late Qing Dynasty arrest

Chapter 668 Useless Japanese Prisoners of War

The Atayal people live by hunting.Train hounds to guard the territory.Want to sneak attack the Atayal position.Immediately be spotted by hounds.

Xu Zhong led the squad.The first to reach the front.A pack of barking hounds greeted them.

Xu Zhong couldn't laugh or cry.Asked: "Jacob. This dog is on the front line. Doesn't it expose the target?"

Jacob, the Atayal commander, whistled.A group of hounds all shut up.Still grinning menacingly.Jacob strokes a hound.Said: "The Beidong people like sneak attacks the most. Make a covenant with the Beidong people. There are too many things to do. To deal with the Beidong people who do not keep their promises. The only way is to be on guard all the time. Our Atayal people are few. We must rely on hunting dogs to protect ourselves safety."

"Oh. This is a good idea. Our Lieutenant Colonel Fang likes dogs the most. Don't forget to send some dogs to our army." Xu Zhong didn't say much.Hounds will reveal whereabouts.If the Atayal warriors meet the Xinwu Army.Will be destroyed by artillery.Minorities are ignorant.I don't know how powerful the artillery is.

"It's easy to say. Let's go. I'll take you to see the enemy's fortifications. There is a water source below. There are at least 500 enemies. There are also several Japanese commanders." The military situation is urgent.Commander Jacob is full of hope for the arrival of the Qing army.The Atayal warrior retreated step by step in the forest.already on the brink of failure.

Commander Jacob took Xu Zhong and others.Along the hill.down the line.

Along the way are Atayal warriors holding double-barreled shotguns.This double-barreled shotgun was made by the Qing Dynasty.Gunpowder is used.Front loading gunpowder.Great power at close range.Get hit by this gun.It is riddled with holes.But the double-barreled shotgun has a short range.Reloading gunpowder is slow.Gunpowder packs get wet easily in rainy days.

Because it is convenient to replenish the gunpowder of the double-barreled shotgun.Cheap and affordable.There is a lot of leeway in fighting in the mountains.This double-barreled shotgun is more popular with minorities than the newer rifled guns.

Xu Zhong observed the enemy's movements at close range.Understand the military situation.The enemy is the Beidong people.Occupy a high ground.With the cover of night.Xu Zhong led the squad.Infiltrate enemy positions.To catch the "tongue".

The Atayal people are mountain people.The population is less than 4 people.The Beidong people live in plain areas.The population exceeds [-].According to common sense, it should be the sturdy Atayal people relying on their geographical advantages.Bullying the Beidong people who farm the land.Looting the crops and population of the Beidong people.

But the reality is just the opposite.The Atayal people also pay tribute to the Beidong people.There are two big mountains on top of the Atayal people.It is to survive in the cracks.The Atayal people fight.They are no match for the Beidong people at all.Only by virtue of geographical to live in poverty in the mountains.

The reason.It is the tribal system of the Beidong people.The Beidong people implement a soldier household system.Much like the ancient Spartans.

Beidong people have practiced martial arts since childhood. 12 is considered an adult.Then enter the barracks.Live a collective life.The Beidong people are implementing the policy of all the people being soldiers.The whole nation is martial.And it's very collective.Very aggressive.surrounding minorities.They all surrendered at the feet of the Beidong people.

After the Qing Dynasty opened the port of Taiwan Island.Against the rebellious Beidong people.Adopt a detention policy.Emperor Kangxi canonized the leader of the Beidong tribe.For "Beidong King".Recognize the noble status of Beidong people in Taiwan.

If the Han Chinese did not invade Taiwan. The "King of Beidong" is the overlord of Taiwan.

in history.The Beidong people refused to be naturalized in the Qing Dynasty.provoke a national war.The Qing army encircled and suppressed the Beidong people.The Beidong people were resettled in the plains.This quelled the war in Taiwan.This small-scale "armed conflict".Certainly not in the history books.The deeds of the Beidong people against the rule of the Qing Dynasty.It has long been lost in the dust of history.

The Beidong people have too many grievances and enmities with the Qing Dynasty.Under the instigation of the Japanese.Luo Xingban, chieftain of the Beidong ethnic group, took the lead in the uprising.Resist the brutal rule of the Qing Dynasty.

The Paiwan people are also a big family in Taiwan.The population exceeds [-].But this nation is very repulsive to foreign nations.There are also many grievances and grievances with the Qing Dynasty.That's why there was an incident of killing Ryukyu drifters.

The Paiwan people belong to the Shengfan.Recognize the Tongzhi emperor as their emperor.and maintain national independence.In addition to killing the Ryukyu drifters, the Paiwan people.Also killed Americans.An American merchant ship was damaged while passing Taiwan.Stop at Paiwan territory.Captain America is killed by the Paiwan tribe.

to this end.The Americans formed the "Taiwan Expedition".Want to take revenge on the Paiwan people.But they were defeated by the ethnic minorities in Taiwan who shared the same hatred.It was Liu Mingdeng's Jianwu Army who vented their anger on behalf of the Americans.This made the chieftain of the Paiwan tribe Ashilo apologize.Guaranteed not to kill passing aliens again.

The Japanese learned from the failure of the Americans to invade Taiwan.He bought Luo Xingbing, the chieftain of the Beidong ethnic group.Let the traitors lead the way.Three thousand Japanese troops landed from Langqiao without anyone noticing.The Japanese had no trouble.Occupy the deep water port.Lang Qiao.

Guishan, the territory of the Paiwan people.It was Luo Xingban, chieftain of the Beidong ethnic group, who betrayed the president of the Peony Club, Ashilu.The Beidong people lead the way.Only then did the natural danger of the Paiwan people be broken.Ashil and his son were killed by the Japanese army.

Most of the territory of the Paiwan people is occupied by the Beidong people.The [-] Paiwan people did not leave their homes.It is to surrender at the feet of the Beidong people.The savage Beidong people killed countless Paiwan adult males.

Paiwan prisoners of war became slaves.Thousands of slaves built fortifications for the Japanese army.Young women become slaves of the Japanese army.

The Japanese army relied on the help of the Beidong people.Occupy several natural dangers in eastern Taiwan.The Japanese army carried out small-scale harassment tactics against the Qing army.So that the Qing army did not dare to act rashly.The Japanese army swept through the ethnic minority areas in the east of Taiwan.The purpose of the Japanese army is to occupy the territories of ethnic minorities first.Deny Qing's sovereignty over ethnic minority areas.Treat Taiwan's ethnic minority areas as virgin land for colonization and development.

at this time.The war situation in Taiwan is complicated and confusing.The rebellion of the Beidong people was a fatal blow to the Qing Dynasty.This is also the internal factor of Liu Mingdeng's three thousand Jianwu army's defeat by the Japanese army.A veil of hidden filth has been lifted.But when the two countries are at war.The Qing court dared not expose this scandal.Instead, they want to win over the Beidong people.Let the lost lamb return to the embrace of the motherland.

Wu Dating, a Taoist and academic politician in Taiwan, Fujian, sent negotiators.Extend an olive branch to Beidong chieftain Luo Xingbing.It's a pity that I didn't get the desired ending.

The Beidong people received new weapons supported by the Japanese army.The force expanded to nearly 9000 people.He considers himself a strong soldier and a strong horse.Attack the territory of the Atayal people by force.The eastern part of Pingtung has been captured by Beidong warriors.

Fortunately, it is the territory of the Atayal people.The mountains are majestic.Has strategic depth.Atayal warriors rely on mountains.Step by step.Only then let the Atayal warriors.Hold half the territory.

Yabu, chieftain of the Atayal nationality, is a patriot.He swore to the death that he would not surrender to the Japanese army.I hate the Beidong people for betraying the Qing Dynasty.Allied with Shu Faran, chieftain of the northern Tsou tribe, and other tribes.Fight against the Japanese army and Beidong people together.

But the strength of patriotic acquaintances is a disadvantage in combat.The Qing army's support for Shufan was not enough.Keep them in a passive position to be beaten.

at this time.Li Guolou led the main force of the Qing army to land from Magong Port.It became a turning point in the Taiwan War.Li Guolou recognizes the importance of ethnic minorities.Support from ethnic minorities in Taiwan.It is the key to defeating the Japanese army.Spend a lot of money to repair with the surrounding ethnic minorities.

After obtaining the permission of the minority.The Qing army entered the minority areas.Opened the prelude to the counterattack.Su Yuanchun led two battalions to attack first.To fight the Beidong people.

Fang Zhiyong led the first post of the Ninth Battalion of the Xinwu Army to the forward position.It was midnight.Only then did I know that Xu Zhong led several soldiers to catch the "tongue".Can't help but be extremely anxious.He kept taking out his pocket watch to check the time.

The Atayal warriors had no worries.Leaning against a big tree.Sleeping with a gun.Some Atayal warriors climbed the tree.Sleep in a tree.

This is a strange nation.They use hounds as sentinels.under a state of war.Still free and undisciplined.In a small cave.Commander Jacob did his best.Always by Fang Zhiyong's side.Open your mouth to exchange gifts with Fang Zhiyong.

Fang Zhiyong laughed and said, "Don't worry, Jacob. Li Guolou will give you a pocket watch. There are leaders like you. My pocket watch is given by Li Guolou."

Jacob reluctantly looked away.With a grunt: "You Han people are the least trustworthy."

Fang Zhiyong said seriously: "That's because you didn't meet the Xinwu Army. The silver dollar in your pocket was rewarded by Li Guolou. After the battle is over, Li Guolou will reward you again."

People from ethnic minorities claim not to love money.But there are a few silver dollars in his pocket, which is still fun.Jacob pulled out a silver dollar.Two fingers hold the silver dollar.Put it in your mouth and blow. "Excuse me." There was a clear and pleasant trill.It is pleasing to the eye.

Fang Zhiyong was originally a hunter.illiterate illiterate.But talented.Sensitive to danger.Promoted to captain with military merit.There is no difficulty in basic reading and writing.

Fight in the mountains.Although it has a geographical advantage.It is said that the enemy has four to five hundred people.It felt like a hard nut to crack.It is difficult to wipe out the enemy in this environment.How to fight this battle well.It is he who faces the greatest difficulty.

Jacob draws topographical maps with sticks.Briefly draw the positions of the enemy and ourselves.

Fang Zhiyong roughly understood.Wei Wei nodded and asked: "Jacob, you said that the enemies are all gathered around the water source."

Jacob said: "Yes. I know that you are carrying cannons into the mountain. So you backed down step by step. Let the enemy occupy this dangerous mountain on purpose."

Fang Zhiyong walked out of the cave.It was pitch black all around.Heart anxious.The first battle must be fought well.Grab the "tongue" and don't steal the chicken and peck at the rice.I was a little annoyed at Xu Zhong's reckless behavior.Pedong people are born fighters.Not easy to catch alive.

A ray of morning light emerged from the clouds.The mountains became clear.There was a commotion at the forward position.Xu Zhong and a bald head.The two carried a prisoner on their shoulders.Climb into the fortifications.

There were exclamations all around.It turned out that Xu Zhong and the Shaolin monk Juexing (Xu Xing).Capture a Japanese officer.

Dwarf melon in yellow military uniform.It was tightly tied up.fell to the ground.He looked at the crowd around him in horror.

Xu Zhong and Xu Xing clapped their hands together.The two refused to give in to each other.They are still showing their merits.

Fang Zhiyong walked like the wind.One foot stepped on the Japanese officer.He laughed loudly and said, "Good job. How did you catch this short winter melon?"

Xu Zhong said with a smile: "Captain Fang. We were bitten by mosquitoes all night. But the Beidong people were very guarded. They couldn't get a chance. They waited until dawn. The short winter melon came out of the army tent to freshen up. He ran to the water source to wash his face .The fourth one rushed out from the left. I outflanked from the right. He was in charge of the head. I was in charge of the feet. I caught the dwarf winter melon back in one round."

The bald-headed Xu Xing boasted: "It's not my nonsense. This kind of stuff. It's not my opponent. I slap it down. It will become a ladle."

Atayal warriors surrounded them.Want to mistreat Japanese prisoners of war.Dissuaded by Xu Zhong.This is a prisoner captured by Xu Zhong.The Atayal warriors recognized Xu Zhong as the master.No cruel punishment was imposed on Japanese prisoners of war.

Fang Zhiyong nodded frequently.After laughing.Scratching his scalp, he said, "I'm talking about Xu Zhong. You have given me a huge problem. This short winter melon is chattering. Who can understand it?"

Xu Zhong smiled and said: "Ah, I almost forgot. Commander Li is not here. There is no translator. What should I do?"

Fang Zhiyong said: "You. You don't need to think about things. Catch a waste."

Xu Zhong giggled silly.Just think about catching a big guy.Language issues were not considered.

It was light.Fang Zhiyong came from the hiding place.Head out.Check out enemy positions.

Pedong people are not like other minority fighters.It is an army that strictly abides by military discipline.Military literacy is high.Minorities are proud of their bravery.The overall combat capability is not strong.for example.The overall combat capability of the Hui army in the Northwest is not strong.Although Huijun is Muslim.But different factions.attack each other.Even engage in internal cleaning.Internal friction is extremely terrifying.

But now the opponent is very strong.The Beidong fighters lived together for a long time.Siblings.Extremely united.It is a severe test for the Xinwu Army.

Fang Zhiyong was determined to defeat the army under his nose.full of confidence.Although Beidong fighters have undergone strict military training.But not a modern army.Still use the crowd tactics.The Xinwu Army is a modern army.Just play to your strengths.This battle must be won.

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