late Qing Dynasty arrest

Chapter 80 Magic Show

Li Guolou watched Chen Xiangfang pass the time, and when Chen Xiangfang found out, she sneered with her blushing cheeks, "Go! Watch the show well, how well you sing!" Chen Xiangfang couldn't help admiring, applauding.

What are you singing about!Secretly refute it, don't even pay him to watch it.But with a "hmm" in his mouth, he moved the chair to Chen Xiangfang's side, and glanced again to see if Zheng Lingling paid attention to his actions?As if it happened naturally, Li Guolou took Chen Xiangfang's left hand, put it close to her ear, and said, "You still look good and sound good."

Zheng Lingling was tired and fell asleep lying on the table. Chen Xiangfang turned her head reassuringly and boldly, and kissed Li Guolou's face.She seemed to continue to watch the play as if nothing had happened, but made Li Guolou hot all over, and she was a little dreamy.

Eros flowed in his heart, Li Guolou wrapped his left hand around Chen Xiangfang's small waist, and pulled Chen Xiangfang to his side.Although Chen Xiangfang gave birth to a child, she usually practices martial arts to exercise her body, her waist is still so slender, without any fat.The bodies of the two were close together, which made Li Guolou feel Chen Xiangfang's attachment to him.

Obviously the two were already so close, but at this time Chen Xiangfang said softly: "Don't do this, be careful of being seen by Lingling." She said that this is not good, but her body did not intend to refuse, and the trick of refusing to greet was very familiar.

Li Guolou revealed his manly nature. He held Chen Xiangfang's waist tightly with his left hand. How could he let it go? He pinched Chen Xiangfang's left hand with his right hand and said, "What's wrong? get bored."

Chen Xiangfang is not interested in listening to what is being sung on stage this time?Turning the jade face to Li Guolou, staring at him, said: "Really?"

Li Guolou nodded vigorously, and said seriously: "Really Xiaofang, with you and Lingling by my side, I will never tire of it."

Chen Xiangfang showed a row of crystal clear teeth, smiled and faced Li Guolou, and said softly: "Well, I'm not tired, I just like you, I fell in love with you the first time I saw you. What about you?"

Li Guolou was a little distressed, should he tell lies?Unexpectedly, if he spoke too slowly, he would be punished immediately. Chen Xiangfang stretched out his right hand and twisted his waist and eyes viciously.

"Remember! Say it like me in the future." Chen Xiangfang was straightforward, imposing her will on Li Guolou.

Without any resistance, Li Guolou surrendered, nodded hastily and said, "Well, that's what I wanted to say, I just hugged you, a little distracted. Hehe!" His left hand was groping around Chen Xiangfang's waist, and he was about to touch it. .

"Watch the show seriously!" Chen Xiangfang gave Li Guolou an impossible task.

The two were sitting in a private room upstairs, looking from below they seemed to be watching a play in a serious manner, but as long as they entered the private room, they could find that their hands were very dishonest, and they were cuddling each other.

An hour and a half passed quickly, and Li Guolou was walking on the street with Zheng Lingling in his arms, accompanied by Chen Xiangfang.The loud guys in the theaters and teahouses beside me are yelling for pedestrians to go to their theaters and teahouses.

Zheng Lingling didn't want to go to the teahouse to listen to books. She wanted to watch other shows, so she stopped a few theaters and asked Zheng Lingling to choose, but she rejected them all.

Passing by a theater performing magic, Li Guolou read aloud the repertoire written on the list, "Yeah! The Yueshi magic class, today's performances include 'Big Transformation', 'Escape in Water', 'Floating in the Air'" Immortal picking peaches';;;;;;;"

Before she finished speaking, Zheng Lingling clapped her hands and shouted: "I want to watch the fairy pick peaches! I want to watch the fairy pick peaches!"

"Okay! Let's watch the fairy pick the peaches!" Li Guolou took three plaques from the clerk at the door, and the three of them walked into the "Yueshi Magic Class". The clerk bowed and led Li Guolou to the front seat , here is the closest to the stage, and it is very clear to watch the magician's performance.Li Guolou spent two copper coins to buy a well-made resume of the "Yueshi Magic Class", which has the stage name of each member and the magic they are good at, as well as the program at the bottom of the box of the "Yueshi Magic Class". have written.

Li Guolou stared at the playlist in a daze, Chen Xiangfang pushed him, and said, "Xiaolou, what's wrong with you? I'm talking to you, why are you ignoring me?"

Li Guolou suddenly came to his senses. He couldn't help but think of the case just now. There are so many suspicious cases that don't make sense. Could it be possible to use magic to solve them.Some things that I saw with my own eyes are fake, and sometimes I can't see things clearly with my eyes. Interpreting the truth requires a thorough investigation.

Interrupted by Chen Xiangfang, Li Guolou hurriedly said: "Oh! I didn't hear that. I was thinking about work. The more I know, the more I realize how gloomy the world is."

Seeing that Li Guolou was in a bad mood, Chen Xiangfang smiled brightly and said, "Xiaolou comes out to play, don't think about work, you can only think about me."

Here Li Guolou took off his usual disguise, showing the temperament of a young man, and said with a casual smile: "Okay! I don't want to worry about work, and the case will never be solved. With the two of you by my side, we will start to work together." Live happily."

In the front row of the theatre, there are more than a dozen Eight Immortals tables for people who spend a lot of money to sit, and there are snacks and tea on them.There was only one chair for the people behind, and the people who came in were all led to their seats by a guy. It didn't take long for more than 200 seats to be almost full.

Li Guolou squinted his eyes, looked at the dozen or so people at the next table, and sat carelessly, with the habit of a big brother in the rivers and lakes. The two assistants stayed by their side and waited on them. place.

Xiancheng from Yipintang was sitting in the middle seat, and the star-studded one was praised by the people around him. He should have just finished smoking opium, looking radiant, waving his withered right hand, and speaking with a metallic sound.

Li Guolou sneered secretly, this is the big brother who is famous in the world, and he is also a master of kung fu!The bravery of the past has been eroded by opium into a skeleton ghost. This kind of person can be crushed to death with one hand.But the thirteen people around Xianchengli should not be underestimated. These are the thirteen Taibao of Yipintang, some are sharpshooters, and some are kung fu masters.Tianqiao is the most fertile piece of land in the capital, how could it fall into the pocket of others.Sooner or later, the venue here will be his, and Yipintang is his target.I didn't expect to come out to play today, and I met here.

A sharp light shot at Li Guolou, and someone in the [-]th Taibao noticed Li Guolou's restless eyes.The old Sanying looked at Li Guolou with the same gaze as Zhao Yaoying, and looked up and down at the table of three people at Li Guolou.

Li Guolou's heart trembled, he hastily smiled at Zhao Yao with a kind smile, and nodded his head.

When Zhao Yao saw the mother and daughter beside Li Guolou, he immediately lost his vigilance, thinking that it was just the rich family who came out to have fun, so he stopped focusing on Li Guolou.

Li Guolou's heart trembled, and he almost hurt Chen Xiangfang and Zheng Lingling beside him. Now he hasn't offended the gangs in Jianghu, but he has something to do with the Ax Gang.But one day there will be a showdown, duel, and fight with these gangsters. Chen Xiangfang and Zheng Lingling cannot be trapped in the quagmire, and a safe place must be found for them.

Li Guolou couldn't help but touched the short-barreled musket at his waist. If he made a move now, he was confident that one shot would kill Xian Chengli.

A flintlock gun uses gunpowder and projectiles, and as long as the projectiles hit the target, a hole will be opened, and the main organs of the body will be shot, which is a large wound with no chance of salvation.The flintlock gun is more advanced than the arquebus of the past, and it can also be used in rainy weather.But there are also disadvantages, that is, the speed of loading ammunition is not fast enough, and every time a projectile is fired, it must be reloaded.Therefore, in order to make up for this shortcoming, foreigners use formations to fight. After one row shoots, the next row continues to shoot. A single person can at most have two guns in both hands, and it is necessary to fight hand-to-hand when shooting two projectiles.Personal kung fu is still useful in the era of alternating cold weapons and hot weapons.

Zheng Lingling suddenly stood in front of Li Guolou and opened her arms. She wanted Li Guolou to hug her again, and said softly, "Xiaolou, that man with the cloak is scary, and he can breathe fire. I don't want to see it."

Li Guolou remembered that he was here to watch the magic show, so he hurriedly focused his attention on the stage in front of him, hugged Zheng Lingling, and said, "Lingling is not afraid, look at how brave your mother is, you have to be like your mother, you are not afraid of anyone .”

Zheng Lingling showed her dark eyes from between her hands, watching the performance on the stage nervously. The magician stopped breathing, and several pigeons appeared out of nowhere. She clapped her hands and laughed: "I am the most courageous, Don't be afraid, don't be afraid!"

Zheng Lingling's childish voice was so loud that everyone around could hear it, which drew laughter and applause.

Most of the magic performed by the Yuejia class is traditional Chinese magic. Li Guolou has seen most of them. Magic can only be played stupidly to watch. If the secret is really exposed, it will become boring to watch again.But Li Guolou likes to get to the bottom of it since he was a child. He knows how these magic tricks are conjured, and he just follows the crowd and applauds.

A magician in a big robe appeared on stage, conjuring all kinds of things from his body, and even walked off the stage to give Zheng Lingling a bowl of goldfish.This made Zheng Lingling yell and yell with joy, the shrill voice of a child, here she was the one who cheered the most.

A young female magician appeared on the stage, immediately winning applause from Yipintang Xiancheng, and the surrounding people also began to echo.It turned out that Xian Chengli came to support the female magician, and everyone knew the purpose.

Li Guolou hastily opened the handbook of this month's home class. The female magician is called Yue Jiexian. These arena stage names make people think that they have met a fairy.Li Guolou hurriedly stared at Yue Jiexian and watched her magic show. This was Xian Chengli's loophole, and he might want to take advantage of it in the future.

The praise that Yue Jiexian came up to describe is best described as pretentious. He conjured up flowers and threw them to the audience, which won bursts of applause. Of course, he got the most flowers first, and the atmosphere in the audience became more lively. The Thirteen Taibao of Yipintang began to boo.Xian Chengli is like smoking opium, Tao Taoran is immersed in the wandering of immortals.

Li Guolou's table is in the front row of the stage, and he also got a few flowers, which were immediately held by Zheng Lingling. Take it." Li Guolou has become a magician and can read minds.

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