Mr. White Snake lived happily in Keelung Port. Li Guolou gave him ten catties of shark fin and a batch of scallops. Others ate big pots of rice, but he drove Xiaodu every day. Li Guolou was injured. It was not his fault. Who is Li Guolou? Lou was so vicious that he resorted to the strategy of attacking with fire, which was why he was condemned by heaven. Besides, he didn't have much supernatural power on land. Lord White Snake put aside the disadvantages and became the patron saint of Master Qingshui.

Watching the stars last night, Mr. White Snake saw that there was a change in the sky, and there was going to be a heavy fog in the east. He was the savior of the Qing Dynasty. He used magic to count the Japanese pirates dead, and finally lived up to his trust and completed the mission entrusted by Li Guolou .

Lord White Snake walked to the command post confidently, held a magic wand in his hand, and went to meet Shen Baozhen, followed by two personal guards. His life was related to the safety of a country, and he never went to the streets, and stayed in the barracks all the time. With a mysterious halo, the people of Taiwan only hear about his name, but never see his true face.

White Snake Langjun has been touted by the Qing government as the chief hero in the Diaoyu Islands naval battle. He also held high the banner of divinatory fortunetelling, gave speeches in the barracks, performed spells, and made money wantonly.

Lord White Snake doesn't need a report, he can go all the way without hindrance, enter the headquarters, Lord White Snake's face sinks like water, his fake beard is stained realistically, he is the one who led the Qingshui Division to fight, Lord White Snake is the national hero, Li Guolou, Shen Baozhen Xiaoxiao, relying entirely on his resourcefulness, this moment will be the beginning of the Taiwan naval battle, and he will soon reach the pinnacle of victory.

"Commander Li, he has not recovered yet and is still working hard. It's so touching," Mr. White Snake saw Li Guolou standing in front of the chart. He seemed to be a different person. Li Guolou was his nemesis, so he kept a low profile be human.

Li Guolou smiled and said: "Mr. White Snake, you are finally here. I expected you to appear today."

White Snake Langjun's liver was trembling, he understood, not only he could see the sky, but also Li Guolou, Li Guolou didn't want to show off the mountains and dews, so he gave him a great contribution, and hurriedly corrected his attitude: "These days are poor. Do this, and finally move the heavens, Commander Li, the will of God you want has come, "

Shen Baozhen's brows were filled with joy, and he hurriedly asked: "Mr. White Snake, what time are you talking about?"

"Two days later, TVXQ, there will be a thick fog, and you can't see your fingers," White Snake Langjun wanted to laugh but insisted on keeping a straight face, his face was stiff, quite weird.

"Okay, I'll credit you," Shen Baozhen shouted, with the air of being the only one who respects me, and asked Li Guolou to guard the port for him this time.

"Thank you, Mr. Shen," White Snake Lord bowed gracefully, but he didn't move, and stood still.

Li Guolou saw that Mr. White Snake was still lingering in the command room, and said with a smile: "Mr. White Snake, this mission must be concealed, so I can't build a seven-star platform for you. Don't worry, I will keep my word and go down to rest." go ahead,"

"Yes," the White Snake Langjun stepped out of the command room imposingly, walking with the soldier's goose step, different fronts, all for the same goal, the patriotic ambitions are the same, he is a patriotic stick, firmly guarding Li Guolou, and made arduous and outstanding contributions to the war against Japan.

Although Li Guolou can't go to sea to command the battle in person, he still hears the military meeting from beginning to end. He sits in charge, and the few thorns in the Beiyang Navy will bow their heads and ears. Although Shen Baozhen can suppress the gang of arrogant soldiers of the Nanyang Navy General, but the gangsters in the Beiyang Navy still need Li Guolou to subdue them.

The generals of the Daqing Water Division received training from Western instructors, and they were officers and soldiers trained by the Western military system. It doesn't make sense, in the eyes of this group of generals, only the officers, Li Hongzhang and Ding Richang, now Li Guolou also makes these arrogant soldiers awe, obeying orders obediently.

A soldier is just a word for the chief, going to death righteously, saying that he is loyal to the Qing emperor, but in fact he only serves the chief.

Feng Zicai had been surrendered by Li Guolou. Although Shen Baozhen had a hundred objections, Shen Baozhen asked him to lead the fleet to block the Japanese navy's exit to the sea, and entrusted Li Zhun with the important task of entering the Hengchun River and passing through the Japanese fort.

Everyone has selfishness, and Shen Baozhen is not exempt from it.

In the last naval battle on the Diaoyu Islands, Li Zhun dared to ram a Japanese warship when the shells were exhausted. Although he was severely criticized by Li Guolou, he was appreciated by Shen Baozhen. This suicide attack was directed by Li Zhun.

Feng Zicai did not refute Shen Baozhen's words, endured the bad breath, did not utter nonsense at the military meeting, and swears to obey orders, Feng Zicai agreed that the cruiser Weiwu would be responsible for the peripheral interception, and would not enter the Hengchun River to attack Langqiao Port.

Feng Zicai, an unstable factor in the Nanyang Navy, obediently obeyed orders, and the others did not dare to push forward, and the military meeting went smoothly.

Military operations have already been rehearsed on the sea charts, which allows the military orders issued by Shen Baozhen to be carried out unimpeded, and every commander of a warship knows his responsibilities.

Shen Baozhen glanced at a group of generals in the command room, and said: "This operation will be a key battle against Japan. Recovering Langqiao Port is a goal that must be completed this year. No matter how much the cost is, it must be completed unconditionally. Our Navy If we fight well, we will be able to cooperate with Liu Mingchuan to attack Langqiao by land by cutting off the Japanese army's sea transportation line. After destroying the forts in the harbor, our navy will be able to enter the Hengchun River unimpeded, attack Guishan from the waterway, and take down Monkey King in one fell swoop. Cave Mountain, "

Guishan is a peninsula-shaped terrain, facing the sea and mountains. The main warships of the Japanese army are docked in the deep-water port of Hengchun River. The main force of the Japanese army relies on the mountain of Guishan to build a fort on Guishan.

Langqiao Port is within the scope of Guishan, and it is a deep-water port. The Qing army took Langqiao Port, not to completely cut off the Japanese army's transportation line. Taiwan is an island, and ships can berth along the coast, completely blocking the Japanese army's sea transportation line. , It is unrealistic and impossible to complete the task. This is to let the Japanese army have no deep-water port for large warships to dock. In the future, Japanese warships of heavy tonnage will not be able to sail into Taiwan, and there will be no place to dock.

The small Japanese warships can still dock on the coastline of Guishan to supply supplies for the Japanese army in Guishan, but the combat effectiveness of this small warship can be imagined, and it is easy to be sunk by the Qingshui Division. If the Japanese army wants to keep the sea transportation line, it must A heavy price will be paid, and the Daqingshui Division will take full advantage. Therefore, the first priority of Li Guolou's naval battle plan against Japan is to regain the deep-water port of Langqiao.

Langqiao was the weakness of Taiwan's defense, and it was captured by the Japanese army. Similarly, if the Qing army wanted to regain its disadvantage, it must take the deep-water port of Langqiao.

All the generals agreed with a loud bang, and the fighting spirit in the command room was strong, and every soldier stood upright with his chest and stomach protruding, and he was not afraid of death.

The young Li Guolou sat still, although he didn't have a thick beard, he already had the bearing of a commander. The generals who were swept by his fierce eyes all raised their chests, and Li Guolou was quite satisfied with the general's aura , The prestige of the war has convinced all the generals. The northern and southern navy of the Qing Dynasty are all used by him, and all the generals in the hall are all served by him. The warlord's momentum has been established, and no one can restrict his ambition.

Li Guolou made a final speech and made a concluding statement: "The country raises soldiers for thousands of days to serve the imperial court for the sake of the princes, and to repay the imperial court with the determination to die. The targets of this sneak attack are the Iwaki and Nisshin ships. The main force of the Japanese army must be sunk. Battleship, I hope you will work hard, I will wait for the good news in Keelung Harbor, "

"Yes, I promise to complete the task and live up to Commander Li's great trust," the general in uniform responded loudly. The strong man will never return, and if he fails to complete the task, he will commit suicide and apologize. This is the honor of a soldier, and no one has any regrets. Lu and Shen Baozhen, as the commander-in-chief of the Qingshui Division, responded with the determination to die and the courage to sacrifice themselves for benevolence.

"Disband, set off immediately, everyone keeps the radio silent," Shen Baozhen walked out of the command room first without talking nonsense, leaving Li Guolou alone in it.

The military meeting ended quickly, without too much nonsense, and the generals and officers gathered in two rows and filed out.

Li Guolou felt a little lost in his heart, but he acted calmly, with a smile on his lips, watching the warship set sail.

The siren blew, and the commanders of each warship boarded the ship and set sail. The Daqingshui Division all set sail. One after another, the warships sailed out of Keelung Port.

Li Guolou stood on the turret with his hands behind his back, looking at the Yuanhang fleet, unwilling to leave for a long time, this time he narrowly escaped death in the sneak attack, how many familiar faces were on the road to death.

It turns out that being in command is so anxious and needs to take on more responsibilities. The theory will eventually turn into reality. Li Guolou planned the sneak attack on Langqiao, but the battlefield is full of unknown variables. Every time he can predict the beginning, the process is not. Based on his will.

Perhaps the Battle of Langqiao would result in both losers, Li Guolou shook his head, unwilling to think about such an ending.

The Japanese cruisers, Iwaki and Nisshin, are like two sharp swords hanging in front of Li Guolou. The troubles in the heart make the Daqing water division restless. If Iwaki and Nisshin are removed, the Qing army will be able to fully take the initiative , For this day, he endured for several months, making the Japanese navy think that the Qingshui Division only wanted to keep the waterway open.

It is his character to be brave enough to take risks. Li Guolou is not willing to be content with the status quo, breaking through Langqiao Port and blowing up the main Japanese warships. This is what Chinese men do.

Li Guolou murmured words, believing that God would be on his side, "Almighty Lord, favor your people, and kill the heretics," Li Guolou said a vicious curse, pinning his expectations.

Li Guolou had seen tens of thousands of deaths with his own eyes, and his heart was as hard as a stone. The Qingshui Division dispatched [-] suicide speedboats to attack the Japanese warships. He was the only one in the world who dared to kill the enemy in this way. Li Guolou The corners of his mouth moved involuntarily, revealing a vicious grin.

Killing males gradually rose, Li Guolou went to the execution ground, personally executed the punishment, and "sacrificed the flag" with the blood of the enemy. Warrior's fighting spirit.

This time the Great Qingshui Division set out to use thirty of the enemy's heads to honor the spirits of the fallen soldiers.

Li Guolou walked into the execution ground, weighed his saber, and watched a kneeling Japanese prisoner cut off the enemy's head.

The officers and soldiers around shouted together, "General Commander Li is mighty, and the Daqingshui Division will surely win,"

Immediately, other executioners also beheaded the enemy, and Keelung Port became a slaughterhouse for killing people.

"I don't believe in fate. We Chinese men control our own destiny. Whoever dares to invade our country must taste the sword in our hands." Blood splashed all over Li Guolou, looking up at the sky. Be colorful, and your destiny is in your own hands.

Li Guolou, who sang the wind and praised the moon in the capital, became an executioner in Taiwan, and the soldiers around him were unmoved. No one showed mercy, but there was bloody killing. War makes the weak go away, only the brutal Only human beings can adapt to this war.

Li Guolou wanted to end this war as soon as possible, but if the enemy did not surrender, he would raise his sword in his hand.

Li Hongzhang wanted to end this war as soon as possible through negotiations. Li Hongzhang was going to sell out his national interests and use the Qing Dynasty to formally recognize Japan's sovereignty over Ryukyu to achieve the goal of allowing the Japanese army to withdraw from Taiwan. He implied that enough was enough for Li Guolou. Try not to provoke the Japanese army.

But Li Guolou became more and more powerful, with strong funds as the backing, and a group of supporters, who refused to listen to Li Hongzhang's instructions and continued to attack the Japanese army, and a large group of generals also supported Li Guolou, and they had reached this point. The clay figurines were bloody, and a large group of loyal followers of Li Hongzhang ignored Li Hongzhang's military orders and vowed to fight the Japanese army to the death to drive the invaders out of Taiwan.

If you kill, you will have a good time, and the blue sea and bloody sky will once again witness the rise of the great Qingshui master.

Li Guolou strode quickly and left the lonely Keelung Port. Behind him were all the Goshhas, full of murderous aura and full of violence, like a murderer.

Li Guolou was thinking about his thoughts, and walked into the mansion with his head buried. He didn't think there was anything wrong. When Chu Xiangyu saw Li Guolou covered in blood, he screamed in fright, and broke into pieces with a "bang boring" sound. Porcelain bowl.

"Brother Xiaolou, you want to scare me to death," Chu Xiangyu patted her breasts, staring at Li Guolou with a pair of phoenix eyes.

Li Guolou saw blood all over his body, and apologized repeatedly.

Wu Peipei heard the sound, walked out and took a look, and said with a smile: "The fifth lady is too timid, so she looks like a man. The man I marry should be like this."

Li Guolou smiled brightly like fireworks. He is still the older Wu Peipei who is caring. After a man kills, he will secrete strong male hormones. Li Guolou whispered a few whispers, but Wu Peipei smiled softly , two red clouds appear on the face,

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