late Qing Dynasty arrest

Chapter 697 Orchid City Melee Combat

The Orchid City was built by the Paiwan people imitating the way the Han people built the city. It has a history of hundreds of years and has a strong protective ability.

Orchid City stands on the Langqiao Peninsula. It is quite majestic. It is a fortified city with a protective horse face, a horse road leading directly to the city head, and a water gate in the south of the city. The facilities are quite complete.

In the era of cold weapons, it would take at least a year and a half to attack a city made of huge stones and besiege the city until the people in the city eat human flesh. If they attacked by force, thousands of soldiers would be killed by the attacker.

However, the times have changed. The emergence of artillery and explosives has brought about earth-shaking changes in the way of warfare. Large corps battles can be judged by decisive battles in the field. Siege warfare will not be limited to a city wall, but will pay attention to strategic depth. The troops will be deployed in the city, and the city walls will become weak and unable to bear the heavy load of protection. Street fighting like a meat grinder is the cruelest war.

The Qing army used the yellow dynamite invented by Nobel, which has great power, high safety, and good stability. Hundreds of tons of dynamite in the tunnel exploded in vain. It was triggered by Japanese engineers digging the tunnel, which exploded in the middle of the night.

The city wall in the east of the city was destroyed by explosives, more than 100 meters of the city wall collapsed, and the collapsed rammed earth poured down, turning into a passage for climbing the city wall, and the buildings in the city can be seen at a glance.

A city without the protection of a tall city wall is like a big naked girl exposed in front of the Fanbing. Those Fanbing thought that there were thousands of female slaves in the city and the huge amount of wealth looted by the Japanese army, so they rushed forward desperately.

War is dirty, and the righteous side will use despicable means to boost morale.

The winner writes a legend, hides the dirty past, writes himself flawlessly, and lets the world sing praises.

The Qing army's troops in Taiwan are limited, and if they need Fan soldiers to contribute, they must give them benefits. Everything in Lanhua City will be plundered by [-] Fan soldiers.

As the commander-in-chief of Taiwan, Li Guolou knows the ending of Orchid City without asking how to use Fanbing, but he stays out of the way and pretends to be ignorant. , but this is the only way to win, the reality is so cruel.

Thousands of fan soldiers rushed into the gap in the city wall, entered the city, and fought a decisive battle with the Japanese army. They are national heroes, fighting for their country. Can't stop the footsteps of the barbarians.

In the night battle, apart from the grenade, there was a burst of noise, the role of the spear was reduced to the lowest point, and the brutal hand-to-hand combat became the protagonist of the street fighting.

The pot had already exploded in Lanhua City, and Fanbing rushed into the city. First of all, some Fanbing carried a kind of clay pot, which was filled with fire oil, weighing about ten catties.

After a fan soldier ignited the fuze, he threw out the clay pot with sparks.

With a bang, a fire ignited on the street, illuminating a distance of more than 40 meters. Fanbing rushed into the city and set fire first to indicate the direction. The buildings on both sides of the street were also set ablaze.

Fanbing killed the enemy and set fire to them. Each Fanbing gathered three or 40 people, led by a bugle player, and marched forward.

As long as the bugle is sounded, there will be soldiers gathered, and night battles rely on the sound of the bugle to command the battle.

The Qing army dragged the mountain cannons and small steel cannons, followed the Fanbing, and rushed into the city. There was a lot of gunshots in Lanhua City, grenades roared, and the flames shot into the sky, creating a mess.

The Japanese army felt a little inconceivable that the Qing army launched a surprise attack in the middle of the night to attack Lanhua City. This style of attack was not what the Qing army was good at, but they quickly counterattacked. The command.

The sound of killing shook the sky, a large group of Japanese soldiers rushed out from the corner of the street, and the shining bayonets took people's hearts away.

Fanbing let out a howl, flung out the grenade, held a big knife, and went up to meet him.


Hundreds of grenades exploded, and the smoke did not disperse, and the enemy and the enemy were mixed together, endlessly.


The bugle player bulged his cheeks and blew the horn to advance, and the military orders advanced but never retreated.

Fan soldiers swarmed in, rushed to the battlefield of killing, street fighting in a narrow area, launched round after round of hand-to-hand combat.

The most primitive, bloody and cruel hand-to-hand combat can best reflect the true qualities of a man, and the soldiers full of fighting spirit slash and kill, fighting to the death without retreating.

Both the enemy and us seem to have agreed that we must use the most primitive hand-to-hand combat to prove our bravery. We will win or lose in a small area. Soldiers join the battle group, and kill as much as they want. The extremely bloody hand-to-hand combat is constantly staged in an alley, and they vow to see each other in hand-to-hand combat.

Incomplete corpses were piled up in the alley, and the corpses piled up higher and higher, like a small hill. Both the enemy and the enemy stepped on the corpses and continued to hack and kill. After rushing into the alley, they will soon become one However, both the enemy and us seem to have a tacit understanding, just want to see who can't hold it first, and keep adding troops to the alley.

Fanbing is reborn from blood, and must use killing to prove his loyalty and bravery. Primitive hand-to-hand combat can best reflect the value of Fanbing.


A group of Fanbing raised their swords high and rushed into the alley again, with an attitude of swearing not to give up. The Fanbing knew that they would die, but they rushed to the enemy without hesitation. Their names were "Chinese Men".

For the sake of the sacred motherland not to be violated.

For Li Guolou who is like a god.

For the millions of Taiwanese people.

Chinese men are not afraid of death and will not give up an inch of land.

The raging fire, Nirvana rebirth.

A large number of Qing troops poured into the city, and a tall, thin and handsome young officer howled: "The world will rise and fall, everyone is responsible, the country is in trouble, and the world is sad. We are bloody soldiers. We cannot sit idly by and sacrifice ourselves to save China. Go for me,"

The young officer pulled out his saber from his waist, and with a flash of light, he took the lead and rushed to the alley. There is no distinction of race here, and they are all Chinese men.

Immediately, a group of Qing troops swarmed up, charged forward with their knives in hand, braved artillery fire, and spilled blood on the battlefield.

The blood burst out silently, and flew into the crackling fire, blooming a delicate flower. The Qing army took turns to kill, without hesitating their own lives.

The high-spirited fire kisses the young and noble blood of Chinese men, as if singing a loyal elegy.

Red plum blossoms bloomed, and the corpses of enemies fell down one after another. The flames licked and kissed the gleaming bright red battle flags, and licked and kissed the faces of Zhang Zhang's childish faces that had not faded and been blown by the bitter wind.

In the flames, the young officer raised his right arm and planted a yellow dragon flag in the alley.

In the red light, he raised his right arms in a row, screaming with all his might.

"Long live the Motherland,"

After the war, this alley was named "Melee Fighting Alley" to commemorate the Qing warriors who died for the country.

When a touch of morning light comes, the sky clears when the clouds are cleared, and a round of red sun rises slowly.

Orchid City ushered in a more violent bombing. Hundreds of cannons fired at the Qing army's position, and the sharp shells whizzed past, piercing the sky and striking the enemy's position.

Liu Mingchuan looked up at the clear sky for thousands of miles, his face was sinking like water, standing still like an iron tower, the cruel street fighting had just begun, and the fierce battle in Lanhua City was in full swing, his steel-like will forged the nerve of "Killing God", he still wanted to Commanding the battle, although the battle situation in Lanhua City is unknown, he believes that the officers under his command, on the battlefield full of artillery fire, will witness the prestige of the killing god.

Li Guolou is his little follower, who specializes in stealing teachers, and even climbed on top of his head to defecate and pee. Liu Mingchuan glanced at Li Guolou beside him, and despised Li Guolou deeply. He had long regarded Taiwan as his home, but was Li Guolou took away the scenery, fought on land, was invincible and invincible, no one was his opponent, Li Guolou was only assigned to carry his shoes.

"Li Guolou, what enlightenment does the Battle of Orchid City have for you?" Liu Mingchuan admired Li Guolou's military theory quite a bit. Li Guolou's strengths were his pen and words, and Liu Mingchuan felt ashamed. Admit that Li Guolou is worse than him.

"Only by standing on the side of justice can the Chinese men show their infinite fighting power. This is the best enlightenment given to us by the Taiwan War," Li Guolou watched the soldiers marching under the cannon fire. Thousands, countless heroes and sons and daughters are willing to sacrifice their lives for the country for the motherland. This is the power of justice.

"It's reasonable, Chinese men stand upright,"

Liu Mingchuan nodded slightly, with crystal tears in his eyes, killing gods is also human, and the comrade-in-arms friendship of life and death made Li Guolou his confidant.

Li Guolou is as stable as a rock on Mount Tai, and the jade tree stands in the wind. The golden sun shines on his body, making people look up at the mountains, vividly showing the charm of a commander.

Li Guolou put aside his personal grievances and gathered all the rebellious generals around him. Tens of thousands of soldiers are willing to serve the country. This is his most proud achievement. No one can stop the rise of the Chinese nation. Orchid City is about to return to the embrace of the motherland.

The sound of artillery was booming, and the Qing army engineers detonated the explosives. There was a loud bang, the towering city walls squirmed like earthworms, smoke rose, and the general attack of the Qing army began.

A big hole was blasted in the thick city gate in the west of the city, and the Qing army wanted to seize the gate.

Lieutenant General Xu Wenxiu led [-] Fujian troops to attack the city. The carriage dragged cannons and approached Lanhua City.

This army is Zuo Zongtang's old army. It was transferred back to Fujian from the Northwest, then went to sea from Xiamen, and arrived in Taiwan not long ago.

Lieutenant General Xu Wenxiu originally thought that the Taiwan campaign was still in a stalemate, but after arriving in Taiwan, the situation on the battlefield changed drastically. Thousands of soldiers launched an encirclement and annihilation of the Japanese army.

This makes Xu Wenxiu feel so bad, coming to Taiwan is not to visit mountains and rivers, but to fight wars, trekking mountains and rivers, there must be a happy ending.

Xu Wenxiu asked for a fight, the west of Orchid City was the main direction of Fujian Army's attack.

The tactic adopted by the Qing army was to encircle three ques and one, and the city walls in the east, west, and north directions were blown up.

The only way to let go of the southern avenue was to give the Japanese a chance to escape to Langqiao Port.

This is in line with the way of using troops, so that the enemy will not have the idea of ​​burning jade and stone, and let the enemy see hope in despair. There will always be enemies who choose to escape. In this way, the resistance encountered in the siege battle will be less, and the casualties of the Qing army will plummet. .

But Langqiao Port is also a dead end. Now the outlet of Hengchun River is blocked by the Qingshui Division, and the Japanese army fled to Langqiao Port with no way out.

Li Guolou did not allow the Japanese army to escape from Taiwan safely. The Japanese army wanted to withdraw from Taiwan with dignity, but the seaport was already in the hands of the Qingshui Division. They seized 300 clipper ships and sank three battleships. The remaining 100 or so ships of the Japanese army hid in Langqiao Harbor and the Hengchun River, and their fate was equally tragic.

The four thousand Fujian Army are full of desire to fight and have rich combat experience. They can go into battle without practicing street fighting.

The Qing army approached the city wall with small artillery and fired at close range to cover the infantry attack.

Boom, boom, boom, boom.

The shells slammed at the city gate, trying to open a bloody path with artillery fire.

On the wall of the wreckage of the broken arm, the ants-like Qing army kept climbing, and the Lanhua City was in danger.

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