late Qing Dynasty arrest

Chapter 687 Disaster Followed

In one day, Li Guolou received two battle reports of great victories, and walked back and forth in the military tent excitedly. He just received a telegram at home, and the deposit in the bank had exceeded [-] million, and the private money of the people all over the country was in his pocket. Here, this year will be a bumper year.

The war against Japan made him a national hero, and the war benefited his family business a lot.

Western countries began to impose economic sanctions on Japan and refused to import textiles from Japan. The astronomical number of textile orders were all sent to his brother Li Guoyun's "Yadong Textile Factory", and the national textile industry ushered in a brilliant spring.

Li Guolou looked at the two telegrams and couldn't put them down. Liu Mingdeng led the Jianwu Army and burned [-] Japanese soldiers to death in the first battle. How inspiring the army, but this kind of thing is too cruel. It must be concealed, and it cannot be published in the residence newspaper. Such articles can be passed on orally.

It was Su Yuanchun who did a great job. He seized 200 bronze cannons, a telegraph and a codebook in the first World War. The bombing camp of the Beidong Army is worthy of special mention. Su Yuanchun distributed [-] Japanese prostitutes to the Fan soldiers. The leader, it's not worth bragging about, and he has to hide it. I blame him for being too prudish. His subordinates didn't expect to send him a few Japanese prostitutes. They haven't touched a woman for several months. The only flaw is that they cut [-] There are many heads of the Japanese army. Soldiers cannot desecrate the dead. The Xinwu Army is an army with ideals, and it wins by being open and honest.

Li Guolou was overjoyed, and said carefully, "Send me a congratulatory message, rewarding the Jianwu Army with 60 silver dollars, and order Liu Mingdeng to lead the Jianwu Army to march to Zhujiajiao, Guishan, to build a fort, and build a fort every mile. Slowly advance to the hinterland of Guishan, besiege the enemy of Guishan with the strategy of cannibalism, block the strategic space of the Japanese army, prepare for the offensive in the next spring, ask Liu Mingdeng to guard against arrogance and impetuosity, and not allow the Jianwu Army to enter the mountain to fight alone. Actions follow orders,"

Wang Han wrote down every word Li Guolou said, repeated the complaint, and asked, "Is Commander Li still available? How should I reply to Su Yuanchun?"

Li Guolou said: "Mountain warfare is very hard. Let Su Yuanchun lead the army back to Xindian Town to rest and recuperate. This army will not be used for the time being."

"Yes," Wang Han closed his notebook and turned to the telegraph room. Every military order of Li Guolou was sent to the troops from all walks of life by telegram, and the telegram was Li Guolou's clairvoyance.

Zheng Hengtan saw that Li Guolou used silver bullets to buy Liu Mingdeng again, he couldn't help feeling jealous, and said euphemistically: "Commander Li, attacking with fire is harmful to Yin, and Zhuge Kongming died early because he burned rattan armored soldiers. Ah, please don't mention the matter of burning mountains in the future, let your subordinates do such things that hurt Yin morality, you don't have to force yourself to let the historian record it in the annals, "

Zheng Hengdan sighed softly, as if he felt sorry for Li Guolou, his mouth was originally cheap, and he dared to say no matter how ugly it was.

Li Guolou was horrified. Catholicism, like Buddhism, pays attention to the cycle of cause and effect. This kind of thing should be avoided. The original image of Gaoquan was ruined by himself, and he said it in front of the leader of the Fanbing, so that the people of Taiwan would know where the wildfire came from. The bow does not turn back the arrow, and one day, God will punish him.

Li Guolou waved his arms, as if he wanted to erase all the filth, and said with a forced smile: "Let's let the past go. Today is a good day. Let all the officers and soldiers celebrate the hard-won victory together."

"Well, I'll go and see if the meeting place is organized," Zheng Hengtan clapped his hands and said yes, turned around and left the big tent, just remind Li Guolou of this kind of thing once, there is no need to go into a dead end, there are various characters in an army, Just like singing an opera, there are both life, beauty, beauty, and ugliness. Everyone does his duty, and the bad guy should be played by him. There is no need for Li Guolou to hold the shit pot on his head.

Li Guolou held a celebration meeting to reward the three armies, and distributed boxes of shining silver dollars.

Each soldier was allocated five silver dollars, and officers were allocated six silver dollars. The officers and soldiers who made meritorious service were awarded medals, and Li Guolou took a group photo with the officers and soldiers.

In a blink of an eye, the soldiers deposited the silver dollars in the military supply department. In case they were honored, their family members could still get the silver dollars.

The officers and soldiers came out of the haze of losing their comrades in arms. They were all full of energy and ready to make new achievements. Tomorrow they will go to a new battlefield. I don’t know when they will meet each other. All the troops held a celebration banquet, and the soldiers drank like drinking boiled water. .

The military officers in the logistics department circulated Li Guolou's poems, pretending to be Confucian generals shaking their heads, and wrote crooked poems one after another, as if they would be able to get a Jinshi.

The camp was full of joy and peace, and Li Guolou finally had a peaceful night's sleep. He drank three bowls of yellow soup and slept until dawn.

The next day, Li Guolou led more than 100 Goshhas to Keelung Harbor to command the Daqingshui Division to fight. The Daqingshui Division finally hoped that the right time, place and people would come. Use the bloodiest means to defeat the Japanese navy.

Li Guolou was high-spirited, straddling his horse and galloping. More than 100 cavalry galloped at full speed, all dressed in the same clothes, with silk scarves covering their faces. Judging from the appearance, it was difficult to tell who the commander was.

The hearts of the people in Taiwan were already in the Qing Dynasty, but a very small number of people resisted to the end, and there were still enemies who shot coldly along the way, so Li Guolou marched cautiously, never showing off his identity, and dressed like ordinary officers and soldiers, no different.

The Japanese are a nation that likes to assassinate. Ninjas disguised themselves as people of ethnic minorities and wandered around in the villages. They wanted to assassinate the commanders of the Qing army. There were Japanese ninjas who shot cold shots along the way. They were all sharpshooters.

Li Guolou is always on guard, he has encountered several dangerous situations, but due to proper measures, he has not yet personally taken the risk. He has just gone through a big battle and won the final victory. The road is all the territory of the Qing Dynasty, so Li Guolou's mind is a little relaxed. , I didn't think much about "Japanese ninja" in my mind.

As dusk approached, the horse team came to Xindian Town. Li Guolou once set up his headquarters here and lived in Xindian Town for a while. Warm hospitality, mouth full of saliva, the horsewhip pointed at the watchtower in front, and said with a smile: "Knife handle, we will stay at the landlord's old rich house at night."

"Okay, I'll go to Daqian Station first to see what delicious food Lao Cai's house has," Dao Xie Yun led a small group of cavalry into Xindian Town first without thinking too much.

With horseshoes stepping on the bluestone road, Saber Yun and his party of 30 people looked around and finally saw a decent town.

There are friendly smiles along the way. During the war, soldiers are the customers with the most purchasing power. Merchants like the presence of military masters. The friendly cries make the horse team slow down. Everything looks so coordinated. What's wrong.

The Xinwu Army has three battalions of cavalry and more than 700 war horses, which are dominant in plain warfare. The horses were trained by Dao Shea Yun himself, and relying on Li Guolou's strong financial resources, they were transported from the mainland of the motherland to Taiwan. Not long after I came to Taiwan, I still wanted to make more military exploits, but I didn't expect the danger to be approaching.

There are many sentry posts along the way. The Qing army and Fanbing are patrolling the street together. There are Qing troops stationed nearby. Xindian Town is in the rear. There is no fighting. Saber Cloud relaxes his vigilance. cavalry.

With the help of two traitors, two Japanese ninjas had already hid in Xindian Town, and they wanted to do a big deal to assassinate the commander of the Qing army.

The Japanese assassination team found out that Li Guolou, the supreme commander of the Qing army, used to live in the house of Cai Guoxi, a big landlord, so the most important place to wait was at the door of Cai Guoxi's house.

The last time Li Guolou lived in Cai Guoxi's house, the precautions were very strict, and Xindian Town was under military control, so outsiders didn't know about it.

But after Li Guolou left, military control had been abolished, so Cai Guoxi would naturally brag about himself. Li Guolou lived in his house, what he ate and said, all became Cai Guoxi's after-dinner conversation, and everyone in the town knew about it.

Two traitors inquired about Li Guolou's situation and told two Japanese ninjas that the four of them together believed that Li Guolou might come again, so they waited here, pretending to be a peddler, not far from Cai Guoxi's house, I set up two booths, and I really waited for Li Guolou to visit for the second time.

No one expected that several Japanese ninjas were hiding in Xindian Town, and Li Guolou walked into a trap set by a Japanese assassination group.

When the horse team came to the gate of Cai's courtyard, Saber Yun jumped off the horse, and his movements were crisp and neat, and he shouted loudly: "Lao Cai, my friend is here, why don't you come out to greet him?"

"Oh, it's you, Knife Handle, I knew you were a good friend, come in and talk," Cai Guoxi walked out of the mansion, saw the scabbard cloud, couldn't help laughing, and warmly invited the scabbard cloud into the room.

Sword scabbard cloud was originally from the rivers and lakes. He spoke carelessly and made jokes without any scruples. The two entered the compound hand in hand.

According to the military regulations, Daojiaoyun has set up four sentry posts at the entrance. These are Ming's duty personnel. There are also ten sentry posts in the compound. Every window on the watchtower is guarded by a sharpshooter. Every door in the courtyard is guarded by a sharpshooter. , arrange a sentry post.

Other Ghoshha checked Cai Guoxi's house first, and found no strange faces. Cai Guoxi's family of fifteen, from family members to servants, did not behave abnormally. Ghoshha searched every nook and cranny.

The ten servants of Cai Guoxi's family were arranged in the courtyard on the west side, and they were not in contact with Li Guolou's Qing guards.

Cai Guoxi once had an experience where he asked his family to move out several rooms to entertain Li Guolou and his party.

The Japanese army invaded Taiwan, causing many people to be displaced and leave their hometowns. Many foreigners came to Xindian Town to seek a living. There were many people setting up stalls on the street. Cai Guoxi was a local tyrant. He took the lead in donating money and goods when the country was in crisis. Cai Guoxi sent half of his servants, Serving the country, fighting against Japanese pirates, refugees set up a stall in front of his house, as long as it does not affect the family's travel, and will not drive them away, the Cai family will instead go to rescue the refugees and act as a benevolent person.

It is precisely because Cai Guoxi is a patriotic gentleman that Li Guolou can live in Cai Guoxi's house with peace of mind. Li Guolou still likes to deal with rich people in his heart, and he will not feel indebted to others if he eats and drinks.

There are many ethnic minorities in Taiwan, and the language is equally complicated. Two Japanese ninjas were mixed among the refugees, and two traitors covered them, so no flaws were exposed. These four killers were not discovered by the Qing army patrol.

As Li Guolou's personal guard, all actions have been formulated, and each Ghoshha has its own responsibilities, and soon the sentry posts in the Cai family compound will be set up.

In the Cai family compound, there is a post at three steps and a sentry at five steps. Not even a bird can fly in, but there are more than a dozen stalls at the gate of the compound, and no one takes care of them.

The obese Cai Guoxi did not notice that there were Japanese people in the two booths, and stood at the gate politely, waiting for Mr. Li Guolou to visit, accompanied by the housekeeper Cai Laonie.

Cai's family kept a big black-spotted dog with a flowery sausage. It seemed to know that a big man was coming, so it wagged its tail and followed its master.

At this time, the sky was getting dark, and it was time to close the stalls. There were not many stalls on both sides of the street. More than a dozen stall owners packed up their goods and were ready to go back. Let's see who will come to Cai's compound.

The four killers in two of the booths had already discovered an unusual scene. A group of well-equipped Qing troops suddenly came to the Cai family compound. They knew at a glance that a senior official of the Qing army was coming to the Cai family compound to spend the night.

The four people in the two booths made eye contact with each other, nodded understandingly, and secretly put the guns and grenades in their pockets, preparing for the assassination, but the four assassins figured it out, and the blind cat met Li Guolou.

Li Guolou slowly drove into the alley with the horse team, Li Guolou still wore the veil, afraid of being surrounded by passers-by.

Li Guolou has long been a legendary figure in the Qing Dynasty. His portrait was offered in the brothel. The folks pretended to be Zhao Zilong’s prestige and built the Zilong Temple. In fact, it was Li Guolou’s "shengci". together.

Li Guolou is quite like Wei Zhongxian, the great eunuch of the Ming Dynasty. With the backing of the empress dowagers of the two palaces, the power is all over the court and the public. country building.

As long as Li Guolou appeared on the street, it would cause traffic jams, so Li Guolou tried not to appear in public places, riding a horse with a veil in order to avoid unnecessary trouble.

A cavalry team of more than 70 people entered the alley, and Li Guolou faced the greatest crisis in his life.

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