When Li Guolou walked out of Baozhi's room, the sky became more gloomy and the snow was about to fall.Already a little drunk, Li Jinglue was humming a ditty, walking with splayed steps, the ground was wet and slippery, the snow had turned to ice, and he was already leaning back.Li Guolou stretched out his hand to hold Li Jinglue's arm, and said, "Uncle Li, what are you drinking for lunch, I'll take you back later."

Everyone likes to drink white wine to warm up in winter, and the old men in the north like it.Misfortunes often happen. Some people sleep on the street drunk and freeze to death in one night.There are often such corpses in the capital. Some people have already reached the door of their house, but they collapsed at the door and froze to death.This kind of unfortunate thing happens every winter in the north.

Li Jinglue turned his head to look at Li Guolou, laughed loudly and said, "Xiaolou, I'm not drunk, I only drank four taels of white wine, and I can't get drunk, your uncle can drink a catty of burning knives for a meal."

Li Guolou said: "I know uncle, you are not drunk, but I am fine in the afternoon, the weather is freezing and snowy, I will go and see how my fellow countrymen are doing later?"

Li Jinglue tied his tongue and said: "What else can they do? Save as much as you can. Five people sleep in one room, one kang, and one pot of charcoal stove for five people. They live a very comfortable life. Wild food is gone."

Li Guolou said: "Those who came to Beijing to rush for the exam, didn't they still organize activities, and many girls from the capital went to see them? Haven't they been photographed by beautiful women?"

Li Jinglue said: "Xiaolou, you don't want to participate. If you go, there will probably be some little girls who will give you a look. They! They speak Beijing dialect very badly, and they can't express clearly. They can only pretend to be heads there. I have never seen a girl come to them, and if they come to them, they will be a badass woman collecting debts."

Li Guolou held back his laughter and said nothing. Before there was no official position, students could only live a life of hardship. Some scholars were still in their 60s and [-]s.But the times have changed. The Qing Empire, which was opened up by foreign guns and cannons, needs different talents.And these students who have studied stereotyped essays all their lives, if they have no use for them, they can only waste their time as teachers.

Li Jinglue saw that Li Guolou remained silent, and said again: "They are looking forward to the New Year every day now, every family eats it, and you are their main focus here."

Li Guolou smiled and said: "Let them come, I can't get enough food here, let them come to the tooth festival, who said we are from the same village."

Li Jinglue glanced and said: "It's still Xiaolou who can think about it and plan for the future. Rich people like your age spend their time in the Qinlou Chu Pavilion."

Li Guolou smiled and said, "Uncle Li is talking about when he was young."

Li Jinglue laughed and said: "A hero doesn't mention his bravery in the past, so let's take it easy now."

Li Guolou said: "Uncle Li, you forgot what I do, lies can't pass me."

Li Jinglue pointed at Li Guolou, and said with a sneer, "Your boy is not authentic, which man doesn't go to such a place, hasn't your boy been there too?"

Li Guolou didn't answer the question, he pointed to the front and said, "Uncle Li is here!"

It's better to change the topic, this kind of matter digs to the bottom, there are not many men who are clean, Liu Xiahui, who is still in his arms, is the swan song of all ages.

The Miao Mansion covers an area of ​​two acres, located on the narrow road, only 10 minutes away from Donglai Jiangxiang. Miao Luobin's business turnover is not good, and he is in a hurry to sell the other courtyard. The asking price is 6000 taels of silver, of course there is room for maneuver. But he has to buy it sincerely, and he will tell the price in his heart.The little wife's family who originally lived in the other courtyard went back to the old house, and the empty Miao Mansion's other courtyard was no longer as lively as it used to be.

The 6000 taels of silver house is a mansion, with pavilions, pavilions, front yard and back house, and stables. At this time, the layout of the house is different from the front hall, the corridor, and the corridor where the master and servant walk. , To enter the backyard, you have to walk half a circle in the corridor of the garden. The master room is a pavilion on the second floor, and the small building in the other small garden next to it is called the daughter building.The wealthy people in the feudal society were very strict with their daughters, and the daughters were locked in such small buildings to spend their girlhood.

Miao Luobin is in his forties, from Zaozhuang, Shandong Province, with a fat body and a mustache. He has five wives and six children.He is a big businessman in the coal business. Because of the disturbance of the Nian Army in Shandong, his business has plummeted. There were only a few shops in the capital, but now there is only one left.

This kind of businessman is fat in the eyes of the gangsters. Miao Luobin is from Shandong. How can the Ax Gang let him slip away? Shandong people eat only what the Shandong people say is true. Miao Luobin was forced by the Ax Gang to sell the house On filial piety.Li Guolou has a general understanding of Miao Luobin's business, but he will not help Miao Luobin, because Miao Fanlu, Miao Luobin's son, is a small leader who sneaked into the Ax Gang.This is also a method used by gangsters to deal with businessmen. People can't help themselves in the arena. Many businessmen eventually join the gangsters and become the spokespersons of the gangsters for the convenience of doing business.Coal, a humble business that is transported by foot, is full of violence and theft, so it earns a lot, but it also loses quickly, and there are not a few large households that have been wiped out for no reason.

Li Guolou watched Miao Luobin and Li Jinglue talking at the door of the master room. He was standing alone in the garden. He has lived in this kind of building since he was a child. The only difference is that the corner of the building in his hometown is Feiyan style, the two ends of the eaves are raised, and each place has its own architectural characteristics.Here he couldn't help but miss his hometown and his dead parents. The frozen pool seemed to freeze time.

Miao Luobin, Li Guolou's old man, knew that he took a look at Li Guolou standing in the garden. He had been standing still in the cold wind for so long. Li Guolou was a man of firm will.Miao Luobin finally let go, and said: "Okay, after Boss Li agrees, I will only use my coal, and I will sell it to you at a discount of 400 taels. However, Li Guolou will pay both ends of the deed and tax. This must be agreed first. discuss."

Li Jinglue couldn't help laughing: "Hey, businessmen like you like to evade taxes from the bottom of your heart. You don't know the result of serving the country. Thieves are rampant in the world, Shandong people."

Miao Luobin blushed, feeling ashamed, and his true nature was revealed unconsciously.He laughed a few times and didn't go on. It's true that the money is still in his pocket. It's a fantasy for him to do business and make money without tax evasion.

After the business was settled, Li Guolou smiled, clasped his fists and said, "I don't understand business matters when I ask for forgiveness from Boss Miao, but when Shandong is safe, Boss Miao will definitely be able to make great achievements."

Miao Luobin said cheerfully: "With your precious words, I think it will be soon. Next year I will be able to make a big comeback. Li Zhongtang is the pillar of the Qing Dynasty."

Li Hongzhang was the commander in charge of clearing and suppressing Dongyan, so Miao Luobin said so.

(Zuo Zongtang was the commander in charge of the suppression of Xi Nian. Zeng Guofan of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom was eliminated, and the Empress Dowager Cixi did not give him military power. A word of gossip: Xi Nian was not wiped out, and Xi Nian’s surrender faction became a local official of the Qing Dynasty, and later became the Northwest Wangma The clan has grievances with the Red Army and the People's Liberation Army.) Li Guolou bowed and said, "Lord Zhongtang is an example for our juniors to learn from. I, a poor descendant, can only look up to him, as long as I don't lose face to my ancestors."

Miao Luobin stared at Li Guolou carefully, and asked: "Little Li, I'm curious, why are you staying alone in the capital as an official? It's unreasonable."

Miao Luobin couldn't figure it out. As a policeman, he couldn't even afford a house here. Li Guolou spent a lot of money to buy a big house, which was out of proportion to his work income. He had such a strange neighbor, so of course he wanted to know the truth.

Li Guolou smiled and said, "Boss Miao, I have other businesses that someone can take care of for me. As for being a police officer, I like this industry. Living here is like opening a door for you."

Miao Luobin clasped his fists and said, "Okay! Then we'll meet at the Local Taxation Bureau tomorrow morning and get the receipt for the deposit of 500 taels." After speaking, Miao Luobin handed the receipt to Li Guolou, and the business was completed on the spot.

Li Guolou coughed and said, "Boss Miao, that door;;;;;;"

What he mentioned was the round arched door connecting the other courtyard of the Miao Mansion and the Miao Mansion. Li Guolou and Miao Luobin were neither related nor related, so it would be bad if this door remained open in the future.

"Little Li, didn't you just say you wanted to guard the door for me? It's a neighbor in the neighborhood, and it's easy to walk around. Just lock it normally."

Miao Luobin's answer made Li Guolou puzzled. The businessman must want to establish a relationship with him.What he said was caught by Miao Robin, so he could only forget about this leaky door.

Leaving the other courtyard of the Miao Mansion, Li Jinglue pointed to the top of his head and said, "Small building, I will order a plaque for you. It is a housewarming gift for you. I also replaced the two stone lions at the door. The Miao family's feng shui is not good, because it is broken. These two stone lions are on the top. I will ask Blind Cao to show you Feng Shui again. There are too many places to be changed. The daughter building is full of resentment and is too depressing. There must be ghosts in it, so it needs to be changed. Do you know? "

Li Guolou had a bitter face and said, "Uncle Li, when can I move in like you do?"

Li Jinglue rolled his eyes and said: "Xiaolou, why are you in a hurry! Do you want to marry a concubine or a regular wife, think clearly. You still have to go back to your hometown to have a wedding, first settle the marriage, and there is no need to worry about the future. We are a big family, and we have everything. There must be rules. You don’t want Xiaofang to be unable to access the family tree in the future, so you must abide by the rules of the Li family.”

If Li Guolou did not abide by the rules of the Li family and was expelled from the Li family, he would have no inheritance rights, and the real estate and land of his hometown could not be inherited. The clans and clans in feudal society were powerful, and the clan rules could not be violated. Regulations are even above the law.

Li Guolou complained that his plan to "eat" Chen Xiangfang first was about to fail again, and the arrow was on the string, but he couldn't.How should he choose?Adam and Eve in the Bible ate the forbidden fruit, can he do it?This is contrary to the social ethos, and to marry a regular wife is to be upright.Chen Xiangfang will not agree to the fact that she is not afraid of the shadow being crooked. This is related to the happiness of her future life.

Li Guolou can only endure it!Let the blizzard come more violently, and only with a cold and steady heart can the heart be like still water.

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