late Qing Dynasty arrest

Chapter 656 Naval battle 1 is imminent

The next day, Feng Zicai led the first echelon, more than 20 ships, to the waters of the Diaoyu Islands. The weather was calm, and the Diaoyu Islands could dock ships. Four troop carriers sailed to the Diaoyu Islands for a short rest. .

Li Yunkai personally planted a "Xinwu" battle flag on the beach, as if he had won a battle. As a vanguard officer, he captured the enemy's retreat.

The Diaoyu Islands are small islands made up of reefs, which are not suitable for human habitation. They can only allow passing ships to stop for a short time. If the wind and waves are too strong, even docking will become a problem.But in order to lure the Japanese army, Feng Zicai ordered four troop carriers to dock on the east side of the Diaoyu Islands.Feng Zicai's main battleship is on a security mission, cruising around the Diaoyu Islands.

The two mosquito boats were at the forefront, looking for the Japanese ships as a vanguard.Captains Liu Buchan and Lin Yongsheng took up the heavy responsibility and sailed to the east sea area. They received a telegram from Feng Zicai, saying that Japanese ships would appear in this sea area, and now their two mosquito boats were searching the east sea area.

Today's larger sea ships are all powered by steam engines. When looking for a target, first look at the dark clouds in the sky. The steam will raise a dark cloud. The greater the power, the more obvious the smoke cloud will be.Captain Liu Buchan's expression remained unchanged. He held up the binoculars and looked into the distance, the wide sea, and there was no ship in sight.

Liu Buchan ordered to adjust the speed to [-] knots and head east at full speed.The mosquito boat cut through the waves and moved forward at high speed.The mosquito ship is the most advanced frigate built by the Qing Dynasty. Looking at the entire east, it is the fastest ship, but the number of artillery pieces is too small. Originally, there were ten artillery pieces on the ship, but according to Li Guolou's thinking, the mosquito ship needs to be fast. Knowing that, after dismantling the six cannons, there are only four cannons in total. The mosquito ship is not an attack ship. It was originally used to protect battleships and is a small role in naval battleships.However, Li Guolou regards this kind of frigate as the main battleship. In the Weishan Lake water battle, the advantages of the mosquito ship were highlighted. It is fast, turns quickly, and can change the direction of attack at any time.

At ten o'clock, Liu Buchan spotted a target. A transport ship flying the American flag appeared in front of him. The two ships were within two nautical miles of each other.

Liu Buchan was overjoyed, the Japanese army was too careless to put such a large piece of fat to his mouth, there is no reason not to eat it.Hastily ordered to go up, the muzzle stared at this big guy.

The opposing ship spotted the mosquito ship, turned to escape, and kept waving flags to inform the Qing army that they were American merchant ships. [

Liu Buchan didn't bother to pay attention, didn't even respond to the semaphore, and continued to chase the transport ship fiercely. The two ships played a game of cat and mouse. Unlike usual, this time it was the Daqingshui Division who attacked.This Japanese troop carrier was traveling from Osaka, Japan to Langqiao, Taiwan, and happened to collide with Liu Buchan's muzzle. It can only be said that God was on the side of the Qing Dynasty.

Finally, the distance between the two ships was no more than a kilometer, and the people on the other ship could see clearly that they were indeed a group of foreigners with high noses, still waving desperately, waving the American flag in their hands.

Liu Buchan cursed and said: "Who are you bluffing! I'm the one who hit you. If you shoot me, if you can't sink the enemy ship, the gunner will commit suicide and apologize for me."


The mosquito ship fired first, and three of the four shots hit the enemy ship. It was a powerful explosion that penetrated the iron deck and exploded in the belly of the enemy ship.Immediately, three black clouds of smoke rose up, and all the foreigners on the transport ship disappeared. Liu Buchan fired the first shot of the Diaoyu Islands naval battle.

Liu Buchan pointed with his big hand and shouted: "Knock down the chimney of the enemy ship for me."

The four cannons on the mosquito ship, the front and rear two are large-caliber cannons, all of which are Krupp cannons produced by Prussia.The Blossom used was powerful, and being hit by it was not as simple as piercing through the deck, the cannon directly penetrated the deck, drilled into the cabin and exploded inside.All the gunners are good gunners, and every shot is a devastation to the enemy ship.

Another round of fierce bombardment, tons of guns fired at the enemy ship, causing the enemy ship to emit smoke everywhere, and one shot hit the enemy ship's engine room, and soon the enemy ship lost its power system, floating on the sea like a dead whale .

Several long guns protruded from the enemy's cabin. The fearless Japanese army used long weapons to resist the attack of the mosquito ship. The merchant ship flying the American flag was indeed a Japanese troop carrier.

The mosquito boat was hit by hundreds of bullets, and the cabin was riddled with holes, but the overall structure of the hull was still damaged.In the command room, Liu Buchan hunched over his waist and shouted into the microphone in embarrassment: "Gunner, hit me. Don't begrudge the guns until the enemy ship is sunk."


The gunners on the Mosquito Ship hit every shot, blooming and solid, and took turns attacking the enemy ship. After ten rounds, the enemy ship was skewed and almost sunk.

Liu Buchan was overjoyed, and hastily ordered to stop shooting, and instead of looking at the Japanese soldiers jumping into the sea and fleeing on the enemy ship, he sailed back towards the Diaoyu Islands. The mosquito ship also had shortcomings, the hull capacity was too small, and its continuous strike capability was limited, so it needed additional guns.It took more than 50 cannons to fight an ironclad ship, and a mosquito ship could carry up to [-] cannons. For Liu Buchan, replenishing medicine in time was more important than capturing prisoners. He was not interested in foreigners with high nose bridges on enemy ships.The Japanese soldiers who fell into the sea are useless for naval battles. Whether they live or die depends on God's will. If they are rescued by the follow-up Japanese fleet, it is also a manifestation of humanitarianism.

Liu Buchan received the education of the Western army, full of the sense of honor of the soldiers, and the naval battle of Diaoyu Island made him famous in the first battle.

Another mosquito boat approached, and the captain Lin Yongsheng led the navy officers and soldiers to pay tribute to Liu Buchan, and the two mosquito boats passed by.In the first battle of the Qingshui Division, an enemy troop carrier was sunk, and at least 400 Japanese soldiers fell into the sand. [

Lin Yongsheng looked at the heads floating on the water and shouted: "Show me clearly, only save the foreigners, and shoot all the Japanese pirates to death." The 44 officers and soldiers on the mosquito boat salvaged the foreigners in the sea, but they picked up four foreigners and one. The Japanese, the navy officer took out his pistol and prepared to kill the Japanese.

Unexpectedly, this short Japanese could speak Chinese and shouted, "Don't shoot. I am a military monk, a Japanese monk, not a Japanese soldier. I don't have a gun. I don't kill."

"You are a monk." The Qing army officer had a good conscience and did not shoot and kill the Japanese, making this soldier monk the No.1 Japanese captured by the Qing Shui Division.

The Daqingshui Division rescued two more foreigners. Lin Yongsheng could speak a little English, but he was actually an American. He was the crew of the troop carrier that was sunk. There were ten Americans on board, and the captain was missing.

Lin Yongsheng asked: "Do you know that Diaoyu Island is a military zone, and civilian ships are not allowed to sail?"

The six Americans shook their heads at first, and made sophistry, saying that they didn't know that the Diaoyu Islands were a warring area.They were just doing business, delivering supplies for the Japanese.

Lin Yongsheng was furious, pointed at the noses of the six Americans, and said: "You are very dishonest. The Qing Dynasty is issuing powerful codes every day to delineate the battle area and tell the fleet in the Taiwan waters to leave the dangerous area. The British have all recognized the war zone we have demarcated, and you must be responsible for your words and deeds."

The six Americans hurriedly changed their minds, and all of them gave the responsibility to the captain. They only took money to do things, and they ventured in this sea area for the sake of money.

Lin Yongsheng simply understood the situation of these Americans. They were all on the route to and from Osaka. They had traveled back and forth five times and transported more than 1000 Japanese soldiers and various military equipment to Langqiao.Americans are like soybeans poured out of a bamboo tube, pouring out their pockets, and telling Lin Yongsheng everything they know.

On the contrary, the monk accompanying the Japanese army belonged to the stone in the cesspit, which was smelly and hard.Except for taking out a string of prayer beads, chanting sutras and Buddha non-stop, and reporting a name, he didn't answer anything else.

An interrogating officer said impatiently: "His grandma, Little Japan has a lot of backbone. Get you a flower girl, and she will be soft, and she will say everything."

The military monk nodded slightly and said: "We Japanese monks can get close to women, which is also a kind of practice. You don't want to get a piece of information from me, my life has long been dedicated to the Buddha."

The officer couldn't find any useful information, so he locked the Japanese military monk in a small locker. Who told the Japanese pirates to be short, and the locker was suitable for the Japanese pirates to live in.

When Feng Zicai received the news of the battle, he hurriedly led the first echelon to move closer to the sea area where the battle was fought. Time is life.The Japanese army also received news that the time for the confrontation between the two armies is coming soon, and if they seize the opportunity, the Japanese fleet can be wiped out.

"Report! Liu Buchan sank an enemy ship and is already on his way back." The herald walked into the command room panting, and reported the latest military situation. This news greatly encouraged the fighting spirit of the navy officers and soldiers.

Feng Zicai gritted his teeth tightly, not letting himself get carried away. A difficult battle was waiting for him, and said solemnly: "Good! Liu Buchan has fought well and strengthened our army. Tell the whole army the good news and head east at full speed. Get the big fish, not the little one."

The Daqingshui Division made a T-shape and slowly approached the main Japanese warship. On the tall flagpole, the flag bearers kept waving flags and releasing news.Use semaphore to inform the commander of the opponent's formation and how many warships there are.The soldier standing in this Diao Dou is a warrior, ready to die for the country at any time, with eagle-like eyes, only a pair of wings to fly.

On the ship, the whistle blew and the bell kept ringing. In the tense pre-war preparations, every officer and soldier of the navy stood at their posts.

Five enemy ships approached from the sea, and the warship in the middle was the cruiser Fusang. Lin Yongsheng looked at the huge ship, feeling a little timid and impulsive. The Japanese army dared to break into the Qing Dynasty's waters only when they had confidence.

"Stop salvaging and move closer to the main fleet." Lin Yongsheng did not show off his personal heroism, but made tactical concessions.Without the support of cruisers and battleships, it is impossible for a few mosquito ships to compete with behemoths.The real test has come. This is the official contest between the two navies. Lin Yongsheng is ready to die for the Qingshui Division at any time. He is at the forefront, so there is no way out. He dies generously. The blue sky and the blue sea will witness the loyalty and bravery of the Qingshui Division.

The two navies met in the waters of the Diaoyu Islands. One family rejoiced and the other was angry. They saw that one of their troop carriers was sunk by the Daqingshui Division, and the sea was full of floating Japanese soldiers.

Lieutenant General Ono Gobu, the Japanese commander on the Fuso cruiser, ordered to salvage the dead compatriots, and at the same time sent two patrolling battleships to observe the movement of the Qing navy.Ono's five parts have the honor of Japanese soldiers. They never thought of leaving the dangerous area, but stood on the deck like a Japanese samurai.

At this time, Japan had not yet incorporated Ryukyu into its territory. The three families of Nishimura were the fourth-generation Ryukyu county magistrates. The three families of Nishimura were from Ryukyu, but they were loyal to the Emperor of Japan.The king of Ryukyu, Shangtai, was a puppet king enshrined by Japan. He was put under house arrest by the Japanese army and lived in the palace, isolated from his subjects.

When the Nishimura family saw the Japanese naval fleet staying in this area, they were a little frightened. They approached Ono Gobu and said, "Lieutenant General Ono, we are very likely to meet the main force of the Great Shimizu Division. We should leave this sea area as soon as possible."

Ono Wubu looked down on the Nishimura family from the bottom of his heart. The Japanese soldiers who were picked up from the sea were his brothers, so there was no reason to refuse to save them.Ono Wubu said with a serious expression: "What are you afraid of? Even if the main force of the Daqingshui Division comes, I will dare to fight. With the power of my Fuso cruiser, it is enough to make the whole East laugh. I will wait here to see who dares to commit crimes." I am a big Japanese navy."

The three families of Nishimura looked at the vast sea, feeling extremely anxious. This time, all the power of the Ryukyu country was spent, and the supplies prepared for the Japanese army, as well as [-] Ryukyu soldiers, were all in the fleet. If there was a mistake, how would they go back and explain it?The Ryukyu soldiers also want to seek revenge from the Paiwan people in Taiwan, hoping that the Japanese navy can deter the Daqingshui Division.

The three families of Nishimura saw a Daqing ship fleeing, thinking that the Daqingshui Division had escaped, but half an hour later, the situation changed suddenly, and the Daqingshui Division fleet appeared on the sea.This time it was the turn of the two battleships of the Japanese army to retreat, and the warships of the two countries were chasing each other on the sea.

Ono Wubu received the telegram, read it hastily, and said with a smirk: "The braided country's navy is overestimated and dares to seek death. I will help him."

The Daqingshui Division is not terrible. There is only one cruiser, two battleships, and five frigates. There are more than 20 battleships in total. Other wooden battleships are not a concern.A fleet so equipped dares to confront the Japanese army in a decisive battle. This is a dead end.

Ono's fifth department ordered to prepare for a decisive battle with the Daqingshui Division. 45 ships were arranged in a fish-scale column, intending to wipe out the Daqingshui Division in one fell swoop.

The sea is magnificent, and the navies of the two countries are in battle formation, and the Qingri naval battle is imminent.

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