a smile: "It really is Zhao Zilong of the Qing Dynasty! Take a look at the income that people don’t need to spend an extra copper coin from the Ministry of War. They are all funded by themselves. Even the eldest husband is so energetic. I have no money now. You have the ability to learn from He Fengyu and ask Li Guolou for money.”

A group of warlords behind obediently asked them to ask Li Guolou for money, that was to fight like the Yanzhou army, braving artillery fire to fight in Yimeng Mountain, that was to exchange military exploits for the check in Li Guolou's hand, they didn't lack money in their pockets, so they were willing to use their lives to change money

A warlord has a strong sense of locality. As long as he does not move his territory, he will not fight desperately. If he tries his best to defend his hometown, then the warlord will come to Hakka to fight in order to bully the weak. If the territory won by the war of attrition is not his The warlords are not willing to use their lives to make friends with each other and say hello. It takes time and time, but they are not serious. Therefore, these warlords stationed in the strategic area of ​​​​Yimeng Mountain are only for the theater and do not want to enter the mountain to suppress bandits [

Li Hongzhang never thought that it is the established policy for his subordinates to fight desperately to promote peace. Now the Lincheng garrison has been beaten up and most of the Lincheng garrison has been wiped out. The next step is to recruit Sun Meijing to accept the recruitment. How will Zhang Renjun accept Sun Meijing? He stayed out of the matter to protect Sun Meijing for a while, but he couldn't keep Sun Meijing safe for the rest of his life.

Li Guolou's "grey" women's army was dispatched, and I saw two hundred heroic female soldiers carrying spears and striding forward past the inspection stand. Every female soldier had a red scarf around her neck, and the leading captain was riding a white horse. It's Li Guolou's little wife, Ping'an, who adds to the scenery of this team

There was a commotion on the reviewing platform, civil servants and generals all stretched their necks and salivated to look at the two hundred girls with big feet who don't like red makeup and love armed forces. It's the first time in their lives that they saw female soldiers. It made people quite curious. Could it be that Li Guolou was in charge? Liang Hongyu, a prostitute trained to enter the bridal chamber and win the battlefield

Warlords with nasty ideas are thinking wildly. Li Guolou's harem is no less than that of Emperor Tongzhi. Everyone has a lewd smile on their faces and nods without revealing that Li Guolou is really good. I don't know if the bed skills have regressed after being trained as an elite soldier

Zhang Renjun said in a low voice: "Master Fu Xiang is the one who betrayed Zhu Hongdeng for Li Guolou."

"Oh is it? Let her accompany the wine to perform spells later, so that we can also experience the magic of the red lantern." Li Hongzhang heard that the magic of the red lantern was very interested in this strange woman, so he raised his binoculars and carefully looked at the pretty face of the female captain. Fair-skinned and looks under 20 years old Li Guolou is good at dealing with women Another flower was picked It's a pity that people inherit the mantle of Zhu Hongdeng The world has lost a legend

Where do people put a group of female soldiers in their eyes? They think that these two hundred female soldiers are the vases of the Xinwu Army, and they don't see the value of female soldiers.

The regular army of the Xinwu Army let out a majestic and loud roar. The officers walking in the front row were all armed with revolvers and swords at their waists to salute Li Hongzhang. Their unsmiling faces were the warriors rushing to the battlefield. Behind them were thousands of Xinwu troops. Soldiers carrying spears with their heads held high and their chests held high, striding forward majestically

Li Hongzhang was full of emotions: "Long live my emperor, the country is in trouble, and the new army of heroes has become a force. It will become a hundred thousand heroes in the future and dominate East Asia."

"That's right, Mr. Fu has trained well. A brand-new Huai army has finally been trained. It all depends on the Beiyang navy to add luster." Zhang Renjun was the first to echo, and then the sound of flattery came to the reviewing platform. Congratulations to Li Hongzhang auspicious words

Li Hongzhang smugly stroked his three strands of beard and accepted everyone's admiration. This is his creed. The Xinwu Army is a new army of the Huai Army. He spent countless efforts. Li Hongzhang controls all the fruits of victory. A pawn on his chessboard, the Xinwu Army, was originally a chicken rib, and now it has become another new force of the Huai Army, which invigorates him even more than Zhang Yao's Songwu Army.

Li Hongzhang received a secret report from British Minister Wade Wade that the Japanese army had landed from the port of Langqiao in the east of Taiwan in April to form the so-called "Taiwan Shengfan Expedition" with 4 people. Lieutenant General Xixiang Congdao led the fleet to invade Taiwan. Japan used the pretext of crusade against Paiwan. The family killed 3000 Ryukyu drifters and attacked Taiwan's Shengfan land on the pretext that the Shengfan land was not a territory of the Qing Dynasty

Langqiao is the land of Shengfan, which is governed by the ethnic minorities in Taiwan. Langqiao has no "government" organization directly under the Qing Dynasty. The important towns and ports of the Qing Dynasty are all in the east and west of Taiwan. The social relationship is not harmonious, and there is a lot of hatred among each other. The reason is, of course, that the Manchus and Hans belong to foreign ethnic groups. If they want to immigrate and reclaim wasteland in Taiwan, the first step is to invade the land of the ethnic minorities.

Although the land of Taiwan is a barren land, Taiwan is an island inhabited by aborigines. It can be said that the ethnic minorities are the masters of this land. The migration of Han people to Taiwan has historical records. It started from the Tang Dynasty, but there was no "government" to organize the migration of Han people to Taiwan. A large number of immigrants began after Zheng Chenggong occupied Taiwan in the late Ming Dynasty. The three generations of the Zheng family used piracy to plunder fishermen along the coasts of Fujian and Guangdong. This made the Han people in Taiwan flourish. However, the ethnic minorities believe that this is the land left by their ancestors, and they have lived on this land for generations. Whether it is Zheng Chenggong or the Qing emperor, for the ethnic minorities in Taiwan, it is a history of blood and tears for the invaders to open up territories. For details, see Westerners Developing the American Continent

Most of the ethnic minorities in Taiwan who resisted the rule of the Qing Dynasty by force were exterminated, and their deeds were wiped out in the long river of history. The plain area was handed over to Manchu and Han immigrants[

For the natives in Taiwan, the Qing people did not keep their promises and repeatedly violated their oaths. At this time, the ethnic minorities in Taiwan formed an association, the Peony Society, to deal with the Qing government with a united attitude. The ethnic minorities in Taiwan are full of hatred for foreign nationalities invading their territories. That's why the killing of Ryukyu drifters happened

It can be said that Liu Mingdeng, the commander-in-chief of Taiwan Township, and Wu Dating, the Taoist governor of Fujian Province, bear inescapable responsibility for the killing of Ryukyu drifters by their subordinates, but the Qing government did not punish them. It seems that 54 Ryukyu drifters died with the Qing government. It has nothing to do with it, and because the Qing government argued in the credentials, the entanglement between the raw and the familiar, and Yu Fanbang's definition of ignorance of the importance of territory and sovereignty gave Japan a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity

Because of intelligence work, Liu Mingdeng, the commander-in-chief of Taiwan Township, had not yet received the news of the landing of Japanese troops in Langqiao, but the British informed the Qing "government" that Japanese troops had landed on the land of Taiwan.

Prince Gong and Li Hongzhang were very dissatisfied with Liu Mingdeng, the commander-in-chief of the Taiwan town. They had already told Liu Mingdeng to take extra precautions and pay attention to the movements of the Japanese, but they did not take the secret decree of the Military Aircraft Department seriously. When it is not time for accountability, Li Hongzhang has already prepared. Browning's [-] ever-victorious troops have already stationed at Mawei Port, Fujian, while his confidant General Liu Mingchuan leads a [-] Ming military army in Taiwan. Shen Baozhen leads a thousand Nanyang navy in Penghu Luer

The Qing government received news of Japan's invasion of Taiwan, and the prime minister, Prince Gong Yixin, issued a formal protest to the Japanese minister demanding that the Japanese army withdraw from Taiwan immediately. Shilu Japanese troops will withdraw from Taiwan

This kind of prevarication filled Prince Gong with righteous indignation and cursed on the spot, while the Japanese envoy kept bowing and apologizing humbly as always, but gritted his teeth and refused to withdraw the Japanese troops to Taiwan.

Li Hongzhang has made full preparations, and he still has a trump card, Li Guolou, who has prepared for Taiwan for a long time. The Xinwu Army is preparing for the war in Taiwan.

Li Hongzhang immediately rushed from Jinan to Beizhuang Township Li Guolou to discuss how to deal with the Japanese army's invasion of Taiwan and prepare to transfer the Xinwu Army to Mawei Port, Fujian.

Li Guolou is as imposing as a rainbow, straddles a horse like flying, shuttles back and forth in front of each team, commanding the Xinwu Army to show off his power and train two thousand elite soldiers in a short period of time. This is his ability. Waiting for the honor to win the victory, now the Xinwu Army is ready to face greater challenges

The bandits in Baodugu can only be let go temporarily, but Li Guolou has already prepared a big gift for Sun Meijing, he wants to let Sun Meijing have a return

Today's military parade is to boost the morale of the expedition. Li Guolou looks at the officers and soldiers under him with pride.

Rows of soldiers armed with guns saluted Li Guolou when they saw him, but everyone did not look nervous. Fighting is a normal thing for the Xinwu Army.

Serious faces are young and green, they bear the ups and downs of the country Li Guolou nods slightly, draws his sword and sings a military song

The majestic and sonorous military song filled the mountains and rivers and made everyone excited. The civil servants and generals on the reviewing platform sang congratulations together. Li Hongzhang roared with tears tearing his throat

A good man who is generous to righteousness spills blood on the battlefield and does not look back. Wolves run and tigers attack the sun. The road ahead is poor. From the Chinese men, why don’t the Chinese men rush forward bravely? The sleeping lion for a thousand years, the sleeping lion for a thousand years.

I have a treasured sword generously flowing from the army to the oars, the strong wind and the decisive victory on the battlefield.

Li Guolou's emotional "momentum" Peng Bai resolutely drew out his sword and shouted: "Advance to the east"

"Advancing East"

"Advancing East"


The whole audience screamed for the tsunami and the whole army raised their arms and shouted for the morale of the Xinwu Army. Under the leadership of Li Guolou, the Xinwu Army went to the battlefield without hesitation, even if it was bloody red battle flags

After the inspection, all the teams returned to the camp, and the hunting flags filled with a wave of desolation. The soldiers were busy packing up their weapons and equipment, dismantling their guns, oiling their guns, gearing up for the upcoming big battle.

Li Hongzhang will go to Mawei Port, Fujian, where he will command the overall situation and go with the Xinwu Army. The negotiations with the Japanese will be in charge of Prince Gong.

However, Li Hongzhang was still a little cowardly in his heart, and he was as heartbroken as he was about using the Qingshui master to dig out his heart. Li Hongzhang asked in a low voice at the banquet: "How is Li Guolou's victory in this battle?"

Li Guolou said solemnly: "Master Fu Xiang wants me to say that the hearts of the army and the people are in our hands, and we can conquer the hearts of Taiwanese students in a single battle. Now it's just the right time to act."

"Oh, it makes sense." Li Hongzhang's cunning old man understood the meaning of Li Guolou's words

Li Guolou swore to Li Hongzhang that he would be able to command naval battles and would definitely defeat the Japanese invaders. He hoped that Li Hongzhang would hand over the command of various ministries in Taiwan to him instead of Liu Mingchuan who had arrived in Taiwan earlier. Make a decision after Mawei Harbor

Li Guolou is a stalker who keeps nagging in Li Hongzhang's ear how he planned the Battle of Shenfengling and Weishan Lake Battle and the high mountains and rivers were all conquered by him. The meaning is self-evident.

Li Hongzhang, the cunning old man, smiled and said nothing at last, "Li Guolou, can you capture Baodugu?"

Li Guolou said in silence that Li Hongzhang did not want military command power, so he looked for comfort in Ping An

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