late Qing Dynasty arrest

Chapter 649 Li Hongzhang's Choice

Li Hongzhang and Zuo Zongtang are exactly the same. They command the battle by remote control. Zuo Zongtang entrusts Liu Jintang with the heavy responsibility on the front line.

However, Li Hongzhang hadn't made up his mind yet, and the organization of the war in Taiwan was a bit messy. Zhang Daqing had several troops fighting in Taiwan, but there was no unified deployment. Instead of taking advantage of the advantages of large numbers of troops, he retreated into a military fortress and let the Japanese army sweep Taiwan everywhere. Ethnic Minority Areas in the East and West

Nominally, Liu Mingdeng, the commander-in-chief of the Taiwan town, is now in charge of the overall situation, but Liu Mingdeng is more than brave and lacks strategy. During his tenure, the friction between the Taiwan garrison and the Taiwanese minorities continued, causing the Taiwan minorities to form xenophobic societies. To the freezing point, etiquette was not carried forward, and the noble character of Shangbang, who spent money like water, and the Qing court did not do a good job of entertaining people, which caused a rift between the Qing Dynasty and Taiwan's foreign countries.

Fanbang in Taiwan actually said that the Qing Dynasty did not keep promises, it was a dog biting Lu Dongbin did not know good people, the Qing government sent supplies and supplies to Taiwan every year, and only asked the people of Taiwan to pay a little sucrose, what a conscience was eaten by a dog

Liu Mingdeng only sent telegrams to the imperial court asking for reinforcements to support Taiwan. He constantly stated that the Japanese army had tens of thousands of soldiers. The main force of the army sticks to the port of Keelung

However, several military ministers have already analyzed that Taiwan's barren people are poor, the population is scarce, and food cannot be self-sufficient. It is because of the deployment of Fujian and Guangdong that the Qing Dynasty's [-] garrisons were able to station in Taiwan and Penghu.


If the Japanese army dispatched tens of thousands of horses, it would not have been used to attack the land of Shengfan. It would have broken through the Taiwan government and fought to Keelung Hong Kong. How could they have fought fiercely with the ethnic minorities in Taiwan in the east and west? The Japanese army only inflicted bloody violence on the Paiwan people. In retaliation for storming the territory of the Paiwan ethnic group, the Japanese army adopted the principle of non-aggression towards other ethnic minorities, but resorted to sugar-coated cannons to buy the hearts of the ethnic minorities in Taiwan.

Li Hongzhang did not believe that the Japanese had such boldness and dared to fight against the Qing Dynasty. The national power of the Qing Dynasty was far greater than that of Japan. Until now, the Japanese did not admit that they had invaded the territory of the Qing Dynasty. In the initial stage of the war, the Japanese army used the Taiwan minority areas as Japan. The colonies used this excuse to start war against the ethnic minorities in Taiwan, and the Japanese army used troops to attack Taiwan by taking advantage of the loopholes in the Qing Dynasty’s national culture.[

But even if the Japanese army has only 3000 people in the vanguard, it is not easy for the Qing army to fight. The Japanese army is an army with modern equipment, and the Qing army is scattered in various military fortresses. The weapons and equipment are backward and the military strength is weak.

The goal of the Japanese invasion of Taiwan was not to occupy the whole of Taiwan in one go, but to occupy a deep-water port. The first goal was to build a bridgehead at Langqiao to build a military fort. The primary strategic goal was to do it later depending on the situation of the war. This is similar to the initial stage of Western colonial rule. The colonists first established themselves in a military fortress and then expanded outward. During this period, the colonists can still live in harmony with the local ethnic minorities and pretend to be commercial trade. Thinking that trading with the colonists is a huge profit, and waiting until the colonists are full-fledged, the aborigines will only have the fate of being massacred

In the Ming Dynasty, Toyotomi Hideyoshi invaded North Korea. The Japanese army built military fortresses after landing in North Korea. This enabled the Japanese army to make strategic adjustments after being defeated by the Ming army. The two armies could only confront each other. After two years of fighting in North Korea, the Japanese army could not afford to spend money and national power to support the war. In addition, the death of Toyotomi Hideyoshi made the Japanese army withdraw from North Korea.

If the Japanese army were allowed to build a bridgehead in Langqiao and build a huge military base, the Japanese army would launch an attack on the Qing army's garrison. At that time, the Japanese would have another saying: "It was the Qing army that fired first, and the Japanese army was forced to defend themselves. How can such a ghostly trick like "counterattack" blind the eyes of the world, so Li Hongzhang will never allow the Japanese army to gain a firm foothold in Taiwan? He sent his most powerful trump card "Li Guolou" to Taiwan Island, and the two echoed each other from a distance.

Li Hongzhang appreciates Li Guolou's idea of ​​"promoting peace through war." The modern army trained by the enemy Qi Jiguang as an example. Qi Jiguang's "Ji Xiao New Book" and "Records of Military Training" have become reference books for Japanese military training. Dare to be weak and try to be strong, even a small country dares to invade the territory of the Qing Dynasty

Li Hongzhang looked up at Tianshui and a line of gulls and birds circled in front of the ship. Several mosquito boats were guarding the side. Thinking of the eighteen mosquito boats built by Li Guolou, Li Hongzhang showed a gratified expression on Li Guolou's strategic vision. The dispatch of the mosquito boat is very convenient. It can be set off anytime, anywhere, and can fight at any time. Even if a few mosquito boats are lost, it is not a loss for the Beiyang navy. Li Guolou's vision is unique. It is not yet known who will win the war. Even if the mosquito ship is defeated, it can escape back to the harbor. The advantage of speed allows the mosquito ship to advance and retreat freely.

Japan is an island country. The Japanese navy has not been ravaged by Western powers for nearly a hundred years. The number of wooden warships is huge, so the number of warships has surpassed that of the Qing Dynasty. The Japanese navy has cruisers and four battleships. The number is unknown. Some battleships were built by Japan itself, so the Qing army. I don’t know how many Japanese battleships there are. The Japanese steel industry is weak. The materials used for battleships and frigates are mainly clad with iron, that is, the key parts of the hull are wrapped with steel.

The four cruisers are obsolete warships of the United States. The United States sold off the four old cruisers because of the huge loss of national strength in the Civil War. The Japanese army relied on these four cruisers to invade Taiwan. The Qing Dynasty only had two cruisers in high-end weapons. The Qing Dynasty also lags behind Japan. The only thing better than the Japanese navy is that the Qing Dynasty has [-] mosquito ships imitating the British gunboats. The Qing Dynasty has a slight advantage in warship speed.

The two cruisers of the Qing Dynasty were old warships bought from England. The two [-]-ton cruisers ordered by Li Hongzhang from Prussia have not yet been completed and are still being built in the Prussian shipyard. The navy of the Qing Dynasty will not take the initiative to fight the Japanese navy. The main goal is to protect the water routes from Mawei Port to Keelung Port and Penghu Luer Port. The two cruisers of the Qing Dynasty will not take the initiative to attack unless it is a last resort.

Similarly, it is doubtful whether the Japanese army has the courage to invest four cruisers in one battle, because the Japanese cruisers are actually battleships with a tonnage of no more than 035 million tons. The dominant warships are still old-fashioned two- or three-story wooden ships The guns are still mainly solid and the flowers are imported from the United States in limited quantities

Why did the Qing army have only 100 soldiers in Taiwan and Penghu in the past [-] years and did not take the road of military expansion? It is because Taiwan is very desolate and unsuitable for stationing a large number of troops. The Qing army, as the master, cannot station a large number of troops in Taiwan. Tens of thousands of Taiwan's geographical conditions restricted the Japanese army, so that the Japanese army did not dare to rashly invest tens of thousands of troops. Without an agricultural foundation, it is impossible for the enemy and us to use a large number of troops. You must know that the Japanese army occupied Ryukyu with only [-] Japanese troops. Although a thousand Japanese soldiers are not capable of occupying the entire island of Taiwan, it is more than enough to occupy a corner and build a military fortress.

Defeating the vanguard of the Japanese army was also very difficult for Li Hongzhang. The Japanese army had the upper hand in the naval battle. Li Hongzhang had already frightened the Qing army and the army had the upper hand, but lacked the generals who commanded the army. The two tiger generals sit in Taiwan and Li Hongzhang has enough confidence to fight the Japanese army

Li Hongzhang thought about it and looked at the sea current map in his hand. The sea current map in the four seasons of the year can be seen that Li Guolou is thoughtful and fully capable of playing the role of commander, which is more reassuring than Liu Mingchuan.

As for Liu Mingdeng, the commander-in-chief of the Taiwan town, if he hadn't considered the morale of the Taiwan garrison, he would have taken Liu Mingdeng down now, this reckless man, or sent him back to Zuo Zongtang to let Liu Mingdeng go to the Northwest to make use of his remaining heat. Li Hongzhang made the most important decision of his life on Taiwan Island. In the war, Li Guolou was the supreme commander. Liu Mingchuan and Liu Mingdeng waited for General Li Guolou's dispatch to grant Li Guolou the title of "General Zhenhai Jingkou". The Penghu Islands are held by Shen Baozhen, who sits in Penghu Luer Port, and the supply line of the Qing army in Taiwan will not be interrupted. The logistics and transportation will be handed over to Shen Baozhen to arrange these two moves, and the dominance of Taiwan's war will be firmly in his hands. Wait until the two armies are at war. Look at him fighting wits and courage with the Japanese. The long-sleeved and good-looking Oriental Prime Minister is at the negotiating table all-powerful

Li Hongzhang stood on the deck, stroking his three strands of beard, the image of a world-class man with a sense of demeanor. The Qing Dynasty did not make a Han a general for more than 100 years. The most famous one is "General Fuyuan" Nian Gengyao. Unfortunately, this person was killed. Emperor Yongzheng's successor Ningyuan General Yue Zhongqi was almost beheaded by Emperor Qianlong, luckily he died well[

Thinking of the completely different fates of the two great generals, Li Hongzhang smiled cunningly. How did Li Guolou make good fortune by looking at the rough life of the emperor's uncle Dorgon? There is no doubt that Li Guolou's future fate will also become a tragedy, but this is the time to employ people. Li Hongzhang believes that the Emperor Tongzhi will not do anything against the wishes of the two empress dowagers. He is very happy. Li Guolou was named "General Zhenhai Jingkou"

The army is afraid that changing generals before the battle will lose the morale of the army. Do things carefully and quickly. After careful consideration, they must be put into practice. Li Hongzhang made up his mind and immediately sent a telegram to Prince Gong to clarify his idea of ​​conferring Li Guolou.

Li Hongzhang wrote in the telegram: "Li Guolou is loyal to the country and is good at using troops to go through the baptism of the Shenfengling and Weishan Lake battles. He is familiar with mountain warfare and water warfare. The most valuable thing is that Li Guolou is good at mobilizing the enthusiasm of the local people to participate in the war." 』Possess all the qualities of a commander, surprisingly decisive victory in every battle, superior strategy, appropriate permission, and repeated scriptures. Please exceed the standard and excellent narrative. The reward for this appointment is out of public interest. Now the war in Taiwan is corrupt. The battle situation is not optimistic and a prestigious general is needed to unify the command. Li Guolou's expedition to Taiwan is expected by everyone, so please order Li Guolou to be named "General Zhenhai Jingkou" as the Prime Minister of the Taiwan Army and the Chief of the Navy."

Of course, Li Hongzhang's trick has an ulterior purpose to confer the title of Li Guolou as a general, which is a bit hasty. Given Li Guolou's soldiers and horses, the number of soldiers and horses adds up to tens of thousands of horses, which is far from reaching the grand occasion of a general. It is to give Li Guolou a false title, which is used to comfort the empress dowagers of the two palaces, make the empress dowagers of the two palaces worry more about the Taiwan war, and give him enough time to calmly deal with various crises in Mawei Port

Before Li Hongzhang finished sending the telegram, Fan Lirun took Li Hongzhang's telegram to congratulate Li Guolou before Prince Gong returned the telegram.

Li Guolou was on another ship, and Fane Run took a mosquito boat to climb the cables on the hull to board the ship with great effort. Li Guolou was shocked when he saw Li Hongzhang granting him the command of the war in Taiwan. Before arriving at Mawei Port, Li Hongzhang made up his mind to use him instead of Liu Mingchuan. There is a secret code in hand in the war, so why worry about dispatching is not effective? As for the big hat of "General Zhenhai Jingkou", Li Guolou smiled and didn't take it seriously

"Thank you Fan Junshi for your good words. I will definitely recover the lost land in Taiwan. Just look at it, but the official hat of "General Zhenhai Jingkou" is too big, I will never accept it. Isn't this depriving me of my military power? Now that the glory is over, let me go back after the war Go back home and farm the land Master Fan Jun went back and told Mr. Fu Xiang that I am not stupid. The rise is faster and the fall is faster. I still let me lead the fleet to sea. I will never let down the trust of Mr. Fu Xiang.” Li Guolou saw through Li Hongzhang’s tricks Accept the heavy responsibility but don't take the title in vain

Fan Shirun laughed and said: "Well, it's a good thing that young people are willing to work hard. Since Li Guolou is still willing to be a general officer in the Xinwu Army, I think he can learn from the Song Dynasty's military system of two towns. No way"

Li Guolou became energetic as soon as he heard it, this is what he wanted, clapped his hands: "Mr. Fan Jun really ask Fan Junshi to tell Mr. Fu Xiang that Baoding Military Academy should also be handed over to me, and the ideological work of the army will be handed over to me in the future." I will definitely play the triumphant song again, and the glory belongs to Mr. Fu Xiang."

Li Guolou handed Fan Bianrun a code book and said in embarrassment: "Master Fan, this is the code book used to pass messages between me and Liu Mazi. This code book will be used until the end of June, and I will call Master Fu Xiang to use this book." The password book shall prevail"

"Okay, let me tell you that I hope that the codebook you wrote is better than the codebook written by Hong Jun, Minister of the Ministry of Officials." Fan Lirun looked at Li Guolou in amazement. The commander-in-chief is more important. As expected, he is seasoned and has his own principles in dealing with the world.

Li Guolou smiled slightly and did not belittle Hong Jun. He is almost 60 years old, how could he be so flexible and intelligent? Example Run carefully put the codebook as thick as a dictionary in his pocket, climbed down the cable from the hull, and returned to Li Hongzhang, Mrs. Li Guolou It's cunning, it's the owner who doesn't see rabbits and doesn't spread eagles, and now he's handing over the secret code book to the public. It's not easy to deal with Li Guolou. A wrong word made Li Guolou hate him for the rest of his life, and he still wants his descendants to be next to the big tree of Li Guolou

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