The sun was setting, and the sky was reflected in a beautiful blush. The fleet had already seen the coastline of Taiwan and was about to land ashore. The fleet of the Qingshui Division sounded its whistle to announce the good news to the officers and soldiers of the Qing Dynasty in Magong Port.

Feng Zicai seemed to have forgotten his dissatisfaction with Li Guolou just now, so he asked Li Guolou to write an inscription for the mighty account.

Li Guolou looked at the expectant faces, unable to refuse Feng Zicai's kindness, so he swiped his brush and left the calligraphy.

First.The boat should be clean, scrubbed and dusted in the morning and evening.

second.Bay boats should be loose, always fireproof and windproof.

third.Weapons should be neatly arranged, and medicine boxes should be placed conspicuously.

fourth.Be quiet in the army, listen to the enemy's situation and don't make random reports.

fifth.Don't panic in war, the better you practice, the more powerful you will be.

sixth.Sailors need to practice drills, and the oars must be fast and the rudder must be steady.

seventh.Don't grab the enemy's stolen goods, and listen to orders calmly.

eighth.Sailors are not allowed to go ashore, and only one person is allowed to be a comprador.

ninth.Knowledge is the most important thing, keep learning culture in mind.

tenth.Officers and soldiers must be united, and the navy is a collective battle.

Feng Zicai looked at Li Guolou's writing. The writing was neat and round, and the content was realistic. He was worthy of being the hand-picked Tanhua Lang. It is commendable for him to give him face and write so many words. Feng Zicai said with a smile: "Commander Li wrote Well done, I want to learn from you,"

Li Guolou smiled slightly and said: "This is a plain language. Let every officer and soldier of the navy know their responsibilities, and they must not hold their feet temporarily. Feng Guandai, how powerful is the training bomb?"

"Hahahaha," Feng Zicai didn't mind, he beat Li Guolou's chest smugly, and said with a smile, "You are still right. I will absolutely obey your military order. You are lucky."

Li Guolou tapped his temple a few times with his index finger, and said meaningfully: "I'm not lucky, I use this place to think about problems, understand?"

"Understood, Commander Li, you are just lucky. I will keep your teachings in mind and accept your leadership," Feng Zicai didn't know whether he really understood or pretended to understand. Anyway, he obeyed Li Guolou's orders.

There are very few people in the world who can admire Feng Zicai.

It was the first time Li Guolou saw Feng Zicai's flattering expression, and he got goosebumps all over his body. He squeezed out a smile and said, "Feng Guandai, you need to combine strength and softness in battle. If you don't show weakness, the enemy will not attack. This is the principle of T-shaped tactics. It can also be used in dealing with people. You should also review yourself. Don’t always say that others are corrupt officials. You can get rich in wars, and you can make a lot of money. If you can make money in wars, don’t allow others to get rich. Darkness, if the country is prosperous and the people are safe, will you take the lead one day?"

Feng Zicai stroked his long beard, laughed loudly and said, "Commander Li, you are making [-] unreasonable things, and every one stands with the word 'reasonable'. Join the revolution, "

"I believe in you. People like you are needed to guard the country for the emperor. You are Guan Gong of the Qing Dynasty." Before leaving, Li Guolou praised Feng Zicai and wrote the four characters "loyalty and unparalleled" Give it to Feng Zicai.

Feng Zicai was very excited, with tears in his eyes, staring at Li Guolou, he had already regarded Li Guolou as his confidant, the four characters of "Loyalty and Incomparable" are the affirmation of his life. Two hearts.

"My life has been full of ups and downs. I have fought all over the country, and my military life is uncertain. I don't know where I will die in the future. Commander Li, please write my epitaph in the future. Can you write it?" Feng Zicai said, thinking of dying in battle. , Suddenly speaking of the epitaph.

"Okay, I will write for you in another 40 years. The old man is the loyal and unparalleled Marshal Feng," Li Guolou agreed, and patted Feng Zicai's broad shoulders approvingly. The friendship of fighting side by side is engraved in his heart. The officers and soldiers of the Nanyang Navy are regarded as their own.

Feng Zicai is straight-hearted. He feels that Li Guolou thinks highly of him. He has long worshiped Li Guolou as a military god. Feng Zi is an old soldier. He is not a fool. He has seen a lot of magic sticks in Tiandihui. Hong Xiuquan boasted that he was the son of God, and that heavenly soldiers and generals were no match for foreign guns and cannons. Feng Zicai had already seen the flaws in Li Guolou's victory, not to mention military secrets.

The commander who wins will be admired by others. Li Guolou went to Taiwan and won the hearts of the Daqing Navy in two battles. Both forces in the Nanyang Navy were used by Li Guolou.

Magong Port was originally a dual-use port for both military and civilian purposes, and was used by fishermen to dock fishing boats.

Atayals and Northern Tsou people have lived here for generations and live in harmony with the Han people. Northern Tsou people mainly fish and Atayal people hunt for a living. This is mainly the residence of Atayals. Atayals and Northern Tsou people belong to ", have long considered themselves the people of the Qing Dynasty. During the Japanese invasion of Taiwan, these two ethnic groups did not betray the Qing Dynasty and fought side by side with the officers and soldiers of the Qing Dynasty.

The military facilities in Magong Port were dilapidated. Fortunately, in winter, Shen Baozhen sent his nephew Lin Taizeng to lead an artillery unit to garrison Magong Port, repaired the fort of Magong Port, and strengthened the defense of Magong Port. The Japanese army fell.

Lin Tai once led a battalion of more than 400 soldiers, including more than 100 militiamen trained by Shen Baozhen. Little, the officers and soldiers became caravans, and they had no fighting power. Lin Taizeng could only reorganize the original troops, dismiss the older veterans, and use the younger soldiers to maintain law and order.

Lin Tai once asked some older soldiers to turn into businessmen and use business to raise soldiers to support the garrison in Magong Port. If they only relied on the military salaries brought in from Fujian, he would even sell guns to ethnic minorities. "Raising soldiers" is a reality in Taiwan.

Taiwan is sparsely populated, and most of them are barren mountainous areas. Although the ethnic minorities consider themselves to be the people of the Qing Dynasty, these ethnic minorities enjoy the preferential policies of the Qing Dynasty and pay food and taxes in the form of tribute. The taxes collected by the Taiwan government are not enough to do a good job. As for the local economy, it is a problem to feed the [-] troops stationed in Taiwan Township.

Lin Taizeng was in short supply. As the saying goes, "If there is surplus food in the family, don't panic in your heart." Facing the cruel situation, Lin Taizeng could only ask Yabu, the chieftain of the Atayal tribe, and Shufa, the chieftain of the Northern Tsou tribe, to support him. Under the pretext of defending their own territory, they each lent Lin Taizeng [-] soldiers, sent [-] shi of grain, and a batch of salted fish and prey, so that Lin Taizeng could recruit soldiers himself.

Lin Taizeng had no money in his hands, and the magistrate Xu Qiusheng was forced to hide by him. Lin Taizeng could only carry forward the spirit of hard work and struggle, and earn enough food and clothing by himself.

After the Japanese army invaded Taiwan, Lin Tai strengthened his defense and recruited more than 200 soldiers. The team has more than 900 people, which has reached his limit. He is not a rich man, so how can he support thousands of people? The military salary can not be paid temporarily. It is very important to guard Magong Port. It is related to his wealth and life. But there are more than 900 mouths, and he has to eat and drink every day. It is difficult for the soldiers of the ethnic minorities to bring their own rations to serve the country.

Lin Tai used to be a scholar, good at using brains. In times of crisis, Lin Tai once deployed suspicious soldiers, made fake cannons, dummy men, and planted pennants all over the fort.

The Japanese fleet made a tentative attack on Magong Port and suffered a lot of shells. They saw that Magong Port was not as lax as the spies had reported, and there were dozens of new artillery pieces. The guard Lin Taizeng was good at using artillery. The hard nut to crack is that if the fort of Magong Port was stormed, at least a thousand people would be killed or injured. The Japanese fleet withdrew from the port of Magong Port instead of storming the fort of the Qing army.

Lin Tai had escaped a catastrophe, but he hadn’t celebrated his victory yet. The defense was unstable. The Pingtung area was on fire. The Japanese army changed their tactics and sent pirates to harass the waters of Magong Port. Land attack on the territory of the Atayal people, Pingtung, and eastern Taiwan are in danger.

Yabu, the chieftain of the Atayal tribe, asked Lin Taizeng for help. When Pingtung fell, the flanks of Magong Port were exposed to Japanese attacks. Magong Port was in danger of falling. The soldiers of the ethnic group returned to defend Pingtung. Lin Tai had been unable to figure out the reality of the Japanese attack. When he was in a dilemma, good news came from heaven. Li Guolou led the Qingshui Division.

Lin Taizeng was overjoyed. A group of his alumni came. Lin Taizeng was a son of aristocrats. Studying abroad in England, he is Shen Baozhen's nephew, that's why Shen Baozhen sent him to the dangerous Magong Port.

If you want fame and wealth, you have to serve the country. Lin Tai was a loyal and loyal man. He inherited the glorious tradition of his ancestors and stood firm on the fort of Magong Port. , Welcome the arrival of the victorious division.

Lin Tai once pressed the saber on his waist and walked vigorously, with a posture that would rather bend than bend. More than 400 soldiers stood at the pier with their chests upright, watching the huge navy enter the port with piercing eyes.

When the fleet arrived at Magong Port, the navy officers and soldiers continued to stick to their posts in a posture of preparing for war.

Two thousand Xinwu troops and two thousand victorious troops landed on the shore. The huge army was neatly organized and formed a square formation.

This was a grand event never seen since the opening of Magong Port in Taiwan. Lin Tai once stood still, and he had reason to be proud. Relying on the great help of the Taiwanese people, all the soldiers worked hard to defend the Magong Port Fort.

Li Guolou is actually not interested in reviewing the formation. He still likes to use his brain more and fight wits and courage with the Japanese army. However, when he went to Taiwan this time, the Xinwu Army only had 2000 troops, and the other 500 were long husbands, who were used to carry supplies. of.

The other army that set foot on Taiwan Island is the mercenary army of the Qing Dynasty. Foreigners also value loyalty, so the Changsheng Army does not have to come to Taiwan. Li Hongzhang originally arranged the Changsheng Army in Mawei Port, but the Changsheng Army has regarded Li Guolou as its master and is willing to die for Li Guolou. Li Guolou was moved by this friendship when he went to Taiwan and fought against the Japanese invaders together.

Another point is that most of the officers of the Ever Victorious Army are British and French. Western powers are very fond of this army. The Ever Victorious Army voluntarily came to Taiwan to fight. It is also a spur for the British and French. Western public opinion is overwhelming He leaned towards the Qing Dynasty and denounced the arrogance and unreasonableness of the Japanese.

War is a continuation of politics. What cannot be obtained in political struggle can be resolved through war. Conversely, what cannot be obtained in war can be obtained through political blackmail.

The Qing Dynasty was still fighting a civil war, and the army and the people could not work together to fight against the Japanese pirates. Therefore, they had to make full use of political means to put pressure on the Japanese. The British and French became the targets of the Qing Dynasty.

Li Guolou is good at using strategies, so he is willing to give up the trump card in his hand, and wants to use the ever-victorious army to the extreme, so that the British and French will sacrifice their lives for the Qing Dynasty.

How could the Western powers tolerate their people being massacred by the Japanese army? They would definitely express their political stance. The Congress passed a vote to fully support the Qing Dynasty. The Western powers would sell some contraband to the Qing Dynasty, including machinery and equipment, weapons and ammunition, warships, and even Various new technologies.

The Qing Dynasty will usher in a honeymoon period with the Western powers and fight against the Japanese army. For the Qing Dynasty, it is an opportunity for economic growth and a godsend opportunity to integrate with the West.

Li Guolou was eloquent and eloquent, and his analysis was clear and logical. He persuaded Li Hongzhang with the general trend of the world, which made Li Hongzhang change his course and sent [-] victorious troops to Taiwan.

As the commander-in-chief of the Taiwan campaign, Li Guolou went to fight on Taiwan Island. Li Hongzhang moved to the negotiating table to persuade Britain and France, so that the world public opinion supported the Qing Dynasty to maintain its territorial integrity and imposed economic sanctions on Japan. Give the Japanese a lesson in blood.

Today, Li Guolou and Bai Langning are walking side by side, with the same pattern of ears on their shoulders and the same size as their official titles. The two of them are indistinguishable from each other, like conjoined twins, with big strides, eyes like torches, and a serious expression.

Bai Langning's flamboyant reviewing phalanx had long regarded him as Li Guolou's right-hand man. He believed that the Ever-Victorious Army also made great achievements in the Diaoyu Islands naval battle, and that carrying the shells was also a great achievement. Play the military prestige of the ever-victorious army, and play the national prestige for the Qing Dynasty.

Browning drew out his saber, raised his head and sang to the sky: "The Ever Victorious Army,"

"We must win, we must win, we must win," the army uttered a majestic cry, with correct words.

"Ah Tan Xun?????" Browning issued the command in English, thinking that he was superior in military ability to Li Guolou. The Taiwan campaign's victorious army will be the main force, and Li Guolou will follow behind him. Reap the fruits of victory.

The Changsheng Army shouldered their rifles, strode forward, and embarked on a long journey.

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