late Qing Dynasty arrest

Chapter 662 The Pirates of Little Luzon

Li Guolou led the fleet and sailed to Magong Harbor in the northern part of Taiwan under the cover of night. As expected, there was no Japanese navy fleet in Magong Harbor, but there was one thing he did not expect to encounter a pirate fleet taking advantage of the fire.

The sea is calm, the morning breeze is blowing, the blue sea and blue sky can be seen at a glance, and the small cruiser Mighty can be vaguely seen on the horizontal surface [-] meters away. Li Guolou finally saw the black flag hanging on the ship. There is a terrifying skull painted on the "color" flag, which is the pirate flag that makes people talk about it.

Li Guolou suddenly changed his color and shouted angrily: "Order Liu Buchan to lead ten mosquito ships to advance at full speed and let me kill even one of the pirate ships."

The herald immediately issued a military order to raise the battle flag on the mighty ship, and the sharp siren sounded through the sky, and the piercing sound made people's eardrums buzz

Liu Buchan led ten mosquito boats in the formation of flying swallows and entered the sea in a battle formation. The five-foot ram on the bow of the mosquito boat protruded out of the boat like a unicorn in mythology.

The Feiyan team rushed to the pirate fleet aggressively and prepared to wipe out the pirate fleet. Liu Buchan was ecstatic. It was better to come early than to come at a coincidence. The sky has eyes, but there is no strong wind. Revenge and destroy all the pirates In Liu Buchan's eyes, a dozen pirate ships are just fish on the board, let him slaughter Li Guolou is watching him from behind and give him a chance to make meritorious service Liu Buchan knows very well that his official career will be brilliant

The pirate fleet has fifteen fast sailing ships. This old-fashioned fast sailing ship can hold 3050 people. Equipped with a Francophone cannon, it can shoot solid or cannon shots. Song Kingdom Bandara Island rarely concentrates on such a large scale

Pirates are actually the same as the pirates in Weishan Lake. If there is no business, they cast nets and catch fish. If there is a big business, they can get a ticket

This time, Su Saiya, the pirate leader of Bandara Island, listened to the "bewitching" of the Japanese. The Japanese even gave him a batch of weapons, medicines, and even a map of the Taiwan waters. He led more than 600 small Luzon people to Taiwan to make a fortune [

Susaiah led 1000 fast sailing boats along the island of Taiwan and sailed northward. Whenever possible, they sent boats to land and robbed the property of Taiwanese fishermen. They also imitated Western colonists by capturing slaves, burning, killing, and looting. The Japanese army landed for more than two months. The slaves captured more than [-] people. This is the second time that Susaiah led the fleet to Taiwan. The pirates have already made a fortune and packed a batch of spoils back to Bandara Island. They dispatched five clipper ships at a time. There are already fifteen fast sailing ships in Serbia, the size of which is smaller than that of Luzon.

The Japanese army invaded Taiwan with the image of a righteous army, and used the "Ryukyu drifting incident" as an excuse to seek revenge from the Paiwan people. In the world, there are Americans backing them secretly. Even in the international arena, the event that people can openly show others to harm the people of Taiwan is fundamentally related to the "Japanese Pioneering Mission"

The Japanese are very smart and spend a little money to get Nanyang pirates to come to Taiwan to make a fortune

But the pirate ship did not have a transmitter, nor did it have a steam engine. Susai did not get the news of the Diaoyu Island naval battle. His pirate fleet did not dare to approach the big port of Taiwan for fear of being bumped by the Nanyang navy of the Qing Dynasty, so they came to the waters of Magong Port to show off their might in this sea area. Looting

The pirates are dispatching small boats to the shore to make a fortune Fifteen large ships are docked in deep water The boat has not weighed anchor

The pirates are very diligent and have to wash the deck every morning. A dozen pirates kneel on the ground to clean the deck. A shirtless little man is as flexible as a monkey and climbed onto the mainsail to look around. Looking at the vast sea, watching that The rising red sun, the bronzed face turned blue in vain, the southern sea level appeared, and saw the rising smoke of Dai Shimizu, like monsters hiding in the clouds

With a "whoosh", the little boss slid down from the main sail and rushed into the captain's cabin, shouting: "Brother, something is wrong! The Great Qingshui Division is here!"

"Ah, why did the Qingshui Master appear here?" Su Saiya didn't want to understand that Magong Port is not a strategic location, so he couldn't help but believe it Only then

Su Saiya panicked and pulled the warning bell and shouted: "Everyone return to their posts, the enemy is coming!"

"Dangdang, clangdang" the emergency bell rang, and fifteen pirate ships were in a mess. They were targeted by Master Qingshui and escaped from death. The most frightening thing is that Master Qingshui came down the river. The ants don't know where to run

The people on the pirate ship panicked, anchored and set sail, trying to escape from this sea area as soon as possible The cabin guns point directly at the fleet of the Qingshui Division and want to use force to make a dying resistance

The pirates on the shore heard the sound of the horn and desperately paddled their oars to escape back to the big ship. If they stayed on the island, they would be swallowed alive by the ethnic minorities in Taiwan. It would be very sad.

The pirates in Little Luzon are all short and nimble like monkeys, they row their paddles at a fast speed, they yell in unison, and they want to escape from danger.

Feng Zicai carefully inspected the appearance of more than a dozen pirate ships in the sea with binoculars, and said with certainty: "Commander Li, I can see clearly that those pirates are from Little Luzon, not Japanese pirates, they must have been brought by the Japanese army to harm Taiwanese fishermen. Look at them. The clippers are approaching the big ship, this time I want to teach the pirates a lesson, let me also fire a few shots."

Li Guolou squinted and said, "Didn't Feng Guan take you to say that there are not many guns, so you should save some or let the mosquito boat do more?"

Feng Zicai said seriously: "It doesn't matter. Commander Li also has ballast bottom training on board the Wuwei. It is very effective to hit a wooden ship with a single shot for training."

"It's unreasonable. Feng Zicai told you to pretend to be training. This is war and not a drill. You can't even tell the difference?" Li Guolou was furious. The cruiser was loaded with training, and the war was like a joke. The main fleet of the Japanese navy is composed of iron-clad ships. Using training to beat an iron-clad ship is a no-brainer, only Feng Zicai can figure it out

It was the first time that Feng Zicai was called by his first name directly by Li Guolou. He had many excuses, but in front of Li Guolou, he did not dare to say a single reason. He kept his head down and kept silent.

One of the reasons for loading large ships in the bilge is to keep the ship stable by ballasting the bilge. The other reason is that the navy officers and soldiers always need to be lazy in training. It can be used to beat wooden ships. It is too troublesome to move on and off the ship and the number of guns. If it is not close enough, if it is armor-piercing, if the flowering is not clear enough, some are solid

"Absurd Feng Zicai, listen to me next time you go to sea and dare to carry it for training, I will dismiss you and take off your yellow jacket and go back to my hometown." Li Guolou reprimanded Feng Zicai fiercely. Everyone has their own responsibilities. Li Guolou's responsibility is to supervise each of his subordinates and never indulge any Feng Zicai. Don't try to show his old status in front of him. Anyone who dares to refuse to accept will resign on the spot.

"I dare you to be right." Feng Zicai's eyes widened and he almost wanted to scold his mother, but his subordinates grabbed the sleeves and swallowed the words in his stomach, and quickly changed his words: "It's Commander Li who asked me to spend some training now to reduce the burden. Well"

Li Guolou pretended not to understand the swearing words, pretended to be confused and nodded: "Yeah, Feng Guantao knowing his mistakes can make a big difference. It's still up to you to fight pirates."

Li Guolou left the command room and asked Feng Zicai to scold him behind his back without hurting his skin. Master Qingshui has too many bad habits to change to tomorrow's triumphant class teacher. He will be a villain in war.

"His grandma's beardless sissy dares to scold me. I don't even know that Prince Ma has three eyes. I'll crush you to death with one hand. If you don't understand, just close your beak. Train it to fight pirates. Use resources rationally. Well, the dung beetle from the capital died and the eunuch would only praise the stinky feet of the rich and powerful, Li Hongzhang, I despise you, I despise you." Feng Zicai uttered nonsense in front of the generals, as if he was the supreme commander, and didn't pay attention to Li Guolou, who was as airy. Feng Zicai thought it was a war There is also an economic account to use training to save military expenses. It is such a simple truth.

Li Guolou is not in the command room, let Feng Zicai make his "temper" known to all the officers, Feng Zicai's bad temper is not surprising

But Feng Zicai didn't forget to scold Li Guolou after the battle, he turned around and yelled angrily: "What are you all doing to me for training? Use training to smash pirates to death. I don't want to see a skull flag. Is Li Guolou acquainted? Hum

The officers in the command room are all high-ranking officers, but they also have to carry the guns on the ship and walk down the hanging ladder without complaining.

The sea is vast and fifteen pirate ships set sail and flee to the end of the world. The sea is so big that it is their world. In the past, pirate ships were the fastest clipper ships in the world. For more than 200 years, pirates have become the masters of the sea. Now it has become the age of steam engines. It is driven by the powerful power of steam. The ship is moving forward, no matter how fast the fast sailing ship is, it will not go anywhere if there is no strong wind

Fifteen clipper boats fled to the northeast, and without the advantage of the wind direction, the clipper boats moved slowly. The enemy and our fleets were 2000 meters away from each other, and the distance between them was only [-] meters. This distance is for the artillery on the mosquito boat The probability of hitting an enemy ship is [-]%, so none of the mosquito ships fired their guns and still clung to the pirate ship. They all wanted a good start. The captains on the mosquito ships saved their lives.

The four ironclad ships and the pirate ship following behind are more than 3000 meters away. Feng Zicai prevents the mosquito ship from monopolizing the fighting power and issues the order to fire first.

boom boom boom

The giant guns on the Mighty roared deafeningly, one after another roared past and poured down towards the pirate ship

A cannon "boomed" and splashed a huge wave three feet high. It missed the target, but frightened all the pirates on the clipper ship to lie on the deck.


A cannon slammed into the deck of the pirate ship with a huge impact. The deck shattered into pieces and pieces of wood flew horizontally. The cannon directly penetrated the deck and drilled into the cabin.


A shell hit the cabin with a huge head stuck on the cabin and it didn't explode


A cannon hit the bow of the clipper and rolled around on the deck. The hull tilted its head and rolled quickly with the momentum and rolled towards a pirate.

"Ah!" The pirate was crushed by the huge head of the cannon and screamed, and then fell silent.

The second wave of guns poured down, and the aim was more accurate than the previous one, but the lethality was not so great

"Huh..." the strange thing happened that the cannon didn't explode. The pirates were very surprised. One pirate exclaimed joyfully, "Master Daqingshui is a pauper, and the cannons are all squibs. We don't have to be afraid."

Su Saiya shouted: "Fire a cannon to fight back and fight back with an eye for an eye. If you rush out, victory is about to change the direction of the wind."

The three pirates work together in a division of labor. The cannon is loaded and the valve is closed. The fuze is lit. There is a loud bang. A solid body flies into the blue sky.


The solid core launched by the pirates fell into the sea and splashed a wave, almost hitting the Haidongqing

Deng Shichang, the captain of the Mosquito Ship Haidongqing, could not bear to take aim and fire himself. A beautiful arc flew across the sky.


Gunpowder smoke rose from the clipper ship, flames exploded on the clipper ship, flames ran everywhere, the white sails burned, and the fire rushed from the bottom to the top, and soon the terrifying skull flag was also burning in the flames

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