When Li Guolou returned to his office, he saw Jin Erzi weakly cleaning up with a big broom. Li Guolou didn't show him a good face, and asked, "Where's the newcomer?"

Jin Erzi dragged his voice and said: "Report to the team deputy, they are all in the practice room."

Li Guolou said sternly: "Golden Ears, the inspection you wrote did not pass, and your remorse is not deep enough, so go back and write again. I will circle all the typos for you, and I can't write in the Kangxi dictionary. The squadron will have a meeting tomorrow. I'll read it to everyone."

Jin Erzi hurriedly stood at attention and said, "It's Lieutenant Li! I will definitely re-write the inspection and try to return to C Squadron as soon as possible. Please Li Lieutenant to watch my performance."

"Hmm!" This is a sycophant, Li Guolou didn't show him a good face, and he didn't show Jin Erzi a smile from the beginning to the end.

However, Jin Erzi regarded Li Guolou as an object of worship. In his mind, Li Guolou was already as powerful as a god.I secretly made up my mind to take all this as a kind of training for the character of a gentleman, so that I can emerge from the mud like a lotus flower without being stained.Of course, he would not refuse peach blossoms delivered to his door.

Li Guolou walked into the office, took a training suit, changed his clothes, and walked to the practice room in the backyard.

In the practice room, Ma Dequan led twenty newcomers jogging around the field with sandbags tied, and the huge practice room was full of shouts.The rest of the old people are practicing, boxing in a decent way, as if every punch can kill a tiger.

When everyone saw Li Guolou, they screamed even more vigorously, and dust rose from the mud.

Li Guolou also saw people from the other two squadrons practicing, so he couldn't help but nodded to Xing Yunfeng.People are like this, they will learn from others, when his squadron practices kung fu and boxing exercises, the other two squadrons feel that there is danger, and they don't need to be directed by others, so they also come to exercise well.

The boss wants to donate generously to gather people's hearts, and Li Guolou provides free lunch for his subordinates.Lu Haikong and Xing Yunfeng were not spared in the end, and they also provided free lunch for their subordinates.If you want to do great things, you have to spend money to buy people's hearts. If your subordinates sell their lives to you, you should treat them better.

Xing Yunfeng swaggered towards Li Guolou and said loudly: "Xiao Lizi, how about our two teams today?"

Li Guolou shook his head and said: "No comparison, you think I'm stupid. Captain Yao gave me some people back then, but you guys didn't want them. How much better will it be? I'll compare them after I train newcomers."

Xing Yunfeng laughed, and said: "Coward, you are incomparable, and I will keep it in the future."

Li Guolou said lightly, "Why don't we compete with each other."

People are old and don't use their muscles and bones as energy, and the wind and clouds shake like a drum.

The big Zhang Zidong, the fierce general of Xing Yunfeng, shouted: "Xiao Lizi, I will compete with you."

Li Guolou looked at Zhang Zidong's figure, retreated, and said, "We are not at the same level. If we wrestle, I admit defeat."

"Hahahaha!" Zhang Zidong laughed loudly, and a dozen people from Team B laughed wildly together.

This is the biggest difference between actual combat and drills. In normal drills, you can't mess around. There are rules, and there are many places on the human body that cannot be hit.A man with a huge body like Zhang Zidong can only win him with his nimble steps.If Zhang Zidong catches him, the consequences will be hard, and he can only rely on brute force and his own body weight. Li Guolou is light in body, and if he really wrestles close to the body, he will never be able to win against a strong person.

Li Guolou was not reconciled, and said, "Don't be complacent Zhang Zidong, why don't we have a boxing match."

Zhang Zidong said angrily, "Xiao Lizi, you think I'm stupid. I'm not competing with strength wrestling, but boxing with fake foreign devils. I'm looking for death. The comparison is wrestling. You can choose classical wrestling or Mongolian wrestling!"

Li Guolou said angrily: "Compare, classical wrestling. But please be merciful." The two have not fought yet, and they already know the result. This is also a kind of fun in the practice, and sometimes the weak will win a victory or two , this is to be established when the strong are not exerting their full strength.

Wrestling is the perfect combination of strength and weight. If you want to win, you can't rely on weight or strength alone. Zhang Zidong is already a master wrestler, and Li Guolou can't take advantage of him.But Li Guolou's tenacity was very strong, the two of them stuck together, rolled around, and couldn't tell the result for a while.It is also very difficult to ask Li Guolou to admit defeat.After spending a quarter of an hour, Li Guolou was exhausted and finally slapped the mud on the ground to admit defeat.

The cheering people next to me all deflated like a blower, and the sound of "hey" shook the sky.

Zhang Zidong rode on Li Guolou, laughed loudly and said, "Little Li, you are quite powerful, you can fight me with practice."

After finally sitting up, Li Guolou gasped and said, "As long as I'm not stupid, I know that I can't beat you even if I practice wrestling again. But I can tell you boldly, if you really fight in groups on the street, you can't beat you." Win me."

Zhang Zidong retorted: "In a dead end, you are dead."

Li Guolou shouted, "I'll fight you at the intersection."

Ma Dequan comforted: "Forget it, Lieutenant Li, don't use your words. If you lose, you have to treat people. Don't break the rules."

Everyone roared with laughter, waiting for the chief to invite them to lunch. Men formed friendships by beating, killing, eating, drinking, and drinking. A united Tianzihao brigade, led by Li Guolou, had unknowingly undergone transformation.What awaits them is an order from captain Yao Cuo, and they will exchange loyalty and bravery for more income.

Li Guolou put all the burden of training twenty newcomers on Ma De's body. He compiled the training outline, and he revised it after referring to the previous outline.Li Guolou is like this. He doesn't like to be old-fashioned, but likes to innovate. He wants to learn from the good experience of the West.He never thought that the first person to eat a crab would be regarded as a monster.Now he has only 30 people under his command, and there hasn't been much trouble yet. The future is out of his control, and the next change will not be reflected until the actual battle.

After lunch, Li Guolou took Ai Hai and two of his subordinates out of the Yamen. Living a criminal is his greatest compliment.

This time the four arresters rode big horses and walked proudly on the street. The capital was crowded with people and they couldn't gallop the horses. Let passers-by look sideways.

Fangtong’s yard is located not far from Prince Li Chenghou’s mansion, inside the Needlework Alley, which is the site of Xianghuangqi. In the Jingshi Needlework Alley, weaving girls are the most famous for their handicrafts. Commoner and Manchu women work here.

Fang Tong is a big businessman who opened a workshop. Today is the day when his factory pays wages. He did not expect that his shop was ransacked and more than 500 taels of silver were stolen from the account room.

Li Guolou entered the Fang family compound, which is a commercial and residential building, with a workshop in front and Fang Tong's residence in the back.Five yamen servants were already at Fang's house to protect the scene, and Li Guolou was received by Fang Tong and his chief accountant, Fang Cai.

As soon as Zhang Haojie, the yamen servant, saw Li Guolou, he ran over with a smile and said, "Xiao Lizi, do you still remember me?"

Li Guolou smiled and said, "How can I not remember you, Zhang Haojie is. Thank you for treating me to the fritters." Zhang Haojie was among the yamen servants who maintained the scene of his first murder case.

Zhang Haojie chuckled, scratched his head and said, "Xiao Lizi, I know a lot about you, when will you remind me?"

Li Guolou said: "It depends on whether your culture is good or not. If you can't write documents and draw maps, you can't get promoted."

Zhang Haojie smiled and said: "Don't worry, little Li, I'm learning how to draw, I won't embarrass you, let me be the catcher."

Li Guolou said: "Look carefully, I have something to ask you later, who is responsible at the scene? Can you find out who did it?"

Zhang Haojie whispered: "The person in charge, Fu Le, has gone to the Beggars' Gang to meet Liu Banxian. We are all waiting for news here."

Li Guolou was dissatisfied, if Liu Banxian, the leader of the beggar gang, did not know who stole it, the arresters in the capital would stop working.People are lazy, find someone who is used to stealing to be the boss, and ask them to betray their own people, thanks to the master in the government who came up with such a trick.Li Guolou doesn't believe that Liu Banxian can cover the sky with one hand, and there are always thieves who form their own faction. Maybe Liu Banxian doesn't know who did it in this theft.Otherwise, the police officer in charge of this case, Fu Le, would not have returned in the afternoon. After inquiring about the news, he should have found nothing. Waiting for other people's news, it is better to be down-to-earth and look for clues at the scene of the crime.

Li Guolou waved and said, "Xiao Zhang, take us to the scene of the crime."

A group of people passed the workshop, and a group of female workers looked at Li Guolou expectantly. They were all waiting for their wages to live. Some people were worried about the future of the workshop, fearing that the businessman Fang Tong would not have enough money to turn around, and the workshop would go bankrupt.

Li Guolou heard the gossip of the female workers, turned his head and said, "Xiao Zhang, have you and those female workers heard about the Fang family's situation?"

Zhang Haojie said: "Xiao Lizi, I will stand on guard for half a day. I will only be free when you come."

Li Guolou was extremely dissatisfied, wasting his talent's time, and said: "Cheng Kun, you take Zhang Haojie to check on the situation of Fang's family with those female workers. Women are the worst women, and the Fang family can't hide anything from them. I want you to scan Listen carefully, don't be afraid to spend money, I'll pay for a few pennies."

Cheng Kun smiled and took Zhang Haojie to find those female workers. Li Guolou liked him because he was good-looking, and those sisters-in-law and aunts liked young people to hang around.

Li Guolou said angrily: "Ai Hai, look at the policemen who don't do their job and go to make friends with the gangsters and negotiate conditions. What do we need to do? Just let Liu Banxian maintain the law and order in the capital."

Ai Haidao: "Speak carefully to Lieutenant Li, the wall has ears, there are many people here, and the rules set by the above are not up to us."

Li Guolou didn't want to say any more. When the Fang family came and saw Fang Tong's anxious look, Li Guolou believed that this theft was not a trick by Fang Tong's guard to deceive the female workers.But sometimes people's eyes can be deceived. Li Guolou likes to talk to people the most. If you talk more and watch more, you will always find the criminal's loopholes. He didn't enter Fang's house just now, but first went to see a dog hole opened by the thief in the corner , I find it unbelievable that it is very difficult to dig the corner of the wall in the middle of the night, not to mention that it is close to Prince Li Chenghou's mansion, which is the best place in the capital. Can thieves leave the needlework alley with hundreds of catties of broken silver and copper coins on their backs?The first doubt arose when he saw the dog hole.

Li Guolou couldn't help turning his eyes to Fang Cai, the chief accountant next to him. This was the person who dealt with Yinzi directly, and he was the first person he suspected. A big question mark had already been planted in his heart.

(Please bookmark, hope to collect, it will be more exciting in the future!)

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