In the capital, the crowds are surging, the stores are sold out of firecrackers, the streets and alleys are filled with the sound of firecrackers being set off, and the gongs and drums team shuttles through the streets and alleys.

The lion dance team gathers outside the gate of the big house, taking advantage of this opportunity to earn a lot of rewards, and various street parades make people think that the Spring Festival is here.

The Langqiao sneak attack made the people of the whole country proud and elated. The spontaneous celebration and the overwhelming attack. Outside the Japanese Legation in Donglaijiang Lane, there was a huge parade, in order, at least more than 3000 people. The students who marched raised their arms and shouted. , Waving the colorful flag in his hand, the voice resounded through the sky, expressing patriotic enthusiasm.

Young faces looked reverently at their thought leader, Prince Qing Yikuang, the chief executive officer of Qingzhong University.

The person standing on the high platform to give a speech was actually Prince Qing, a thoroughly conservative leader who transformed himself into a guide of the new culture, but seeing him spitting and expressing his patriotic sentiments won bursts of applause.

Prince Qing spoke dryly, his hands were pressed, and the audience became quiet in an instant. He looked at the students at his feet with great satisfaction. This is what he wanted. Governing the world requires martial arts. "It is in his hands, and all fanatical students are his disciples.

Prince Qing took a sip of hot tea, a smile appeared on his donkey's face, and he wanted to continue talking to let the people of the country know that Li Guolou was his student, and Lang Qiao's sneak attack on Zhan was a student who lived up to his trust.

Prince Qing was spitting all over the place, talking nonsense, and taking the credit for himself, as if he had risked his life and wealth, fighting in the front, and relying on him for support in the rear.

Inside the Yamen of the Prime Minister’s Office, a group of officials from the Japanese diplomatic corps waited quietly for Li Hongzhang. Liu Yuan Maemitsu was standing in the hall. Now Li Hongzhang was putting on airs. The Japanese diplomatic corps had been waiting for two hours, but Li Hongzhang was still missing. Liuyuan Qianguang remained unmoved, and still waited silently.

The Japanese navy suffered heavy losses in Langqiao Port. The Japanese army knew that their doomsday was approaching. The mouth of Langqiao was already dominated by Qingshui, and more than 1 Japanese troops were blocked by the Qing army at Guishan.

At this time, Japan softened, and the Japanese National Assembly did not agree to increase troops to Taiwan. Japanese Minister of Internal Affairs Toshimichi Okubo wanted to end the war as soon as possible, and wanted more than 1 Japanese troops to withdraw from Taiwan safely.

Maemitsu Yanagihara lowered his stance and asked to meet Li Hongzhang, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Qing Dynasty, to launch a new round of diplomatic negotiations. A weak country has no diplomacy. Now Japan has become a weak and small country. The humiliation given by the officials of the Qing Dynasty.

Maemitsu Liuyuan believed that Li Hongzhang would appear. The Japanese are the people who are most good at apologizing. Neighbors separated by a narrow strip of water should continue to be friendly from generation to generation.

Besides, the US government and the Russian government will come forward to mediate, and the Qing government will not talk to each other. All conflicts will be satisfactorily resolved under the framework of the "Convention of Nations".

Liuyuan Maemitsu seemed to be low-key and reluctant to leave, but he was determined in his heart. Finally, when Li Hongzhang appeared, Liuyuan Maemitsu stepped forward, bowed ninety degrees, and apologized to the Qing government in his own name.

The plaque of Li's Mansion hangs in a mansion in Shijing Hutong. This is the mansion awarded to Li Guolou by Emperor Tongzhi. Although it is not as luxurious and extravagant as Wang's Mansion, it has a deep courtyard, lush trees, and hanging bridges.

The rocky lake, sparkling lake water, rippling blue waves, the winding covered bridge, leading directly to the small island in the center of the lake, and a warm pavilion standing in the middle, is a good place to enjoy the flowers and the moon.

The family members of Li's mansion sat in the warm pavilion, and the whole family enjoyed themselves happily, enjoying the warm sunshine in the afternoon.

Chen Xiangfang waved her hand and asked the nanny to take the child away. She was about to give orders. This big family was presided over by her in name, and Zhen Yuhuan took care of daily affairs.

The plump Du Eniang handed over the baby boy to a nanny, and the other children were taken by a nanny and left the warm pavilion.

Chen Xiangfang acted like a big sister, and warned: "Xiaolou has sent a telegram again, we must be careful, let me repeat again, try not to go out if you have nothing to do, take a few more servants with you when you have something to go out, and don't show off when you go out. You know, your words and deeds represent the Li family, and it will be reported the next day, and the teahouse will stage a show, why does the old ten curse people outside, making people laugh at you?"

Huang Xiaoman pursed her mouth and replied: "Ma'am, you don't know something, that person is the shopkeeper of No. [-] shop in Tongyi Hall, we have known each other in the past, the toad wants to eat swan meat, can I not scold him?"

Zhen Yuhuan said with a sinister smile, "Did Old Ten have a relationship?"

"What's the point of bringing up the past, sisters, don't you think so?" Huang Xiaoman blinked furtively, they all had ulterior motives.

Chen Xiangfang smiled sweetly and said: "Don't talk about personal matters, rely on your self-discipline, we are the strong backing of Xiaolou, we still need to make more money, Xiaolou is too good at spending money in wars, in just over half a year, it cost 550 yuan Ten thousand yuan, hey??????? Let him come back earlier, "

When Chen Xiangfang talked about it later, she felt a little worried. Behind the seemingly beautiful scenery, there was still unknown suffering.

Many beauties are sighing, a big family without a man, how lonely it must be.

Zhen Yuhuan smiled and said: "Madam, don't worry, we are a rich family, and the small building spirit is so ruthless, whoever eats him will be eaten by him one day. The Li family's business is prosperous, and no matter how big the ice hole is, dare to eat it." Jump,"

Xie Liya spoke loudly: "Madam, don't be afraid, my family still has Sino-British Blessing Insurance Company, the ice hole can let policyholders jump in, and we can completely stay out of it,"

Many beauties are all laughing, holding other people's money in their hands, spending tomorrow's money, no matter how much they can make ends meet the day after tomorrow.

After Zhen Yuhuan laughed, she retorted: "I still have me. No matter how big the family business is, I can support it. It only cost more than 1000 million. Don't worry too much. Wait until June next year, and there will be a bumper harvest. "

Yelia, with her swollen belly, put her hands on her waist and said softly, "Zhen Yuhuan, you are so thick-skinned. You take the credit for yourself. When I ask you for money, why do you always say it's difficult?"

"I said Yelia, isn't this place better than Balizhuang? It will take more than ten years even for the French emperor to build a French manor. Why are you so anxious?" Zhen Yuhuan was not easy to mess with. A round of bickering.

Others have their own camps, arguing with each other, this is the main theme of the big family, there is no fun without fighting.

Chen Xiangfang did not sit still, and her house was restless, which showed her importance.

"Okay, stop arguing, I think what Yelia said makes sense, our family is not short of this little money, Zhen Yuhuan, you just allocate 50 yuan to the Balizhuang project, and don't let the project stop," Chen said. Xiangfang made a final decision and resolved the quarrel satisfactorily.

"Yelia, that's considered an advance payment for next year. I'm doing this to save face for the eldest lady," Zhen Yuhuan said softly.

Yelia has a big temper and has reached the period of labor, and finally ended with Yelia winning.

Yelia was partially satisfied, and with the support of Mayuko, she went back to her room to rest.

Many beauties bowed to Chen Xiangfang, following the standard Manchu lady's knee-bending action, and then dispersed, each with their own affairs, no rules and no rules, the family seemed to be harmonious.

Zhen Yuhuan, Xie Yunfang, Xie Liya, and Wu Yingzi, the four accountants, walked to the front yard together to hold a business meeting.

Gao Yao, Wu Yun, Qing Getai, Huang Guang, Gu Shuimo, Xu Biao and twenty people in charge were all waiting in the hall for the arrival of the four mistresses.

Among them, Xu Biao has the worst ability. He was half illiterate in the past, with a dull personality and not good at speech. But he has been on the battlefield, blocked bullets for Li Guolou, and was promoted in an exceptional way. Li Guolou believes that ability can be cultivated, and loyalty is the first The standard of consideration, now Xu Biao has become the general manager of "Dafengshou Flour Company".

It doesn't matter if you are not familiar with the affairs, Xu Biao has a manuscript in his pocket, and reads everything according to the script.

Holding a cane, Qing Getai looked at his daughter Gao Yao Wuyun with a smile. The whole family went to Li Guolou, and their careers went smoothly. He was in charge of the Balizhuang French estate. When building a French manor, it is only natural to decorate your own mansion by the way.

Now, the Li Mansion is heavily guarded, afraid of Japanese ninja assassinations, and Zhen Yuhuan even stays at home. She stirs up trouble in the capital, uses Tian Zihao's troops, kills many enemies, and then pours dirty water on the Japanese ninjas.

Zhen Yuhuan has done something bad to his heart, and he is like a soldier. Whenever there is a disturbance, he becomes nervous and usually works in the mansion.

A huge money empire with current assets of more than 2 million yuan is presided over by these four women. The four wives who were still bickering just now have changed their faces, and each of them has become noble and generous, and walks in a serious manner.

A group of businessmen, housekeepers, and lawyers sat on both sides, and there were ledgers, abacus, notebooks, and clerks on the tables, just like a small court meeting.

Zhen Yuhuan is like the Empress Dowager Cixi, in charge of everything in Li's company. Her ability determines her status, and she is already superior to others.

Zhen Yuhuan worked tirelessly and took the financial power in her hands to prove that women can do what men can do. By buying people's hearts, Zhen Yuhuan has already controlled Li's enterprise.

Today, Li's enterprise was founded by Li Guolou, and tomorrow, the huge Li's enterprise will be owned by his son Li Yunhu. Bloodline is the most important. Her son "Li Yunhu" has inherited the royal lineage of "Aixinjueluo". He should be the helm of Li's enterprise.

The second "first-class cavalry captain" awarded by Emperor Tongzhi's grace has already been inherited by Li Yunhu. Thinking of all this, Zhen Yuhuan thinks that marrying Li Guolou is a wise choice.

"Everyone, thank you for your hard work. You don't need to be so polite. You all sit down and talk," Zhen Yuhuan showed a kind smile. Before everyone was seated, they felt like they were in the spring breeze, as if they didn't pay attention to etiquette.

"The seventh mistress worked hard, we didn't work hard, we should, we should," Gao Yao Wuyun said carelessly and heartlessly, he knew Zhen Yuhuan's old background better than anyone else, and then said: "Fourth mistress, Ninth lord Hello mother, hello twelve mistresses, "

Zhen Yuhuan was so ruthless and vicious, those who offended her were lying in coffins. When people in the hall saw Zhen Yuhuan approaching, they all stood up and bowed to greet Zhen Yuhuan. mistress.

Zhen Yuhuan has the title of "Director of Li's Mansion", and she sits in the middle without hesitation, flipping through the account books and listening to the reports of her subordinates.

Li Guolou's family business is not controlled by relatives and friends, and the family servants also take care of their own affairs. No one can cover the sky with one hand. The huge family business is in the hands of Li Guolou's wives and concubines.

The benefits are obvious. Li Guolou relied on these women to make a fortune. The accumulation of Li's corporate wealth increased like a pyramid, supporting half of the Qing Dynasty. Li Guolou fought in Taiwan because of his own business.

The disaster has already buried hidden dangers. No mistress is a kind person. They are all masters who suck the bones and suck the marrow. They each have their own plans and are planning for their own children. One day, Li's enterprise will be torn apart and be destroyed by a group of women. carve up.

Xie Yunfang flipped through the manuscript, showing dissatisfaction, and said: "The Prussian mining team discovered rare earth deposits in Baiyun Obo. It is useless to argue about such an important matter in court. Those old scholars don't understand. "Striving for profit, who knows how valuable this emerging metal mine is, or Li's company should bear the risk and fund the mining of rare earths,"

Zhen Yuhuan took the manuscript, read it carefully, and said: "In my opinion, we should cooperate with the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The mining industry is the main direction of our company's funds. No matter how big the risk is, we must have the courage to be the first in the world." , "

About the rare earth mine in Baiyun Obo, it was Huang Guang who submitted it. His family started by making money from the country, but people will change. Now that Huang Guang considers himself a patriotic businessman, how can the rare earth mine in Baiyun Obo allow the Prussians to get their hands on it? .

The fat Huang Guang moved his buttocks and said: "The value of the rare earth mines in Baiyun Obo is immeasurable, and the market value is greatly underestimated. Although foreigners will lower the prices, we are rich and powerful, so we can sit on the ground and bargain. With the rare earth mines, Our Qing Dynasty can manufacture the best cannons and firearms by itself, and embark on the road of independence and self-improvement. Rare earths are the foundation of national self-improvement. With rare earths and tungsten mines, we don’t need to look at the faces of Western powers. The Wugang Mountains in Jiangxi The tungsten mine requires Ding Sunzi to use his brains more. If the Jiangxi people refuse to sell the tungsten mine, let the Fujianese go and grab it to make things bigger. In our hands, we have to do two things together. In the future, foreigners will look at our face, the price will be set by us, and which round will be cheated by foreigners."

A group of officials and businessmen in the hall nodded their heads in agreement, as if they were doing thankless things for the country and the people. The managers and supervisors of these Li's enterprises all had bought official hats, and they were doing well.

The mining industry in the Qing Dynasty was divided up by the princes and local tyrants. Only when new mineral deposits were discovered, it was the turn of Li's company to step in. In addition to getting involved in the coal industry in Zaozhuang, Li's company also took a fancy to the tungsten mine in Wugangshan and Baiyun Obo. rare earth mines.

Zhen Yuhuan showed admiration to Huang Guang, talent, there are many talents among the fake foreign devils, Li's enterprise has a group of fake foreign devils to join, and the career is even more brilliant,

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