The temporary tent was filled with coffins. Li Guolou lit a long-burning lamp and looked at familiar and unfamiliar faces with tears streaming down his face.

Lijian Alirang, Arrowhead Yang Cong, Fu Guozhong, Insulation, Juexing, He Zhuzi, Yang Jingwei, Yan Bin, so many comrades-in-arms, lying quietly in front of them, this kind of heartache is so overwhelming that it makes people cry.

For the sake of the morale of the army, Li Guolou had to control his emotions in front of everyone and show perseverance and courage, but when no one was around, he was on the verge of collapse. For such an important decision, it was up to him to make the final decision, and to The Ministry of War concealed the battle plan, insomnia kept him awake at night, and he wanted to abandon Hualien Town many times.

But in the end, he still persevered. If he didn't have the courage to fight, how could he talk about regaining the country? He won the victory, and no matter how heavy the casualties were, it was worth it.

Li Guolou muttered to himself: "Thank you for your trust, I will not let you down, I brought you to Taiwan, when I go back, I will definitely bring you back??????"

Li Guolou was so choked up that he couldn't speak anymore, he stood alone in front of the coffin, guarding the coffin for his comrades in arms.

When a ray of morning light breaks through the thick clouds, a trace of mist in the air gradually dissipates, and the sun shines on the earth. When the birds return to this hot land of the motherland and fly freely in the sky, when a soldier stands On the land of the motherland, greet the morning glow and red sun, showing a proud and heroic posture.

Li Guolou stepped on the high slope and overlooked the entire Hualien Town. So many lovely people paid their blood in exchange for victory. , The Daqing Navy still has a big battle. This time, he wants to regain control of the sea and let the Japanese navy know what it means to be resolute and courageous. For the treasure island of the motherland, Chinese men are not afraid of death.

In the morning, Li Guolou held a military meeting with Liu Mingchuan, Li Yunchu, Nie Shicheng, Luo Shidai and others to formulate an marching plan. After a night's rest, everyone was relieved from fatigue and seemed to be in good spirits.

Li Guolou's strategy was to divide his troops into two groups, trap the Japanese army in Guishan to death, and regain the Langqiao deep-water port controlled by the Japanese army.

Attacking Langqiao by land, the main force of the Qing army was under the command of Liu Mingchuan.

Liu Mingchuan looked at the surrounding officers with a domineering look, and stroked his beard confidently. If Li Guolou didn't use him, who else could he use.

Everyone had no objection to Liu Mingchuan's commanding ability, and the plan to plan the battle of Langqiao was quickly passed.

Li Yunchu led more than 1 Fan soldiers and a new army to contain the Japanese army in Guishan.

Beidong chieftain Luo Shidai heard that Li Guolou was about to leave, so he took a peek at Li Yunchen, somewhat despising the young Li Yunchen, and let out a cold snort in his nose.

Now all fan soldiers are under the orders of Li Guolou. These more than 1 fan soldiers are all volunteers. The leaders of ethnic minorities only admire Li Guolou. Li Guolou has long been a myth in the Qing Dynasty. More than 3000 fan soldiers died in battle. , No complaints, Fan Bing is willing to die for Li Guolou.

It can be seen that the ethnic policy formulated by Li Guolou is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Taiwanese people trust Li Guolou, but how many people know Li Guolou's nephew Li Yunchu.

Li Guolou knew that Li Yuncup could not convince the crowd, but he wanted to cultivate his own power and plan for the future. The future Xinwu Army must be in the hands of the Li family, so he drove the ducks to the shelves, and the rocket promoted Li Yuncup , Li Yunchu is already the rank of deputy general, and he did not ask the Fanbing to attack Guishan. The highest commander is Liu Mingchuan, and Li Yunchu is only the commander of the Guishan defense area.

Li Yunchu has a superb military strategy. The Battle of Hualien Town was planned by the Japanese army. Li Guolou was forced to fight back. In the decisive battle between the Qing army and the Japanese army in Hualien Town, the advantages outweighed the disadvantages. Only by massacring the main force of the Japanese army in the plain area could the Qing army gain a military advantage.

Li Guolou devoted all his troops to the battle of Hualien Town, which made the [-] ever-victorious troops stick to Hualien Town and fight to the death with the Japanese army.

Afterwards, it proved that Li Yunchu had a strategic vision. More than 2000 Japanese troops were wiped out in the First World War.

Li Guolou didn't seem to hear the sneer of the chieftains, he stared at Luo Shidai with sharp eyes, and said: "I leave here temporarily, in order to defeat the Japanese navy as soon as possible, so as not to cut off the Japanese army's sea transportation line. There is no time in sight. After I leave, you all have a heavy burden. I hope you will cooperate sincerely and unite with Liu Zhentai and Li Yunchu. In the future, you will all be national heroes. If you want to contribute to the country, you must overcome even the greatest difficulties , "

Luo Shidai smirked, pretending to be honest, nodded and said: "Commander Li, please rest assured, I will not enter the hinterland of Guishan without authorization. I understand what you are saying. The only way to fight in the mountains is to rely on cannibalism." Policy wins, impatience is doomed to failure,"

Li Guolou pointed at Yu Ronggu, chieftain of the Heishan nationality, and said, "Toast Yu, please express your opinion, let me listen."

Feeling very honored, Yu Ronggu showed a smile on his face. Li Guolou was the second to call him to speak, with a correct attitude, expressing his position and determination.

Li Guolou called the names one by one, and asked every chieftain to express his opinion, not to let a single person go, for fear that some leader would get hotheaded, enter the hinterland of Guishan, and be surrounded by the Japanese army in the end.

More than [-] chieftains and tribal generals expressed their position and were willing to follow Li Yunchu's command. No one clamored for the liberation of Guishan.

Li Guolou warned and said: "As a commander, Li Yunchu must be more vicious, burn all the trees in Guishan Mountain, and all the people within [-] miles of Guishan Mountain will migrate, and I will burn the tops of the mountains one by one. The Japanese army is eating soil in Guishan, I want to see how capable Xixiang Congdao is to occupy a barren mountain."

The officers, chieftains, and tribal leaders in the military tent were all dumbfounded. No one dared to say anything. They stared at Li Guolou in a daze. Li Yunzhu stood up in horror and shouted: "Yes, I know how Do it, and never let the Japanese army have a good life, "

As soon as Li Yunchu heard it, he understood that Li Guolou was afraid that he would not be able to convince the public, so he deliberately said two poisonous tricks. After fighting in Guishan, the Qing army implemented the strategy of fortifying the wall and clearing the country, so others would not be able to attack him.

Burning mountains destroys the environment, and the ashes will make the soil barren. Even if the Japanese army survives the fire, they will not be able to farm in the mountains for a year or two.

In the past, people in the Central Plains used one method to deal with the northern minorities, "burning grasslands and pastures."

In ancient times, every autumn when the grass withered and the horses were fattened up, soldiers would enter the hinterland of the grassland to "burn the grassland and pastures", causing heavy losses to the herdsmen. People in the Central Plains have a tradition of burning grasslands and pastures for thousands of years, and the effect is remarkable. This is more effective than sending troops to fight. Suffer a winter.

The Qing Dynasty won the world on horseback, never used this strategy, and it was about to be lost. Li Guolou taught this poisonous strategy without shame, and he was not afraid of being scolded.

Li Guolou had no choice but to use despicable means to destroy the environment of Guishan, otherwise the Japanese army would be able to survive for a long time in farming and growing vegetables in the mountains. Fang was very difficult. The Qing army marched into the mountains to fight the Japanese army. If they were not careful, they would be surrounded by the Japanese army. At that time, the food road would be cut off, and the only option was to surrender.

The Qing army was not fully sure and was unwilling to go into the mountains to fight. Li Guolou's military deployment was even approved by Liu Mingchuan, an old military affairs officer. It can be seen that there is no other option for mountain warfare.

Qin Yuying, governor of Yunnan, fought against the Miaojiang uprising army in Yunnan. He used the strategy of fortifying the walls and clearing the wilderness. Every village he built was destroyed. More than 200 Miao villages were destroyed by the Qing army. More than 1000 of them were destroyed. The army couldn't bear it anymore, so the whole family surrendered. Otherwise, once the Qing army left, the Miao people in the stockade would rebel again. Control violence with violence, otherwise there will be no peace.

Several leaders of the Paiwan tribe were in tears. Guishan is the holy land of the Paiwan tribe, and now it is occupied by the Japanese army, so what face do they have to meet their ancestors.

Li Guolou comforted him with kind words, if he doesn't break or build, tomorrow will be better, and if he fights with him, he will have a bright future.

Since the Paiwan people did not object, and the chieftains of other ethnic minorities did not object, even if the fire spread to their territory, in order to destroy the Japanese army, they could only bear the consequences of the fire.

After receiving the personal promises of Li Guolou and Liu Mingchuan, the leader of Fanbing left the army tent.

Li Guolou and Liu Mingchuan bid farewell to the chieftains of the ethnic minorities together, leaving only Luo Shidai behind to discuss important matters.

There is also a Beidong Army in Dawu Mountain. Now the Pingtung Plain has been recovered by the Qing Army. The [-] Beidong Army led by "Housekeeper" Wang Redong was cut off by the Qing Army. This rebellious Beidong Army is in a dilemma. During the period, the food road had been cut off by the Qing army.

Li Guolou wanted Luo Shidai to persuade the Beidong Army to surrender, and asked the Beidong Army to intercept the Japanese artillery column left in Dawu Mountain.

The Qing army had already grasped the situation of the artillery column of the Japanese army. Li Yunchu said: "The Japanese army in Dawu Mountain has about 300 people and [-] artillery pieces. It is commanded by Takesuke Sakata. This is an elite Japanese artillery There are still five American officers in the army, but now they have become a piece of chicken ribs, unable to move a single step. If the Japanese army wants to break through, they can only discard these bronze cannons. I wonder if the Japanese army has the determination and courage to cut off the wrists of a strong man."

Luo Shidai said: "Some time ago I sent a letter to Wangredong. Although he didn't reply, he will know the result of the battle of Hualien Town soon. I think he will recognize the situation and lead the Beidong Army on the battlefield. However, I am not sure whether Wangredong will fight back and attack the Japanese army. This person is Luo Xing's confidant. Let the Japanese army go, this is my humble opinion, for reference only, "

Liu Mingchuan's face became ferocious, and he gritted his teeth and said, "Toast Luo, if you are right, Wang Redong can't stay. After the war is over, you can hand him over to me."

Luo Shidai had a red heart towards the Qing Dynasty. People who are not loyal to the Qing Dynasty will be a disaster if they keep it. He said without hesitation: "It's a deal. I also want to see whether Wangredong is loyal to the people or will betray him." personality,"

Li Guolou pondered for a moment and said: "I think the Japanese army no longer trusts the Beidong Army, and they are ready to break through. Since they are the elite troops of the Japanese army, they will not surrender easily, and they will still choose to break through. It cannot be stopped. , as long as the cannons are left behind, if Wangredong destroys part of the Japanese army and still sincerely submits to him, don’t make things difficult for him. The end is destined to be very sad, it depends on what he does,"

"Well, I sent a messenger yesterday. We will know what Wang Redong is going to do in two days." No one can shake Luo Shidai's status. He is the great savior of Beidong people, and he is more deeply rooted in the hearts of the people than Li Guolou.

Li Guolou looked at Luo Shidai and said, "Chief Luo, what I ask of you now is to restrain military discipline and control the mouths of your subordinates. If you talk too much, you will lose it. Don't mention the past again. If someone commits a taboo , I have no choice but to kill Ma Su with tears, do you understand?"

"Yes, I promise to do it," Luo Shidai stood up, saluted the chief in the military tent, and left boldly. With Li Guolou's protection, the Beidong people's uprising against the Qing Dynasty will surely be wiped out in history in the dust.

The Changsheng Army suffered heavy casualties, and 120 three foreign officers were killed in battle. Li Guolou was severely criticized by the Ministry of War, and the Ministry of War ordered the Changsheng Army to be divided.

The military order must not be violated, except for the seriously wounded who cannot go back, the four hundred soldiers of the ever-victorious army are ready to go.

Li Guolou and Liu Ming send farewell to Browning and Bolt. The injured Browning is lying on a stretcher. Li Guolou and Liu Mingchuan personally carry the stretcher and put Browning on the carriage. The whole army is the Changsheng Army see off.

Excited, Bai Langning held Li Guolou's hand tightly, and said, "Commander Li, you still owe me a poem, you should write it to me now."

Who said that foreigners have no friendship? The British and French fought for the Qing Dynasty not just for money. The real and touching comrade-in-arms accumulation is like intoxicating old wine. Foreigners also have good men and are friends for life.

Li Guolou was full of thoughts, unable to calm down for a long time, nodded and said: "Okay, I will write a poem for Chang Shengjun, take a pen,"

Li Guolou's pen travels to Youlong, and the book says: Hualien Town, Taiwan bids farewell to the Ever Victorious Army, and don't forget his comrade-in-arms Bai Langning.

"Nian Nujiao? Taiwan Town"

The clouds and waves roll, ride thousands of miles, the blue sea and yellow sand fight Japanese slaves.

The bloody battle on Baodao strengthened the national prestige, the navy returned our mountains and rivers, raised the tombs, stained the flag with blood, fired guns to sacrifice the loyal souls, the mountains and rivers remained the same, and the sea was boundless as far as the eye could see.

Thinking of the country's humiliation and the family's hatred, I vomited my heart and wept my blood, hoping that the pain will come to an end.

Bullets, rain, cannons, thunder and fire, nine-headed birds soaring to the sky, sad alone, the breeze remembers the dead, cleansing away demons, spreading their wings and flying high, the roc chasing the clouds and chasing the sun.

Liu Mingchuan read the poem aloud, and sighed: "What a 'chasing the clouds and chasing the sun', thank you for thinking it out,"

Bai Langning sobbed excitedly, chanting words, immersed in the artistic conception of the poems, gritted his teeth and sat upright, insisting on giving a standard military salute to Li Guolou.

The soldiers of the Ever Victorious Army kept wiping away their tears. This is the true portrayal of the battle of the Ever Victorious Army.

Liu Mingchuan roared jealously: "Li Guolou, you have never sent me a poem yet,"

Li Guolou smiled sweetly and said, "Liu Liumazi, can we encourage each other?"

Liu Mingchuan babbled, vowing to let Li Guolou flatter him once,

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